Get stability or go cheesemode.
I have a character, as many do, JUST for this abomination of a map.
They are not going to change it, regrettably. Easiest, and best change, would be to wall off the map so that you can only get insta-gibbed over a broken pane of glass.
Haiku FTW
It is not the inst-gibb that bothers me so much as the game can be won by having one really good player on the hammer.
The map is horrible. It needs way more fixes than just the hammer
Just fixing the hammer would satisfy me for now.
….. And Elementalist.
The fact that this map is still in the soloq shows:
- They have nfc what their target group wants
- They dont react when they get a lot of negative feedback
- They dont want my money (since i whont spend a dime in the cashshop untill its gone).
Its a bit like going to a restaurant. Sending the main course back to the chef with the message its raw or overcooked (and hearing similar complaints from a lot of other customers sitting close to you). And getting a reply “well eventho we heard it before we arent sure yet. Just eat your food or gtfo.”.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
I praise Jedsus, Grouch, Zammaros or whomever that I did not get Skyham today. (~10 soloQs played.)
There’s one fix to this map:
Remove it from solo queue rotation!
That’s the only fix.
There’s one fix to this map:
Remove it from solo queue rotation!That’s the only fix.
While I too hate this map, and if for some horrible reason I accidentally soloq and get this by mistake, I just log out.
BUT, the current in-game solution is to just not soloq. Just run teamq (even without a team). The matches are generally better, and to be honest, there are so few real teams, you don’t have to worry about going up against a well-run premade. Put another way, the amount of times that you fight a decent pre-made is far fewer than the amount of times you get this complete failure of a map. (far far far fewer….)
Had a game a minute ago vs 3 skyhammer engis. So much fun, getting pulled from stealth. Even when i have my finger on the stunn break trigger, it whont be in time to avoid the pull. If the engi times it correctly there is no way to avoid it besides pre stab ing or randomly dodging at the right time.
Great f ing game.
Its no wonder pvp in this game struggles. Devs create something that is the direct opposite of what the target group wants. They dont seem to understand us….
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Skyhammer, more than anything, is destroying soloQ.
Most people either teamQ because, beyond the stupid specs and gameplay sillyness, skyhammer leads to more people just quitting or afking. Thus, when you have a 5v5 its not very fun b/c its a bad version of super-smash bros. When you have a 4v5 its even worse, and those 4v5’s happen more often on hammer than anywhere.
Quality gameplay moment inc:
I like skyhammer. It’s my second favourite map after temple. It requires more skill than just standing on large mid point or zerging lord in the end or whatever. Also, there are many boon removals available so I don’t see why stability would be an issue.
I like skyhammer. It’s my second favourite map after temple. It requires more skill than just standing on large mid point or zerging lord in the end or whatever. Also, there are many boon removals available so I don’t see why stability would be an issue.
Just stealth up and magnetpull from stealth. They whont have time to press their stab. So no need to strip stab.
So much skill! (see my clip for a fine example)
All skyhammer needs is a cheese engi build and 0 skill.
I like skyhammer. It’s my second favourite map after temple. It requires more skill than just standing on large mid point or zerging lord in the end or whatever. Also, there are many boon removals available so I don’t see why stability would be an issue.
I agree. It offers different kinds of gameplay than other maps, where it’s really not fun facing condition bunkers camping shrines over and over.
In skyhammer at least, you can still win whatever team compositions are( or let’s say have more chances). On foefire, you hardly beat 2 warriors and 2 engineers with 2 thieves and 2 mesmers..
Skyhammer is the sole reason I avoid SoloQ like the plague.
But here we are again ,complaining about the same thing we have complained about for well over half a year now.
But somehow, ANet still convinces themselves that people want this map in SoloQ. It really boggles my mind how out of touch they are with the game.