A lot of people are not happy with skyhammer, It promotes this kind of behavior. So I’m guessing this is what you guys want right? This is the kind of thing you like to see in your pvp right? tbh I’m getting real tired of pvper being a second class citizen to you guys. Don’t get me wrong I love this game and I wish the best for it and I really hate to talk(write) like this about it, but its been 2 years and pvp is basically the same thing(to me atleast). We need new game modes, templates, Bank, trading post, living story reward tracks and pvp exclusive reward tracks before we would ever need tournaments IMHO. I’m really sorry, I just had to get this off my chest.
go ahead and merge this with the other thread while you ponder over whether your community enjoys this kitten map or not. #esports
I still like the map. Some weeks or months ago people have predicted I would come to hate the map too, but I didn’t. Almost all the time I fell, it was my own mistake and could have been avoided.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Well, personally I think it should be part of GW2 PvP. If it was, the balance of the game should be adapted for equal access to displacing CC such as knock backs or fear for each profession.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Before a Skyhammer match starts, you should decide wether you want to play SPVP or Billiards.
If you chose to play SPVP this map is really annoying.
If you chose to play Billiards, this map can be fun.
Embrace the cheese. It’s the only way to play this map.
gw2 philosophy: combat is based on visual animations and players actively reacting to those animations (via dodge/block etc) get rewarded… then anet adds skyhammer with massive undodageble aoe~
the sad part, they will never remove it from soloq probably because they are very proud of the map design (watch making of skyhammer video)…
so here we are with choices:
- afk
- play massive cheese with knockbacks and pulls
- lose
- quit gw2
amazing design encouraging players to love gw2 competitive pvp , definitely something to be proud of …………………………………………. yeah, no
suggestion: remove skyhammer from pvp, make it activity map like crab toss, everyone gets same spells and archives for taking part it in <<<<problem fixed – devs can be still proud of their map design, players can actually enjoy soloq
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Love this map. Keep it forever. Thanks Anet
Skyhammers hilarious. I can imagine getting upset if you tryhard this and don’t have stability. Stop fighting the kitten engineer with the flamethrower and big bomb near edges/“that goldeneye control room”.
I understand it definitely has a bias over some classes (the more/farther the knockback the better). I pick up my Hammer on my Guardian and play golf with people. It never gets old.
Now the jumping, that gets old. This map shouldn’t probably appear on Solo Queue since it does kind of cause some OP games but honestly I wish the game had more maps like this. It’s not fair but it’s really entertaining.
Yep. Still hate skyhammer. I’m really trying to play this map, but cannot enjoy it in soloq at all.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
remove this garbage from solo queue, pls. thanks.
A map hated by so many there is a thread Anet dumps all your comments in; In fact, this thread will probably be ‘merged’ soon too.
this map sucks so much, especially when you get the people who act like they’re skilled for not actually wanting to fight. heck, i main a rifle engi in pvp, and whenever i get this map i try my best to use my knockback to keep an opponent AWAY from the edge, or off any glass tiles. simply feel like any victory is cheapened when i get a kill by tossing them off the edge.
800+ people and counting and they won’t remove it
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
still best map NA! anet make more sky hammer maps!
still best map NA! anet make more sky hammer maps!
Why do you like this map?
I’m about to be passionate again here, but why is this cancerous piece of crap of a map still in rotation?
Do you guys at anet have an office pool about how many people whine about this map? If not, you should. Seriously, it could be great way to make the new guy pay for drinks some kitten.
Remove it from SoloQ please
[RUN] solo/duo roamer
I know it has been said hundreds of times and needs to be said a thousand more for arena net to swallow their pride and remove this peace of kitten map from solo q. Its a giant spit in the face to everyone that enjoys pvp and fyi the guys that say that they like this map are all trolls that just like to make the rest of us angry. No its not a new game mode different from conquest is a game mode where pushbacks and pulls are more important than doing dmg which the game is balanced around. I suggest, fire the intern that you made design the map and remove it from solo q. Leave it to hotjoin only, for the masochists that like it.
My favorite part about the entire skyhammer debacle was when they removed capricorn. Talk about clueless…
Until they do something about it I’ve just simply stopped solo queueing and solo in teamqueue now ;_;
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
Why? It’s easy pulling noobs to there deaths
Why? It’s easy pulling noobs to there deaths
It’s also easy beating noobs in a normal game on a normal map where things like 1 shots and undodgable, unblockable lasers don’t exist.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
My favorite part about the entire skyhammer debacle was when they removed capricorn. Talk about clueless…
Until they do something about it I’ve just simply stopped solo queueing and solo in teamqueue now ;_;
I asked for Capricorn in soloq, but they didn’t put it in. I was so upset. So very, very, incredibly, very upset.
My favorite part about the entire skyhammer debacle was when they removed capricorn. Talk about clueless…
Until they do something about it I’ve just simply stopped solo queueing and solo in teamqueue now ;_;
I asked for Capricorn in soloq, but they didn’t put it in. I was so upset. So very, very, incredibly, very upset.
I’d rather take the trololol underwater combat than skyhammer in a queue. Haven’t none would be optimal, but evidently A-net was so impressed by skyhammer that they’re willing to let their community writh in agony.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
Skyhammer is the reason why I stopped playing althogether, that map belongs to hotjoin, maybe.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
My favorite part about the entire skyhammer debacle was when they removed capricorn. Talk about clueless…
Until they do something about it I’ve just simply stopped solo queueing and solo in teamqueue now ;_;
I asked for Capricorn in soloq, but they didn’t put it in. I was so upset. So very, very, incredibly, very upset.
I’d rather take the trololol underwater combat than skyhammer in a queue. Haven’t none would be optimal, but evidently A-net was so impressed by skyhammer that they’re willing to let their community writh in agony.
Oh yes – underwater combat we could’ve hoped to actually become balanced ever, but something like Skyhammer won’t be while there are differences in CC and stability availability (falling to death) and invuln/stability (for surviving the hammer hit).
If the classes are going to be varied and different (huzzah) in these ways, a map that so very strongly relies on them can’t ever be fair.
How easy do you think it would be to remove skyhammer “we talking work load+time”
Scale is soft or hard.
I think it’s soft and could be done using a Samsung galaxy waiting in-line at Starbucks for a 10 dollar drink
Its been only 7 months since they talked about skyhammer. give it time.
No its not. Remove it. /rage
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Remove the kitten map for the love of my holly and pure exgirlfriend!
Anet you need to get it thrugh your thick skulls that noone likes Skyhammer map due to the cannon being too broken if your hit by it, and if there’s a mesmer or necro in there there is no way you can force them out since they just fear you off, pull you off or knock you off the kittening platform. Seriously people like Raid of the Capricorn more than Skyhammer and you guys missed that barn even with a tactical nuke .
I like skyhammer
Me too.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Hey! Skyhammer is great and you know why?
1. Its the only map where the points are the secondary objective
2. It makes engi viable
3. All unused pull, stealth, fear, stability builds\skills finnaly have a spot!
in my opinion skyhammer seperates the men from the women. All the hater just need to l2p. Stealthpull? Easy to counter. Just pick stability noob or counterpull or counterstealth or simply dodge or LOS. All l2p.
skyhammer has just such a high skillceiling that people dont see the complexity of this amazingly well designed map (come on it even has giant wurms and you can bug under the map, how kitten is that?)
so my proposal:
remove legacy of the foefire, khylo, temple and niflhel from soloqueues. They are just boring noskill maps. Let the hardcore players play those in teamqueue. Soloqueue should he all about skyhammer and the also amazingly designed map: spiritwatch. But that map deserves another thread to honor its awesomeness (big bear statue hello?)
make the single map elemination rounds of the tournament of legends on skyhammer! It would give so much skillfull play and finally some diversity!
and last but not least. Please shorten the spawn of the two bases to mid so that its easier to farm rank on my server.
hella you could even remove the capturepoints from skyhammer!!!
Hey! Skyhammer is great and you know why?
1. Its the only map where the points are the secondary objective
2. It makes engi viable
3. All unused pull, stealth, fear, stability builds\skills finnaly have a spot!
in my opinion skyhammer seperates the men from the women. All the hater just need to l2p. Stealthpull? Easy to counter. Just pick stability noob
or counterpull or counterstealth or simply dodge or LOS. All l2p.
skyhammer has just such a high skillceiling that people dont see the complexity of this amazingly well designed map (come on it even has giant wurms and you can bug under the map, how kitten is that?)
so my proposal:
remove legacy of the foefire, khylo, temple and niflhel from soloqueues. They are just boring noskill maps. Let the hardcore players play those in teamqueue. Soloqueue should he all about skyhammer and the also amazingly designed map: spiritwatch. But that map deserves another thread to honor its awesomeness (big bear statue hello?)
make the single map elemination rounds of the tournament of legends on skyhammer! It would give so much skillfull play and finally some diversity!
and last but not least. Please shorten the spawn of the two bases to mid so that its easier to farm rank on my server.
hella you could even remove the capturepoints from skyhammer!!!
into one GIANT topic with almost 900 posts and 11000 views then why in GODS name do I not see a DEV symbol on the left of the topic.
Almost 900 posts, most of them crying out for some sort of answer from the people who run this game and not a single answer? That topic is the trash bin of the forums and this topic will very soon be joined with it. I was infracted for my last post almost instantly because it lacked respect so I am transitioning from anger to disgust. Here is my post I hope done respectfully enough for the people without enough respect to even respond to so many of us.
I am really trying to play rated games seriously regardless of everyone saying how the ladder is useless and it doesn’t matter. Well its the only way I have to gage my progress so it matters to me. I know it has flaws but for the most part you know the difference between #3 #600 and 91%.
Skyhammmer is the only map you have to build your toon for. I understand switching builds to better accommodate your team..or better oppose your enemy but for the map now too…. And then you have some people who are all " OH OH SPACIAL PLACEMENT AND KNOWING WHERE TO STAND AND "oh * kitten off…* This aint frogger motherkitteners. This aint no jumping puzzle. I want to fight players. I want to support teammates. I DONT want to get stealth pulled anytime I try to cap A or C or go near the hammer. I DONT want to NOT be able tododge the godkitten hammer either…why is that?? You can dodge all the other player controlled siege type weapons….
Could I make a skyham character to just do this map..probably and it would be just as cheeseball as every other thief/Mesmer/engineer out there. But ITS NOT PVP its PV kitten M and its bullkitten
*All “Kittens were actually typed out and no curse words were written”
I want to keep playing your game Anet and company. I want to push more of my friends into buying it. I want to buy more gems. Just show me SOMETHING.
ERIK the Mini Bunker, Massah Blassah, Scylira Stoneheart, Hidden Sinn, Lilli the Tearless and Mella Gnoma
I want to keep playing your game Anet and company. I want to push more of my friends into buying it. I want to buy more gems. Just show me SOMETHING.
Introducing Skyhammer Exemption Package, 8000 gems! Never get Skyhammer in your Solo Queue again!!! Help us to fund development for even worse maps!!!
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Actually i already did it one day i bumped around 11 skyhammer topics to first page and they all got merged into current big skyhammer thread, it currently has 10k views and 850 replies, but every page of topics have 2 topics about skyham too so maybe i should bump again =/
I like skyhammer
if i recall correctly you were saying few times on your stream how much you hate that map lol
[Teef] guild :>
Story time.
I saw a plate break. Popped stability. SD thief came out of stealth and stole stability with larcenous strike. Then I got magnet pulled by a stealthed engi into said hole.
I totally got outplayed. Esports teamwork there.
On a serious note…. even if I don’t get knocked off during the entire match…. it’s just not a fun map to play. People run tanky decap builds. It’s near impossible to kill them. If they run around a corner, going aroudn said corner almost means certain death.
The hammer isn’t even dodgeable/blockable. Almost impossible to get out of if you’re slowed. Hits like a truck. Usually operated by a knock-back spec. Hard to actually take hammer away from them unless you play one yourself.
I used to switch to a killshot warrior to try and make the map tolerable. See how many people I can 1-shot fairly. My win % probably dropped below 25% on that map.
Then I started playing my engineer. Not a decap spec. Condi w/ toolkit. I’m pretty sure I’ve been playing in the top MMR brackets because I play against the most well known people in NA for the last few weeks. I can even pull them off w/o much trouble. It’s not a L2P issue. This map sucks.
This is more PvE than PvP. Using gravity to kill people instead of doing it yourself.
Hey! Skyhammer is great and you know why?
1. Its the only map where the points are the secondary objective
2. It makes engi viable
3. All unused pull, stealth, fear, stability builds\skills finnaly have a spot!
It makes engi viable? Engi is a relly strong class atm, maybe you should actually pvp a bit.
“All UNUSED pull, STEALTH, FEAR…” I’ll leave it there LOOOOL
[RUN] solo/duo roamer
Hey! Skyhammer is great and you know why?
1. Its the only map where the points are the secondary objective
2. It makes engi viable
3. All unused pull, stealth, fear, stability builds\skills finnaly have a spot!
It makes engi viable? Engi is a relly strong class atm, maybe you should actually pvp a bit.
“All UNUSED pull, STEALTH, FEAR…” I’ll leave it there LOOOOL
See, from these first couple of numbered points (and ignoring post history) I couldn’t tell if Django was trolling or being sincere. I then read the rest of the post :p
can we just rename soloq to hotjoinq?
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
Hi all,
I just want to ask Anet. . .