Some boons are fine as it is, but some need a better visual effect so you can act on the fly rather than taking that 0.5 seconds to look at the opponents UI to see what boons they have.
A Guardian activates Stability to finish off an opponent.
As a Necromancer, I need to know if he has Stability so I can decide whether to use Spectral Grasp (which won’t work because of Stability) or use Corrupt Boon which will corrupt his Stability to Fear. I need to know this without looking at his UI because every moment is crucial in decision making.
I also need to know what boons the opponent has because maybe he has an increase of damage and I should play defensively or remove his boons. But if I look up to his UI I may get hit by an arrow in the knee and take 1K damage.
Similarly, my opponents should know I have Stability when I enter Death Shroud from my Foot in the Grave trait that allows me Stability every 10 seconds. Maybe then they won’t waste valuable skills unknowingly.
To quote someone from PZ who do many tournaments. (Players Anet should listen to)
Follidus.8027: “Yeah this would be nice to have more visual effects if done right. Especially on stability.”
Team PZ
Boons that are fine as it is:
• Swiftness – Hard to miss. Your opponent is faster and has yellow stuff underneath them.
• Aegis – A giant shield appears which shrinks and stays on your off-hand until hit.
• Protection – Blue swirls around your character. Fairly easy to notice.
• Quickness – You attack two times as fast. It’s obvious.
Those boons visual effects also match up with their boon icon. Every boon should be this way so that it is easy to distinguish without too much thought.
Boons that need a better visual effect:
• Stability – Should be obvious white ripples under the characters position. This effect would make sense visually by showing the weight effect of a pillar of stability.
• Might – (Edited) Similar to how Aegis first appears as a large shield and then shrinks, a large sword should appear each time you gain a stack of Might, shrink like Aegis does but it should simply shrink and vanish. If you gain a stack of Might all at once, like Blood is Power (10 stack) the animation should only happen once and not 10 consecutive times.
• Regeneration – The best solution is to make it so that every player can see the health said player is regenerating. Currently, only the player regenerating health can see the numbers popping up of what they’re healing by. This should be made so all players can see it instead. Knowing when they’re healing will help us utilize Poison to its fullest potential.
• Fury – A character with Fury active should have a red glow to them similar to the Rampage as One Ranger elite skill. When a player gets a massive 20% critical chance bonus it should be obvious so that we are able to counter.
• Vigor – Leaves are green. The Vigor icon is a leaf. The effect for Vigor should be exactly the same as the stamina buffs in Dark Souls – vertical, green straight lines around the character. Would help in determining how much your Weakness condition is affecting them or if you should attempt to land a heavy hit.
• Retaliation – Another extremely strong boon, but you almost never know that the opponent has it because it isn’t obvious enough. A lot of time you don’t even realize they used Retaliation until you see the death screen where it shows ~2K damage. This boon should act the same as the Confusion condition. A fist icon that pops up on the attacker the same as the Confusion condition does when you attack. Although, should it appear on the character who is using the boon instead? This way players would know where Retaliation is hitting them from.
These changes will affect SPvP for the better as it will help players organize their combat strategy better. There will be very little clutter if done correctly.
Not only will these changes help PvP, but they’ll add a much needed intimidation factor to the game as well. With a boon like Fury that gives you 20% more critical chance, it should be a little bit intimidating. It shouldn’t be completely oblivious to everyone that you have Fury. It is a powerful boon.
And here it is with my amazing photoshop skills!
(Try to imagine it done professionally)
(edited by Ruufio.1496)