Sore Winners

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Drakortha.6974


Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.

Ranger, Warrior, Guardian

(edited by Drakortha.6974)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.

I wouldn’t say “lol, easy” but I’ve definitely said “lol” by itself. There are many instances where a player’s fight style or behavior is strange, idiotic or just funny. Like:

1. A ranger not realizing his confusion stacks while killing himself with autoattacks

2. A ranger’s arrows getting reflected back either killing himself or knocking himself back over a ledge

3. A thief who can’t kill you, but spends all their time in stealth while the point happily ticks in my favor (not all thieves mind you – the really dangerous ones are no laughing matter)

4. A necro getting lich reflected back to them – no bonus for guessing what happens

5. Your opponent dying while being pecked to death by a moa

6. When someone misrecognizes my build and says idiotic stuff like “kitteng PU mesmer” when I’ve never played PU in my life

7. Ditto above when as a warrior I get up from downed state and by pure chance have the kill effect removed when I stomp and the other guy says “Ugh, you have that noob trait”!

8. Thieves killing themselves on retaliation (or rangers)

9. Thief getting insta-gibbed by phantasms when he exits from stealth

There are many other situations I’ve encountered in my ~3 years of play and I’m sure I’ve forgotten lots of them.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Drakortha.6974


i’m talking about just general bad attitude of players.

Ranger, Warrior, Guardian

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: DanzelOPP.5068


“Welcome to the internet”


Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


I usually will say GREAT GAME when it’s a 500 to 50~100 winning game XD.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


I find simply being positive and making positive remarks can actually be contagious at times. The usual “GL HF” before a match can set the tone, or complimenting someone on a good fight can go a long way. The sore bowel players I try to ignore.

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Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Coelho Nat.4697

Coelho Nat.4697

That’s this kind of behavior that makes me hate pvp.
For instance, some time ago I met an engineer that started the match this way: “Hello everybody. I am the #1 NA engineer. If you don’t wan’t to die, just leave the point.”
In fact, he was good, but keep saying to everybody he killed: “too easy” or “I told you”.
My only explanation is that there r lot of 8 years old guys playing pvp.

(edited by Coelho Nat.4697)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


If you lose the 2v1 you deserve a ‘lol noob’, because dude you just lost a 2v1 you are a hilarious noob.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


i know of people who say ‘too easy’ after every win when they were the ones getting carried

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Coelho Nat.4697

Coelho Nat.4697

i know of people who say ‘too easy’ after every win when they were the ones getting carried

I agree with that. All the good players (the really skilled ones) I met until today just kill you. They don’t need to say things like “I am good” because you can see it very clearly.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I find it far more annoying when someone is killed by a group in certain scenario’s and says “Lol 3v1”

Player A runs into a group of us and tries to kill us for his Yolo pvp montage or something? Gets rekt ofc then says Lol 3v1… As if he or she didn’t run into said fight knowing the odds.

Another pet peeve is when Player A is having a fight and of course per the nature of conquest teammates arrive to help and you kill them and they make a silly comment.

Because yes, we should of walked away and let you guys 1v1 even though our teammate would of lost and we would of lost the point leading to other issues for our match.

Lol. Seriously is it mandatory for some people to be dropped on their heads before PvPing? :>


Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I really think that overly poor sportsmanship should get you banned. At least banned from pvp.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Meeeeeeeh PvP can bring out the worst in people.

You just have to realise that most flamers aren’t actually psychos irl and would thus feel incredibly bad/stupid upon calming down, unwishing all the terrible things they wished upon the poor sod they were flaming.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Pyro.4765


“Welcome to the internet”

Eh. I don’t think a generally low level of public civility is a good reason to be a jerk.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Actually it depends on what part of the internet you’re referring to. Most websites worth caring about (i.e. not the stuff the teenies use all day) are rather civil.

(edited by Spirigo.2897)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Pyro.4765


Actually it depends on what part of the internet you’re referring to. Most websites worth caring about (i.e. not the stuff the teenies use all day) are rather chivil.

I agree with you, but I also kind of doubt the GW2 forums (or any video game forums) are lacking in teenagers. Although I suppose if you wanted to be a little kitteneeky you could say that’s because forums aren’t worth caring about, they’re just the best option we have.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Furious.2867


Bad sportsmanship sucks. When people go out of their way to taunt and belittle, I’d repeatedly use positive affirmations to reject them from having any influence over me

But I’m human and thoughts of knocking their doors down so I could bust their lips open with a pipe wrench doesn’t escape me.

Also it’s weird when your teammates don’t talk before the match. I usually greet coz um, silence is awkward.

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I find it far more annoying when someone is killed by a group in certain scenario’s and says “Lol 3v1”

Player A runs into a group of us and tries to kill us for his Yolo pvp montage or something? Gets rekt ofc then says Lol 3v1… As if he or she didn’t run into said fight knowing the odds.

Another pet peeve is when Player A is having a fight and of course per the nature of conquest teammates arrive to help and you kill them and they make a silly comment.

Because yes, we should of walked away and let you guys 1v1 even though our teammate would of lost and we would of lost the point leading to other issues for our match.

Lol. Seriously is it mandatory for some people to be dropped on their heads before PvPing? :>

Yeah, I hate this. Players complaining they got 1v2+ when they were the one running into an outnumbered fight. This game is doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s and you have to think about where you go to help a fight, it’s your own fault you died while outnumbered.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


Up against a full premade today and they were winning by 100 points give or take. Two Guards (med/shoutheal) for the life of them couldn’t take me (glassbow) and a engineer no matter how many times they tried we threw them all around the point.

After a clean stomp they start cussing saying they’re going to slit my family throats blahblah if we keep using knock backs etc…people are people.

Don’t take GW2 spvp serious op, esport meh. I started spvp 4weeks ago casually for the 1st time since release out of boredom and some loot. It’s a unbalance mess of a game mode built into a game made for large scale fights PvE and PvP. Unfortunately the esport crowd has this sort of reputation across many esport games.

Report/block/mess w/the game and move on.

Glorious set, title, and these esport players can have their muck back

JQ Druid

(edited by Wetpaw.3487)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


I usually play on invis when pvping, which prevents trolly whispers, and otherwise never respond to people typing in say or map chat. I call incs and that’s about it and honestly pvp is better this way, at least while solo qing.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


But who will stroke my kitten if I don’t?

EDIT: deng it censors that. Oh well.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Shieldbash.5304


Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.

Grab a tissue.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


My favorite is the players who you brought down to 5% HP, then down you and say they rolled you and L2P.

Moron, were you even looking at your own HP bar at all during the fight?

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Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.

Rude is meta.

And calling someone bad in game is no different from calling someone bad on the forums. Both assertions serve no purpose save to aggravate the other party.

Be the bigger person. ignore it. Chances are you have a hell of a lot more going on than someone feeling compelled to validate their worth on a mere video game

Note: If you feel salty, remove their victory by wrecking them, then complimenting their personality.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


It can be annoying when someone basically gloats after winning etc. Like others have said, all you can really do is ignore them. Remind yourself, that they do it, because it’s one of the very few senses of satisfication they can get =P

Speaking of “sore winners”, last night I was in the practice arena, trying out a Guardian build. There was a Thief on the opposite team. This guy knew what he was doing. I’ll give him credit, he was a good Thief player. He took down every player he went up against within seconds.

He disappointingly said in map chat “sry, but you guize rly suck XD”. I don’t know why he thought he’d be going up against pro players in the practice arena. I mean sure, pros do go in there to try out new builds and stuff, but it’s called PRACTICE mode for a reason.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


This display of immaturity happens often. I suggest that you remain resilient or take their taunts with a light heart.

Tiny victories like killing an outnumbered opponent mean the world to them because they don’t win much and/or are new.

I’m more disturbed when opponents humiliate and insult their teammates on mapchat. Getting teamed up with newer players happens to everyone. Not only is it awkward but I just end up disliking their negative energy and have more sympathy for their teammates.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

I think part of the problem is that people seem to love jerks. A lot of bigtime streamers in various games taunt and belittle people all the time, and people love watching it. I personally have never found it very entertaining.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing after reading the OP.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Pyro.4765


I think part of the problem is that people seem to love jerks. A lot of bigtime streamers in various games taunt and belittle people all the time, and people love watching it. I personally have never found it very entertaining.

Yeah. There’s a fairly strong market for conflict and drama, which some people carry over into games. I’m not sure if they realize how much of that stuff is just an act.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: abclemons.7093


Honestly, I minimize chat and look at the map (and occasionally score). Mind you, I usually play with at least one of my guildies. “Every battle is won before it has begun.” (Sun Tzu) Remember that and just have fun.

Koffix (ele) | Koffix Sprockets (engi ) | Koffix Shadows (teef) | Koffix Clones (mes) |
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


No one in a PvP match is worth communicating with. Turn your /say and /map chats off and treat it like single player with realistic bots.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Mal.1670


No one in a PvP match is worth communicating with. Turn your /say and /map chats off-

This. At some point you’ll come to accept that if you can’t handle enemy chat or you just don’t want to see whatever garbage they may or may not be spewing (most of the time it is) you’ll suck it up and stay in a team/guild chat tab. It’s not that hard man. You’re not gonna change the world with a short forum post, but you can change the crap you expose yourself to. Everyone has to learn the hard way sometime. I was in your position once back when I played other games. In GW2 I haven’t played a single matchmaking game watching /say or /map chat because why the hell would you do that unless you wanted to listen to kids saying stupid crap? This is the internet man! And you should probably have figured out by now that PvP just brings out the worst in people, true story.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I usually start a screenshot collection and post them on my guilds website/ facebook page for my members to get a fun little laugh out of.

No, I do not blur out names, if you’re that embarrassed over it you shouldn’t have said it.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


The worst are guys on your own team who whine and kitten about your performance (which wasn’t horrible by any account) during and after a WON match.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Draknar.5748


They should take a page out of Blizzard’s book and make it so you simply cannot speak to the enemy team, like in HoTS.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Osu.6307


Spvp tends to attract the most competitive and/or immature personalities and many of them just love to chest thump. I will go months without blocking or muting (ts) someone in wvw, but usually have blocked 2-3 after only 1 hour of spvp. Imo, spvp would be improved if there was an option to make enemy /say chat invisible to you. As someone who only rarely enjoys spvp, I don’t need some hooligan pointing out that I am not that good at it.


Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


A lot of this would be fixed simply by making it impossible to communicate with the other team. There is no reason to talk with them at all….

-Disable Say Chat
-Disable Map Chat
-Disable Whispers
-Disable /e ____

Only way to talk is via Team Chat or a VoIP

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


Welcome to the internet? Maybe? To put it simply, this debate of whether sore winners are wrong or not will never be solved due to the fact that both sides have equally valid points. In every MMO or really any online videogame, this is prevalent, and the only thing you can do is turn off chat or just take things with a lighter heart.

The debate?

The “sore winners”
-The anonymity of the internet allows me to do anything I want without consequence, and thus why should I bother to care about people who I don’t even know in real life? Might as well make this a funny situation…let the trolls roll.
-It’s just a videogame, so why should I bother to care when I can just make this situation as funny as possible, especially when I really did just do something esports.

The “victims?”
-People online are real people in real life that I cannot possibly fathom to understand, and thus we should all just treat eachother fairly.
-Maybe I really did get destroyed and am unwilling to accept that. Maybe I should look at my ego.
-I take this game way too seriously

To sum up, take things with a lighter heart, or maybe turn off chat, cause both sides are valid.

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Ristillath.6745


They should take a page out of Blizzard’s book and make it so you simply cannot speak to the enemy team, like in HoTS.

Total lameness

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

just ignore it honestly

if some kid on the internet hurts ur ego that much you might try and look for offline games to play

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.

I wouldn’t say “lol, easy” but I’ve definitely said “lol” by itself. There are many instances where a player’s fight style or behavior is strange, idiotic or just funny. Like:

1. A ranger not realizing his confusion stacks while killing himself with autoattacks

2. A ranger’s arrows getting reflected back either killing himself or knocking himself back over a ledge

3. A thief who can’t kill you, but spends all their time in stealth while the point happily ticks in my favor (not all thieves mind you – the really dangerous ones are no laughing matter)

4. A necro getting lich reflected back to them – no bonus for guessing what happens

5. Your opponent dying while being pecked to death by a moa

6. When someone misrecognizes my build and says idiotic stuff like “kitteng PU mesmer” when I’ve never played PU in my life

7. Ditto above when as a warrior I get up from downed state and by pure chance have the kill effect removed when I stomp and the other guy says “Ugh, you have that noob trait”!

8. Thieves killing themselves on retaliation (or rangers)

9. Thief getting insta-gibbed by phantasms when he exits from stealth

There are many other situations I’ve encountered in my ~3 years of play and I’m sure I’ve forgotten lots of them.

I’ve noticed that most people who lol, are not used to getting any kills. People who have killed a lot are just used to it by now. This is not directed to you, just a comment in general.

@OP: as annoying as it may be, it is still good to see new players entering PvP.

(edited by style.6173)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I usually will say GREAT GAME when it’s a 500 to 50~100 winning game XD.

I am surprised you didn’t have a aneurysm from using all your wit at once coming up with that.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Yeah usually I make it a point to hunt people who run their mouths.

I used to take it to heart (and still kinda do) but rather than answer with complaining on the forums (as I did previously), I hunt those people and obliterate them every chance I get while I have them on block.

Im a rather vindictive person, so I check my blocklist before a match to see if anyone who has kittened me off in the past is in this match. Then I make sure to take it to them as much as possible. More than likely their ego is worse than mine if they have to vocalize their “wins”.

Ive watched many on my blocklist go back to PvE after a match with me.

Some call this grieving other players, but I say if the poison talk while in a match is viable, so is obliterating those who abuse it.

You will most likely find that those people are people you will get matched up with over (as they are in your MMR), so you get to see them again and get your revenge.

But I have to say, when I see someone from my blocklist in a match against me, it really puts me on my A game.

(edited by nightblood.7910)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I find it far more annoying when someone is killed by a group in certain scenario’s and says “Lol 3v1”

I find it funny more than annoying when they do that.

Another funny one is after you kill them and they say “Lucky”. Nope. I pressed those buttons with the intent of killing you. It wasn’t just random button mashing with a random outcome that came out in my favor.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


So many ways to mess with spvp trolls.

JQ Druid

(edited by Wetpaw.3487)

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Ive watched many on my blocklist go back to PvE after a match with me.


Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Superform.1067


wait.. so you want players to stop trashtalking after a pvp win?

its kinda been around forever dude.. if you cant hack it prob pvp isnt for you

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


All these people who allow trolls to get to them confuse me and entertain me all at the same time.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: nightblood.7910


All these people who allow trolls to get to them confuse me and entertain me all at the same time.

Because competitive people are attracted to PvP. Competitive people dont like losing in the first place. A little “nana nana nana” from some kid that probably got carried by their team in the match doesnt help that.

But as I said, Ive personally learned to just let it push my competitive nature. Ill likely see them again.

What Ive found from blocking these guys, its not usually the good players that run their mouths.

I also have a problem with the coaches on teams. These guys are worse than the other team running their mouths. They dont do much and feel its their job to direct the team. Meanwhile while they are typing out their directions everyone else is getting 5v4’d.

Those guys are more of a problem and really get on my nerves.

Sore Winners

in PvP

Posted by: Aria.5940


I’ve mostly been playing my main in ranked for a long time, but thought it was finally time to start playing other classes. I never saw this kind of behavior while playing my main (once every 100 matches hardly counts).

I’m really bad with my alts though, as I never played them a lot and I learn by trying rather than reading about a build. So I thought it safest to do unranked with my alts, and was shocked that almost every match I ran into something like this.
I know my alts suck, but I really don’t see the point why someone feels the need to remind me every single match when we’re not even in a ranked queue.

I’ve never been a hardcore pvp and never will be, but I enjoy taking 1-2 matches every now and again, but this kind of thing really makes me dread playing alts. So I’m kind of at a point where there’s no reason to play my main (having played too many matches with that single class) and I’m feeling discouraged from learning to play my alts.

I suspect it might have something to do with MMR as my alts (hopefully) have a lot lower MMR than my main, but it really ruins the fun in pvp.

And yes, I could put them on ignore, but I really just want to play pvp for fun. Even if I put them on ignore, they already ruined my fun.