Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


in no particular order, here is a list of things, skills, features, and whatnots that i consider fundamentally broken about the game. feedback welcome, flaming expected, trolling negotiable. without further ado:

1 – FIX. TELEPORT. TARGETING. maybe its just a pet peeve, but this is my A#1 thing personally. now let me flesh out my gripe. the ground targeting system is great for tele/blinks, i love it. it makes it possible to do things like running forward, turning on auto walk, spinning your camera, and tele’ing backwards, often landing behind your opponent, and making a clean, easy get away. what is broken with this in my opinion, is when you target just a PIXEL too far, the reticule goes red, and you go nowhere. there is always the option of slowwwwly inching the reticule out and slightly adjusting it back to green to get the max distance out of it, but the time involved is considerable, and in the fast-paced nature of PvP, often that split second is more than enough to get you killed.

what i propose as a fix = if you have moved the reticule too far and it “goes red”, instead of doing nothing, your character will simply tele to max distance in that direction, or as close to the point as possible in the case of the reticule being on a raised plane, on a wall, etc.

2 – the downed state needs balanced. personally, and i say PERSONALLY, as in opinion, not as in fact, when you go into downed state you have WAYYYYYY too much hp. i believe you should have roughly 1/3 of the hp you have now. it just makes no sense to me that someone just “killed” you, and you automatically fill to 75% health again. if someone is helpless on the ground in front of you, 1 chain of auto attacks should be enough to kill them. this leads into the next problem. downing a Power warrior/thief/ranger/guardian/anything, having 3k hp left, and them downing you, then proceeding to win the downed fight against you with 1k+ crits off of downed attacks, is absurd. it also de-legitimizes builds other than Power builds, because condi damage and healing power do nothing for you in the downed state. so a STACKED condi thief/necro/ranger, or a STACKED healing power ele/guardian can drop a Power build, go for the spike, get downed, then tap them for ~150 damage with auto attacks, while the Power build nukes them with 1k auto attacks and inevitably rallies.

what i propose as a fix = normalize downed damage profession wide. your 1 attack from downed should do a FLAT (say, 250) amount of damage, regardless of power, critical chance, class, race, etc. everyone does 250 damage, every time. obviously you would have to get creative and do some math for necro, and just make the dps the same for the channel.

3 – Raid of the Capricorn. Just erase it. i dont even care if you openly admit that you screwed up and that this map is horrible and was a poor decision. just get rid of it. cut your losses, act like it never happened, and move on. NOBODY likes this map, and that should tell you something.

what i propose as a fix = other than just completely removing this god awful design from the game, my suggestion would be to “drain the pool”. get rid of the water, slope the ground so that it is a soft enough incline to walk up/down, and erase the sharks. pve has no place in pvp. nuff said. (special side note – you would also have to lower the spawn points to avoid everyone dying from fall damage. jus’ sayin’.,.,.,)

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


4 – there is currently no penalty, repercussion, downside, or consequence whatsoever to leaving a game that is not in your favor. leavers and forced Auto-Balances are such a common part of the game, i literally dont remember the last time i was in a game that didnt AB at least twice. this discourages playing with friends, and unfairly punishes people that arent rage quitters.

what i propose as a fix = a penalty for leaving games. nothing drastic, but a 15-60 minute lockout of pvp would be sufficient in my opinion. also, this timer should carry over upon log out (like Boosters). so if you have a 30min lockout timer, and you sign off, when you sign back on, that 30min timer will be waiting for you. with this, you should also remove auto-balance. balance teams at the beginning of every map, if someone leaves, they take the penalty. this, ultimately, removes the INCREDIBLE annoyance of having a good game of XvX, a couple leavers ditch out, and then you get AB’d to the losing team and miss out on your win bonus. im aware that the win bonus is only like 10%, but that 10% adds up considerably in the grand scope of things. Auto Balance at match start should take Parties into consideration as much as possible, and attempt to keep them together before splitting teams. this encourages teamwork, playing with friends, healthy competition, and i believe would help make Hot Joins more enjoyable and competitive, as opposed to the mindless zerg fests they are now where good players dominate and bad players never get better.

5 – Necromancers dont start matches with full Life Force.

what i propose as a fix – Necromancers should start matches with full Life Force. Guardians start with all their boons off of CD, thieves start with full ini, rangers start with their pets ready to go, engis have all their toolbelt skills ready, etc. this unfairly throws necro’s into a disadvantage until they get into a fight to build up their resource. warriors could be thrown into this argument, but personally, i think warriors and their adrenaline is fine.

6 – Bunkers are too effective. im aware that you are aware of this, im just throwing my hat into the ring and letting you know that the players know, and care. being purely defensive and surviving 1v1 is fine. but certain builds (guardian infinite block ma/sh build, sc/d ele build, knockbackknockbackknockback p/sh engi build) can survive a 2v1 for far too long, and depending on skill level, potentially infinitely.

what i propose as a fix = GENTLY nerf survivability on bunker builds. also, nerf retaliation again. seriously. that skill STILL has way too much uptime. it should have comparable uptime to quickness/stability/etc.

7 – Reserved for a future date. i feel this is a good starting point. thank you so much for reading, and i look forward to the calm, intelligent discussion that is sure to follow.

what i propose as a fix = flame me and shatter my hopes of calm, intelligent discussion.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


/flame, /flame, /flame

You forgot the bug when u don’t get tournament chests coz of whatever.

I agree with 1, 2 and 3, not that it will change anything.
4 is fine.
5 is um…necros have a lot of good stuff anyway, I’d leave it at that.
6 is also fine, since it’s a build. A guardian can do a 1v2 for a long time, so can an engi. Does that mean that when an ele can solo 2 ppl it’s broken? Not really, just a good player behind the controls.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Concerning 4 – Just change it to 15 minutes of No Rank/Glory gain. There is currently no system for testing builds; You have to jump into a Hot join and just see how it goes. If the build doesn’t work the way you were hoping, why force me to not have fun for 10 minutes? In addition, lots of hot joins turn into zerg vs non-zerg. I have no interest whatsoever in fighting a zerg – if you force me to stay, I’ll just sit down and wait til the round is over. I’m not PvPing just for glory, but to have fun – I’d gladly not gain glory for 15-30 minutes to test out a build, or escape an unfun game.

As for 5, its a bit early to tell, but compared to last week, I’m seeing ALOT more competent necros. I dont play the class, so I can’t be sure, but it appears they’ve finally fixed the issues/found the right specs/whatever, because I’m seeing ALOT more of them, and they’re doing well. They might not need said buff.

6 – Bunkers – They certainly -feel- too powerful, but I haven’t sat down, rolled a guard/ele/engi, and played the spec for 2 weeks. I’m not going to cry on the boards like everyone else (not accusing you of this, but the sPvP boards are just 90% people crying for nerfs) that they’re broken until I understand the class fully. Could be your right, could be we all just need to learn to counter them a little better.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


1) Agree.
2) Dunno some classes need some love in their downed state some need some hate in the end I am not too worried about it.
3) I love the map, had some of the best fights under water with people and messing around with the cannon, underwater combat is a feature of the game, just get used to it and you will love it too.
4) No point in penalizing people, if I end up in a team that sucks I won’t stay in the ship to drown with them, specially people who only want easy glory by relaying on others to win or get them to the point they can get some glory.
5) Warriors don’t start with full adrenaline, thief cannot use any skill without initiative so on so on.
6) Completely agree.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


oh, thought of it.

7 – auto attack on ranged classes is a broken form of “radar”. if anyone with a bow or gun, or a mesmer with a greatsword, or an ele, auto attack you, there is no “escape”. they can hone in on you all the way from across the map, literally edge to edge of any given map. this makes juking literally impossible.

what i propose as a fix = make it so that if you break LoS, auto attack automatically stops. also, using an attack and it firing in the direction of your target should be removed and you should simply get an “obstructed” or “target not in line of sight”. otherwise stopping the auto attack is pointless because they could just manually press the button to constantly track you by way of where their character is shooting.

8 – pretty much goes hand in hand with 7, but pets do not de-aggro on target loss. as a thief/mesmer/ranger/engi (thats all the classes that can stealth off the top of my head), if i stealth, then juke behind a cliff or into a bush, even if im not in LoS, pets will run right up to me and continue stomping my face off like in Face/Off (Nick Cage’s best movie). despite the player having no clue where i am, or how successfully i juke, pets will just automatically flock to me and ruin my day. seriously, it RUINS my ENTIRE day.

what i propose as a fix = pets drop aggro on target loss or LoS loss. and only on LoS loss until the player says “hey, go get him” by way of pet command or landing an attack.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


6) Not all p/sh enginners that have knockbackknockbackknockback are bunkers :P
Some have the Ravanger Amulet for the the 48% crit , instead of the Soldier and die easily in cordinated fights :P
If u want to reduce the stats in the Soldier Amulet (all <<tanks>> have it) , i dont have a problem there :P

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Peechez.4195


posting in spoon foy thread

Canada / Sneaky / Undead Meese
Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


9 – thieves currently have no idea, other than internal timing, when their Steal is off of CD.

what i propose as a fix = keep F1 as steal, and make F2 use the stolen skill. this way you could replace skills if you didnt want them, or at the very least, keep track of your CD on Steal and know when it was ready without having to guess or blow your stolen ability.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

6. GENTLY nerf survivability on bunker builds. .. depends on what you see as survivability.. toughness is more then fine and clearly a nerf of toughness would badly affect all other professions to and would make it even less balanced. A nerf of healing, well… who cares about healing.. 1300 healing power gives 200 more health with a healspell, well.. congratz. aegis and retal usually arent the problem either cause 1 only stops 1 attack and the other doesnt make them survive longer.
So if you find out why some professions are such very good bunkers, aside from the fact that they specced for knockbacks… yust know how to CC and dodge which people cant seem to handle.. or take the time to use waterfields for example,
please do tell.

i have to agree there are bunkers that are waaay to tankish and keep absorbing dmg from 3 people while standing still, but i assume Arenanet wont yust lower all survival stats and see what happens, cause i doubt there is anything wrong with the stuff there is right now, yust the combinations of some traits/spells/enviroment yust improve the strenght of the bunker to much.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Stu.2841


9 – thieves currently have no idea, other than internal timing, when their Steal is off of CD.

what i propose as a fix = keep F1 as steal, and make F2 use the stolen skill. this way you could replace skills if you didnt want them, or at the very least, keep track of your CD on Steal and know when it was ready without having to guess or blow your stolen ability.

I think it is good enough that steal starts its CD before you use the gained ability, it definitely doesn’t need any more help…

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: rickshaw.5279


In the history of MMO’s, no exceptions, not one game that has implemented a “punishment” for quitting has yielded positive results.



Why? Because then instead of leaving, you got players going out of their way to LOSE the match to get to the next match. Autobalancing is awesome. If you volunteer you get a bonus and ON TOP OF THAT you are guaranteed the winner bonus.

If you want group play, that’s what tourneys are for.

I don’t see the problem here. GW2 has, far and away, the best initial PvP setup any MMO has launched with to date. I seriously don’t understand whiners when it comes to this topic. Seriously… what more do you ****ing want?

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


In the history of MMO’s, no exceptions, not one game that has implemented a “punishment” for quitting has yielded positive results.



Why? Because then instead of leaving, you got players going out of their way to LOSE the match to get to the next match. Autobalancing is awesome. If you volunteer you get a bonus and ON TOP OF THAT you are guaranteed the winner bonus.

If you want group play, that’s what tourneys are for.

I don’t see the problem here. GW2 has, far and away, the best initial PvP setup any MMO has launched with to date. I seriously don’t understand whiners when it comes to this topic. Seriously… what more do you ****ing want?

cause there arent quitters in tourneys? lol.
do you know how many games in tourneys have ended up with a 5v4, 5v3, and even in one case, a 5v0?

leaving needs SOME form of negative repercussion, period. does it have to be extreme? no, but it DOES need to exist. ESPECIALLY in tournaments and full games of Hot Join.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Rickshaw is kinda right
Its better to have ppl ragequit , instead of start blaming-bad naming the others , while afk in the base

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: rickshaw.5279


If you add anything, it will only get worse.


Allow me to highlight the chain of events that take place E V E R Y T I M E this line of reasoning is followed in PvP.

Step 1: A lock out timer or reward penalty debuff takes place.

Step 2: Players just hangout @ the spawn.

Step 3: An AFK timer is instituted @ the spawn.

Step 4: Players ignore objectives and instead help the opposing team win often bragging about it in chat.

Step 5: A report function is instituted to detour this type of play.

Step 6: Players continue to do step 4 but stop vocalizing it so it can’t be proven. They could just be “bad”.

Step 7: Devs can’t do anything further, whiners think they won but in fact just wasted about 6 months of PvP updates to accomplish nothing and actually made the situation worse.

This is how it is. No matter how hard you wish or how loud you whine this is an inevitability which has been proven time and time again for over a decade.

(edited by rickshaw.5279)