Spvp destiny. An important message
- Custom Arenas. This is still our top priority for the time being, as it allows the playerbase to do so many things. You guys can set maps up in the ways that you want, and it you can set up your own servers to allow you to practice with your friends. It also allows custom tournaments, etc. It just gives you guys a lot of control over the game, so we’re pushing hard on it.
- Ratings/matchmaking/leaderboards. These are being worked on.
I’ll give more details on this later, but quickly: We will be using our MM (matchmaking) system to match teams up against one another. Each player has their own rating, and these ratings are used when 2 teams are fighting one another. MM obviously won’t be used in public matches (because people are jumping in/out all the time), and instead will be used in tournament formats. We will be using the MM system in the background as you play, and then we will be showing player ranks via our official leaderboards. These leaderboards will show things like player ranks, wins, losses, qualyfing points, etc.
- 1 team vs. 1 team. Like with other things, I was going to do a more robust blog on this later, but we are doing this. We will be testing out Temple of the Silent Storm for tournament rotation play by doing a 1 team vs. 1 team setup (as opposed to the 8 team setup we use in tournaments). This will mean only two teams play, one wins, one loses. It will cost less to enter these 1on1 matchups than tournaments, but rewards will also be scaled down. You won’t have to go multiple rounds, and once a match is over, both teams can jump right back into the pool. So overall, compared to tournaments, it will have less rewards, but it’s quicker to play and easier to get into/out of. We’ll be testing this system in the near future to see how it works, and if feedback is positive, we may look at trying to incorporate the 1on1 format into PvP. We know that free tournaments are going almost all the time, but we recognize that paid tournaments are having some issues right now, so have been listening to you and have made plans to improve the experience. You guys have made some great suggestions, and a lot of your ideas are in alignment with the things propounded in our internal meetings. So thank you for all your passion and suggestions!
That’s all I can say for now on that stuff for now. I’ll try to jump back in this thread during the week as time allows.
This post is so vague and generalized.Too many questions!!
With the custom arenas are we going to be able to set up tdm/GVG or actualy arenas? Will it still be based around the boring conquest that no one likes to do? Currently the meta is based around bunkers and roamers. It gives very little room for running different builds and by far the most annoying thing that keeps me from playing this game currently.
2.MM(Matchmaking) Will ranking apply to the custom arenas(if it has tdm/arena) because i do not want my ranking to only apply conquest type pvp.
3. Conclusion
If you plan on taking spvp serious you need to do something about people leaving games and not getting punished for it. Mobas have a good way of handling it maybe you should look into it. In this game you don’t even get a slap on wrist if you leave and it really is irritating doing 4v5 90% of the time. I can play 20 dota games and not have 1 person leave. This includes the practice games that don’t even rank you…..
Last but not least maybe you should do a poll and ask the community to vote on the current meta and ask if its healthy. I can personally say i nor my guild find conquest very fun at all and would like to see something different with rankings. Most of the spvp community have left and I’m sure its because of this as well. A poll would show if people actually like conquest or not. It might give you guys a direction on were you need to take pvp because currently it’s so bad….. Not trying to be mean but its the truth!
(edited by Pride N Greed.8106)
Please, all of you take a step back and ask yourselves this question: Have you ever been in a development team for a game this size?
Anet has not only PVP to contend with, but PVE. And both are really complex beasts. Coding a product this huge isn’t a walk in a park, I’m sure you’re all smart enough to at least assume that. They can’t just say, “Hey, let’s just do it!” No, everything has to be weighted properly to ensure the players have the best experience they’ll have.
Just be patient with things for once. It’s quality over quantity. What a bunch of entitled children.
I think waiting 4+ years for the game to be developed and 5 months of sterile sPVP after launch is being more than patient.
The moral of the story is NEXT time dont wait for a game for 4 years. How long you waited is not really an issue for anybody but yourself, besides if you waited for 4 years you can wait for another few months. Just to add, how long you waited isn’t going to make the development team any faster.
Remember its just a game and if you can’t wait, maybe take a break or something.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
“1 team vs. 1 team. Like with other things, I was going to do a more robust blog on this later, but we are doing this. We will be testing out Temple of the Silent Storm for tournament rotation play by doing a 1 team vs. 1 team setup (as opposed to the 8 team setup we use in tournaments). This will mean only two teams play, one wins, one loses. It will cost less to enter these 1on1 matchups than tournaments, but rewards will also be scaled down. You won’t have to go multiple rounds, and once a match is over, both teams can jump right back into the pool. So overall, compared to tournaments, it will have less rewards, but it’s quicker to play and easier to get into/out of. We’ll be testing this system in the near future to see how it works, and if feedback is positive, we may look at trying to incorporate the 1on1 format into PvP. We know that free tournaments are going almost all the time, but we recognize that paid tournaments are having some issues right now, so have been listening to you and have made plans to improve the experience. You guys have made some great suggestions, and a lot of your ideas are in alignment with the things propounded in our internal meetings. So thank you for all your passion and suggestions!”
First of all, thanks for the info. When you mention that Temple will become part of the rotation, I assume you mean in addition to the current competitive maps, not by itself as the only map for the team v team mode.
Is it possible that you have thought of disabling tournaments, both free and paid whilst the player base tests the 1 team vs 1 team mode? This should funnel all competitive players into this mode to really test the matchmaking and see its effectiveness.
After a period of time, release tournaments for set times of the day and utilise the matchmaking that players have acquired through the 1 team v 1 team modes as a way of matching players in said tournaments.
Will the team v team mode be like paids? No pug players, have to be a team to que up for it and will only match other teams?
This is a great time to implement a solo/duo que mode, with the I build matchmaking to face other solo/duo players, and gives team players who don’t have a full team online a chance to improve their postal matchmaking rating.
Just some things to consider. The addition of custom servers is a great way to go for 3rd party organised competitions, but what we need to know is not that they are coming, but how much they will cost and I portably, can we turn the control nodes off?
3rd party competitions are more flexible if we can set it as a deathwatch and builds/team compositions can be better tailored to suit.
no GvG ?
when will this be available?
Hey all, hope you guys had a great break!
There are so many things to talk about, so instead of quoting individual people, I’ll just make a post outlining things that people have mentioned.
New features: As I said in the Guru state of the game, January won’t see any big updates. Everyone is getting back from vacation, so it’s a small patch. We’ll see bigger updates in later patches, etc.
I plan to write out a full blog for these features as they’re closer to being ready. But I can give a few details now:
- Custom Arenas. This is still our top priority for the time being, as it allows the playerbase to do so many things. You guys can set maps up in the ways that you want, and it you can set up your own servers to allow you to practice with your friends. It also allows custom tournaments, etc. It just gives you guys a lot of control over the game, so we’re pushing hard on it.
- Ratings/matchmaking/leaderboards. These are being worked on.
I’ll give more details on this later, but quickly: We will be using our MM (matchmaking) system to match teams up against one another. Each player has their own rating, and these ratings are used when 2 teams are fighting one another. MM obviously won’t be used in public matches (because people are jumping in/out all the time), and instead will be used in tournament formats. We will be using the MM system in the background as you play, and then we will be showing player ranks via our official leaderboards. These leaderboards will show things like player ranks, wins, losses, qualyfing points, etc.
- New player experience/teaching the game better. We want players of all experience levels to enjoy the game, not just the hardcore. We’ll talk more about this stuff later, but we want to make sure all players enjoy the game. Custom Arenas will help here as well, because players can find arenas where they feel comfortable, and play the game with the same players every day while they learn the game, etc.
- 1 team vs. 1 team. Like with other things, I was going to do a more robust blog on this later, but we are doing this. We will be testing out Temple of the Silent Storm for tournament rotation play by doing a 1 team vs. 1 team setup (as opposed to the 8 team setup we use in tournaments). This will mean only two teams play, one wins, one loses. It will cost less to enter these 1on1 matchups than tournaments, but rewards will also be scaled down. You won’t have to go multiple rounds, and once a match is over, both teams can jump right back into the pool. So overall, compared to tournaments, it will have less rewards, but it’s quicker to play and easier to get into/out of. We’ll be testing this system in the near future to see how it works, and if feedback is positive, we may look at trying to incorporate the 1on1 format into PvP. We know that free tournaments are going almost all the time, but we recognize that paid tournaments are having some issues right now, so have been listening to you and have made plans to improve the experience. You guys have made some great suggestions, and a lot of your ideas are in alignment with the things propounded in our internal meetings. So thank you for all your passion and suggestions!
That’s all I can say for now on that stuff for now. I’ll try to jump back in this thread during the week as time allows.
jon, i rely don’t understand… why do you guys hate soloqueue players so much? you don’t seem to realize that solo queue is the foundation for any competitive scene in an esport game, even in LoL no one cares at all about ranked team ladders (5v5/3v3). The way you’ve explained your ladders system is rely disappointing. We need a soloqueue ladder so that players can progress individually THEN start teams, right now there’s so many teams with 2 or 3 good players carrying 2 or 3 baddies (like every top team on NA). You guys are rely getting ahead of yourselves here, solo queue should be a top priority. As someone who plans on shoutcasting for this game in the future though, custom games were rely needed. But on another note, thank you for keeping us posted on what is actually going on in the office, if you were to do this more; keep us in the loop, maybe less bad ideas would go through the pipeline. -neglekt, fellow seattleite (go hawks!) :]
(edited by Zodian.6597)
That’s all I can say for now on that stuff for now. I’ll try to jump back in this thread during the week as time allows.
I appreciate the response, but I feel it didn’t comment on many of the questions raised by this topic. Many more questions were also raised, but I could understand why you may not be able to comment on everything yet.
But here are the concerns I thought while reading your post:
1) Custom Arenas – A large amount of people (including myself) have raised concerns about if the actual game mode would be able to be chosen in this arena. It was mentioned that people would be able to create custom tournaments, but it seems a different mode should be higher priority than that right now.
People can already do tournaments, and it would take a huge amount of players to coordinate in to a custom tournament, so this feature seems pretty redundant unless there is a way to customize the mode in here as well. I’m not sure why development time would be spent this way.
2) Ratings/Matchmaking/Leaderboard – One of the top issues brought up here was ratings and matchmakings OUTSIDE of tournaments. Many people just are not happy with the tournament system right now, especially the fact that there is no “premade” and “solo” queues. This was a major feature that GW1 had, as well as every other successful ESport game, and this feature was lost, and that’s very alarming to people. The tournament system did not solve these problems.
You also mention people jumping in and out of public matches all the time, but that’s another one of the top issues people have right now. Hotjoin is in a horrible state. People don’t take it seriously, it’s not working as intended for a way to prepare people to progress onward.
What people have really been asking for is these features for 1v1 matchmaking in addition to tournaments, which regards more to the 1v1 portion of your post, so I will comment more there.
3) New player experience – Honestly the biggest problem for new players right now is Hotjoin. It’s not like any of the other modes, it’s imbalanced, people are leaving all the time as you commented and that’s the biggest issue. Plus it’s not even casually competitive, it’s just for farming. It doesn’t really teach the player anything.
Sure, custom arenas might help a little bit, but what people “really” need to learn this game is some form of “Solo Queue”. This is another one of the key features that made GW1 successful. Without a solo queue, people have to work hard to find fair matches, not only would they have to either do hotjoin (which doesnt teach much about the real game at all) or browse custom games until they were lucky enough to find a game that’s appropriate for them to learn. This is something new players are NOT going to want to do.
A new player is just going to want to play a game without waiting. And that’s why solo queue is very important. It’s also a feature that will help not only the new players, but the experienced players would love it as well.
4) 1 team vs 1 team – Now this is a big feature everyone wants. When I first read the title of this section I was excited, but that soon fell apart.
The first problem is… Temple only? That’s a huge disappointment… Why have a variety of maps if only 1 of them is used for this mode?
If you take in to consideration what the players want, you must realize this mode has a chance to be VERY popular. It’s what the players want, it will have less queue time, and may very well be more popular than both free and paid tournaments right now. But having only 1 map basically shatters the chances of this.
Then it’s mentioned that it will “cost less” to get in to, which disregards that the cost on Paid tournaments are one of the biggest issues. This will again hurt the potential popularity of this mode.
If you want to make the “perfect” 1v1 mode, all you have to do is listen to what the people in this post want: Give it a variety of maps, get rid of the cost issue, and make separate solo and premade queues included in their matchmaking. Then you will have a very successful mode on your hands, and the only potential issue that would not be covered by this mode is some players frustration the Conquest/Control point system (which hopefully will be addressed at least a little bit by custom arenas).
5) Now I’m going to mention some of the issues that were seemingly disregarded in your response. First is all the GW1 PvP features – even commenting to the first 4 issues this was mentioned many times. Why is it that Guild Wars successful PvP system had solutions to all these problems, and it’s been made obvious that most of the PvP player base wants these feature, but these solutions are being ignored? Many PvP players feel betrayed that these features were not included, and it gets more and more discouraging that you guys seem to have no interest in bringing them back, even though it would be very positive for the game.
6) The tournament systems failings – This is actually what this topic was all about. People would love for 1v1 to replace tournaments, and the paid ticket issue has been a top problem among nearly every player. This was not really commented on, and that’s alarming to many people here.
7) Variety in game modes – Many people want something other than control points. Many people want random/competitive arenas. Many people want HoH/GvG and the modes they came with. This was not commented on either, and considering this is supposed to be a sequel to a game that included all these things, it’s another very alarming issue.
Seriously, players would REJOICE if you came to this topic and told them that your 1v1 team system wasn’t going to have serious issues that make them inferior to Tournaments (no limit on maps, etc), that 1v1 team was going to have solo/premade queues included with matchmaking/rankings, that the “ticket” issue was going to be solved, and a larger variety of modes is planned.
^ The above would satisfy close to 100% of the players here. Read through post by post and ask yourself if this would satisfy each persons concerns with the game, and you will see this is true. All the other features you guys have planned? You could put those as a lower priority until these were done, and players would thank you for it!. I’m going to go out on a limb and guarantee that these features would at least make most of the PvP players who quit the game come back and see how things have changed, with a high likelihood that many would stay.
I completely understand if you are not able to comment on these things, but please, for the success of the game, for the players, and for the “Guild Wars” in the title of this game, please discuss this internally and take this in to consideration!
Thanks for your time if you read this.
Zeno hit the nail on the head. I read it as Temple would be added to the competitive maps though, not by itself as the only map choice.
Solo/Duo que system…… It’s a must have and the primary reason other games without it struggle (see SWTOR ranked war zones scene).
Will anyone actually bother with paids once 1 team vs 1 team maps come out? Seems to me like this is the final nail in the coffin for paid pvp.
A team vs team game mode seems silly unless there’s some sort of official ladder or rating or otherwise a real reward attached to it. Custom servers will make it obsolete quickly as teams will have their own servers for scrims.
If you want a bandaid fix to increase the amount of high level play, decrease the amount of tickets you need to play paids so it does not take too long for teams on a losing streak to play.
Don’t waste your (very limited) time on a new feature that will quickly become obsolete.
Zeno, I think you misunderstood how the 1v1 is going to be implemented (or I misunderstood what you were saying). In order to test Storm for Tournament play, they are going to use it as the basis for 1v1 to test it as well. If both work, the 1v1 will be added to general PvP (and all maps) and the Storm map will be added to Tournament rotation.
Having 1v1 on one map is better than no maps, and I expect most teams to find their way there because Tournament is not only too time consuming but punishing with ticket systems. If 1v1 comes with MM… this aspect of the game might actually start crawling out of the pit its been living for a while.
Will anyone actually bother with paids once 1 team vs 1 team maps come out? Seems to me like this is the final nail in the coffin for paid pvp.
Everyone knows paids are messed up right now, it may be best to add things to save the format rather than the limb. If they want people to spend money in the format, they need it to be alive and thriving.
[Eon] – Blackgate
A team vs team game mode seems silly unless there’s some sort of official ladder or rating or otherwise a real reward attached to it. Custom servers will make it obsolete quickly as teams will have their own servers for scrims.
If you want a bandaid fix to increase the amount of high level play, decrease the amount of tickets you need to play paids so it does not take too long for teams on a losing streak to play.
Don’t waste your (very limited) time on a new feature that will quickly become obsolete.
what? i have about 70 tickets sitting in my bank from winning free tourneys and getting the dailies. tickets have nothing to do with anything. i dont play paids because i dont have a team, or because i dont feel like waiting.
tournaments are just a bad idea and need to be ditched asap. when you say tournament, it’s supposed to mean something special…something that occurs once a week or once a month. i hate that tournaments are required for balanced 5v5 play. and then u get stomped by a premade.
A team vs team game mode seems silly unless there’s some sort of official ladder or rating or otherwise a real reward attached to it. Custom servers will make it obsolete quickly as teams will have their own servers for scrims.
If you want a bandaid fix to increase the amount of high level play, decrease the amount of tickets you need to play paids so it does not take too long for teams on a losing streak to play.
Don’t waste your (very limited) time on a new feature that will quickly become obsolete.
Pretty sure you misread it mate. I read it as the 1v1 team matches having the Matchmaking rating associated with them and as such will be the driving force for the leaderboards.
If it’s like 1 ticket to do a 1v1 team match, thats not all too bad. You are right in one part though, if the 1v1 team matches has the rating and leaderboard associated with them it will kill off the paid and possibly free tournament scene, which is a glorious thing.
How are you guys going to pull off matchmaking when the population is so low?
How are custom servers supposed to teach people how to play?
This February patch better be worth the wait or I fear for the PvP scene which gets smaller every day.
How are you guys going to pull off matchmaking when the population is so low?
How are custom servers supposed to teach people how to play?This February patch better be worth the wait or I fear for the PvP scene which gets smaller every day.
One word…advertising
How are you guys going to pull off matchmaking when the population is so low?
How are custom servers supposed to teach people how to play?This February patch better be worth the wait or I fear for the PvP scene which gets smaller every day.
One word…advertising
Three more words: Word of Mouth.
If they make the format playable, with matchmaking, people will talk about it and word will spread. Its not like people who already bought the game have anything stopping them from trying out PvP again if the most egregious issues are fixed.
[Eon] – Blackgate
So……..we may get something February now? We’re looking at over a month wait time to get some basic features for a six month old game? I’ve been patient with this game because of how amazing the content/mechanics are and that I realize pushing out content launch MMOs is difficult….
But I’m seriously tired of the options presented to me. My playtime for this game has fallen off a cliff despite how fun it can be. I’ll probably be taking a few week/month break before I consider playing again. I’ll watch streamers on the good teams, but….can the communication be a little better here? We’ve had this anticipation building for a while and practically nothing has changed. Will there be balance issues addressed Jan? Anything?
We will be using our MM (matchmaking) system to match teams up against one another. Each player has their own rating, and these ratings are used when 2 teams are fighting one another. MM obviously won’t be used in public matches (because people are jumping in/out all the time), and instead will be used in tournament formats.
Thats a big mistake Jonathan. Sorry if you dont see it but there is serveral issues you probably discussed on meetings but let me just tell you what i have in my mind right now when i read it.
1) Personal rankings means that system will try to put together in same team rank 1 and rank 40. Still nothing to prevent this happening.
2) Noone care about personal ratings. This game is team based from start and since relase we dont have fix teams. Guilds means nothing, teams are not recognized as teams but as players. Everytime i go in game play PvP i have 2 choices. I can play with my team if they online or i will setup a random team from my friend list. In second case. At this point there is no way you give me equall opponent as the system will only care about personal rating.
3) We need somehow recognize teams. Even make GUILDS important (like in GW1) or make some kind of team registration (like in Starcraft you can play with different friends 2v2 or 3v3 and have separate ladder and ranking).
In general i also see you still want to keep up tournament system – i dont think that will work.. to be honest ..
so at this point – your post actually means im loosing hopes even more..
Observer mode? Nothing?
Come on Anet get your priorities right, the game needs match making solo/premade q. Don’t make me sing My Heart Will Go On. Don’t make me do it.
1 team vs 1 team could maybe be used as GVG also tournaments could…
Wait them implement a decent rating system, maybe later they can focused more on guilds ranking? Step by step guys.. i know 6 months are gone, but what else could we do? nothing
BTW if u guys wants solo q, go play FPS. You all totally wrong to play a mmorpg in solo q. Simply and painless
(edited by Dsquaredcri.9421)
Zeno, I think you misunderstood how the 1v1 is going to be implemented (or I misunderstood what you were saying). In order to test Storm for Tournament play, they are going to use it as the basis for 1v1 to test it as well. If both work, the 1v1 will be added to general PvP (and all maps) and the Storm map will be added to Tournament rotation.
Having 1v1 on one map is better than no maps, and I expect most teams to find their way there because Tournament is not only too time consuming but punishing with ticket systems. If 1v1 comes with MM… this aspect of the game might actually start crawling out of the pit its been living for a while.
Will anyone actually bother with paids once 1 team vs 1 team maps come out? Seems to me like this is the final nail in the coffin for paid pvp.
Everyone knows paids are messed up right now, it may be best to add things to save the format rather than the limb. If they want people to spend money in the format, they need it to be alive and thriving.
I hope I misunderstood and that is really the case. That would be one less thing to worry about.
But 1v1 team queue would still need to remove the ticket requirement (or at least have it completely reworked) and would need separate solo/team queues, and rankings, to be fully functional.
In my opinion, the Tournament format should be reserved for the weekly/monthly tournaments ANet has planned, and the 1v1 team queue would be much better for general play. This system would actually be an improvement on the general ESports system that other games offer, since they dont have automated tournaments. But forcing tournaments for everyday play is risky.
BTW if u guys wants solo q, go play FPS. You all totally wrong to play a mmorpg in solo q. Simply and painless
Every single successful non-FPS ESports game says otherwise.
1 team vs 1 team could maybe be used as GVG also tournaments could…
Wait them implement a decent rating system, maybe later they can focused more on guilds ranking? Step by step guys.. i know 6 months are gone, but what else could we do? nothingBTW if u guys wants solo q, go play FPS. You all totally wrong to play a mmorpg in solo q. Simply and painless
can’t tell you’re trolling or just simply and painless
do you really need 6+ months to implement a stupid custom arena feature? seriously? what’s your problem anet? o.O
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”
You totally wrong. There is hot join for solo random q.
How could be a tournament competitive with random solo q?
The only solo q in gw1 was Random arena, this cotain the word “random” wich is also synonimous of hot join.
Play soccer with 11 random people, yea yours idea is pretty fun guys.
I repeat go———>FPS
I’ll just come right out and say this, you guys know that GW2 PvP will never amount to anything big anymore right? The competitive interest of this game has been lost long ago when most organizations and sponsors took a look at how stale the current state of the game is – the addition of these features will only bring back/in a minimal amount of players (and mostly from the PvE GW2 community, not from new players).
Basically, esport features aren’t really needed anymore in a game that will never become an esport. Just being realistic, those of you in denial of this now will get a rude awakening later down the road. And as far as I know, ANet still has not admit that they shipped sPvP/tPvP as an unfinished product – and still until now it does not even have these basic features everyone expected to be available at launch.
I’ll just come right out and say this, you guys know that GW2 PvP will never amount to anything big anymore right? The competitive interest of this game has been lost long ago when most organizations and sponsors took a look at how stale the current state of the game is – the addition of these features will only bring back/in a minimal amount of players (and mostly from the PvE GW2 community, not from new players).
Basically, esport features aren’t really needed anymore in a game that will never become an esport. Just being realistic, those of you in denial of this now will get a rude awakening later down the road. And as far as I know, ANet still has not admit that they shipped sPvP/tPvP as an unfinished product – and still until now it does not even have these basic features everyone expected to be available at launch.
So in a few words, you say this: People who wants play a competitive game should switch to another game.
beautiful perspective
I actually have no idea why development for pvp is so bad. The game before the release was said to aim towards being an e-sport, and have a great competitive scene. But in reality on release we got 3 maps, zerg vs zerg (8×8) that is still here, and still horrible, and Free tournaments, also 1 mode to play in. Every single update was aimed purely towards PvE and I have no idea why, since this game as mentioned before, should have been for PvP competition.
So now after ~6 months what DID the pvp get – 2 new maps, 1 is crap other is ~meh, PAID tournaments that is more a test of patience than skill with queues so long and a possibility to play hotjoin 5×5. Am I the only one thinking that these and a lot more thing should have been at the beginning, not half a year in? I am talking about ranking, matchmaking, more modes, more maps, more everything. And yet people keep making excuses for the developers, on how it is so hard to code new things to the game. Maybe it is, but they had years to develop this game, yet there is almost nothing developed for PvP, it looks closer to a concept than a released product for competitive gaming. What is mind boggling is that you can truly see the amount of attention and care towards other parts of the game – especially PvE, just look at updates they received on every single month: new instances/maps, new gear, new modes, new bosses ON EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
I think most people feel a bit (or a lot) betrayed when the game that advertised itself as a e-sport PvP did not develop PvP at the development stage and keeps ignoring it in live stage of the game, but hey – maybe its just me…
I love the game and think the devs have made an excellent, perhaps the best ever base for pvp in this type of mmo genre. However, it is clear that the lack of game modes really detracts from what could be even more amazing.
Ladders/leaderboards and all that kind of thing are just icing on the cake but have little to do with increasing the “fun” of the game. It is diffcult to understand how adding actual spvp content-ie new game modes- has not even been mentioned by the devs. Even if they said something like “we plan on releasing 4 new game modes with a GW2 expansion in 2014”, it would at least make all the focus on these “behind-the-scenes” type updates more understandable.
This is something what we expect at launch. Its too late imo. You miss that esport chance. Lets try something what noone see before like that awesome hunger games or other nontradition type of pvp. Imo keg brawl is much more fun than spvp.
Tekkit’s Workshop
ETA doesnt do anything for anyone. it only puts unneeded pressure on the devs. if youre impatient/fed-up, just leave the game and come back in 2 months. im sure everyone would be ok with that.
I bought the game (preorder) on the first day, along with my friends (4 of them). We understood (or We intentionally misled by false advertising) that this is a PvP game.
All my friends left when they realized that this is not PvP game (real PvP is orphan here). Devs care only about profit and pvp (due to poor design) does not make profit at all.
“eSports infrastructure” ROFL…. Well i dont have anything against eSports but…. if you ask me… i guess you need some PvP modes first and few thousands PvP players more.
To make a football game, you need three things:
- Teams
- Viewers
- playing field
Atm, GW2 dont have any (of those three) but they selling tickets.
I do believe that you (in the near future perhaps a decade or few) can make some new exciting PvP game modes, but thats to much to wait for me.
I installed “Heroes of Newerth” last night and im gona play it. Its real PvP game without false promises.
I think some of you guys need to back off… Johnathan and the team are building every month on this FREE game and are doing a good job. ok some things in the past have had blips which drove some of us mad but they are trying.
I think the ideas Johnathan has mentioned in SPVP are awesome. One of the things i love in this game is the SPVP, more so than WVW. I cant wait for 1v1 but i do recommend before the 1v1 they check the builds people use in spvp. When i first played SPVP i did ok and not the best but i had few kills and points etc. Now i have noticed alot more ppl using Eles and Mesmers and im getting slaughtered and dying time after time. No one wants to die straight away but be good to make things more equal.
I for one can not wiat for these changes. Good job and great Ideas. perhaps one update just for a record you could help us small guys try do something for guilds in past. perhaps when you bring in guild halls and GVG you could arrange to help recruit so we can get people in our guild so we can do guild SPVP etc.
thnak you and keep it up.
Gold. (Gunnars Hold) (gunnars scum)
Gunnars Hold/ Gunnars Scum Guild
We are recruiting for WVW and Guild Missions….
I think some of you guys need to back off… Johnathan and the team are building every month on this FREE game and are doing a good job.
Omg, you talk about some other game not GW2.
FYI this game isnt “FREE” at all. I palyed 65 euros for it (at preoder day one).
also FYI devs doing great job (maybe) in PVE only, I did not see any PvP change so far (except for a few balance patches).
Just gonna throw in my 2 cent’s just hoping devs realize that there is some pressure on…
All of the things listed by Jonathan Sharp (except the 1team v 1team mode) have been promised to us when the “Tip of the Iceberg” Blogpost came out.
The fact, that most of these things are still “on the list” and haven’t been released allready, just shows how the spvp section of this game is dying.
So again:
to Jonathan Sharp and the Dev Team for Spvp:
You are loosing the community. You have absolutely failed at making this Game E-Sport material. Either do something about this, or justify it.
A comment on the “future of GW2 as an E-Sport” would be nice.
oh and btw; no observer on the list? Well you are trying really hard to make this game more interesting to everybody, right?
i think it’s painfully obvious that they literally dont have the staff to churn out spvp content. i dont think JSharp should be taking the heat, but rather the person who’s in charge of resource distribution across depts. 5 months in and we’re still playing the same beta with dozens of gamebreaking bugs across most profs. no new features.
(actually, the entire game has taken only steps backwards since release, with FOTM and lack of open world support)
the upcoming stuff looks really good, i wont lie. but it’s necessary and should have been in place a long time ago. spvp needs monthly injections of “good stuff” to bring back and retain people. im talking a new feature, balancing tweaks, necessary bug fixes, new maps/modes, and new rewards on a monthly basis. anything less is quite unacceptable and laughable.
i actually have no idea what the spvp dept. has been up to cuz we havent see ANYTHING in 5 months. not even the proper amount of balancing and bug fixes that are badly needed.
(edited by nerva.7940)
He won’t ever say a date, because if he gave you an ETA and then missed it, you would never shut up about it. “Soon” is about as good as it gets.
It’s good they have priorities, if you work on everything at the same time what happens is nothing gets done.
I do agree though that sPvP is at best a beta of a game that might be finished one day. Adding a decent matchmaking and ladder system is a good start to finishing it, but they need to do a heck of a lot more than that.
At this point all of the interest from e-sport is gone, and you will never get that back. IMO they should just can sPvP altogether and focus on the far more entertaining and successful PvE and WvW game modes.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
He won’t ever say a date, because if he gave you an ETA and then missed it, you would never shut up about it. “Soon” is about as good as it gets.
It’s good they have priorities, if you work on everything at the same time what happens is nothing gets done.
I do agree though that sPvP is at best a beta of a game that might be finished one day. Adding a decent matchmaking and ladder system is a good start to finishing it, but they need to do a heck of a lot more than that.
At this point all of the interest from e-sport is gone, and you will never get that back. IMO they should just can sPvP altogether and focus on the far more entertaining and successful PvE and WvW game modes.
I dont think so.
If JS will implement custom arena, you have everything you need to have an esport tournament with money/prizes via unofficial sites/sponsor.
So in short, we wants to know:
1) When do u going to start ladder games.
2) When do u going to remove tournaments and start normal daily AT’s.
3) When can we see new maps.
4) When are u going to put observ.
5) When are u going to inform all pple in the same moment about PvP changes, dont split pple like in gw1, “top” teams have forum and know ~half year faster what going to be changes and other pple know it in the day of update or from friends from tk.
JS didnt answer for ANY my and I think many other pple questions.
Sec thing its Guild laddder/Inwidual ladder. I prefer Guild ladder but we should remmber about smurf “top” players(Somebody is off we care so much so lets play in new guild with 1 guest). Its too easy switch guilds and player base is to small to protect new pple. The only one conclusion on PvP EACH PLAYER should be assigned to 1 guild. I hope its possible and u can back guest system only for PvP. What other pple think about this solution problem of the smurfs?
For those who ask an ETA, I think JS saying january won’t have any big update so prob february and march is our ETA.
I suppose this with optimism otherwise we are going out of time
For those who ask an ETA, I think JS saying january won’t have any big update so prob february and march is our ETA.
I suppose this with optimism otherwise we are going out of time
The problem of my guild and many other guilds MY PPLE DONT WANT TO WAIT ANOTHER 2 MONTHS PLAYING FOR NOTHING. Some pple are not so patient like u. Espesually they wait half year for nothing…
The honest truth is GW2 will never make it into the real competitive PVP scene in its current state.
The reasons for this are:
Gross class imbalance. This is just sad from a company that has already done such a good job in Guild Wars. It like they took everything they learned from that game and threw it out the window.
Inability to address technical issues with their game. There are a ton of bugs, crashes and broken components in this game. Ranging from Typo’s to broken abilities that are not fixed and instead relabeled to include the broken component….
Inability to address the actual core issues with the community. Like many other games Anet seems to be joining the dangerous trend of ignore your players and carry on like nothing is wrong.
What boggles my mind in all of this is after how many years of Guild Wars running why is Anet making mistakes like a new company that has no experience behind it? If Anet wants to become recognized as an E-sport they will have to take a real long hard look at how classes are setup in this game.
Classes have abilities in trees that do not even come close to matching that tree.
Rangers have trap traits in their skirmishing section as opposed to Survival which is all about traps, but its not limited to just these kinds of simple mistakes.
Bunker builds or glass cannon. No real utility builds. Necro’s are simply a broken class from one side to the other, and rather than addressing the issue Anet says its a L2P issue… Really? Only if L2P means Learn to Program.
If Anet wants to be seen as a real PVP game and attract professional gamers they will have to bite the bullet and stop buffing the dev’s favorite classes.
As it is there is about 0 reason to play anything but 3 main classes in PVP.
Warriors are about the best burst or Survival class period. Highest potential damage for a ranged class as well… It not enough to make them OP in melee, but that wasn’t enough you have to give them an ability that can nearly 1 shot most players. Well done Anet.
DD Ele is simply broken from bottom to top.
Mesmer is still out of control.
Necro’s are worthless. Its to easy to remove every effect they have with any bunker. I love the description of this class as well “It has a lot of hit points….” Whoa…
Thief nifty, but again no staying power and once they burst they are worthless. After nerfing condition damage this class has been reduced to Glass cannon or C&D. The class has been hit with nerf after nerf making it more and more useless by the day.
Ranger…. enough said about that class… Its a ranger… free points. Except when fighting a necro which is easy points for the ranger. Ranged damage class that does less damage than a warrior. You can argue the pet damage is calculated into the class, but the pet AI is bad. All you have to do to negate the majority of the damage from the pet is just move. I would rather see the pets removed and the rangers damage increased than be saddled with a half broken mechanic and have players left out in the dark. Almost all of the special abilities take so long to trigger that the target can go afk make dinner watch a movie and then come back and dodge.
Anet You said you wanted this game to be an E-sport, but everything you are doing with the classes is saying you have no interest in being on that level. I would love to see you prove me wrong by making the hard decision to actually balance your game. I am sure how ever you will think that to balance the game you will have to buff Warriors and Ele’s again.
DB Night Crew
Capturing Points in custom Arenas and 1 team vs. 1 team Tournaments will make so much more Fun!!!!!!!!1111!!!!1
It is my belief that the current Anet crew is very small (compared to Blizzard) and so
they can’t work on multiple parts of the game as fast as we would want them to.
The first year they have to focus heavily on PvE to create all the holiday events and some fresh content to keep the game going. Once all that is done,then the next year they only have to make minor changes for holiday events and can focus on other parts such as PvP, WvW or bigger PvE content.
With the way things are going,I’m not expecting any major changes anytime soon.
I guess we have to wait for the expansion pack. Sad Panda is sad 8(
You totally wrong. There is hot join for solo random q.
How could be a tournament competitive with random solo q?
The only solo q in gw1 was Random arena, this cotain the word “random” wich is also synonimous of hot join.
Play soccer with 11 random people, yea yours idea is pretty fun guys.
I repeat go———>FPS
Thanks for giving a perfect example of GW1 having a solo queue and GW2 lacking it. You basically proved your own point as false. You are telling people to go to FPS because PvP MMO’s dont need a solo queue, yet you give examples of one of the only successful PvP MMO’s and it HAD solo queue.
And it’s in no way a synonym for hotjoin. Heres a list of reasons why:
1) Hotjoin you CAN join with a team, you just have to switch team with the little plus above the enemy team, so they are “not” only solo queue players. GW1 Random arena had ALL solo queue players, which is why it worked.
2) GW1 Random arenas always had equal numbers of players on each team. There is no form of balance between teams in hotjoin, autobalance “tried” to balance but typically needs to trigger 2-3 times per match. This not only means most of each game is unbalanced, but the person unlucky enough to get autobalanced isn’t on the winning team anymore. This results in people playing hotjoin only to farm, and not to win, therefore teaching very little about how the game works.
3) In GW1 random arenas you had to build completely different just because it was 100% solo queue. You had to build well rounded to make sure you could work with any team you faced. This means typically very different specs than you would use in competitive matches.
4) Random arenas were a completely different game mode that was based around fighting and trying to kill without dying. It don’t mean a thing if you die in hotjoin. This discourages a competitive atmosphere.
Hotjoin is in no way a solo queue, furthermore in no way comparable to random arenas. Random arenas worked far better for PvP and team gameplay (even though you queued solo it was a mode that rewarded you for working with your team). Hotjoin encourages only farming and solo kills rather than rewarding teamwork and winning.
It’s quite funny that you are telling people to play FPS but saying hotjoin is a solo queue, when hotjoin is directly reminiscent of a typical non-competitive FPS game from the ground up, from rewards based upon kills to the autobalance. Name one other MMO that used autobalance? Name one COMPETITIVE game that used autobalance? Now if you liked, half the people on this forum can name 10+ FPS games that use autobalance.
A better suggestion would be for Hotjoin players to go to a FPS game. Because that’s the only common comparison for hotjoin, except FPS games won’t be forced in to conquest mode if you don’t want to…
You totally wrong. There is hot join for solo random q.
How could be a tournament competitive with random solo q?
The only solo q in gw1 was Random arena, this cotain the word “random” wich is also synonimous of hot join.
Play soccer with 11 random people, yea yours idea is pretty fun guys.
I repeat go———>FPSThanks for giving a perfect example of GW1 having a solo queue and GW2 lacking it. You basically proved your own point as false. You are telling people to go to FPS because PvP MMO’s dont need a solo queue, yet you give examples of one of the only successful PvP MMO’s and it HAD solo queue.
And it’s in no way a synonym for hotjoin. Heres a list of reasons why:
1) Hotjoin you CAN join with a team, you just have to switch team with the little plus above the enemy team, so they are “not” only solo queue players. GW1 Random arena had ALL solo queue players, which is why it worked.
2) GW1 Random arenas always had equal numbers of players on each team. There is no form of balance between teams in hotjoin, autobalance “tried” to balance but typically needs to trigger 2-3 times per match. This not only means most of each game is unbalanced, but the person unlucky enough to get autobalanced isn’t on the winning team anymore. This results in people playing hotjoin only to farm, and not to win, therefore teaching very little about how the game works.
3) In GW1 random arenas you had to build completely different just because it was 100% solo queue. You had to build well rounded to make sure you could work with any team you faced. This means typically very different specs than you would use in competitive matches.
4) Random arenas were a completely different game mode that was based around fighting and trying to kill without dying. It don’t mean a thing if you die in hotjoin. This discourages a competitive atmosphere.
Hotjoin is in no way a solo queue, furthermore in no way comparable to random arenas. Random arenas worked far better for PvP and team gameplay (even though you queued solo it was a mode that rewarded you for working with your team). Hotjoin encourages only farming and solo kills rather than rewarding teamwork and winning.
It’s quite funny that you are telling people to play FPS but saying hotjoin is a solo queue, when hotjoin is directly reminiscent of a typical non-competitive FPS game from the ground up, from rewards based upon kills to the autobalance. Name one other MMO that used autobalance? Name one COMPETITIVE game that used autobalance? Now if you liked, half the people on this forum can name 10+ FPS games that use autobalance.
A better suggestion would be for Hotjoin players to go to a FPS game. Because that’s the only common comparison for hotjoin, except FPS games won’t be forced in to conquest mode if you don’t want to…
You asked for a solo que and i replyed you why the game dont need this ( at least not right now)
GW1 has a solo q as random arena but the true pvp who made that game so succesfull is GVG ( and fun with ha ) they both are TEAM PLAYED. That’s why im right and you not
You asked for a solo que and i replyed you why the game dont need this ( at least not right now)
GW1 has a solo q as random arena but the true pvp who made that game so succesfull is GVG ( and fun with ha ) they both are TEAM PLAYED. That’s why im right and you not
Nope, not at all. Random arenas were very popular for people that just started learning the game, and/or didn’t have competitive team.
Making free tournaments solo-que only would solve many problems this game has. Remove hot-join all-together, or just leave 5 vs 5 servers, and try to transfer all your population to actually doing tournaments, and learning how to play. They’d also get some knowledge of tactics, make some friends, learn some tricks and so on, which you just can’t do in hot-join, because it’s all about killing others, doesn’t matter if your team wins or not.
Removing tickets from paids, at least for now, would also make a difference. I find it shameful that you need to either pay with real money to get to play paids, or farm free tourneys, which is disgusting, and no game that called itself competitive has ever been asking for real money, or farming, in order to stay competitive. Remove those tickets, you’ll get a nice amount of money through custom arenas, if you somehow manage to bring your playerbase back.
Nope, not at all. Random arenas were very popular for people that just started learning the game, and/or didn’t have competitive team.
Making free tournaments solo-que only would solve many problems this game has. Remove hot-join all-together, or just leave 5 vs 5 servers, and try to transfer all your population to actually doing tournaments, and learning how to play. They’d also get some knowledge of tactics, make some friends, learn some tricks and so on, which you just can’t do in hot-join, because it’s all about killing others, doesn’t matter if your team wins or not.
Removing tickets from paids, at least for now, would also make a difference. I find it shameful that you need to either pay with real money to get to play paids, or farm free tourneys, which is disgusting, and no game that called itself competitive has ever been asking for real money, or farming, in order to stay competitive. Remove those tickets, you’ll get a nice amount of money through custom arenas, if you somehow manage to bring your playerbase back.
I fully agree with you. And of top of that – glory gain need to be changed. In fact you should get a glory as a team and every team member should be rewarded equally for its contribution. I mentioned this one earlier – kind of glory pool should be made during the match and every activity just add a glory to this pool, at end of the game – its all glory equally divided between players.
Thats absolutely needed otherwise PUG mentality will always make the game only gloryfarming instead of going to WIN game.
I said it before, and i’ll say it again, bad news is still better than no news (and this is more or less bad news haha). Glad you responded at least. Its too late to keep me interested personally, but at least maybe if you continually update us with information people like myself who are quitting will come back at some point down the line.
i hate the conquest stile whic brings tanky playing and is boring as kitten i whant cap the flag death match and moust of all RANK i wanna see rank elo sistem COMON they put this kitten primitive pvp sistem in game they develop 5 years what did they miss the leage of legends sistem and WoW whit the arenas , do they live under rock or something .