Stronghold - Beta Feedback
Here were the strategies in use and commentary to go with it:
1 – Necro & Ranger repeatedly beat their heads against the walls “literally in this case”. Even if they wiped, what was important was getting in there, dealing large AoE DPS and wiping out NPCs, then respawning and doing the same thing over and over again. This aspect of Stronghold felt like it lacked dynamic. The AoE Nuker builds are able to just plain ignore other PCs and focus on the NPCs and well let’s face it, winning Stronghold is about killing NPCs, not PCs. At this point Stronghold isn’t even about surviving, it’s just about killing NPCs. I feel that gate guards are seriously lacking in defense and power as well as the lord itself. A good Power Necro with something like a Trapper or a 100 Blades Warrior can get in there and burst that entire room down “PvE mob stacking style” in a matter of seconds. You guys gotta do something differently here with the AI and boost the strength of these NPCs.
2 – Greatsword/Sword Warrior plays the main peeler. He is an unstoppable peeling machine between stability and mobile strikes. Usually seems best when he starts play by head hunting enemy bombers but can easily peel over to the Necro & Ranger if they are meeting enemy defenses or to the Engi Gate Defense if needed.
This aspect of Stronghold was good. The main peeler is a very active role and full of varying dynamic as you move around the map and assist where needed. This role involves much player vs player engagement “which is good” and rewards very mobile builds that you wouldn’t see in Conquest or Zerg compositions “which is also good”. We chose to roll a GS/Sword Warrior but there many builds that could be used as the main MvP peeler that are nothing like the meta Conquest builds and this all good for the ultimate dynamic of different GW2 gameplay modes.
3 – Shatter Mesmer rocks the Portal Entre for fast resupply & treb play. As long as he can keep rattling out the bombers to run with the Necro & Ranger, the team’s offense stays strong. If the supply area gets over-ran, the Warrior peels in and the Mesmer falls back to the treb and aims it on top of the Warrior or helps bomb enemy bombers, so on and so forth with ridiculous Portal Entre shinanigans.
This here is where I’ll comment on bombers & archers. There is no reason to use archers in Stronghold right now. Players running peel builds kill bombers quickly enough to begin with and the archers become a waste of time & supplies. The archers need a boost to their DPS & Defenses so that they can make a real impact vs. actual players during defense. Then they would be worth using. Aside from that, supply running/peeling/treb play is all good in Stronghold. The dynamic is very fun and promotes plenty of player vs. player engagement.
4 – Pure Turret Engineer playing gate defense while turtle-necking in and out of the door is Absolutely the strongest method of stalling the destruction of your gates. Mostly due to Accelerant-Packed Turrets and a utility line up as this: Healing Turret, Rocket Turret, Thumper Turret, Net Turret, Supply Crate.
The AI of the bombers needs attention as well as the builds they use. One problem we noticed is that bombers stack up on top of each other and this makes it extremely easy for any AoE DPS or CCs to just shut them down immediately. Maybe they could spread out a bit? Other than the AI commentary, gate defense also feels like it lacks dynamic because it is more about killing/interrupting NPCs than it is fighting other PCs. This is the same problem I felt with offensive gate pushing, it encourages attacking NPCs and not players.
My concern:
The NPCs felt too important and too weak to live up to that importance. They are so important that the player’s priority targets are NPCs and not players such to the point that I often saw players ignoring each other in favor of NPC targets. In the long run, people will view Stronghold as a low-skill cap environment that has a slight aversion to actual player vs. player engagement. Something in the middle of PvE and PvP.
My suggestion:
Tweak a few things, find a few ways to make actual player vs. player combat engagement more mandatory in Stronghold. Simply tweaking the strength of NPCs would be a good start. If the NPCs were stronger in general, players would be more inclined to prioritize targets on other players rather than squishy non-dangerous NPCs.
Just a quick question: Are you fighting against other teams?
Since there are so many objectives on the map, it really feels like communication and tactic are really important. Maybe that’s the reason you are winning, and due to your team constellation?
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
Thank you for this detailed feedback.
Sadly I have to say this sounds more like an PvE speedrun competition than like actual PvP. :-(
Great gamemode but I think there needs to be a system in place for a comeback like for example repairing the gates maybe with supply
Great gamemode but I think there needs to be a system in place for a comeback like for example repairing the gates maybe with supply
I don’t think the devs will go down with that route, they did say they want to keep the length of the game as same as Conquest. If anything maybe they could add an option to add guards, as a comeback option? That being said, make a limit of guards that are allowed to be recruited, you certainly don’t want to face a team who has recruited 100 guards or something -_- .
Stronghold is a blast and our team had a great time tonight. Though for the sake of the beta test, here is a summary of our team’s experience tonight:
Quickly figured out that conquest builds do not work in Stronghold
So our team ran this and we were winning about 90% of our matches:
- Power Well Necromancer Offensive Pusher/Lord Room AoE Nuker
- Trap Ranger Offensive Pusher/Lord Room AoE Nuker
- GS/Sword Warrior “Mobile Strikes” Main Peeler/NPC immobilization DPS
- Shatter Mesmer “Portal Entre” Main Supply Runner/Treb Player
- Pure Turret Engineer Gate Defense
You’re right, Stronghold is a blast…hopefully they’ll make the beta longer, 1 day is not enough.
Agree with concerns in points 1&3.
1. Yes. Most of the times and without executing some more advanced strategies, it comes down to breaking the first gate, losing your NPCs and clearing out for future spawns. AI is sadly, still really exploitable. You can lure the lord or other NPCs into the corner or make them chase you around. I had a situation when we had two bosses ready to bash the enemy’s inner gate and they would do that no problem. But single S/D Thief running around with the shortbow was able to lure both of them completly out of the gate and make them run in circles instead of doing their job. ArenaNet, you have to fix tjis aggro.
3. Kind of. Archers are good, but only when massed. One game we created more than 15 archers with the help of portal and they pretty much wiped whole lord room with no problem, in couple seconds. They also seem to have less hp than bombers. They need something more.
What we found really successful was either first minute push and aim to end the game within 1:40 or so (timewarps on bombers at both gates) and that works against pugs the best…
Or killing initial npc wave and bunkering supply with builds equipped with tons of immobilize, CC and survival, slowly pushing through with exclusive resources, then going for double boss mega push. If you deny the Supply, there’s no need for Defender, for real. Enemy teams just can’t get anything untill we leave for push. They don’t have the “Eco” so they’re just sitting duck with destroyed Trebuchet.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Sadly I have to say this sounds more like an PvE speedrun competition than like actual PvP. :-(
This. It’s nice for a change, and some people may even prefer it to conquest, but it should definitely not be put with conquest maps.
GS/Hammer also worked pretty well for a similar situation. You lost a little mobility without sword offhand, but the CC from hammer is amazing for interrupting channels as well as for shutting down grouped enemies, such as in the lord room. The only downside I found to hammer was that you can’t knock down enemy heroes and really need immobilize slow them down in any meaningful way.
Also, I know a guildie who found that longbow ranger was exceptional at using the treb since the treb location is also such a great perch for ranged dps.
It certainly favours offensive builds a lot more than defensive.
Only problem I have with the map so far are the trebs, they are way to powerful especially when you fight in 2v1 or something anyway. I’d like it if the trebs only deals damage to the NPCs and/or drains supps from players (make it drop so everyone can pick it up)
It snowballs way too hard. Guards don’t do jack, so if their whole team is attacking you’re forced to defend with the whole team as well and if you’re behind you have no chance of turning it around. Turret Engies really ruin the game by placing their turrets at supplies and near choke points. Since this build is impossible to 1v1 for all melee builds it greatly impacts the enjoyment of the game. At least in Conquest you don’t see turrets TOO often.
Also, they have to put the doors somewhere else where people can’t constantly disengage.
I didn’t feel like defending was very easy. Or to elaborate, that once the other team seems to get a foothold, it’s really difficult to make up for it. I wish I could spend supply on guards who defended. If you could do that, you could wipe an enemy push, replace the guards, and start a push of your own. Once the doors are down you can turtle and win because the points are scored and there is such a risk to have your lord killed that you can’t leave it wide open. Plus the defending npcs were very weak, IMO.
That’s the only feedback I feel comfortable giving right now, 9 games isn’t enough to really soak it in.
There could be some rewards for successfully denying the push.
My idea would be something like a kill streak reward. If you kill one player inside your base, the timer starts for 30 seconds. For every enemy player you stomp eithin those 30 seconds, you instantly spawn one archer and one bomber for your lane. As a bonus:
1- player streak – nothing happens.
2- player streak – Your team gets +30 stats and your spawns get increased morale (percentage overall buff) by, let’s say, 20%.
3- Morale buff 30%, Full heal for your lord.
4- Resurrect and full heal for all lord room guards, inner gate guards, full heal for lord.
5- Inner gate rebuilt.
That’s your solid comeback mechanic. If you go full zerker inside and wipe before leaving the base, you have to defend now.
Would require some bonus time on timer though.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
I agree with a comment the OP made, Conquest builds do not work. Please keep Stronghold in a separate queue.
I run minion necro in conquest cause I like using that to tank points vice the power/lich necro that is meta there. Minions were an epic fail in stronghold. I switched to the power well and found it really effective.
I also play the shoutbow warrior in conquest, but found it much less effective than a hammer-axe/mace warrior because of the interrupt ability. Other than door defense, there is very little defending occuring in this mode. There is an enormous amount of channeling. The ability to interrupt hero channels is so important and I couldnt do that on my conquest build.
Without build templates, I think there is going to either be a lot of complaining or people will quickly drop out of playing PvP because they cant play the game mode they want.
This game mode was infinitely better for me running a build geared toward the mechanics of Stronghold rather than my conquest builds.
Something such as Rym’s suggestion would be great. It would punish poor lord rushing aggression and allow a losing team a momentum shift. Though if I were to suggest a list of momentum shifting kill-streak bonuses, I would avoid giving bonus points to the losing team because after all, it is supposed to be the losing team who is backed up in to their lord room :P I would think that something like this is reasonable:
“Kill-streak bonuses only occur with enemy kills that are within your lord’s room and within 30 seconds of each other. If 30 seconds go by without a kill, the kill-streak progression resets. If the 5th bonus activates, it begins from kill 1 again.”
Kill 1 – Lord receives a small 5% heal
Kill 2 – Lord receives a small 5% heal
Kill 3 – Lord receives a small 5% heal and one NPC re-spawns
Kill 4 – Lord receives a small 5% heal and another NPC re-spawns
Kill 5 – Gate in to lord’s room reseals
@ Bruiser →
Yes, we need a save/load build template option added to Guild Wars 2
This is without a doubt at the top of the list of “good things that could be added”
(edited by Trevor Boyer.6524)
Something such as Rym’s suggestion would be great. It would punish poor lord rushing aggression and allow a losing team a momentum shift. Though if I were to suggest a list of momentum shifting kill-streak bonuses, I would avoid giving bonus points to the losing team because after all, it is supposed to be the losing team who is backed up in to their lord room :P I would think that something like this is reasonable:
“Kill-streak bonuses only occur with enemy kills that are within your lord’s room and within 30 seconds of each other. If 30 seconds go by without a kill, the kill-streak progression resets. If the 5th bonus activates, it begins from kill 1 again.”
Kill 1 – Lord receives a small 5% heal
Kill 2 – Lord receives a small 5% heal
Kill 3 – Lord receives a small 5% heal and one NPC re-spawns
Kill 4 – Lord receives a small 5% heal and another NPC re-spawns
Kill 5 – Gate in to lord’s room reseals
Your suggestion will lead to two things, High Burst classes with a combination of bunker to prevent any of the killing streak bonuses.
You are making a simply solution more complex. The price for failure at the lord is to get a debuff (from the lord ONLY) that increases your respawn time to (20-30) seconds but also make it so that as the match progressives respawn timer increases. This will allow the defending team to be rewarded for wiping the other team at the lord.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
(edited by silvermember.8941)
My guild (almost by accident) ran a similar group as the OP (I was Celestial Rifle Engi, and the Ranger was LB/GS) and have to agree with most of his points.
Archers are largely unnecessary at the moment; only if you’re sending bombers unescorted are they needed, and a lone player with almost any build will rip through bombers that have no player escort while ignoring the archers, who won’t move on to the guards/gates until the player is dead or out of aggro range. If Archers are to be a thing, they need something that messes with players (CC, debuff, buff for doorbreakers, something) and/or the guards need to be buffed in a way where Archers are the ideal means of killing them (perhaps with some anti-player skill of their own) making their AI do the current hero “ignore everything till you get to the gate/lord” thing (other than whatever player-specific skills you give them) might also be a good thing if they’re never going to be able to defeat players on their own, stupidly huge numbers notwithstanding.
One thing that bugged me was that, as other has mentioned, there is almost no reward/advantage earned for successfully defending a push. Every game we won (including one against an Anet team) the moment it went downhill for them (and it would go downhill fast) was the moment they went full D to stop a push, only to find out that, in doing so, it gave the Peeler and gate guarder the freedom to also run supply and even assist in the offense once it got to the lord room, which just multiplied the problems they were having and right now there is nothing that gives them a chance to turn the tide.
The idea of rewards for killing players seems like a good start for that. Other than the streak idea, one simple change might be that players always drop supply when defeated, so a defeated push could be followed up by a rush to the spawn doors and starting a new offence. Perhaps you could also give the option to make at least some of the guards (maybe just the ones in the lord’s room) respawnable by spending supply? Make it a 2 supply cost (or make player-dropped supply “special” and only take that kind for guard spawn), and have them spawn where the other NPCs do and travel to their guard point so there is at least an opening for the attackers.
Also wonder how it might work if there was some kind of “Supply Fatigue” that prevented you from picking up supply at the supply points (player-drop supply should be always pick-up-able) to give a little breathing space after a push? or maybe something that completely disables the other teams ability to spawn NPCs for a short time?
Not sure if I want to see anything that would make the doors respawn/repair though, at least not to full health. That feels like, more than anything else, something that should remain as it is to give some sort of permanent reward/progress for a push. The only thing I might be OK with, is if you could spawn barricades in place of destroyed gates, something players can take down themselves, but a doorbreaker or archer could take down even faster?
Ooo, just had an idea that could go a long way to fixing the whole “ignore the players, focus on the NPCs” sort of problem, and perhaps even make Archers worthwhile.
You know how they’ve mentioned that, starting with the new borderlands, Doyaks get an “Escorted” buff when a player is nearby, making them nigh-unkillable until those player(s) are gone? What if the guards, and bombers got the same buff? (defending player would have to be on the same side of the gates as the guards for the guards to get their buff, of course) That would make killing the player the first priority, and making archers completely outside of this (both in not receiving the buff, and ignoring it on the guards) would make them pretty kitten useful without then being OP. Just need some AI changes to make sure that the guards always aggro the doorbreakers before anything else, and the archers ignore everything but guards until there are no guards left at the gate.
(edited by Foefaller.1082)
Another option could be to have Archers inflict Weakness when they attack players. Simple change, but gives them some use as escorts. They still wouldn’t deter a player from killing bombers, but they would slow them down significantly. If there was a player with a friendly archer around, that additional weakness would be useful and certainly create a purpose for archers without changing their dynamic with other NPC’s.
This gametype I honestly loved it, until everyone began coming up with their “meta” for it now. Seemingly everyone has the idea now its a DPS race through the gate and who gets in the fastest. Because of this, all I see is people running dungeon meta team consistencies and builds (with slight PvP variances), just plowing through everything and half the time my team falls apart.
Due to this, I might as well just run dungeons and get actual gold out of it. Since everyone has this mindset that “the meta” has to be done, there’s literally no point to this gametype anymore as people have already figured it out.
My suggestion, make the game impossible to be a DPS race.
I think the gamemode could try using an increasing respawn timer the longer the match goes on, that’s a comeback mechanic that rewards winning fights in the later stages of the match. I also feel like the gamemode could use a longer match duration, by atleast 5 minutes.
Other than this I think this gamemode is a blast.
So far i think this game mode is a good fresh air from conquest only mode (i love conquest, but variety is always nice). I like the mechanics aswell, its different, its good, just….
The only real problem (for me) that i found out is that u can basically win a game without having to do proper pvp fight. I think the issue is inside the supply/heroes commune casts. By being interruptable just from CC and not from normal hit, u can basically make the enemy waste their cc to stop you, then cast without any fear of being interrupted, and leave the spot. HERO SHOULD BE A FIGHTING SPOT! similar goes with supply depot, ppl just play the ignore game and leave for build npcs on their lanes.
TL:DR: Make commune/supply casts interruptable ON HIT (like for example Temple of silent Storm buffs), so ppl will have more chances and an actual REASON to stop and fight over a crucial spot
PS: The blue treb is bugged, it cant hit the breakers near to outer gate, just the red treb does.
(edited by Robwars.9386)
Heh. Our perfect team was:
- Gs/Lb warrior
- Gs/Lb warrior
- Medi guard
- Grenade engi
- Shatter mes
With that combo we wiped anyone. Mes and engi were on the defense. Guard and the 2 Wars constantly fighting the other players for the heroes and killing lord.
Stronghold is a blast and our team had a great time tonight. Though for the sake of the beta test, here is a summary of our team’s experience tonight:
Quickly figured out that conquest builds do not work in Stronghold
So our team ran this and we were winning about 90% of our matches:
- Power Well Necromancer Offensive Pusher/Lord Room AoE Nuker
- Trap Ranger Offensive Pusher/Lord Room AoE Nuker
- GS/Sword Warrior “Mobile Strikes” Main Peeler/NPC immobilization DPS
- Shatter Mesmer “Portal Entre” Main Supply Runner/Treb Player
- Pure Turret Engineer Gate Defense
Turret engineer is horrible in this map compared to rifle engie or condi engie. Condi engie especially would defend better than turrets. I 1vX’d on rifle engie (ty pve heros!)It’s not like conquest where you have to fight over a point. So you can just let the AI fbois sit there while you deeps guards and their rocket and rifle turret.
It was just all about turtle-necking that gate and abusing the ever-cycling knockdowns/knockbacks to stall enemy actions and gate destruction as much as possible. Really you could call the turret engi “gate support” not defense. It was the peelers who were really doing the gate defense. The turret engi just gave mad support from behind a wall.
Just gonna add – I liked Stronghold a lot. I’m not usually a PvPer so I can’t really give the kind of thoughtful analysis I’ve seen here (love reading it though) but I will say – maybe the points given for killing NPCs is too much? Donno… in those rare matches that were decided by points, I would have rather racked up my win through smashing whatever gates we got through or how many PC kills we got. NPC-kill wins felt, just, “meh”.
1- Running supply is quite boring —> Archers and bombers should spawn automatically. The mid zone where you gather supply could be changed to a neutral buff/boss.
2- Timer needs to go. It’s too anticlimatic.
3- Too many objectives. We don’t need trebuchets.
4- Remove all the invisible walls. The conquest maps are quite good because they have a ton of jumps/teleports to kite while champion’s dusk only has the main lanes
(edited by Marcos.3690)
I can’t begin to suggest improvements. I had time to play exactly one match of Stronghold, and it was my first sPvP match ever. Maaaaybe I did the clock tower one in beta? I don’t remember. But definitely this was my first in the live game.
So my feedback will come from the point of view of an almost total neophyte. I say almost because I did watch live streams from the cons and I paid close attention to Friday’s stream about Stronghold, so I was aware of the overall strategy. My expectation was that I would die the moment an enemy player came at me, however, as I’ve never done well in PvP in any game save by sheer luck. I was on Mumble with two friends on my team; however, we didn’t do very much coordination beyond noting who was running to get a hero.
I chose to run my support guardian, and set her build to the same I use in PvE. Minimal dps, maximum absorption/boons/heals. I figured if that didn’t work out well, I could reset her to something tailored to the mode. It worked marvelously. I escorted breakers and archers and heroes, pinned down and blinded players while my team murdered them — I even got several rainbow unicorn finishers off — and I never went down once. I almost got the killing stomp on the Lord, too, but someone or something knocked me away at the last half a second so a teammate did it.
I chalk up the win to the other side being more clueless than me, likely with so many people trying it out because it’s new, but winning that strongly did make a good first impression for me as to the gameplay I would prefer closer matches as a rule. This, though, was a good introduction.
Even if one player cursed out my friend as she kill-stomped him, for no reason I could see, and told her to L2P. This confused me, since he was the one losing the fight …
There’s so much that can be improved in this mod to make it much more fun to play with. & a few have bin mentioned here.
In my opinion, first thing is, not make into a MOBA. Like mentioned above, running for supplies is boring. It’s more fun to intercept supply runs then to run it. so why not have X amount of skritts run the supply for us instead. Leaving us the option to slow it down by killing them. That’s just an example.
Capping the resources is OKish, but running back to your base to deliver them is quite boring.
Really enjoyed Stronghold from the few matches that I played. All games that I played I ran LB ranger thought the mobility and DPS range would translate well into Stronghold and I feel for the most part it does. Played mostly defensive role of treb/supply and won the majority of my matches with a few epic games in the win and lose column. A quick list of things I think would make the experience better.
1.) Treb aim being fixed to be able to hit road in front of keep gate.
2.) Archers add speed boost to door breakers when near them.
3.) Add Ballista near inner gate.
I feel siege weapons should be a highlight of the game mode (Not saying it should be its only focus) not only do they control NPC really well but force a fight between players. They can also help teams have come back moments by how significant they could be in fights. This is why I suggest adding a Ballista near the inner gate. My other suggestion archers adding speed boost to door breakers would make archers a bit more important for offense. Maybe for each archer near the door breaker it gains more speed. Ill probably do a more detailed post later.
Stronghold Feedback
I think the Treb could be removed.
It would be nice if the game had a “forced end” mechanic like VoD, perhaps if all gates are destroyed the Guild Lord and NPCs rush to the enemy base to destroy any remaining gates they have and if gates are all destroyed on both sides both GLs+NPCs rush out and fight in the middle. Rather that than points. (All this after a certain time limit has been passed)
The game mode still benefits Cele a lot due to teams spreading and soaking damage and AoE healing being so good while spamming AoE damage (obviously people were naturally using their familiar builds during the test but I did note how effective the Cele stuff continued to be).
Its very easily snowballed.
Raise NPC HP and lower their armour (this makes them still durable but heals less effective on them).
I realise its quite complex and difficult to tune all the bits and bobs but thought I’d give my limit experience feedback – I might be totally wrong in my thoughts as didn’t play very much.
Raise NPC HP and lower their armour (this makes them still durable but heals less effective on them).
Would make condition builds ineffective, then.
One of my guild teammates mentioned something about archers that has made me rethink their usefulness (or lack thereof)
As long as there are any guards alive, a doorbreaker has to be escorted, even if the other team has gone full offense; A single guard can kill doorbreakers before they can attack a door, almost even if the entire enemy team spent 10 supply to spawn 10 doorbreakers at once, and if the guards in front of the outer door are gone, the moment that door is down, the ones standing behind will stop any and all doors-breakers until someone pulls off and attack the guards themselves.
Archers, on the other hand, only have to be escorted if the enemy has players on defense. If they don’t, a couple archers will be able to take down all the guards and doors on their own, given the time. While the enemy team might be able to ignore a doorbreaker as long as there is still at least one enemy guard standing, they can’t ignore archers; someone has to be on defense to deal with them.
That being said, there might still be a need for some buff on archers; depending on how far that push is at, a couple archers might not be enough of a threat to enough people to peel off of the offensive.
(edited by Foefaller.1082)
Raise NPC HP and lower their armour (this makes them still durable but heals less effective on them).
Would make condition builds ineffective, then.
^This, reduce the HP and increase the armor.
The Dhuumfire thread
Conditions are already super OP As defense… caltrops thieves and survival rangers can screw a set of npcs in a few abilities and have to do nothing else.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
One simple thing rewarding killing players would be to just significantly increase respawn timer. 30 seconds, 45 seconds. That would give the number advantage.
As for guards – The AI is still a problem. Acting as the “shephard” after outer gate I was just running up to every guard npc, hitting them two times, procceeding to next group, repeat. Their aggro didn’t want to break, so I was just pulling whole 6 guard defense somewhere out of gate (so skritts don’t get cleaved) and killing all 6 of them at once as shoutbow. AI should really prioritize doorbreakers, because I can just exploit it left and right, PvE style.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Ah yes, one last thing:
Heroes should fight back against players
They were just too easy to kill and not scary at all
The heroes should be intimidating when summoned