Stuff to do in PVP lobby
how can I get this point noticed by the devs?
devs have been noticed about the fact that this sucks, we’re just waiting for magic to happen
supposed to kitten-talk all the other players and make a mroe toxic environment than it already is because there has been 1 pvp mode for 3 years.
Here is the problem the devs have:
The reason you are forced to stay in HoTM is to prevent players from engaging in another activity, so they decide not to enter the queue. (This was done back when a queue pop would force you in a match without a accept prompt) If they allowed players to do something fun in HoTM, then some players may choose to complete their task rather than enter the match.
I don’t agree with the reasoning, and frankly I think its just easier for them to be lazy about it. However, their recent change to dishonor (see thread on the front page) cements my belief that they want to avoid people queuing and not accepting their queue. Again, something I see no problem with.
Either way, your best bet for suggesting an activity for HotM would have to be something no players would consider missing a queue to complete. I think the best solution is to create some activity that automatically ends when the queue pops, so if you are worried about it ending, you have to leave queue before it pops. Ideally, it would allow players to generate some gold while waiting, but that’s just me.
yeah either add something to do in HoTM or allow going outside of it at least to a set of places. (HoTM could also take a redesign. all the NPCs have alpha versions of current skills/evades etc, the lord layout is unseen in any map. add more space, then they could allow dueling there and other activities)
6k+ PvP games
I can’t believe we can’t duel in the lobby. Such a waste of time right now.