I use to be a hardcore Spvp player and ignore the Pve aspect of the game because the Pvp game in this game has grown on me so much that it has made me feel like their isn’t any other game out there thats the same at all. I return back to the game almost a year ago and i been doing PVE more then Spvp, Kinda odd isn’t it? I recently got back into Spvp because i wanted to give it a new try and work for the legendary backpack. I notice when taking rank serious we ran into some issues that i just found unbelievable able to be allowed to happen at all and i’ll be listing a few things i wish you guys would address so more Players can take Rank more serious then what it needs to be. Keep in mind i come from a hardcore League Of Legend ranking system where getting to plat/diamond isn’t easy at all and I like the idea of how their Elo system works including how they do their reset during the off season.
1: End Of Season Reward
Finish the season in gold 2, after being placed in bronze during a nightmare act of 10 games with random players. Whats the purpose of claiming up from bronze if the reward for Bronze/Silver/Gold is all the same? What’s to stop me and everyone else to just spam Rank matches and not take it serious if it’s meant to just be a joke for players because they are only in to obtain the legendary backpack, or spam matches just to obtain the shards? Imo that this needs to be re-looked into and reconsider on how players spam matches with little to no effort being given because they are only in it for the easy rewards/achievements. Which brings me back to the question about end of season rewards, if players don’t have a reason to grind and keep climbing up in the ranks what other purpose are you really giving them to take the matches serious? In League Of Legends if you are consider to be Gold+ you obtain a new skin and ward for placing above silver players… this leads to player to grind/take the matches more serious from time to time and it has helped stop a lot of the trolling before they started doing this.
2: Players NEED to have a decent amount of GAMES played on a class before jumping into rank
I don’t understand how people can jump yolo into a rank game with zero understanding of a class, or how the class is meant to be played just because they are trying to get the achievements done for 1-4 path for the legendary back piece. This issue has caused a lot of games to be completely one sided and has destroyed the purpose of a fair “match”. I believe this should be re-looked into and reconsider so we can have a more Balance match up and not a complete blow out, maybe limit each class needing at least 500 games played BEFORE being able to use it for Rank.
I’ll leave it at for now but these are some of the issues i seen as to why Spvp has been completely unbalance from time to time, or as to why no one takes Spvp so serious. Love the game, and I love the effort made from Anet but i need you guys to make spvp ranking more serious and give players a reason to push further into the ranks instead of just leaving it be with some basic titles.
Thank you
(edited by zoopop.5630)