Tested Dhuumfire nerf - Guess % nerf
If this is true I applaud anet on a job well done
Time to put those 30 points elsewhere then. Yay for build diversity. Tbh though it might have been better to put the burn on Dark Path and increase the duration a bit.
Well everyone should recognize this nerf is massive. It is the ONLY nerf in the patch which actually buries a build which is borderline in the meta.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Every single change they made regarding Dhuumfire, starting with it’s implementation, has been a massive poopstorm of errors and poor decisions. This is just a continuation of that. It’s like they have no idea what they want the necromancer to be, so they’re just randomly shuffling things around until something sticks.
How about increased duration, runes of Balthazar and sigil of smoldering ?
you can make Dhuumfire last for around 7s and 6s burning from Heal
The patch isn’t out yet. They introduced a massive wad of power creep with the new stuff so your beloved Dumbfire will have new toys to play with.
I thought Necros hated Dumbfire…
Why don’t they just remove dhuumfire and unnerf all the indirect nerfs they had to implement as a result of dhuumfire?
Nerferino dhuumfire ty
Now…maybe I’m missing something…maybe they are going to significantly increase the payoff for hitting a Dhuumfire with Life Blast and/or reduce the internal cooldown. If so, then you would have a more complicated formula for calculating the nerf %.
Burnig from Dhuumfire after patch will last 4s base, whereas currently you will only get two tics of burning for 30 in Spite.
Right now you can bump burn ticks from Dhuumfire up to 3 seconds with a single set of runes, while you will be able to get 5 second burns with it after the patch.
If they plan to do this to dhuumfire they should at LEAST buff the bleeding back to its original state. Why are they taking this away from necros? Necros are fine!
If they plan to do this to dhuumfire they should at LEAST buff the bleeding back to its original state. Why are they taking this away from necros? Necros are fine!
Not if you’re playing ele or engi.
This gonna be a massive nerf. Hopefully lyssa nerf will make up for it but im doubtful. The removal of perplexity runes from the patch also doesn’t help as i imagined they thought the rune set would offset the loss of dhumfire. Its a shame lord rosicky will have to reroll to get no 1 again :P
Necros aren’t strong now and haven’t been since last summer. So all those people saying they deserve it are clearly don’t have any knowledge of the current meta.
This gonna be a massive nerf. Hopefully lyssa nerf will make up for it but im doubtful. The removal of perplexity runes from the patch also doesn’t help as i imagined they thought the rune set would offset the loss of dhumfire. Its a shame lord rosicky will have to reroll to get no 1 again :P
Necros aren’t strong now and haven’t been since last summer. So all those people saying they deserve it are clearly don’t have any knowledge of the current meta.
Perplexity runes would have made every single condi build unstoppable.
Perplexity runes would have made every single condi build unstoppable.
How about increased duration, runes of Balthazar and sigil of smoldering ?
you can make Dhuumfire last for around 7s and 6s burning from Heal
Well, isn’t that something. I guess the OP has to run the numbers again when the patch finally lands.
i was thinking a slightly nerfed version of perplexity would of been a good addition to the meta. But they do need another something to boost their dps as i feel it may be too low post patch.
Maybe more torment, a condition introduced for the necro but used to greater effect by warrior. Or they could revert to a pre dhumfire necro (kinda wish they would start again from pre dhumfire on all classes).
I don’t get the point of the test, also I dont really understand what you did to test it.
You don’t need to test anything, all the numbers are available and you can clearly see, when its gonna be more effective and when its gonna be less effective, to be a bit more concrete: there is a cutoff at some point. It depends on how long it’ll take you to hit a lifeblast, which depends on your opponent obv.
i don’t want healing signet nerfed more, they should now look at dogged march and adrenal healing, it is the combo of 3 passive heals that makes the meta builds OP.
i use a glass cannon war who has healing signet and its not fair that my survival gets nerfed because of the meta clones with adrenal healing, dogged march and healing sig.
also dhuumfire was changed to make it less “dumb fire” that requires nothing except spamming 1 to apply every damaging condition (high bleed stacks, burning and perma poison).
with the new version you will still be able to do some pretty awesome spikes with deathshroud 1+3 (burning and fear/terror) but now you will atleast need to click other buttons.