The I love sPvP thread.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I love sPvP.

Im not a try hard, I’m not a no-lifer, I’m only ranked in the mid 30’s because I mistakenly got a character to 80. We are only called these names because people are jealous.

Some of us are just born better, some of us start off at a higher level of skill and understanding than others. I see, talk with, and play with/against these people every day in sPvP. We are a niche community, and a lot of wvw/pve fanboys have a lot to complain about us, and with good reason. We make it hard.

I LOVE gw2 sPvP, and yeah its lacking in certain aspects and you would kind of expect more from the hype, but the quality of the pvp that is available is better than anywhere else I could go. Its not about the rewards, or the options, or diverse pvp content, what is already there promises an amazing future. That stuff comes in time.

Every single MMO that has tried to accomplish a solid pvp component has started off basic and expanded from there. I can wait, I’m patient. Patience is one of those things that makes US better.


Nunganok[WMD] – Waste Management and Disposal – Recruiting sPvP’ers.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Although I may not be good at it, I love it. There’s a lot of play in regards to skill versus just running “that op build”, now it’s not as skill-based as, say, Touhou Hisoutensoku, where the only limitations are your skill, but it’s really well done for an EARLY release MMORPG.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: tiboi.3108


yes, Yes, YES!!! I love facerolling and getting cursed, HELL YEAH!!!!

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


I actually enjoy it too. kitten the people who complain 24/7! THIS. IS. GUILDWARS2222222222222222 <3

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


starting to sound like swtor forums. gaiz haz patience awesomeness is near!

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


starting to sound like swtor forums. gaiz haz patience awesomeness is near!

First of all this is a thread for people who love sPvP. Please stay on topic, go to the swtor forums or somewhere where your attitude is popular, like runescape, 4chan, reddit or 8th grade.

Im not sure what you mean, I never made the obvious mistake of playing swtor. I did play gw1 however, which you clearly didnt. You should take a look at the content release record of gw1.

Unlike SWTOR, you can look back at gw1 and have an educated idea as to what to expect. So, yeah…patience has actually been proven to be rewarding with anet.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: SkyTumn.3278


Yeah man, that’s the way guys! I LOVE sPvP and tPvP too. Awesome game with awesome combat system. I LOVE it. Keep up the LOVE guys! <3

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Yeaaaah!!! Love all the sPvP love we’re getting here.

My favorite thing about the sPvP besides the PvP is the fact that I get to play any class whenever I want to and if I havent poured gold into dyes on a character I can just re-make any of them if I decide I want them to look different. Love it.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Lipstickxx.1043


Agree , love it as well !

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


A lot of people seem to complain about hotjoins but I think its their attitude getting in the way. Hotjoins are a lot of fun, they’re a great way to relax and casually play your class. The fact that free tournaments pop so much is great too. There’s a healthy mix of teams and pug’s which helps bridge the gap to Paid Tournametns, shows people how its done and what to expect while giving them a chance against other pugs and a break from hot joins(if they popped more haha, they will eventually).

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


I love sPvP as well. No love is perfect, acknowledge the flaws, but stop getting hung up on them!

I love the fact that the community has taken to organizing paid tournaments in light of the massive queues. It is an exemplary trait that I have never encountered before in an MMO (GW1 excluded).

Enjoy pvp for what it is, and above all, nerf thieves!

Nah I’m just kidding.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I love the change up of heart of the mists too for the holidays. The wintersday one got kind of old, but it could be a lot worse. The halloween one was amazingly cool.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


starting to sound like swtor forums. gaiz haz patience awesomeness is near!

First of all this is a thread for people who love sPvP. Please stay on topic, go to the swtor forums or somewhere where your attitude is popular, like runescape, 4chan, reddit or 8th grade.

Im not sure what you mean, I never made the obvious mistake of playing swtor. I did play gw1 however, which you clearly didnt. You should take a look at the content release record of gw1.

Unlike SWTOR, you can look back at gw1 and have an educated idea as to what to expect. So, yeah…patience has actually been proven to be rewarding with anet.

why do i need to look at GW1? Did GW1 have the same emphasis on PvE as GW2? Oh, no it didn’t? I can look at GW2 and see there has been multiple massive PvE updates and zero PvP updates. I can look at GW2 and see issues and features that were requested in BETA #1 that still aren’t here. That’s all I need to see, thanks.

Touting pre-release how they are developing the game to be an e-sport and release without match making? without spectator? What have we got? Oh right 1 new map and working paid tournaments (a feature that was working fine in beta) that offer QPs used for nothing. I should sure go tell my competitive gaming friends to come play this awesome pvp system.

But hey, counting beta time we will have matchmaking system ~9 months after it was requested and only because people complained so loudly that they should add matchmaking BEFORE custom servers, which was their original backwards thinking. Great development speed right there.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I love sPvP.

Im not a try hard, I’m not a no-lifer, I’m only ranked in the mid 30’s because I mistakenly got a character to 80. We are only called these names because people are jealous.

Some of us are just born better, some of us start off at a higher level of skill and understanding than others. I see, talk with, and play with/against these people every day in sPvP. We are a niche community, and a lot of wvw/pve fanboys have a lot to complain about us, and with good reason. We make it hard.

I LOVE gw2 sPvP, and yeah its lacking in certain aspects and you would kind of expect more from the hype, but the quality of the pvp that is available is better than anywhere else I could go. Its not about the rewards, or the options, or diverse pvp content, what is already there promises an amazing future. That stuff comes in time.

Every single MMO that has tried to accomplish a solid pvp component has started off basic and expanded from there. I can wait, I’m patient. Patience is one of those things that makes US better.


Nunganok[WMD] – Waste Management and Disposal – Recruiting sPvP’ers.


The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: uwo.8197


I love the focus on the elementalist (in spvp)! You can stomp warriors and engineers for free inside of swirling winds. You can reflect things; watch rifle warriors annihilate themselves with kill shot! You can daze things out of line of site! You can put up fire aura with a 40 second cooldo… wait. Everything but the last one is rad!

Ele focus is radical. Plus no one uses it, so no one knows what the kitten is going on!

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I love sPvP.

Im not a try hard, I’m not a no-lifer, I’m only ranked in the mid 30’s because I mistakenly got a character to 80. We are only called these names because people are jealous.

Some of us are just born better, some of us start off at a higher level of skill and understanding than others. I see, talk with, and play with/against these people every day in sPvP. We are a niche community, and a lot of wvw/pve fanboys have a lot to complain about us, and with good reason. We make it hard.

I LOVE gw2 sPvP, and yeah its lacking in certain aspects and you would kind of expect more from the hype, but the quality of the pvp that is available is better than anywhere else I could go. Its not about the rewards, or the options, or diverse pvp content, what is already there promises an amazing future. That stuff comes in time.

Every single MMO that has tried to accomplish a solid pvp component has started off basic and expanded from there. I can wait, I’m patient. Patience is one of those things that makes US better.


Nunganok[WMD] – Waste Management and Disposal – Recruiting sPvP’ers.

Actually you’re just another narcissitic kiddy kitten himself to his own imagined elitist grandeur and trying not to get cheeto dust on your unit.

I mean, that’s pretty much the idea that your self obsessed post gave off anyways.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Actually you’re just another narcissitic kiddy kitten himself to his own imagined elitist grandeur and trying not to get cheeto dust on your unit.

I mean, that’s pretty much the idea that your self obsessed post gave off anyways.

Sounds like I hit a nerve, though Im not sure what I said that upset you, I love PvP!!!! Even people that admitted they arent amazing can at least post on topic. The only time I mentioned myself was when I was referencing what I loved about it. In fact I used the words “we” and “us” more so than “I”.

I think I’m reading what you wrote wrong, Braxxus. Is English your first language? You clearly didnt read what I wrote, or maybe something you dont understand is upsetting you. If you have anything constructive to say or any real questions to ask I would love to answer them for you.

why do i need to look at GW1? Did GW1 have the same emphasis on PvE as GW2? Oh, no it didn’t? I can look at GW2 and see there has been multiple massive PvE updates and zero PvP updates. I can look at GW2 and see issues and features that were requested in BETA #1 that still aren’t here. That’s all I need to see, thanks.

Well this is about pvp not pve, so im not sure where you are going with this. You dont seem to ever have any real solid points and your opinion doesnt seem worth while either. If there was any legitimacy to what you are saying other than you stating your opinion as fact I might actually care.

Dont you think there is enough blind negativity on these forums? Why are you here if you dont enjoy sPvP? You are wasting your own time, which says a lot about you, you aren’t leaving a good impression on anyone in the sPvP community.

Also, if you played the game past August you would be aware of the significant attention they have paid to sPvP. What they haven’t wasted their time on is whiny, bottomless, no-substance suggestions and insults from people like you. hahaha

Can we please stay on topic?

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Your post is obnoxious, and so are you.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Your post is obnoxious, and so are you.

I’m sorry if I upset you, but whats obnoxious is the fact that people come here to be mean to people and post off-topic garbage. This thread is about loving sPvP for a change. This is the sPvP section of the forums, not the "I have nothing real to say about sPvP’ section of the forums…

Anyways, I want to touch on what Hammerheart said about individuals in the community organizing paid tournament teams from the public. Thats freaking awesome, and I wish people like that would come to this thread and contribute. People who didnt get stomped in sPvP and then left to troll the sPvP forums. +

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


The people being kittens here are just jealous baddies who got stomped by a thief once and rage quit. PVP IS AWESOME AND I LOVE EVERYONE. HAIL SATAN

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


The people being kittens here are just jealous baddies who got stomped by a thief once and rage quit. PVP IS AWESOME AND I LOVE EVERYONE. HAIL SATAN

Apparently, only mentally challenged think this game has great pvp for “elite players” only.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


The people being kittens here are just jealous baddies who got stomped by a thief once and rage quit. PVP IS AWESOME AND I LOVE EVERYONE. HAIL SATAN

Apparently, only mentally challenged think this game has great pvp for “elite players” only.

Where in the world did you get that from what I said? Hahaha people just don’t like to read these days. Only see what they want too, eh?

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


The people being kittens here are just jealous baddies who got stomped by a thief once and rage quit. PVP IS AWESOME AND I LOVE EVERYONE. HAIL SATAN

Apparently, only mentally challenged think this game has great pvp for “elite players” only.

Where in the world did you get that from what I said? Hahaha people just don’t like to read these days. Only see what they want too, eh?

I see that you need to take your medication.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Actually you’re just another narcissitic kiddy kitten himself to his own imagined elitist grandeur and trying not to get cheeto dust on your unit.

I mean, that’s pretty much the idea that your self obsessed post gave off anyways.

Sounds like I hit a nerve, though Im not sure what I said that upset you, I love PvP!!!! Even people that admitted they arent amazing can at least post on topic. The only time I mentioned myself was when I was referencing what I loved about it. In fact I used the words “we” and “us” more so than “I”.

I think I’m reading what you wrote wrong, Braxxus. Is English your first language? You clearly didnt read what I wrote, or maybe something you dont understand is upsetting you. If you have anything constructive to say or any real questions to ask I would love to answer them for you.

why do i need to look at GW1? Did GW1 have the same emphasis on PvE as GW2? Oh, no it didn’t? I can look at GW2 and see there has been multiple massive PvE updates and zero PvP updates. I can look at GW2 and see issues and features that were requested in BETA #1 that still aren’t here. That’s all I need to see, thanks.

Well this is about pvp not pve, so im not sure where you are going with this. You dont seem to ever have any real solid points and your opinion doesnt seem worth while either. If there was any legitimacy to what you are saying other than you stating your opinion as fact I might actually care.

Dont you think there is enough blind negativity on these forums? Why are you here if you dont enjoy sPvP? You are wasting your own time, which says a lot about you, you aren’t leaving a good impression on anyone in the sPvP community.

Also, if you played the game past August you would be aware of the significant attention they have paid to sPvP. What they haven’t wasted their time on is whiny, bottomless, no-substance suggestions and insults from people like you. hahaha

Can we please stay on topic?

what is opinion about the game releasing tons of content for pve and nothing for pvp? what is opinion about gw1 being pvp centered and gw2 being pve centered? these are facts.

and you are right they havent wasted their time on casuals which is why the pvp playerbase is so small and shrinking by the week.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Re-railing this thread.

I love pvp in gw2, who else loves pvp in gw2?

Post now!

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Thanks Hammerheart, I love sPvP too. I guess I got distracted by Sprawl justifying points that were irrelevant to the subject that no one disputed in the first place. I think he thinks hes right versus me, or something that people on the jersey shore think.

Casuals care about content, elitists care about quality and enjoy it knowing content will be released though it might not be 4 months after release(these people are also often referred to as adults, which isnt necessarily true but often the case). I love the sPvP, the archetypes are great, the classes themselves are great and present diversity amongst the archetypes, the maps are fluent and feel relevant to the surroundings(instead of random blacksmith shops, farms, lumber yards, stables and mines surrounded by impossible-to-scale mountains).

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: uwo.8197


I love all of you.

But I do not love that my “I-love-ele-focus” response is now buried in troll kitten.

cooo. how embarrassing.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I love all of you.

But I do not love that my “I-love-ele-focus” response is now buried in troll kitten.

cooo. how embarrassing.


You know what sPvP needs? Quaggans.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Thanks Hammerheart, I love sPvP too. I guess I got distracted by Sprawl justifying points that were irrelevant to the subject that no one disputed in the first place. I think he thinks hes right versus me, or something that people on the jersey shore think.

Casuals care about content, elitists care about quality and enjoy it knowing content will be released though it might not be 4 months after release(these people are also often referred to as adults, which isnt necessarily true but often the case). I love the sPvP, the archetypes are great, the classes themselves are great and present diversity amongst the archetypes, the maps are fluent and feel relevant to the surroundings(instead of random blacksmith shops, farms, lumber yards, stables and mines surrounded by impossible-to-scale mountains).

thats cool and you adults can enjoy the pvp just like the “adults” still enjoying swtor, warhammer, pirates of the burning sea, age of conan, and many other amazing games.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Thanks Hammerheart, I love sPvP too. I guess I got distracted by Sprawl justifying points that were irrelevant to the subject that no one disputed in the first place. I think he thinks hes right versus me, or something that people on the jersey shore think.

Casuals care about content, elitists care about quality and enjoy it knowing content will be released though it might not be 4 months after release(these people are also often referred to as adults, which isnt necessarily true but often the case). I love the sPvP, the archetypes are great, the classes themselves are great and present diversity amongst the archetypes, the maps are fluent and feel relevant to the surroundings(instead of random blacksmith shops, farms, lumber yards, stables and mines surrounded by impossible-to-scale mountains).

thats cool and you adults can enjoy the pvp just like the “adults” still enjoying swtor, warhammer, pirates of the burning sea, age of conan, and many other amazing games.

You add absolutely nothing to this thread but a sour attitude. Please participate somewhere else.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Thanks Hammerheart, I love sPvP too. I guess I got distracted by Sprawl justifying points that were irrelevant to the subject that no one disputed in the first place. I think he thinks hes right versus me, or something that people on the jersey shore think.

Casuals care about content, elitists care about quality and enjoy it knowing content will be released though it might not be 4 months after release(these people are also often referred to as adults, which isnt necessarily true but often the case). I love the sPvP, the archetypes are great, the classes themselves are great and present diversity amongst the archetypes, the maps are fluent and feel relevant to the surroundings(instead of random blacksmith shops, farms, lumber yards, stables and mines surrounded by impossible-to-scale mountains).

thats cool and you adults can enjoy the pvp just like the “adults” still enjoying swtor, warhammer, pirates of the burning sea, age of conan, and many other amazing games.

You add absolutely nothing to this thread but a sour attitude. Please participate somewhere else.

im sorry i missed the member only lock on this thread. also curious what blind praise threads add to the pvp discussion? oh right, nothing.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sinfullysweet.4517


I actually dipped my toes in the pond of sPvP today and love it. Been kinda scared to give it a try, and kept to WvWvW. I guess in a daze of cold meds I got over my fear and hopped right in. Glad I have done so now! I already fear some names I have seen and really have a great time. And I picked the worst character to try to learn with (necro) to me.

Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Sounds like I hit a nerve, though Im not sure what I said that upset you, I love PvP!!!! Even people that admitted they arent amazing can at least post on topic. The only time I mentioned myself was when I was referencing what I loved about it. In fact I used the words “we” and “us” more so than “I”.

I think I’m reading what you wrote wrong, Braxxus. Is English your first language? You clearly didnt read what I wrote, or maybe something you dont understand is upsetting you. If you have anything constructive to say or any real questions to ask I would love to answer them for you.

  • More stuff

Can we please stay on topic?

The topic is your inflated ego and sense of superiority over others. You didn’t read anything wrong, just like I had no trouble at all reading your kitten stroking. Saying “We” and “Us” before a claim of superiority over others is including yourself in that, but I’m acutely aware that you know this already as this entire thread reeks of that word I’m not allowed by the moderators to say (starts with a t and ends in rolling).

But whatever, enjoy your self gratification thread.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

i love spvp i can press 1 and get tons of points so i get higth rank and make ppl think im awesome !!11 !!oneleven!

ty anet from making such a good sequel.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


what is opinion about the game releasing tons of content for pve and nothing for pvp? what is opinion about gw1 being pvp centered and gw2 being pve centered? these are facts.

PvPers don’t care about gems. PvE is the financial backbone of this game. Of course the first few patches will be catering to them mostly. This is how ANet will finance the hiring of more PvP staff & gives them more time to get changes made. It is why they chose to hire a team to wipe out PvE bots instead of beefing up PvP staff. If they left the bot problem unchecked, the game would have truly died. Crying about lack of PvP features when the features are already announced is ridiculous.

im sorry i missed the member only lock on this thread. also curious what blind praise threads add to the pvp discussion? oh right, nothing.

the negativity requires a counterbalance, because there are a lot of people that enjoy this game, even those who have quit for the time being. but people in general don’t post positively on forums. those who enjoy the game the most are too busy playing it. the combat engine in this game is phenomenal, & that is all you need to build on to eventually make a great game. i would say a single thread of positivity should be welcomed, & you aren’t REQUIRED to spout your negativity here. sure, you have the freedom of speech to do whatever you choose, but all you are doing is tearing down something positive without giving anything in return. you help nobody with your comments & you complain about problems that are already addressed & being worked on.

so thank you for your opinions, but i also love gw2 pvp & will work to help it succeed. happy ny, universe.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


im sorry i missed the member only lock on this thread. also curious what blind praise threads add to the pvp discussion? oh right, nothing.

We are discussing what we love about structured PvP. AKA A spvp discussion. Self confirming you are right means nothing. I am the emperor of Mankind. See, I’m not the Emperor. Doesn’t work that way.

Anyone want to do some tournies tonight? I know its New Years but Ill probably be online in a couple hours anyways. Feel free to add me in game and message me.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


You know what sPvP needs? Quaggans.

+1 to that. Maybe they’d calm people down.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Infatum.2481


There’s still plenty of work to do to be sure, but this is easily the best PvP I’ve seen in an MMO this soon after release. I look forward to seeing what they add in 2013.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


There’s still plenty of work to do to be sure, but this is easily the best PvP I’ve seen in an MMO this soon after release. I look forward to seeing what they add in 2013.

Exactly, that’s actually a really good point. This game isn’t half a year old, and people are attacking it, putting it down based on comparisons to well developed mmo’s. As a fresh MMO it has a lot to offer.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Angelus.1042


sPVP is a joke…PVE is ok.

When they made GW2 it was for PVE…they didnt care about sPVP like they did in GW1…all they did was push the PVE stuff and ZergVZerg (WvWvW)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


sPVP is a joke…PVE is ok.

When they made GW2 it was for PVE…they didnt care about sPVP like they did in GW1…all they did was push the PVE stuff and ZergVZerg (WvWvW)

Um..wut? I appreciate your…opinion? But I just cant believe anyone who likes pve over pvp has a real opinion worth caring about. I dont think anyone but Sprawl would think your post has any merit. But thanks for…trying?

Its like a chess player claiming computers are better opponents. Sure, you can write a chess program thats insanely hard, but the challenge is improving yourself not trying until you eventually win. If you think theres any merit in trying the same thing until you win you dont belong here. Sorry, its just the truth. You have no real opinion here, but i still appreciate you offering one…I guess. lol

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


sPVP is a joke…PVE is ok.

When they made GW2 it was for PVE…they didnt care about sPVP like they did in GW1…all they did was push the PVE stuff and ZergVZerg (WvWvW)

Um..wut? I appreciate your…opinion? But I just cant believe anyone who likes pve over pvp has a real opinion worth caring about. I dont think anyone but Sprawl would think your post has any merit. But thanks for…trying?

Its like a chess player claiming computers are better opponents. Sure, you can write a chess program thats insanely hard, but the challenge is improving yourself not trying until you eventually win. If you think theres any merit in trying the same thing until you win you dont belong here. Sorry, its just the truth. You have no real opinion here, but i still appreciate you offering one…I guess. lol

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


You realize everything you post is narcissistic drivel right?

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Nilvio.7941


SPvP is cool, Coming back for sure after Anet gets all features in

But at the moment Forums > Guild wars 2

English is not my native language :)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


sPVP is a joke…PVE is ok.

When they made GW2 it was for PVE…they didnt care about sPVP like they did in GW1…all they did was push the PVE stuff and ZergVZerg (WvWvW)

Um..wut? I appreciate your…opinion? But I just cant believe anyone who likes pve over pvp has a real opinion worth caring about. I dont think anyone but Sprawl would think your post has any merit. But thanks for…trying?

Its like a chess player claiming computers are better opponents. Sure, you can write a chess program thats insanely hard, but the challenge is improving yourself not trying until you eventually win. If you think theres any merit in trying the same thing until you win you dont belong here. Sorry, its just the truth. You have no real opinion here, but i still appreciate you offering one…I guess. lol

if nobody else agreed with him PvP would be thriving, but it’s not. paids only pop during primetime, frees have longer and longer waits and less and less hot join servers are full. there’s a reason for all of that.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


if nobody else agreed with him PvP would be thriving, but it’s not. paids only pop during primetime, frees have longer and longer waits and less and less hot join servers are full. there’s a reason for all of that.

I play primarily between midnight and 0530, and while I will agree with you about paid tournaments, I have yet to experience long free tourney queues (barring these last two major holidays), or hotjoin servers that are not full.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Quartz.3462


As a casual player who plays GW2 for fun and has never played any game in an esports/serious way I like this game! It gives me a good bit of quick fun and I don’t feel that I have to keep up with other players in terms of gear. I just join and server and relax

I can see why matchmaking and ladders are important for esports but for me it doesn’t bother me since I only play hotjoin for 30 minutes a couple times a week for some fun and stress relief – which I find it excellent for

And when I’m not in the mood for sPvP I’ll just do some PvE. I’ve done world completion and personal story but I find there’s still so much to do! All the story mode dungeons, getting cool looking gear, explorables and jumping puzzles. There’s probably some more stuff I missed too. In general there is so much content for a casual player I feel kinda overwhelmed XD But that was what I was looking for in an MMO and I certainly feel like I could spend several months on this game

And if sPvP becomes boring I’ll just find something else to do. This isn’t my life after all and I like trying new things be that video games, cooking new yummy meals, sports, visiting places, cycling to new places (will have to wait till summer though)! I’ve completely gone off track but my point is:

As someone who plays this game casually with the aim of having fun I am 100% satisfied.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I love sPvP when I’m playing with my Ranger or Mesmer, which I’m experienced with, but I absolutely hate it when trying to play sPvP with a new profession. I tried playing with a Necromancer two days ago, and I could not find a 5v5 game that would stay 5v5 for more then one game. And it is absolutely impossible to practice a new profession, and build, in an 8v8 zerg fest environment.

So yeah, sPvP is fun if you’re a practiced player playing tournament sPvP, but I don’t blame new players for hating sPvP, because it’s hell trying to come into. That is, unless you jump on the 8v8 zerg fest wagon, in which case you aren’t really playing sPvP at all.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Spvp needs more variety and definitely can be improved. Still i love it. There’s no way pve could be better. Pve lovers (a good % at least) simply are too afraid to match other players. And ye i’m a narcissist.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


if nobody else agreed with him PvP would be thriving, but it’s not. paids only pop during primetime, frees have longer and longer waits and less and less hot join servers are full. there’s a reason for all of that.

I have to agree with everyone else besides you because they are right and you are wrong, free’s queues have only gotten faster since paid’s have lost interest. And hotjoin servers are just as full as ever. You clearly do not pvp and have stated before that you have no interest in anet’s pvp so who are you in here with your garbage opinion? You keep commenting these empty responses that no one believes because they’re simply not true. If you want spvp to be dead so bad why are you still here? Why dont you leave and join the rage-quit-pub-scrubs that you are saying is the majority of people that tried spvp.

Anyways, in response to a couple posts above me: Ive found that when you play a main in spvp and then move onto a new class it’s easy to expect the class you are playing to preform a certain way since you see it perform that way when you play against it all the time. Also its very tempting and easy to hop onto your main when you are on an alt and losing in spvp, because you feel like if you were on your main you could pwn faces. There are a lot of hard to find tricks, synergies, and combos that are hard to see at first, but for me the reward is being proficient in multiple archetypes and builds within those archetypes. Being a well rounded player is essential to your success in sPvP, which to me is really really awesome.

They’ve designed a game with amazing role archetypes, diversity of classes and builds within those archetypes in an environment that doesnt require you but rewards you if you are well rounded and proficient in multiple builds on multiple classes.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs