Conditions are a primary source of heavy damage and powerful CC for some builds, specially with necros becoming stronger not having condition removal in PvP is very risky and most players try to bring a decent amount of condi removal and for good reason. The current condi removal model however suffers from the same issues that stun breakers used to, it forces classes into certain builds, or it lives in abilities that are too narrow in use often leaving players with the choice of either being very good or very weak against conditions depending on traits and abilities, with little in between.
When players are correctly saying “I can’t be killed by condie classes 1v1” or “I can’t counter condi builds in my build”, there is something wrong with balance. Some builds should be stronger than others against condis depending on player investment in countering them, just like against everything else, but it shouldn’t be so rock, paper, scissors. All builds should have some active anti condi counters built in if used correctly and no builds should be able to just neutralize them.
Two examples:
Engineer Elixir C is an example of a poor condi removal. It’s strong against a high/multiple condi build but overkill against fewer/weaker condis and useless against anything that isn’t conditions. It only shines in a “I got tons of condis on me and I’m not stunned/feared/knockdown” situation. The cast time restricts it even more. The conversion of condis into buffs is also problematic as what should be a counter to a necro spam is in turn countered by corrupt boon. It’s way too situational.
Mesmer Null Field is an example of a good one, it’s also a field that can be comboed off which is always useful, it’s also a boon removal so it can also be used aggressively as well. It can be put under another player/s standing on point if you’re off on the side. But all of those uses may mean the mesmer won’t have it when he needs it most for condi removal. The ability is situational but applicable to multiple situations, it’s flexible and requires skill and awareness from the player to use it at the right time/the right way. It’s what condi removal abilities should be like. Thief Infiltrator’s Strike is another good example, where the thief gets to remove one condition but has to sacrifice both initiative and positioning to do so.
So condi removal abilities should be: active, multi-purpose and strategic in use.
I think these three things need to happen:
a) Passive condi removal should go away, it dumbs down the game, condition removal should be all about either skillful timing or built into multipurpose abilities where the player has to plan when to use it strategically depending on the situation.
b) They need to be more spread out. Most classes only have one or two abilities that remove conditions, thief is the only one with a weapon ability that does, and most classes have a really strong condi removal that is an all or nothing investment in condi removal. All classes should have built in weaker condition removals (not remove all/convert all) on at least 3-4 abilities and weapon abilities where they could be added into any build to provide some condi removal that’s easily obtained, but of limited effectiveness and usually at the cost of blowing CDs early or holding them back to time the removal well.
c) Condi removal traits should be more spread out between trait lines so classes can get to it in different ways, which is not giving them more condi removal overall since people can’t go down every trait line, but removing the “you need to go down THAT one trait line to get condi removal” (see ranger Wilderness Survival line for a prime example) and giving classes different multiple ways to remove condition depending on where they invest their traits.
(edited by Julius.1094)