Sup Guys !
Quick introduction:
Last season effective rating 941 as well as 70-75% winratio soloQ power warrior (core).
This season same 75% winratio with more than 10 wins in a row soloQ power warrior (core).
I played now on different accounts and I just can’t see any “pro” gamers in here.
The matchmaking is pretty weird and the players on plat more belong to silver from the gameplay. They don’t focus target, they don’t teamplay, rotation?(somethign to eat), don’t know their limits(all are mid dead? I can run into that and die as well), hold cap?(full cap 2 seconds later decaped).
Things that I saw the most:
2-3 players chasing 1 guy off point, no rez against single enemy, running far 1v1 on caped point, 1v1 on close and losing, ignoring downed players (hell yeah tryhard solo killing on triple rez).
Things that bothered me the most:
Asking randoms to swap? Biggest mistake you can do cuz why should someone swap if he gets countered by atleast 3 enemies.
Writting teamchat to go somewhere? I guess 99% of the players don’t understand english.
Pinging caps to hold cuz enemies running to decap? OK writting and pinging seems not to work well…
PvP Season 5 was fun and had some good matchmaking (could have been better with the double duo que vs 0 que) but otherwise it was good.
PvP Season 6 = not even bothering to play.
PvP Season 7 = with a duo que partner on my skill lvl I would have got 25-0.
I started after placements directly gold 3 and from there on straight into plat 3.
There was not a single game where I could have said it was fun to play and yeah on both teams braindead players.
What I want to say with this?
PLS stop giving legendary titles to players who you rek within 30 seconds PLS!
If I see more merciless legend ruthless legend players who have 0 gamesense I delete this game.
I expect atleast 5 things from those “pro” gamers !
Knowledge of “attacking the target” (the player with the red cross hair above the head)
Stop chasing targets off point 3v1 or even with more players.
Stop leaving caps and letting enemies get free decaps (even full cap)
Stop running into multiple enemies
STOP going far fighting on caped point and losing 1v1 xD
OH there are even more points but why bothering all are pro !
And yes I had to derank last season for this test :-O
Not to mention that the few pro players who duo que can get a 90% winratio which should never be able in a comp game x-)
Peace out and all the devs who read this either change pvp or leave it forever.