(edited by Kwll.1468)
The Truth about QQ - New Patch Edition
Haha two can play that game
Hello GW2 PvP Forum,
I have been away from this game for a while and have only been keeping up with the game through the forums and will come back to this game in next week’s patch to put together a team and sign up for any tournaments.
I have come to the realization that all that we can control and do as players of this or any other competitive game is to look for advantages, overcome disadvantages, and to win or lose the games we play. I am directing this post to all class balance QQers, GvG scrubs, new gamemode QQers, and anybody who, like I have been in this game before, someone low or medium ranked who thinks they know what they’re talking about.
There are no style points for running a “high skill cap” build. You don’t get a handicap of 100 points for running hard builds. You don’t get anything for running inferior builds, no matter how risk / reward they are. Nobody cares if you do that if you lose, and make no mistake, if you run something suboptimal that is harder to run than an easy and effective build you will lose more than you win.
I highly recommend reading “Playing to Win” by David Sirlin, which is free to read on sirlin.net. You will probably get mad if you read this and you are not winning consistently against skilled players, ranked highly in solo queue or tPvP, etc. I sure as hell did. I had to realize that I was, in fact, objectively, without a shadow of a doubt a scrub.
Scrubs make mental obstacles for themselves through any number of imaginary rules and “ethics” in a constructed reality that does not reward that behavior in any way unless it allows them to win consistently over the majority of their opponents. The book goes over the advantages of winning in more detail, but the short way to say it is, if you’re not winning you’ll never have as much fun or appreciate a game for what it truly is.
Class balance is not your problem. It is Arenanet’s problem. They have to decide what is good or bad for the game and all they are ever going to do is take your opinions into whatever degree of consideration they feel is appropriate. You can complain all you want about stunlock warriors, condispam necros, afk2win rangers, and every other “OP” crap under the sun.
It doesn’t matter.
Game modes are also not your problem. If you don’t like conquest, and don’t want to compete in the game mode then what do you play this game’s PvP for? You obviously want to play it or you wouldn’t post on this forum or go to Heart of the Mists. You can also complain about “sPvE,” it’s “boring,” it’s “not fun,” it’s “cheesy,” blah blah blah.
It doesn’t matter.
All that matters, and all that ever will matter in a competitive game is who wins and who loses. If you want to appreciate PvP in Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Dota, League of Legends, or any competitive game for what it really is then you have to win. Until then, you are just a scrub.
Do you want to be a scrub?
I sure as hell don’t.
I’ll see you all in game on Tuesday. Until then, ask yourself if you want to win in this game or just be some whiny scrub who tries to tell people who built a gaming experience from the ground up how to handle itself.
TLDR: Quit whining, start winning, enjoy the game, laugh at the scrubs once you evolve past their pathetic existence.
I’m a scrub:
I don’t play to win. I play to make you feel miserable. To make you understand you had no chance against me, and yet it was a fair fight.
But as a scrub, I never resorted to copy paste builds. This gives me a BIG advantage. I play easy mode builds, but I invented them on my own.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I can’t fault players for taking the simplistic and yet utterly imbalanced pos system Anet has put out and finding the most efficient, least skill based way to play it. However I can definitely fault those players for being simple enough to find that brain-dead gameplay entertaining. This is the community Anet has built by catering this game to morons who just want BOOM HEADSHOT satisfaction and can’t be bothered to learn an in-depth combat system that rewards skilled play over faceroll idiocy.
I wanna be a scrub.
Winning is fine at the beginning, then the feeling fades away.
I actually enjoy the game much more when I don’t care about winning.
Anyway, this article applies to competitive gaming. Which GW2 is far from. And would only concern like 5% of the playerbase. So I guess the 95% remaining has the right to be a scrub.
I can’t fault players for taking the simplistic and yet utterly imbalanced pos system Anet has put out and finding the most efficient, least skill based way to play it. However I can definitely fault those players for being simple enough to find that brain-dead gameplay entertaining. This is the community Anet has built by catering this game to morons who just want BOOM HEADSHOT satisfaction and can’t be bothered to learn an in-depth combat system that rewards skilled play over faceroll idiocy.
If a build’s in-depth creative and practical strategy lets you win over the majority of your opponents and holds up vs. strong players, great!
If not, then it’s just another suboptimal waste of time.
Spot on man. Well said. – Phd
Though I whined forever….!
I can’t fault players for taking the simplistic and yet utterly imbalanced pos system Anet has put out and finding the most efficient, least skill based way to play it. However I can definitely fault those players for being simple enough to find that brain-dead gameplay entertaining. This is the community Anet has built by catering this game to morons who just want BOOM HEADSHOT satisfaction and can’t be bothered to learn an in-depth combat system that rewards skilled play over faceroll idiocy.
If a build’s in-depth creative and practical strategy lets you win over the majority of your opponents and holds up vs. strong players, great!
Can’t even be majorty here, since if a build is very strong aka op, most of your opponents will be using the exact same build. Condition Bunkers and Stun warriors, you have them everywhere.
I can’t fault players for taking the simplistic and yet utterly imbalanced pos system Anet has put out and finding the most efficient, least skill based way to play it. However I can definitely fault those players for being simple enough to find that brain-dead gameplay entertaining. This is the community Anet has built by catering this game to morons who just want BOOM HEADSHOT satisfaction and can’t be bothered to learn an in-depth combat system that rewards skilled play over faceroll idiocy.
If a build’s in-depth creative and practical strategy lets you win over the majority of your opponents and holds up vs. strong players, great!
Can’t even be majorty here, since if a build is very strong aka op, most of your opponents will be using the exact same build. Condition Bunkers and Stun warriors, you have them everywhere.
The thing is that the strong OP builds are the ones that require the smallest amount of skill to use effectively. You’d think there would be some sort of tradeoff in effectiveness between a simple and reliable build that basically takes no effort and something that’s nothing but skillshots and requires near perfect play, but there isn’t any reward for a high skill cap build, if anything they’re flat out worse than the simple ones. And then you get the idiots that think that somehow playing a moron proof build that only requires having one’s cooldowns up and winning against another moron proof build that has its cooldowns down is somehow skill or good pvp. The fact that anyone settles for that is idiotic at best.
Just out of curiosity why is that people assume complex builds are supposed to be better than simple ones?
GW2 PvP is fast paced combat where you need to make decisions quickly and without hesitation. By using a more complex build you are giving yourself more questions to decide and execute in fractions of a second. If a complex build is not working for you then you might need to consider how much complexity you are actually capable of utilizing before you end up making things harder for yourself. If it takes “player A” 3 button presses to do the same thing that “player B” is doing in 2 or even 1 button presses, then “player A” is obviously less efficient. Is player A making a trade off though in efficiency for Power or Sustainability? Was the trade off advantageous for the fight he’s engaging in? There’s more going on in each and every fight than merely simple vs complex.
My point is, just because it has a lot of buttons doesn’t always means it’s better for each and every player or in each and every fight.
You can’t assume that complexity of a build directly correlates to tilting risk/reward in your favor.
That was one of the first things I learned playing Engi.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Winning in this game means killing someone you set out to kill. Having your team win a match means next to nothing when the devs cant even get two teams of similar mmr to face each other.
Even the PAX tournament victory was like, “Whoopee.” But that was an organized tournament and does not reflect the game as a whole. Hell, even when this game was at its peak, the population was still staggeringly low by esports comparison, its just that, when the top teams/players did finally leave, they left a gaping hole in an already sinking canoe of a game.
So thats what its come down to, the only real competition is your fellow player, and grinding them into your boot is the objective. The real scrubs in this game are the tournament jockeys.
Just out of curiosity why is that people assume complex builds are supposed to be better than simple ones?
GW2 PvP is fast paced combat where you need to make decisions quickly and without hesitation. By using a more complex build you are giving yourself more questions to decide and execute in fractions of a second. If a complex build is not working for you then you might need to consider how much complexity you are actually capable of utilizing before you end up making things harder for yourself. If it takes “player A” 3 button presses to do the same thing that “player B” is doing in 2 or even 1 button presses, then “player A” is obviously less efficient. Is player A making a trade off though in efficiency for Power or Sustainability? Was the trade off advantageous for the fight he’s engaging in? There’s more going on in each and every fight than merely simple vs complex.
My point is, just because it has a lot of buttons doesn’t always means it’s better for each and every player or in each and every fight.
You can’t assume that complexity of a build directly correlates to tilting risk/reward in your favor.
That was one of the first things I learned playing Engi.
I agree. Sometimes, especially in this game, keeping it simple gives you clear options when it comes to engaging opponents. Of course, this sometimes reduces a build’s potential versatility, but thats all part of the game. Experimentation, theorycrafting, etc.
Yes Hammerheart the gif attached is exactly what I will be doing when I play this game. I’m gonna drop all objective reasoning and just try to kill people because I’m gonna be a winner by your rock-solid definition
You know Hammerheart I think you’re on to something.
I’m gonna drop any objective measurement of my success and do this the entire time when I come back to GW2
Until they fix the game, the only thing worth doing is killing people.
Or, in your case, getting dunked.
Just out of curiosity why is that people assume complex builds are supposed to be better than simple ones?
GW2 PvP is fast paced combat where you need to make decisions quickly and without hesitation. By using a more complex build you are giving yourself more questions to decide and execute in fractions of a second. If a complex build is not working for you then you might need to consider how much complexity you are actually capable of utilizing before you end up making things harder for yourself. If it takes “player A” 3 button presses to do the same thing that “player B” is doing in 2 or even 1 button presses, then “player A” is obviously less efficient. Is player A making a trade off though in efficiency for Power or Sustainability? Was the trade off advantageous for the fight he’s engaging in? There’s more going on in each and every fight than merely simple vs complex.
My point is, just because it has a lot of buttons doesn’t always means it’s better for each and every player or in each and every fight.
You can’t assume that complexity of a build directly correlates to tilting risk/reward in your favor.
That was one of the first things I learned playing Engi.
Yeah that’s something important strategically that I’m planning on asking myself with each build I use. Do I have to think too much about this? Does all this extra stuff work against something that doesn’t have to?
>Get mind blown by play to win
Ya that’s a good TLDR version too
Thx for telling us the secrets of life nobody knows.
You’re welcome lol
Just out of curiosity why is that people assume complex builds are supposed to be better than simple ones?
It’s not good for the game if a simple build is also most effective. This is because almost everyone will then of course use that build and so the gameplay loses depth. Spirit Ranger is a good example.
Winning in this game means killing someone you set out to kill. Having your team win a match means next to nothing when the devs cant even get two teams of similar mmr to face each other.
Yep. Most soloq matches are lost / won before they even start.
I used to think you had to “earn your place” and that balance should be handled to favor more complex builds, but here’s the problem with that:
The shortest route from A to B is going to be taken, and “simple” and “faceroll” become more and more relative because it’s by comparison to standards that are entirely subjective.
Take SWTOR’s pvp for example. People call Operative faceroll there because they have insta cast stuff that works really well, but the sheer # of cooldowns (as in TWO DOZEN), needing to use consumables, expertise gear, and speed of 4v4 deathmatch make that argument relative to the game’s climate.
Spirit Ranger / Healing Signet / Marks spam are relatively simple stuff sure, but even if the game were made more complicated people like you are going to find something “faceroll” “cheesy” or “ez mode” to complain about.
Yes, solo q matches are won before they start. People run dumb builds there, make dumb decisions, and they lose because of it for a variety of logical reasons and their mental approach to the game.
Are simple, effective build bad for a game? Hell no. Newer players need those builds to be effective and in solo queue nobody is talking so simple, effective, and versatile builds are more effective.
Read the section about the dragon punch. That’s your “complex” and “depth” for you. A whole bunch of work to try to pull off something you can easily counter with a more simple move. Same concept in GW2.
It’s just basic, common logic that in game balance a skillshot should have a higher reward to balance out it’s risk while the easier to pull off things are more reliable, but less rewarding. This game has none of that. It’s basically like playing basketball and even if you pull off a 3 point shot it’s worth the same as a free throw or a fighting game where a super quick, safe low jab is more damage than a super risky choreographed power attack. It’s just idiotic, terrible balancing. And I’m not saying that simple builds have no place as they’re good for beginners and casual pvpers, but the fact is that high risk/reward builds even when played perfectly are still objectively worse than the brain dead simple builds that revolve around a few poorly thought out mechanics. The top tier teams left GW2 because there’s no high level play, it just caters to novices and beginners and then plateaus due to the rampant cheese. There’s just nothing here to keep a high level pvper entertained. They say they want this to be an esport, but at best it’s a diversion aimed at children who prefer gimmicks over depth.
Are simple, effective build bad for a game? Hell no. Newer players need those builds to be effective and in solo queue nobody is talking so simple, effective, and versatile builds are more effective.
The thing is, it’s fine if some simpler builds are effective. But currently they are so good that even if you play a more complex build very well, you can still be easily outshined by a rookie, let alone slightly better player who just facerolls with his cookie cutter build. The problem is that this dumbs down the gameplay.
Here is a simple (even if little corny) analogue:
A good rookie build is like training wheels. They help the child to compete with kids who have already learnt how to cycle, but someone who is already good doesn’t find them very useful. The rookie builds of Guild Wars 2 however, are like training wheels with built-in motors.
Indeed, both the beginner and the veteran cyclers would perform better with such motorized training wheels. See how introduction of such equiment would make cycling a shallower sport: nobody would actually have to learn how to ride a bicycle.
Then the veteran needs to adapt their play style to account for this new climate where someone can beat them if they don’t plan to counter it. If the new stuff is a hard counter, then that begs that response even further..
If there isn’t an easy or conclusive counter to something, then why aren’t these “skilled” and “intelligent” and “great” players taking advantage of it?
It’s your opinion about the “shallower sport.” If a bunch of people agree with you, then the developers will notice and make changes, but as far as I can tell, based on my own previous complaints, and the complaints you see on every single game’s forum imaginable it’s better to not get wrapped up in those things.
If anything, there would be more swift action taken if everyone just ran the best builds, because then there would be objective reasons to nerf rather than piles and piles of whiny, subjective QQ to wade through.
Then the veteran needs to adapt
Players came here to play chess, not checkers. Chess veterans are not interested in checkers. Yes, these two games have something in common, chessboard for example, but it’s two different games and chess will always be a lot more complex than checkers.
If it doesn’t matter for you what to play on this chessboard, then you, actually, don’t like this game. You just admit it. And you say: “come on guys it’s all about winning, lets just play it”. You hear “but we wanted to play chess”, and then, you just call all of us scrubs and whiners and pretend that it’s truth. After you realised that we can argue our point of view, you started to pretend that you’re not absolutely serious and pretend that your plan was to “make us mad” and/or that you’re “trolling” while the only person who is mad is you, all because your “truth” is subjective, but you want it to looks like it’s objective. So, you keep bumping your thread as much as you can, even with some completely useless posts with “jokes”, just to create the appearance that you didn’t fail (lose) in this discussion, because it’s important for you.
Well, you like jokes, here is another one for you:
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
(edited by CutePicsHunter.7430)
Haha you’re funny Cutepics.
The chess vs. checkers excuse and all the irritation in your response shows you either need to take a break from GW2, play chess, or do something else.
All I’m doing is getting as many people as possible to potentially look at how they approach the game differently, in a way that will always improve the way they play it.
If you don’t like the game or believe that it favors “idiots” and “faceroll cheesers” or any other arbitrary name, then don’t play it! Take a break from it or something.
You’re just making a crusade out of settling for kittenty pvp and acting like that’s somehow better than crusading for actual game balance and depth that lives up to the game’s potential. They might as well just put a rock in heart of the mists that you slam your face into and get a “YOU WIN!” message. I’m sure when people complain that that’s one dimensional pointless gameplay you can just respond with “HEY MAN THATS LIKE YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION. I LIKE SLAMMING MY FACE INTO THE ROCK SO EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD LIKE IT TOO!” The fact that you’re simple enough to be entertained by this drivel, doesn’t mean that people who are actually GOOD at pvp will be. No wonder all the top teams jumped ship on this game’s pvp when idiots like you take it on yourselves to represent the community and get catered to by Anet. This is just like the gaming equivalent of EVERYONE GETS A GOLD STAR! Great, the morons have their pathetic egos protected, but the people who actually worked hard get nothing for actually excelling. You think anyone, but idiots want to settle for that?
Whoa lol
That was impressive. Yes I am looking for one dimension – the one that wins. In all honesty I could care less what anyone else runs unless it helps me learn more about what works and what doesn’t. I just find that not getting angry over dumb stuff feels better and when I get back in game I’ll be able to be much better at the game than I was because of it, with practice and objective analysis.
My approach to this game is pretty simple. Yours, clearly, is somewhere in the mess of arbitrary rage over something you can’t control. I have no idea what you play this game for if you’re that angry.
(edited by jmatb.6307)
Did you read play to win? The original is 4 articles describing arcade style 1v1 gaming. It discusses degenerate games and the love of gaming as well as “play to win”. Never does it say, “always win” or “always play optimally”. It actually says the opposite, that a person who loves the game will explore it as much as possible to seek it’s potential. There’s a lot to be said about this game and playing to win but to you I’d say this: The people making top tier builds don’t sit there and calculate odds, apply theories out of a book or test a build in 1000 games. They play.
I understand that and trust me I’ll be playing this game 2 to 3 hours a day on average once the patch comes out. I’ll probably stop posting in the forums altogether, but I’m in the process of getting some information together before I come back.
i read only the part about those “doesn’t matter”, so the second half of OP post. and i would like to say that it did matter for me about the money and timei spent about false advertisements to hype community.
when i choose a game i first look what i will have to do do entertain me.
on LoL for example, you have to win if you want to have fun. but the enviroinment in which i play is “balanced”, i am not forced to play fotm champs cause there are plenty of them in different roles, i am not forced to play the same mode if i dont like. and so on.
tl;dr: i QQed because i wasted my money.
Advertising is always going to be positive in nature regarding a product. Nobody is going to say, “You might not like our product, but please buy it we worked our butts off on it!” that wants to sell anything.
Again, balance is relative. LoL has a good model for giving the community the choice to self-regulate. That might be something that Anet considers, but in the meantime those aren’t the rules with which GW2 are governed by.
Suggestions are positive contributions to the developer’s discussions, which might not be entirely connected to what the players want but complaining just wastes yours and everyone else’s time.
I love the way this jmatb puts “ethics” in quotes like he doesn’t believe they are a real thing.
It’s true that some complaints are not valid. If someone has a broken build or is just plain not good at the game, that’s noone else’s fault.
However, there is such a thing as a legitimate complaint. The truth about “QQ” is that it’s a term invented by people afraid of criticism and more afraid of certain truths.
Truths like …
… if you have to have the strongest build to win, you are clearly not as skilled as someone who wins with a less optimal build. Style points or not, it’s just plain true. You make your own decision about how much advantage you need in a fight in order to win, and judge yourself accordingly.
… some people do just play for fun. When you gloat, emote or link your stream after a fight, some people will not be as impressed as you had hoped. Sad for you, but not something you can change by lecturing them on forums.
… a diverse game is more interesting. People who immediately switch to one of the 3 strongest class-builds every time the meta changes are making the game less interesting for everyone. And they are doing it just so they can get wins that are essentially meaningless.
… a fair fight is the most fun fight, win or lose. People who optimise everything and then roll easymode over all non-optimised opponents are lowering the amount of fun in the game for everyone including themselves, even if they are not wise enough to realise it.
Nobody is responsible for your having fun in any game except you. Ethics don’t exist in a win/loss constructed reality, which PvP in this or any other game is.
I recommend you read the articles, especially the one about introducing the scrub.
just to point out some more QQ about advertisments: if i buy for example Call Of Duty 15, i expect to play an fps, with small maps and customizable weapons. i dont expect to play a moba or a first person mmoorpg.
so when they called this game guild wars 2 blablabla…..you know what i mean.
if anet called this game World of Tyria, well, i had not right to QQ.
Guild Wars is a familiar name and its the same company who made the first one…
I’ll agree that GW2 is different fundamentally than GW1, but not that it’s false advertising lol
Wow. So you are telling me that, and this did really happen, if I duell a valkyrie regeneration warrior while playing a berserker elementalist and pull of the most powerful and ridiculously devasting combos on the warrior, with out him dodging a thing, and I dodge every single hard hit of his for ten minutes straight, until he lands one random stun on me with my stunbreak on cooldown and twoshots me, I am a scrub and he is skilled and a winner?
What you are basically saying is the end of man kind.
Due to people like you dictators and tyrants gain power, dreadful wars are faught and the rights of the human being are ignored.
With people like you a certain person whose name I wont utter due to the risk of being infracted would rule the world and jews would be extinct. In fact, we wouldn´t even have democracy, or even electricity.
What you are saying is that one should shut up, take what the mighty give you and make as much profit (winning) as possible. This may lead to a wealthy and good life for the acting individual, but it would stop every kind of developement.
QQ might be annoying, but your description even despises constructive critique.
Good for the individual, bad for society or in this case, the game.
The truth about QQ?
Its annoying as heck, but without it development and improvement can not happen.
Congratulations OP, you are truly an example for destructive capitalism and egocentrics.
There are three kinds of players.
Play to win players who just care about winning and define their fun by that.
Fun-is-when-I-have-fun players who just do whats fun for them and put a side whats unfun for them.
QQers or Revolutionists, visionarys, scientists who see a game and don´t care about winning but about the game reaching its ultimate potential. They say what they think, break down walls and make the world a better place.
Ofc there is unreasonable QQ. But behind every Q.Q there is an desire to improve something.
Yes, this is a game. But if we apply the rules of society to the way we handle it and communicate we can make it better.
I count my self to the QQers. The smartest are prolly the fun people, who invest 0 effort but also communicate that something is wrong by simply not showing up in the statistics anymore.
In RL: A land of play to win people with a tyrant ruling it will remain as it is and spread its evil influence.
A land of fun ppl with a tyrant in it will just end up uninhabited and will be forced to change its government to be more appealing.
A land of qqers will have a revolution throwing down the tyrant in probably deadly battles and replace him. Rinse and repeat until the majority is ok with the situation.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
(edited by Blimm.5028)
Wow… what have I unleashed?
Equating playing to win and enjoying winning as a goal to genocidal tyrants is kinda crazy man.
If you run zerker ele and try to 1v1 anybody with decent armor without getting a jump on them good luck lol.
Great OP, deserves a sticky.
If only more players considered what they could do better/what the enemy did right instead of immediately blaming balance…
I actually have 70% win (I have a list where I mark it) 1o1 vs everything but hammer, longbow or valkyrie regen warriors and sword thiefs. Necros are around 50% and I don´t stand a chance vs prismatic understanding mesmers.
The last is an example for unreasonable q.q because its useless out of 1o1. The rest is overpowered faceroll stuff played by people like you.
I don´t equate, I´m talking in metaphors. The principle is the same. And if everyone stops qqing and plays to win the game wont become better.
Change is hard, but attempting to change stuff signals something is considered worth changing.00
I don´t mean you are genocidal, but that your mentality is, on a smaller scale.
Also my formulation was rather enigmatic. Point is, telling people to shut up and play to win is like telling all scientists and society interested people to become managers and brokers.
It isn´t the same, but the result is.
@Brew Pinch
Sometimes it is players blaming their lack of skill on bad balance, but if only warriors and thiefs don´t do so, while a year ago only elementalists didn´t this implies something is not how it is supposed to be.
Metaphor: Starving african child blames its starvation on the government and on the system.
Your concept: QQ moar kid, youre just too bad to get out of this and blame it on the system. System is unfailable. You failed.
No system is unfailable. Humans fail, but sometimes the system does.
Again the metaphor is extremely exaggerated, but inherits the concept.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
(edited by Blimm.5028)
You don’t know what I play lol. I haven’t logged in the game in more than a month.
You’re assuming a lot, making weird comparisons to Hitler… it’s kinda funny and sad at the same time.
Sure, there’d be people running the same builds but wouldn’t hundreds of players running the exact same build warrant a more immediate response than three dozen?
Let’s say 78% of the playerbase rerolls and exclusively plays longbow hammer warrior. I really doubt Anet would let that continue. They’d see that the players don’t even try to play the other classes and force changes because I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want that when they built 8 different classes.
That actually happened in Starcraft with zergling rush. They nerfed zerg rush and the entire game benefitted from it but only when it became clear that the players didn’t play the game any other way.
Ok, this statement is valid. No complaints and nothing I could call inhuman. For the first time you explain how your mentality allows progress.
If everyone bandwagons to the most op thing a-net sees this huge spike of usage on the broken thing and fixes it.
Here is also the problem with my translations to real life: A tyrant doesn´t want to fix stuff. A-Net (hopefully) wants.
Thanks for this enlightening post.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Ya no problem. The reality though is that most people run what they feel like running and Anet is attempting to decipher what is “balanced” and “overpowered” based on their data and the silliness of the forums.
It’s better to just run what works and let the chips fall where they may
But when what works is so lame and faceroll it isnt fun anymore, but builds which actually have a skillfloor are, independent of the skill of the player, not strong enough to compete, I wont play something I don´t want to.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
amount of constructive answers: 0
take a break
Did i say that i’m playing this game in current period? I didn’t play pvp for like 2 months. I don’t like pvp state right now → i don’t play it. And stop pretending that somebody here except you is angry.
Cribbage also made a good post, but you answer…
amount of constructive answers: 0
Nobody is responsible for your having fun in any game except you. Ethics don’t exist in a win/loss constructed reality, which PvP in this or any other game is.
I recommend you read the articles, especially the one about introducing the scrub.
Talking about fun and saying that ethics don’t exist is so incredibly stupid, it made me laugh.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
LOL i’m not angry I’ve moved past that. You, Cutepics, however, are intent on trying to prove that I am and it’s well, cute.
Cool story sis. Define constructive answer and explain how ethics help you win games and I’ll be impressed. Maybe I’ll tip you two gold too
Did i say something about winning?
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
Its hard to figure out why you’re even posting on the PvP forum if you don’t play it lol. You obviously aren’t competitive so why try to pick apart what I’m saying when you find no value from competition in this game?
Yes, i didn’t say anythings about winning, thank you for realising that you were wrong.
Its hard to figure out why you’re even posting on the PvP forum if you don’t play it lol.
I haven’t logged in the game in more than a month.
Did i miss something?
And even if i did, i’m here to show you the way how to become better. We already came to the conclusion that winning isn’t all what players need, and sometimes, they don’t need it at all, but still, they are winning. If you’re playing to win, it does not increase your chances to win against that players. We also concluded, that there is no point of winning in computer games at all. So, whats the point? Fun, of course. And we all agreed, that fun is subjective. For some people fun is just getting text “you win” in the middle of their screen , and some people want to actually play the game the way they want, and it doesn’t connect to their winrate. So, we concluded that this thread is pointless.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.