The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Eristina.5967


I agree with lowell about the importance of soloQ.
If the game want to be successfull, we need a larger player base (to attract them : tourney and $ are the keys + solo imo).

(Excuse me for my mistakes in english)
But we need to look at two kinds of players :
- Solo players that are looking for competitivity but doesn’t want to get involved in team, schedule, tournament etc.
For them, a solo Q is needed and I have nothing more to add than what lowell said.

- Players that are looking for a serious team and want to compete and are planning tournament etc. (we can’t forget them if we want to expands the teams base !)

I get many players looking for good teams, I can’t tell them where to go because I don’t know how good they are. Or if I want to recruit players for my teams :
How can I judge them ?
I have no tools to know where he belongs (which tier in the ladder)
So what’s left ?
Someone can vouch for him or he has some fame (video/reputation) that makes him worth of testing.

There’s a top player sphere/scene in every game :
These are the players lowell was talking about, you will only play with the players in this sphere and players vouched by players in the sphere.
So contact makes you enter the top teams scene.

This system is rotten, the scene won’t evolve, there are players (in gw2 e.g.) that are in this sphere but are less good than some players that don’t have contact or an opportunity.
If this game want to be esport, the competition needs to be everywhere, you can’t have top players that are there only because they had the opportunity to play with the right teams or had the right contact.

How can we help players to enter this sphere/scene to prove themself and join a team : they need a tool to rate them or an opportunity.

So yeah the soloQ will help this kind of players, but is it perfect and accurate ?
In solo game like sc2 if I want to join a team : I do a tournament, beat someone well known or do a good result. Then I can, and the team I’m aiming for, knows if I’m good enough or not. There’s nothing more to prove.

In team game, will the rating show my teamplay ? Will it show my game reading ? Understanding of meta ? etc.

So if the tool isn’t accurate enough they need opportunities :
Being the pick-up for a 4 premade teams in paid is an opportunity : you can prove yourself to players, you’re making people aknowledge your level and they can vouch for you.
If a player come to me and ask me to test him in game, I tell him I can’t. Why ? Because I’m lazy, I’m not spending my time and team’s time to help a stranger, and no one is. There’s no opportunity for him.
When a team split and recreate, who are the new player ? they are the one that are mixing with them. They mixe, they have the opportunity to prove themselves and then join the teams.
How do I look for someone to mixe with us ? I ask my contact if they know someone.

If I have the possibility to go in paid and the rating system find me someone to last spot, I will test indirectly this player, and then it follow the logic above.

Maybe this is a wrong idea but I don’t think there HAS to be a unique solo Q system. It is for some players, but for others, the one described by dev is better.

Either choice will hurt one kind of players, we needs tools to help both of them.

Origine-online –
Mains Thief – Necro – Mesmer

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Ok. AFter thinking about it , i really like the idea of a solo/duo Q, only a few concerns come to mind.

Mainly the game would have to change.
Im not sure how much $ is spent to buy gems to buy tickets, i imagine its a very small number. So, under the assumption that this aspect of monotizing pvp hasnt been fruitful i propose the following.

IF they introduce solo/duo Q , then they need to get rid of paid tickets as a currency. ( not exactly certain how this would be done, or what would be done with existing tickets).

Teams, especially new teams who arent sitting on tons of tickets should not be forced to solo Q pvp for hours in order to farm up enough currency just to be able to play with there friends.
There should just be ranked solo/duo and ranked premade vs premade.

Another issue is new toons on a class they have never played, it might be prudent to attach rating to the individual characters, so when people roll something new they are not fighting competition at a high skill curve. Even if this was JUST for the solo/duo Q aspect and not team.

Also frees should also go 1vs1 team. Imagine how many people would q for instant free pops especially late at night.

(edited by daydream.2938)

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


As others have said, splitting the queue’s entirely can be bad. But it also means solo’s always play solos, and teams always play teams.

There are pro/cons to both options. We’re watching your debates/points and in the end, we will try to make the best system for the game’s health.

Splitting the game in a very small player pool is a bad idea; however, if the split that you are implementing brings a feature that will greatly increase the player pool, then the feature is worth it.

I know that you guys are very focused on a game where people are to form groups and then play other groups, but that is not the way many people want to play. As I have stated in previous posts, it’s not just “casuals” that play that way. Typically even the most “hardcore” players play solo queues.

I didn’t play LoL but from what friends tell me; the game without solo queue, would not be anything close to as popular as it is today.

I’ve been saying it since the first day of launch and I will continue to say it until either it’s implemented or I no longer play: Solo queue is VITAL for the success of this game.

Also, I’m very confused about how it sounds as if it’s only for paid queues. Currently there is only a team queue option for paids. Are you planning on removing that? If so, you think single players getting queued up against premades is bad in frees, wait until players are having to use tickets that may or may not have been bought with real life money.

Please continue to monitor these threads and see that a major majority of your players want a solo queue. There is a reason for it. We have friends that would return and we ourselves greatly desire it.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I lost all of my friends that started with me. I got all of them into PvP and then I lost most of them very quickly with the hoops we had to jump through to play together and when we finally played together, (typically just me and 1 other) we would face premades and get rolled. They are not as masochistic as I and I stuck it out until I found a team to play paids with and could compete. They left MONTHS before that.

If solo queue with an option to queue with 1 friend was in at start, I can 100% guarantee that your current SPVP player base would be at least double what it is now (and I consider that greatly underestimating).

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: brugal.5812


1+ on Lowell post. Solo queue should be considered if Anet wants to be successful as a esport game.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: mentalrage.6748


I hate to have to make a team or wait five people when i can go solo or even better duo queue with a friend and get ranked for what i can accoblish by that.
Like in LoL you see how many people playing as teams? and how many playing solo or duo when streaming?
Solo and Duo is far better for casual/Hardcore PvPers and Viewers on streams because that way you can talk and explain them how the game works and not hearing you and your team yelling each other what to do or should have done!
Check Lol/Dota streams and see how many are in Team playing when streaming and how many are playing solo or a friend!
Ask anyone if they wanna watch a team stomping any other team or see some competive PvP with equal solo rating players.
When tournaments go live in Lan then they can watch Teams too.
Just add it and you will see lot’s of players play SPvP.

Many people stoped or will stop the game cause they can’t have a team.

Most of My Guild Wars 1 friends that we played even in Tournaments went to play LoL cause they said it is more competitive atm and even one of the Most historical teams Last Pride (Korean top guild wars tournament winner team) stopped the game until ranking comes in.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Great posts by everyone, especially lowell! Solo queue is great for everyone, especially people who don’t have the time to form a team that still want to be a part of the competitive community. You’ve all nailed it on the head that without a way for players to prove themselves it becomes an elitist community with no one at fault because you’d be foolish to try to take on a new name and hope to get lucky that he is a really good player when you could take one of the many known names that you know are good.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Great posts by everyone, especially lowell! Solo queue is great for everyone, especially people who don’t have the time to form a team that still want to be a part of the competitive community. You’ve all nailed it on the head that without a way for players to prove themselves it becomes an elitist community with no one at fault because you’d be foolish to try to take on a new name and hope to get lucky that he is a really good player when you could take one of the many known names that you know are good.

Seeing you post just now is like spotting Big Foot in the wild.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.1640


Great posts by everyone, especially lowell! Solo queue is great for everyone, especially people who don’t have the time to form a team that still want to be a part of the competitive community. You’ve all nailed it on the head that without a way for players to prove themselves it becomes an elitist community with no one at fault because you’d be foolish to try to take on a new name and hope to get lucky that he is a really good player when you could take one of the many known names that you know are good.

Phantaram sucks. ^_~

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Lorienda.1349


+1 Teldo
+1 Helseth
I think most of “top” players are agree with teldo and helseth.

That’s exaaaaactly where you are wrong Posiqtpie! Not only top players would appreciate it: 90%+ (just a rough guess) of the playerbase would.

Why? Because SoloQ’îng in a rated environment is “the best” way to improve your own mechanical skills, solo decisions, etc that any player can find because he will be matched with and against players of the same skill level who also are playing by themselves and share the same goal: improving (well, this one does not stand true for the very top and very bottom of the ladder in which a lot of people will troll around, but still!).

Please allow me to list a few pros:

- All players would get a place where they can improve their mechanical skills by playing against opponent’s of the same skill level;

- Team players would not have to be scared about affecting their team’s average rating by playing SoloQ;

- Team players would have something to do whenever their full team is not online to play, gathering 5 people is a lot and sometimes you just want to play more;

- Solo players would have a solo ladder to show how good they are whenever they want to join a team and/or create one with people of the same skill level;

- New teams could be born from this system, which would make the game more competitive.

Here’s a little something on that one: In any team-based game that wants to be anywhere near competitive you need to give players an EASY way to create Networks.

Networks are the most IMPORTANT thing a player will need in such games, the good old “be noticeable and get noticed” has always and will always be king in team-based games because it’s what starts everything: joining/creating a team.

As of now, there is ABSOLUTELY no easy way for people who want to be noticed to actually do so because they have no Solo rating, nothing. Guys, in competitive games numbers are THE FIRST thing people will know about you! You know how important a first impression is in life right? It’s the exact same thing in gaming, the only difference is that you’re not judged on how you look, the way you speak or the ammount of money you have in the bank, but on your rating. If you have no rating, you are no one. It’s that simple, really.

Now, let’s think of a game in which being no one was a problem…. from what I gathered we could even take Guild Wars 1 as an example (I’ll be using the ladder type of game, which was GvG and pardon me if I make a mistake). It ended as an elitist-lair in which if you weren’t known no team would bother with you and you would never manage to get into the system, never manage to become “somebody” in the eyes of the people who played the game the way you wanted to play it. Why? Because a player had absolutely NO WAY to get noticed by himself.

Unfortunately, that is the exact same path GW2 is taking. It’s pretty simple. I’ll use my example as someone who’s been playing at the “top” since day 1: the only people I know and would play with in a serious environment are all the other players from top teams with whom and against whom I have played a countless ammount of games. Why? Because I know how good each and every one of them is.

Would I play with someone I don’t know, if I have never heard of that person and there is no rating to show me how good that person is? Obviously, because I’m a fluffy guy so I’d enjoy fun games with anyone. However, there is absolutely no way for me to play seriously with that guy!! I wouldn’t be able to consider him as a trustworthy player.

That is the worst possible path to chose if you hope the game to ever become a big name in the e-sports industry or even a big name in the amazingly fun team PvP games circle.

Please Anet, do not let a game as beautiful as this one become the elitist-lair it’s steadily becoming;
Please, do not let it become GW1;
Please, give players the opportunity to prove themselves to everyone else by themselves.
Please, give a way to people to get noticed.;
Please, let players become part of the networks they need to make your game a successful one, both as a fun and enjoyable game and as an e-sport;
Please, give us a SoloQ-only ladder.

I beg your pardon for my poor English.


as usual supporting this hardmode because its true
anet look how many ppl telling u that its the right thing to do so please
do something about it before its too late there isnt anything i like more then gw and it will be sad to see it go into a dark cave like gw1

i hope u respond at least
thank you and have a nice day

Jexster ~ Chieftain Ninjas

i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Agree with everything lowell said. There must be SoloQ with its own ladder&matchmaking for players without a team to stay in this game.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: McCabe.3218


I agree with Lowell, please add a solo queue.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Mirror.7125


I agree with everyone here.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174


Add solo / duo que for god sake….
Copy lol / sc2 system…. why make new things when some other people worked years to get it right .. you dont have to repeat it and come to the same conclusion in 3 yeats…

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: rEaPeX.8415


I’d like to have a soloQ too….

something like the LoL system would be pretty nice

R E A P E X – Necromancer – EU

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i agree with mr. Sharp, separating solo and team queue completely would be bad… + it would discriminate anyone else then solo and 5man team queue, how about teams of 2? or 3?

best solution is to implement algorithm which will match only limited team sizes against each other, e.g. soloers vs team of 3+2, team of 3+2 vs team of 5 etc…

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Frozire.4972


To be straight honest, Lowell just nailed it…

Lead PvP Content Developer @

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: DXIEdge.2789


Teams of 2, 3 don’t work in a game designed for 5 players.

A duo queue could help this so people could play with their friends, but for now I think the main thing is a solo queue.

I agree with everyone here and I hope the debs have a big meeting today

R40! Ele/Ranger for GW2 Esports Guild
@DXIEdge on twitter.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Ulalume.9584


Lowell said it best. Give us a solo queue pretty please!

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


It’s really simple and Lowell has it right. In the end Solo Queue would grow the sPvP playerbase and also make streaming more entertaining. Watching a top player with high rating in solo queue is what brings in a lot of initial views. It accomplishes the goal of bringing more people in and making the streaming more popular for the teaching value.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630



Game Design Lead

I don’t really think it is a matter of right vs wrong. Separating the queues is technology we haven’t developed. Bracketing them so that when you queue you play as 5s,4s,3s,2s,solo you tend to queue vs those is something we are working towards because its part of a robust single system. It also is the version that solves everything except the edge cases without fragmenting the player base and creating long wait times in certain brackets. This is why this is the right system for the game RIGHT NOW.

It isn’t that the points Teldo, et al. make are invalid they are just more valid for a more mature game like LoL, a game which has been out 3 years longer than we have.

(edited by JonPeters.5630)

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I completely understand it’d take a lot of development time and resources for a switch like this to happen. I think the point though, is this a key idea in bringing out the maturity of the game. It’s the key in unlocking all the things you guys talked about wanting for sPvP in regards to getting people to play sPvP more and stream viewership up.

I think we would all be okay with the concept that the current path of a solo queue system you are taking is fine at the moment. But eventually we want more, and we think the priority of such a system should be higher then a lot of the other things that get talked about.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


It IS a matter of right versus wrong. It is theoretically impossible to be a competitive solo player in this format, and people playing full premade 5vs5 competitively is such a small minority that catering to them and leaving soloers behind is an awful system.

If you’re saying that the only reason you’re sticking to this inferior system is because you have not developed the separation and that you’ll do it in the future FOR SURE then it’s all good. If you’re even attempting to argue that this system is better right now (or in any state) than a separated que then you’re insanely mistaken. Do you want me to try to get a petition ready for all the thousands of players that would return to the game if you added a soloq instead of this?

Let me make this very clear:

If you go through EVERY team you can find you’re going to see that everyone will be okay with the idea of ‘’longer que times’’ if it means we will no longer face pugs in RANKED matches. We will be completely OK with it, it’s not fun OR good practice to get assigned with weaker brackets of 3/4players+pug instead of matching TP once they finish the current game they’re in.

So, teams will be okay with it. What’s left? The soloers and the players that don’t have a team.

I could make you a list so large that you’d think it would be fake of all the players I personally know who quit solely because they didn’t have a team and couldn’t get into any teams either because they never got to prove themselves (since the ONLY way you can be competitive is 5v5)

You can’t say that this silly system will be a chance for them to prove themselves, either. It’s absolutely impossible to carry yourselves to the higher ranks alone. Saying anything else will show complete lack of understanding of the game.

So the problems remain from before. The teams and top 1% are getting catered to when you’re supposed to focus on the casuals/solo competitive players.

I’ll end it with this:

Had league of legends had its normal game mmr in ranked (the system you guys want to implement) then I would NEVER have even attempted to play that game on a serious level. Because it DID have a soloq I spent over a year on the game. Without said soloq it would not have been longer than a month or two max.

If I was not committed to this game in the way that I am right now then I would have most likely not been able to get into the team that I was now, and if I never would have gotten a strong team (very high chance that I wouldn’t) then I would have quit a long time ago, just like all the other players who quit, not because the game is lacking but because the structure of it is.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


I don’t really think it is a matter of right vs wrong. Separating the queues is technology we haven’t developed. Bracketing them so that when you queue you play as 5s,4s,3s,2s,solo you tend to queue vs those is something we are working towards because its part of a robust single system. It also is the version that solves everything except the edge cases without fragmenting the player base and creating long wait times in certain brackets. This is why this is the right system for the game RIGHT NOW.

It isn’t that the points Teldo, et al. make are invalid they are just more valid for a more mature game like LoL, a game which has been out 3 longer than we have.

What do you mean separating queues is the technology you havent developed? You already have 3 separate queues spvp, free and paid tourneys.Playerbase is already fragmented into 3 segments, removing entry fee for pvp and adding separate ladders and queues for people who want to queue solo or in group is the way you go if you want more people in pvp. 2 queues doesnt fragment playerbase, it gives players options to play how they want and when they want, nothing stops team players to queue up for solo queue matches to advance their solo queue ladder standing when their team is not up.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


@Oni – that post should get printed out and stuck on the wall in the PvP discussion room at Anet headquarters.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Thx for ruining this game compeletly.
E-Sport with random matched Teams??? Stop dream guys. Do that for free and stop bring this up for paids!

Read It Backwards [BooN]

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


I don’t really think it is a matter of right vs wrong. Separating the queues is technology we haven’t developed. Bracketing them so that when you queue you play as 5s,4s,3s,2s,solo you tend to queue vs those is something we are working towards because its part of a robust single system. It also is the version that solves everything except the edge cases without fragmenting the player base and creating long wait times in certain brackets. This is why this is the right system for the game RIGHT NOW.

It isn’t that the points Teldo, et al. make are invalid they are just more valid for a more mature game like LoL, a game which has been out 3 years longer than we have.

LoL wasn’t a mature game when they implemented a proper solo queue, though. It was still in the early stages. Before that they had a system similar to what you are trying to implement right now, and it was extremely frustrating.

This. Why take a step backwards and try something that League proved was unsuccessful?
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Not only top players would appreciate it: 90%+ (just a rough guess) of the playerbase would.

90% of the general playerbase probably couldn’t care less about sPvP. Just to put that in perspective.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


This entire discussion is caused by lack of communication i think. They work on their systems without telling us what that system is, then when its nearly done they reveal it to players, players say we dont like it, they say too bad this is what we are going with cause its nearly done now.
How about discussing your ideas on what come next and how you plan to do it BEFORE you start working on it? Maybe PTR to test them before going live too ?

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


I think it is fine for an initial implementation. The fact is the players want a soloQ. I hope it is in the plans. Mixing ‘teams’ and ‘solo’ or ‘partial’ into the same rating… and more important RANKING system, will have major flaws. Ranking will essentially mean nothing in this system.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196



The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


+1 to whoever mentioned Bloodline Champions. That game has the best tournament/ranking system I’ve ever seen.

On topic: hmmm, I don’t know. Having an exclusively solo queue can cause problems too, like outright hostility among teams. I’ve been in a similar situation in other games – I only need a few more points to go up a ranking, but keep getting matched with idiots! It’s very frustrating.

With the queue system that’s going into place, players will eventually reach a point where they are like “hmm, in order to progress any further in this system, I need a stable group of friends or team” and they will go seek one out. So the very nature of the queue system encourages players to make teams, which is exactly what the competitive scene needs! Whereas in the solo queue only it can seem like getting through the middle tier of players is mostly luck.

Overall I think this system is fine. It will bring in new players and encourage them to team up to progress. It will encourage team play rather than honing individual skills and getting frustrated when the rest of the randoms you’ve been paired with aren’t doing what you want and there is no way to bring like-minded people along with you.

Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system. All recruiters would need to do is scan around that level of rating for a player they like. Really no different from scanning the top of a solo queue.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Teldo.1473


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

The implementation of a pure solo queue would also encourage people to build teams, especially when tournaments etc. start going. I wouldn’t be worried about the teamqueue at all.
Even if the popularity of this game in sPvP might be low. I’m sure that a bunch of people from WvW and PvE will start soloqueueing. And many people who were interested in this game in the start ( which really seemed to be a lot) might come back, too.

I like engineers!

(edited by Teldo.1473)

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: KansasFF.9410


lettuce brings up a valid point. Maybe this system will create more teams. I still believe in the long term a solo queue is important.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Gotta agree with Lowell’s and Helseth’s long posts.
Too many players get left behind in the current system.
I also know quite a lot of people trying to make or find a team, even competitive players.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

But this level in the ladder will eventually become known. Let’s say that everyone starts out at 1000 rating for this new system, and over time we learn that it’s very difficult as a solo player to get over 1500, and pretty much impossible to get over 1700. So then, in this hypothetical example, 1700 would be come the “top” of the ladder for solo players. Once a solo player reaches this level, they can consider themselves among the very best of solo players. Any teams looking for new players can start at this level on the ladder and work their way down.

It’s not as ideal as an exclusively solo ladder, but it can still serve the same purpose.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Teldo.1473


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

But this level in the ladder will eventually become known. Let’s say that everyone starts out at 1000 rating for this new system, and over time we learn that it’s very difficult as a solo player to get over 1500, and pretty much impossible to get over 1700. So then, in this hypothetical example, 1700 would be come the “top” of the ladder for solo players. Once a solo player reaches this level, they can consider themselves among the very best of solo players. Any teams looking for new players can start at this level on the ladder and work their way down.

Sure, I understand what you mean, but for me personally a lot of motivation would be gone.

You also have to consider that a combined system like that requires a lot more work to polish than a pure team and solo queue.
And to be honest: This game needs something like that rather sooner than later.

I like engineers!

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

But this level in the ladder will eventually become known. Let’s say that everyone starts out at 1000 rating for this new system, and over time we learn that it’s very difficult as a solo player to get over 1500, and pretty much impossible to get over 1700. So then, in this hypothetical example, 1700 would be come the “top” of the ladder for solo players. Once a solo player reaches this level, they can consider themselves among the very best of solo players. Any teams looking for new players can start at this level on the ladder and work their way down.

Sure, I understand what you mean, but for me personally a lot of motivation would be gone.

You also have to consider that a combined system like that requires a lot more work to polish than a pure team and solo queue.
And to be honest: This game needs something like that rather sooner than later.

Hokay, fair enough.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


hey soloqueue would be nice and makes it for me easier to find a very very good mesmer for my team….

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


By every stretch of the imagination I don´t see where solo que would be a bad thing at all. Anets argument, that the playerbase would be segregated is not a valid argument in my opinion, since its is already happening. Right now it seems that only known “elite” players and casuals can profit from the current system. Right now its almost impossible for an aspiring player to make a name for himself.
In my opinion you need 5n5 teamque, for all the good and bad teams, 5n5 soloque where you can join with a maximum a friend with a seperate rating. I would play it all day long when my team is not online, since pugging obviously can damage your teamrating there is no reason for a guy with a good ranking to ruin teamranking just because he wants to play “real” 5n5 instead of hotjoin. Third you need some kind of custom game without any kind of ranking. Like hotjoin, free tournaments whatever to kitten around and farm glory. With these things implemented I think the playerbase as a whole can be satisfied. Teams can fight vs other equal teams (rating ftw) people can play soloque all day long cause team is not here or get a good ranking to get noticed apply to a team, just because they have no team atm or just learn the game and unranked for everything else you might wanna do.
I want to reiterate again the playerbase is already fragmented and it doesn´t seem that its growing back together and for semi hardcore players without team there is no reason at all to play.


The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


For me it is more important to distinguish myself in pvp as an individual player than as a part of some team. Stop shoving team play down peoples throats you have done that since release its obviously not working. Separate queues and ladders for solo and team players, incentivize winning not glory farming and add deserter debuff to promote fair play and responsible behavior in pvp. We are not asking for a miracle here, we only ask features that are standard for mmo games.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Dsquaredcri.9421


I dont like solo que cause no organization is not fun and not competitive.
Solo que like random arena in guild wars 1 is fine, but don’t use it for paid.

Dsquaredcri, necro for Rush team

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


I dont like solo que cause no organization is not fun and not competitive.
Solo que like random arena in guild wars 1 is fine, but don’t use it for paid.

Enough with the paids already, having tickets in your pocket doesnt make you a good player. Organize optional tournaments once a week, month, year where you can win unique rewards and where you need entry fee to participate but separate them from ladders and make them optional. If i want to be competitive i need to buy or grind tickets? This is why people left pvp.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Ironcloud.3892


I kind of understand where they’re coming from now. They’re trying to find a midway between fair matchups and good queue times, although soloQ would be awesome, considering how the small the sPvP population is currently, once people start getting their rating up, the queues would be horribly long.

Although most other players and I would MUCH prefer a soloQ, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to use this temporarily until the population can get to a more stable level, where it can actually support a soloQ properly.

In the end it is much better than what we’ve previously had to deal with.

Just my opinion.

*Correct me if I’m wrong, but the new queue is pretty much:
If you queue as a 5 man premade, the game will try and queue you up against another 5 man premade of similar average rating, if after a certain amount of time the game can’t find another 5 man premade, you are dropped down and queued against a 4 man premade w/ 1 random of similar rating, and so on and vice versa.

If this is incorrect then I take everything back.

Actually no. Forget all of this, WE NEED A SOLOQ. It’s worth the extra queue time if there isn’t a chance of being stomped by a premade. How do you expect casual players to get anywhere? It doesn’t matter if it’s a 0.01% chance of being queued up against a premade, just knowing that there is a chance is completely demoralizing for most players.

(edited by Ironcloud.3892)

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Mssg.7804


I want solo que so baaaaaaaaaaaad!

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Mssg.7804


devs please listen to community, don do somethink AGAINST xxxxxx PEOPLE

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

But this level in the ladder will eventually become known. Let’s say that everyone starts out at 1000 rating for this new system, and over time we learn that it’s very difficult as a solo player to get over 1500, and pretty much impossible to get over 1700. So then, in this hypothetical example, 1700 would be come the “top” of the ladder for solo players. Once a solo player reaches this level, they can consider themselves among the very best of solo players. Any teams looking for new players can start at this level on the ladder and work their way down.

It’s not as ideal as an exclusively solo ladder, but it can still serve the same purpose.

A problem with that is that the combined queue precludes being able to tell whether someone got to a rank by solo queuing or by playing with others. Not to mention that once a solo player joins a team, the combined rating discourages them from playing solo for fear of hurting their team’s average rating.

My personal hope is that Anet is in fact planning to implement segregated queues, but just wants to make sure they have an analogue to LoL’s normal games in place before they rip out the existing one (frees). If fewer of my friends had quit playing, I would be a little sad if they ripped out frees and only replaced the solo queue aspect.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


Not going to quote Helseth and Lowell here, cuz i guess everyone read it already.
Our complete Team (Onibawan) agrees with both of them 100%.
Making soloq and teamq not spereated destroy any competetive gameplay at all. Since u guys arent releaseing custem areas yet I dont see the point of making it like u want. Both sides (causals and teams) will get bored very very soon cuz its boring to play vs Pugs as a full team and its also pretty demotivating when Pugs face the teams. To be honest in highlevel gameplay i wouldnt care that mutch if there would be Custem Areas AND a matchmaking system so we can use Custem Areas to train and Matchmaking to try new stuff BUT for the soloq players it will be rly anyoing and they would may also quit sooner or later. Keep it seperated and u make everyone happy.

OnibawaN Varee

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


So what, if 5 man premade of certain rank queues for pvp and there are no 5 man premades of that rank in queue they get a match with a with a pug of their rank? how is that better than what is in place now? If i queue solo i dont want to fight premade, i do not care that other 3 or 4 members of my team are in the same group, if its full premade vs partial premade full premade will win in most cases, how is that fair?

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Denshee.5917


Alot about why soloqueue should be added to the game has been said and I stand behind it completely.

Soloqueue attracts new players to the game and may in many cases bring back old players that had no chance to commit themselves to a team or felt that the game was missing out on key infrastructure like a matchmaking system.

Pure reason I ever played LoL was to climb the ladder.

Why did I go back to CS 1.6?
Because Playnation opened and there was a ladder to compete on, I even played 1v1 because it had some form of stakes.

Saying to players that there is a chance to be matched against a full team turns them off, even though it might be slim. Not everyone is on equal terms in such a system.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Mehlkee.6804


Everything that I would want to say has already been said by Helseth and Teldo.

You are going to increase the game’s popularity in the mists by attracting a solo queue. The game will have a much better chance at succeeding than the infrastructure that is present now.

I will add that there needs to be an unranked and ranked solo queue because like Nazral has already said: there are casual people who play alone in this game as well. There are people who do not have the time to dedicate to a fully committed team, and if it weren’t for having teams to play with I wouldn’t be playing this game this long either.

The current system basically forces:
- Players to find a team or get matched vs premades
- Players to find a team and dedicate time to get good or get stomped
- Everyone else who is deemed inferior to be on a team is ignored
- Players then leave because there is no incentive to continue playing because you will a) pug and get matched up vs a premade because of lack of matchmaking or b) pug and win, but it will amount to nothing as there is nothing to show for it besides a chest and some glory which amounts to almost nothing at this point.

Having a solo queue promotes more players to play because they understand they will be guaranteed to be matched vs other solo players. Having a ranked system allows you to see who the best solo queue players are (albeit it’s a little flawed). Having the unranked system allows the game to flow through “normals”. You are now able to cater to the casual scene. Now add in some really nice rewards or things like “pats on the back” such as having your name shown if you’re on a hot win streak throughout the mists or whatnot and we have something here. I have made a long-winded post about this in my other thread already, but yeah.

Solo queue ranked+unranked gogogo!

Common sense yeah. Solo Qs will help build the game. If splitting the current player base by fairly separating solo Qers vs team Qers will be bad for the growth of the game as some fear…. well the game is done anyway so don’t be so paranoid.

Solo Qers DON’T want to meet other premades consisting of people group Qing. Any player running premades SHOULDN’T want to meet a solo Qer(if their interest is a stomp the hotjoins are there feel free). Why work a system that spoils can potentially create unfair match ups which NO ONE ENJOYS. It’s 2 + 2 = 4 not 5 and if you don’t understand that then watch the game population continue to drop. You want to nurture competitive gaming not create an unbalanced system. The pros out weigh the cons if you split Solo and group, clearly… it really isn’t even debatable.

Anyone in their right mind not trying to cut corners in their game development can see matching premades vs solo Qers is a recipe for disaster no matter how you look at it. Solo Queue ladders attract players if you’re game is fun what is so hard to understand about this!!!!!

(edited by Mehlkee.6804)