After 1 legendary account and other 2 diamond accounts (almost legendary), all in soloqueue/duoqueue I think I’ve enough experience to say why matchmaking doesn’t work properly in this game.
No consideration for meta builds in the matchmaking: .This is the reason number one. This makes a lot of times unbalanced game, already decided by beginning, with no sustain team vs sustain team. Dobule thieves + warrior + necros against a combination of ele/scrapper/druid etc. This is an unbalanced game already decided by beginning and happens A LOT. People are forced to reroll (and it’s not always possible to replace a build with the same skill) and at high level this is a really big problem and the result is an unfun match from both of sides. At low/mid level you have people who run builds who doesn’t work and the setup is less important because people is not good enough. This means a good player with good knoweledge of 1 meta build can carry a lot and that’s the reason why there are huge win streak from good players in amber/emerald/sapphire tiers.
MMR: there is something wrong in how the system identifies the mmr value for esl players/super veteran players. If you stack a duo premade of esl player + another solo esl/veteran player against good players (but not enough) the game will result unbalanced. Dunno why this happens but happens many times. Only reading the players name I’m capable many times to predict the final game result. Sometimes the prediction is wrong because there is a unbalanced team composition (see the issue before). Maybe this kind of players deserve a different value than mmr, like a special value who identifies Pro player. In Legendary Division this has a huge impact on the game and makes not balanced games.
Premade vs soloer: Other old issue. In low/mid tier is possible to win against full premade with soloer or duo queue because this full premade is simple not good enough. In high tier (basically legendary but sometimes Diamond too) this is really different and a premade (duo+) has a huge impact in coordination on the game. This is in general needs to be solved, watching 41 vs 11111 is really bad for the game.
At the actual state i can say Matchmaking works well less than 50% of times. This means the fact you win or not, past Ruby is really random, many times depends on team composition and the fact you can use a meta build who carries a lot. In legendary division this is all amplified and basically you have the less fun division. And this is a shame because Legendary division should be the best division for quality games.
I think Anet should improve all these areas to improve the matchmaking. Without the total improvement, this Matchamking will be always really random.
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(edited by philheat.3956)