The unfairness of pet classes in this game (an opinion)
Agreed with the OP. So much randomness with all those pets around really kill the buzz.
Derps, thread after thread I see you flaming people for their opinions, being very rude and hostile. Chill?
Derps is just trolling. Many people find the amount of NPCs and turrets on-screen at any given battle to be too much, including me. I see these threads regularly.
it’s annoying when you get 2 or 3 multipet classes fighting toghether at the same time. I guess it’s part of the game. I dunno if they could change that mechanic in pvp only but that would limit the builds for those classes….not sure what they could do to improve this, they did not think too much about what would happen if we have 2 necros and 3 mesmers in the same pvp team…all using an insane amount of pets.
elementalist to weak cuz classes with pets are stronk and i dont know how to focus on the main guy cuz i havent learnt how to target pls nerf necromunser and renger
On a serious note, just use aoe skills and use targeting
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)
There are already two topics regarding this topic…I hope Anet will do something about this urgent topic because its a big fun killer in PVP.
Send your pets after their pets, I always do that on my mesmer.
You can’t be serious about mesmers, whole class is designed to have clones, phantasams and illusions popping all over, its main class mechanic and everything about mesmer is based on that.
These are not classic pets we are talking about, and they do very low dmg (except some illusions that are there as dmg skill), and every weapon set has few clone summoning skills, because they exist exactly to confuse oponent, as intended survivability mechanic of mesmers .
What you are asking is for complete class redesign, it can’t be just unavailable in pvp.
Elemental lists need buffed. I tried one, but I spilled ink all over the parchment. Now my elemental list is worthless.
I think overhead names of ranger pets, phantasms (not clones), necro pets, elementals, rock dogs and what else is out there should be removed and targeting hotkey shouldn’t target them at all (you could click if you want).
Oh and Engineer turrets. I always find myself dumping stuff on engineer turrets. “Yay I immobilized as stationary object”
I could agree with an option (or other hotkey) that would take players as a priority for targeting over pets. What people are having troubles with is targeting and it’s understandable.
I don’t really agree with the rest of the discussion though, these pets are integral to these classes. You can’t remove them without redesigning about half of the professions entirely.
Tirydia – Scrapper
If you can’t learn to deal with something than you shouldn’t be playing.
I like all the NPC’s and stuff on screen.
I’m so used to the business I can pick out anything I want and the more stuff on-screen the more fun it is to target the bad guys.
If you just play the game and practice none of this would be an issue lol
Pet classes aren’t OP instead of spamming tab target how bout you manually target the guy? If you cannot manually target a person while moving around and attacking you now have a new skill to work on.
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>
(edited by Derps.7421)
elementalist to weak cuz classes with pets are stronk and i dont know how to focus on the main guy cuz i havent learnt how to target pls nerf necromunser and rengerOn a serious note, just use aoe skills and use targeting
learn how to target, jesus.
Ele can have 2 pets up at once too.
A lot of the time when I see classes with multiple pets out, just cruising around the map I notice that the pet A.I. is quite a bit better than the players who summoned them.
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack
They are pet classes, choosing all of those pets takes all of their 6-0 abilities.
I would however like to see the pets themselves to be easier to distinguish from players ie. have their target icon be a different color than players or something to that effect so when you see a mesmer with a bunch of illusions out you can tell which one is the Mesmer before blowing through attacks on the illusions.
Disabling show all enemy names helps a lot.
The screen is so crowded during a PVP match that I am a hard time seeing and targeting.
Most of this has been answered but seriously this is a skill problem not a game problem.
If a necro goes 4 pets he/she is using up 4 utility slots thus making a weaker necro. It is easier to play? Yes. Is it better then a well played necro who uses their utility slots? No.
What you are explaining about automated damage is just a handy cap. Yes elementalists are harder, I am one, but a well played one is better.
So if I overcome the skill barrier of being able to see through over 9000 pets and learn to target my enemy in a timely fashion then I now have an advantage. Instead of fighting a good necro I am now fighting a weaker necro.
But until you get to that skill level you will feel overwhelmed by all the necro pets.
Its like 6 pooling noobs in SC2. It’s a cheese and it will work until you start playing against those who know how to counter it.
If you cannot develop the ability to target better then play with someone who can and get them to call targets while you assist them. Compensate lack of player skill with team work.
the mesmer’s illlusions aren’t pets, they’re first and foremost the profession’s resource like professions-specific resources of other classes, and they are like a buff/debuff that has a player-like looking animation. they are summoned for a short time and are consumed for using spells. that’s not at all what a pet is. creating a little gang of illusions and getting lost among them is the very flavor of the class, so saying its too cluttering is basically complaining about the class design.
the real pet classes are Necro and Ranger. Ranger does indeed only have 1 pet out at a time, and Necro’s pets are made to be small, perhaps exactly for the purpose of not cluttering the screen too much. as for the elites, they’re elites for a reason; to be flashy and bad-a**. pet summoning elites are only as flashy as all other ones
(edited by Tesler.5783)
They are pet classes, choosing all of those pets takes all of their 6-0 abilities.
I would however like to see the pets themselves to be easier to distinguish from players ie. have their target icon be a different color than players or something to that effect so when you see a mesmer with a bunch of illusions out you can tell which one is the Mesmer before blowing through attacks on the illusions.
so basically you would like to see Mesmer’s and pet classes’ gameplay mechanic removed from the game? in case you don’t realise, you fighting illusions and pets before you fight the actual player is the core of this professions’ survival mechanics
so basically you would like to see Mesmer’s and pet classes’ gameplay mechanic removed from the game? in case you don’t realise, you fighting illusions and pets before you fight the actual player is the core of this professions’ survival mechanics
you are right thats survival mechanics of the mesmer for example …but why they make huge dmg if they are for survival??
And pls don´t say they can be easily destroyed because they can spam this shxx
As a hobby I dream up ideas for game designs.
One idea I had for a competitive MMO is for a variety of play genres to be represented. Eg. Ranger/Engineer would play like an FPS, Warrior would play like a fighting game etc.
The pet classes would play like an RTS, where you have to directly command and control all of your pets. They would require a lot of skill and multitasking ability to play well.
It would have been cool if GW2 did something like that, but I guess it’s a bit out of the scope of the game.