Things I Wish I'd Known About Rotation

Things I Wish I'd Known About Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


Following feedback on Things I’d Wish Known in PVP , I’ve cobbled together some detailed tips on Rotation.

Many thanks to posters in pvp forum thread from where I copied pasted (a lot). Also thanks to posters in the original “Things” thread for rotation tips.

Rotation is not my strong suit, or at the least, not an area I feel comfortable explaining. Help making sense out of this and putting into some sort of logical sequence would be greatly appreciated. Please comment with edits, additions and amendments.


Rotation (Part 1)

Don’t 2v1 for the sake of “killing him faster”.

A good rule of thumb is to spend no more than 5s if you’re +1ing. Cast your cds, abilities, etc then rotate to other points that truly needs another player.

Don’t rotate to a point that isn’t yours for the sake of winning the 1v1. You’ll succeed in spending a lot of time duelling a class on a point that isn’t yours. There’s very few strategies that would warrant such a move, most know whether or not they can neutralize a point very fast but be mindful on how much time you spend on nodes you don’t own.

Don’t try to match numbers on nodes; don’t 4v2 because you’ll lose the other caps
Don’t hit on a bunker 1v1 if they own the node, if it’s theirs but you can kill him < 10s then sure

Don’t stream into a ‘zerg’ and keep dying, regroup and focus on what you have/can do

Let’s say you win the initial mid fight, you either watch for respawns to your home/mid or push far + watch respawns to match numbers. A lot of people just sit mid and lose everything in the process

If you’re losing the fight or you know it’s lost and you can peel, break off and decap a node that the enemy isn’t at if possible. If they try to zerg you then you break off again and help your team once they’ve respawned.

You want everyone doing something: if someone is staying home for a long time and no one is coming to him, it’s pretty much a 4v5 and he might as well be afk. that person even at home rather than always standing on the point that person should supervise the entrances to the spawn and there are spots near home u can stand to see where the enemy from their spawn is heading towards. Same thing applies to enemy rotations, if you notice they have a noob minionmancer at far standing on their home, you team can take advantage by simply not pushing far and winning the other 2 points 5v4

You want the most winning scenarios. an example of this is in a duel where neither side can kill each other, the one with the cap is in a winning scenario. deaths aren’t always a losing scenario because for example in foefire where it’s really hard to decap mid it’s still a winning scenario if it’s your cap and u have bunkers that keep coming that won’t die. another example is that a death means that class will be near home when spawning meaning in 15 seconds after full dead that person will be able to peel/ decap/ cap home and the person at home can leave sooner.

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

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Things I Wish I'd Known About Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


Rotation (Part 2)

Let’s say you have a start where your team is 1 home (which they should win easily), 2 of your teammates is pushing far and the rest of your team is gonna be 2v4 mid, if the 2 mid are bad players who chose to go in and die then complain about their teammates not being there it’s an easy losing scenario BUT, if the 2 simply choose not to commit to the 2v4 it’s actually a winning scenario for your team. sometimes you don’t even have to win, you just need to live and over time winning scenarios favouring you to screw over the other team. its winning cuz say your team won 2v1 far and capped both sides, mid can get easily punished for losing numbers mid to go to side point especially if the 2 in your team did not die and rendezvoused with the side teammates they are already out numbered 4v5 for a good amount of time after the guy at far dies.

Winning the fight > capping a point (ESPECIALLY IF U CAN’T HOLD IT), if there is a scenario where for example your capping far as a necro and u see a teammate necro heading towards far to you while being trained by 2 people. it is a terrible decision to stay to cap while watching your teammate die because your teammate is not like a thief that can just get away and once your teammate dies you’ll be left with 1v2 on a class that is terrible for it. the teammate can’t do anything about it, it’s in your hands.

Same thing when fighting off point, let’s say you’re in forest of nifhel and you and a teammate are heading towards mid and you know there is an annoying tanky dh standing there waiting for you guys to come. then on your way you guys stumble upon an enemy necro heading towards mid. heading to where the dh is to take a 2v2 is a WEAK play and takes more effort and probably won’t even get the decap anyways, instead just gank the necro off point real quick so that the necro has to waste cds on himself or may even die then if that necro is using everything he’s got to get stand on mid you will have either a winning 2v2 or a favourable 2v1.

If for some reason you’re on a side point with a damage class that shouldn’t be taking duels, if you have to take the duel against like a melee warrior for some reason without help, you are much better off letting them decap (assuming holding it for a few more seconds is the key to victory) while free casting damage on them than staying on the point while taking a duel you shouldn’t win if you stay on point because of at least 2 reasons: 1. taking less effort to win a duel for free is always good and 2. so that your hp and cds are still good enough to escape if the enemy is getting reinforcements from their spawn or your lost mid fight.

There are so many specific situations that require experience to know which decisions are optimal. Telling people to rotate doesn’t really get them to understand what you want them to do most of the time. Although winning 1v2 far can be strong, winning the 4v3 is 10x more important.

Basic logic: wiping (even as 1 person) on any point very likely leads to an outnumbered fight somewhere else. living to reset is generally always better than dying, waiting 15 sec to spawn plus however many more secs and cds spent to get to where they need to from spawn.

Sorry for WOT, didn’t have a lot of time to edit & make pretty

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

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Things I Wish I'd Known About Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: LUST.7241


Majority of legendary players don’t understand this concept. Legendary Thieves being the absolute worst at it.

Section this out future, fix your horrible punctuation and the such, and a lot of this is worth something for those pugging.