This game develops bad feelings
Best way to play this game….casual and for fun!!
Best way to play this game….casual and for fun!!
There are moment where you have time and will to play the game. You want to dedicate your time to the game. But when it’s a moment where the game has calculated to puts you always with the worst players. It’s just sad.
For the fun, sometimes you comes with nice feeling But, as I said, even most calm people can’t bear it when they lose continually ans you see that you are better than all ennemies in the other team.
(edited by Delweyn.1309)
Best way to play this game: not to play it at all. I spent more time playing offline games and OW this season than pvping in gw2. The system is designed around making you feel like crap.
[Teef] guild :>
Best way to play this game: not to play it at all. I spent more time playing offline games and OW this season than pvping in gw2. The system is designed around making you feel like crap.
I have been too, also try HoTS it is very fun. There is a massive difference in community attitude betwee pvp in these 2 games and GW2 which does seem to just be a bunch of frustrated and/or terrible players. Something is very very wrong with pvp here lol salt all around boyz I guess this is what happens when a game (mode?) is dying/dead.
It is nice in other games to see “gg” or “well played” often instead of pure rage and you know for a FACT in GW2 the losing team at least one of the players is kittening and raving about how terrible everyone is. Friendly like GW1 pvp used to be, brings back memories of old!
Still pvping, but still not taking it seriously. This game will make you rage so hard if you take it seriously. Grab a beer take a hit and spam aoe on reaper is better than tryharding on my thief and still losing to terrible players cuz of cancer / team mates.
(edited by Rukia.9860)
I am not so bothered by community (have seen worse) but the system itself is just extremely discouraging, especially the higher you get in ranks. It is basically: you work 40 hours a week for 5k €/month, but then you get promotion and supposed to work 60 hours a week for 800 €/month. This is current pvp system for me. The system literary screams at me: do NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!!
[Teef] guild :>
It’s calms me when I see someone saying “have fun all” at the beginning of the match, or something like this. It reminds me that it’s a game and a game should bring fun and happiness. But this game sometimes just push you to your limits. It destroys your reason.
This feeeling, I never experienced it in any other mmo. I played WOW for a long time and I never had this feeling of continuously losing. Sometimes we were losing and ennemies were farming us at our cimetary. But it changed in the nexts matches. Same for other mmorpg.
This is just GW2. And this game just brings out my worst side.
(edited by Delweyn.1309)
Yeah I see what you’re saying. Pvp doesn’t just have any 1 issue, it is a combination of a ton of things right now and we all have our favorite pick.
Well GW2 PvP is like that. It’s a lot more fast-paced. WoW gives you less stress because it gives you more time to make decisions in a fight. There are ups and downs and there’s no guaranteed way to win, but the thrill of fighting with/against other players makes me come back to it again and again. Frustration can happen but it affects your play and opens you up to mistakes in decision making.
If you have a 2-3 loss streak and you feel bad then it’s time to take a break. Expectations can ruin rewarding moments. I try to do my best floating in Gold (still bad) and I always find new things to learn, especially from scathing comments (some are helpfully scathing).
I’m not a super hardcore veteran, but after ~1400 rated/queued games in 2 active years, you don’t really feel that much about most things anymore. You know generally where to go, what to do, minimal communication (inc home 2, mid 3 etc) and you have a 55-60% win rate (anything below 70% is not consistent, i.e. I’m your average bad player). You feel that you can probably make another 5% if you just rotate sooner, 1v1 better, manage that Stomp & Cleave game in the team fight better, disengage appropriately, eliminate bad tunnel vision habits… things you tell yourself but since becoming more casual they don’t improve.
If you have the dedication to stick around after 8-10 losses, that would be key in improving your play. Just don’t bang yourself against a brick wall and burn out. Gotta find out the correct way to improve. There’s always something you can do – blaming teammates has never helped me. Watch the many guides and streams and try their tactics yourself.
If you feel bad at all it’s just experience you need. It includes the wisdom to take a break after a lose streak.
Take care.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
It’s not that simple when you have very little control over your party composition especially when terribads that only play 1 class will refuse to swap and MMR is all over the plce. My problem is definitely not self improvement lol none of t his would be an issue if I could just take a full team of friends into pvp who actually know how to play.
The current system is not competitive AT ALL. Duo queue is a complete joke, who the kittenhought of that lol people asked for solo q and team q to be separate, not this garbage.
It’s not that simple when you have very little control over your party composition especially when terribads that only play 1 class will refuse to swap and MMR is all over the plce. My problem is definitely not self improvement lol none of t his would be an issue if I could just take a full team of friends into pvp who actually know how to play.
The current system is not competitive AT ALL. Duo queue is a complete joke, who the kittenhought of that lol people asked for solo q and team q to be separate, not this garbage.
soloq isn’t issue, wonky MM and terrible rank gain/loss system is
[Teef] guild :>
As soon as you join the match, by looking at the people on both sides you’ll probably have a good idea how it will go anyway. It’s pretty common to get the same few people in consecutive matches. You’ll be awake when it seems like a close match though.
Duo queue is rather weird, I agree. MMR is the same old wonky thing.
Team queue used to exist but I can guess that because of population issues there aren’t enough full teams going by to make it work.
And solo can get some wildly inconsistent teammates to appear and back in the day some of us brave souls solo into team queue just to get a good fight.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
I am not so bothered by community (have seen worse) but the system itself is just extremely discouraging, especially the higher you get in ranks. It is basically: you work 40 hours a week for 5k €/month, but then you get promotion and supposed to work 60 hours a week for 800 €/month. This is current pvp system for me. The system literary screams at me: do NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!!
Oh i see …so in the previous system where you didnt loose PiP if you scored enought points compered to the the enemy team MMR , you where crying that the Leaderboards has no prestige and they should stop reinventing the wheels and just coppy systems from other games ..
While now when you get higher >you loose more and gain less…you are not playing ?
Can you tell , why the devs should listen any1 in the community …if the community itself gonna use ‘’Change Of Hearts’’ every 8 months ?
(brb going to work to sle…work)
Edit: Or are we gonna analyze , that the system place Silver players in your team (SO THE ENEMIES MUST HAVE THE SAME) and the diffrence between gold to silver is like 15-20 more conclusive wins (while the rest are having their 50% win ratio at the meantime)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
It’s calms me when I see someone saying “have fun all” at the beginning of the match, or something like this. It reminds me that it’s a game and a game should bring fun and happiness. But this game sometimes just push you to your limits. It destroys your reason.
This feeeling, I never experienced it in any other mmo. I played WOW for a long time and I never had this feeling of continuously losing. Sometimes we were losing and ennemies were farming us at our cimetary. But it changed in the nexts matches. Same for other mmorpg.
This is just GW2. And this game just brings out my worst side.
Yeah same here. So sad, actually not really I’m nearly over it.
I am not so bothered by community (have seen worse) but the system itself is just extremely discouraging, especially the higher you get in ranks. It is basically: you work 40 hours a week for 5k €/month, but then you get promotion and supposed to work 60 hours a week for 800 €/month. This is current pvp system for me. The system literary screams at me: do NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!!
And that is the sad part. This game begs you as a PvPer, at every turn to stop playing it. The problem is even more, when you find out some of the down right P2W games have better PvP then this game. It’s like ANet has something totally against us PvPers, on a personal level.
For a actually loyal fan. The be forced by the game company. To go elsewhere in order to continue having fun. Is just pretty pathetic at best. It’s not like we “oh the game is having a hard time, time to jump ship”. Nah, we sat here trying to reason with ANet and the portion of the community that was benefiting the most in the short run from this non competitive system. But neither party was even willing to somewhat level with us.
After spending more then 6 to 7 months of trying to reason. With that which can not be reasoned with. Nothing more to do at that point. But find enjoyment in those areas of the game elsewhere.
Again it’s pretty sad when you have a loser failed at the start MMO like ESO. Bare down, grit their teeth. And never give up, until they forced success doors open for themselves. And is now one of the best MMOs out atm. They’ve suffered many loses and sacrifices. To get where they are now. About to release a serious E-Pack with a massive following. Only because they didn’t give up. They went thru a total of 2 complete game engine mechanics overhauls.
Then you have GW2 who was given success in a hand basket. Bound to succeed from the get go. And soon as the going got rough. They just completely shut down, gave up, and rolled over. I don’t know about you all. But if that’s how ANet truly is as gaming company. There is nothing left to defend in their name. They simply have sold us out to the “can’t be bothered to learn how to play a video game” crowd because things get a bit difficult for them.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
I am not so bothered by community (have seen worse) but the system itself is just extremely discouraging, especially the higher you get in ranks. It is basically: you work 40 hours a week for 5k €/month, but then you get promotion and supposed to work 60 hours a week for 800 €/month. This is current pvp system for me. The system literary screams at me: do NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!!
Oh i see …so in the previous system where you didnt loose PiP if you scored enought points compered to the MMR on the enemy team MMR , you where crying that the Leaderboards has no prestige and they should stop reinventing the wheels and just coppy systems from other games ..
While now when you get higher >you loose more and gain less…you are not playing ?
Can you tell , why the devs should listen any1 in the community …if the community itself gonna use ‘’Change Of Hearts’’ 8 months ?
edit: since you changed your post, difference between divisions is more than 10 games or so due to abysmal rank gains that hit when you play more and more games. I started in low gold this season for w/e odd reasons, i did climb back to plat but i would gain 8 ranks….. per win and lose 15-22. It took more than 12-15 match to get out of one division.
I think you really don’t understand the actual issue. I am fine with rank system as it is. I am not fine the way MM and rank gains/losses work.
1. They threw any kind of MM out of window for the sake of short queue. You literary just get silver/gold vs legends. I am not joking, ask Sind. Also matches like plat/gold/gold/gold/gold vs legend/legend/plat/plat/gold are really common.
2. The rank gain/loss is based on personal mmr vs avg enemy team mmr. It does not take into account that you have to carry gold players vs legend players and since point 1 happens a lot it results in negative rank gain overall since you lose for matches more than you gain.
All i am asking is for balanced matches (which is not the case) and fair rank gains/losses (which is again not the case). It really blows my mind that you actually defend players being punished like this.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Even in a balanced matches , the gain/loose whould be the same (6 for win/ 36 for loose) … in order to create a Leader that FORCES YOU TO NOT LOOSE …TO SHOWCASE SKILL AS MOST PPL WANTED !
Combined with a Soloque … where Top players skills will be highlighted(hight skillplayers can shutdown 2-3 opponents) and more teams will be created or those top players be inv as replacements for future Tournaments
This is the 2013 plan ….
They stopped reinventing the wheel …
Why are you all not happy???
Edit: /pick up pieces …
These huge amount of lose rating , give to other ppl below you a chance to play in you ’’division’’ rather than having back to back 10 players fighting each other again and again for 6 points win and 9 for loosing
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
Well, there are worse things in life than losing or winning a game. At least, being able to play is quite a luxury in itself. I can understand the frustration, but that can’t excuse all the hate and the insults. People just need to chill out a bit. Just remember there are people dying for real, for no (or bad) reason, out there. When i think how a simple game makes people react, i can see no hope for humanity.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Well, there are worse things in life than losing or winning a game. At least, being able to play is quite a luxury in itself. I can understand the frustration, but that can’t excuse all the hate and the insults. People just need to chill out a bit. Just remember there are people dying for real, for no (or bad) reason, out there. When i think how a simple game makes people react, i can see no hope for humanity.
Naw, it’s just that sometimes we try too hard to have fun. While everyone can get what they want in PvE, half will always win/lose in PvP.
You go into a PvP game accepting that you might lose and the way to salvage that loss is to learn from your mistakes. But you also have the desire to win, over your peers.
We can of course examine gaming from a distant perspective and declare that we are feeling entitled while in luxury. But PvPers can be a greedy bunch. And when we can’t satisfy that greed, we turn to (oh the rage) escape mechanisms. And those can be entertaining in itself.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
Even in a balanced matches , the gain/loose whould be the same (6 for win/ 36 for loose) … in order to create a Leader that FORCES YOU TO NOT LOOSE …TO SHOWCASE SKILL AS MOST PPL WANTED !
Combined with a Soloque … where Top players skills will be highlighted(hight skillplayers can shutdown 2-3 opponents) and more teams will be created or those top players be inv as replacements for future Tournaments
( is the 2013 plan ….
They stopped reinventing the wheel …
Why are you all not happy???/THROW KEYNOARD………….
Edit: /pick up pieces …
These huge amount of lose rating , give to other ppl below you a chance to play in you ’’division’’ rather than having back to back 10 players fighting each other again and again for 6 points win and 9 for loosing/THROW AGAIN KEYBOARD
You completely fail to acknowledge that each game has teams comprised of multiple divisions. Just with that, not a single match, can be competitive. In a competitive match, where every person is near each other’s rating, which means within 150-200 rating, a person is not going to be able to 1v2 or 1v3. Plain and simple. That ONLY happens when there are players in the match that should not be there (other than certain builds on certain maps against certain builds).
You also fail to acknowledge anything about how the MM forms teams, and as far as giving people a chance to play in a higher division, the whole point of entire thing is to EARN that, not be given it by a faulty system that the devs WILL NOT fix, because it will highlight their complete and utter failure on the game mode as a whole. That’s why they have chosen to go with queue time over quality. That’s why no one is playing, because it’s OBVIOUSLY terrible, and the people with the power to fix it, refuse to.
A game should bring fun.
But GW2’s pvp just brings frustrations, hate, bad manners. And with time bad feelings even when we try to be reasonnable.Why ?
In a pvp gmes, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. It’s the game. Most people accepts it. There is nothing to be sad or angry about.
But because of the bad matchmaking, when we lose 8-10 times in a row, and each time you see that you are better than most ennemies, but you continue to lose because the game puts you always with the worst people, there is a time where you just can’t accept it anymore.I’m not a young player and I’m quite reasonable in normal situation. But because of this incredibly bad matchmaking system, it just push you to your limits and there is a moment where you can’t bear it anymore. And what’s the result ? You do things that you don’t endorse in normal times. You get afk, you are not playing at 100%, you talk bad…. And after, you just regret it and think that it’s not you. A shame.
Then you stop the game (even if you have time and will to play the game). But the frustration comes back again, and again, and again, because of this really bad matchmaking system.
Anet, do you like making people angry and bad ?
I think I really need a break. You’re so bad people…
Same feelings here too.. You are not alone. Good speech
@Killthehealersffs.8940: except matches are not balanced, never were, you have silvers playing vs legend on constant basis. That is on top of absolutely broken rank gains/loss. Sorry, but this does not create “skill based” ladder, this just forces players to quit game because those silvers etc. will be sitting in 30+ lost games due to bad MM that forces them into losing games. This is not what MM is for. Might as well delete it all together since it is no better than HJ.
And why do you think it is ok for single plat to be forced to carry 4 golds vs 4 legend/1 plat teams. The legend players do not have to do it – they have easy games (this applies to basically all divisions). Even in sports you don’t have top professional soccer teams playing vs 11 year old kids competitively. And those kids have their pocket money taken from them for losing games vs prof team basically. You find this actually fair? Because this is what current pvp system is. What a joke. No wonder people are leaving gw2 pvp.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Interesting, I always found GW2 PvP to be rather peaceful (but haven’t played for a while), especially compared to MOBAs or overwatch. OW was fine for the first 30 levels but now there isn’t a single game where there isn’t someone flaming mercy for not healing enough, leaving because they don’t want to play with a widow or whatever. Hating because of the hero choice of someone else or just general flaming. Actually whenever someone uses the chat it’s hate. Just look at the “how to disable chat” threads in the OW forum.
And I haven’t even tried competitive mode yet, only quick play…
As soon as you join the match, by looking at the people on both sides you’ll probably have a good idea how it will go anyway. It’s pretty common to get the same few people in consecutive matches. You’ll be awake when it seems like a close match though.
Duo queue is rather weird, I agree. MMR is the same old wonky thing.
Team queue used to exist but I can guess that because of population issues there aren’t enough full teams going by to make it work.
And solo can get some wildly inconsistent teammates to appear and back in the day some of us brave souls solo into team queue just to get a good fight.
That’s the only thing I’m afraid of, even if they do add back team q at this point I think pvp is so dead that it just wouldn’t matter. I would play with my buddies for sure, but we’d probably just be destroying the same low rated newbs every time. So kitteng sad how far this pvp has fallen.
Interesting, I always found GW2 PvP to be rather peaceful (but haven’t played for a while), especially compared to MOBAs or overwatch. OW was fine for the first 30 levels but now there isn’t a single game where there isn’t someone flaming mercy for not healing enough, leaving because they don’t want to play with a widow or whatever. Hating because of the hero choice of someone else or just general flaming. Actually whenever someone uses the chat it’s hate. Just look at the “how to disable chat” threads in the OW forum
And I haven’t even tried competitive mode yet, only quick play…
You’re not wrong, but personally I do nver receive hate like that because I am allowed to group with my friends. I was just trying to point out that enemies even say GG usually in HoTS or OW because you are genuinely enjoying yourself.
Maybe it is just me, but from my experience some professions tend to be saltier than others. It would be interresting to study players profiles according to their favorite class. Tell me what you play, i’ll tell who you are.
Naw, it’s just that sometimes we try too hard to have fun. While everyone can get what they want in PvE, half will always win/lose in PvP.
You go into a PvP game accepting that you might lose and the way to salvage that loss is to learn from your mistakes. But you also have the desire to win, over your peers.
We can of course examine gaming from a distant perspective and declare that we are feeling entitled while in luxury. But PvPers can be a greedy bunch. And when we can’t satisfy that greed, we turn to (oh the rage) escape mechanisms. And those can be entertaining in itself.
Yes, you pointed the right word: greed That’s just what turns this world so mad. There is good greed though. The greed to become better, a better player, or a better individual.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Haha right. And you know how important greed is in pvp yeah? It is actually a serious issue. Say I’m feeling greedy and my weener feels 20 inches Ima go for this kill even though he has 3 team mates with him and I’m solo,
Oh kitten he just used a blind/block/invuln and now I’m dead. Guess I should run to the fight again without my team mates and see how it goes this time. I got greedy and lost now my team is -1 but the best idea would be to just repeat this.
I can’t actually stress how balanced this game actually is, the problem is the kittening idiot players.
GW2 players are the worst I swear lol I’ve seen some tards in WoW BGs but kitten conquest takes the cancer to an entirely new level.
Oh you forgot the greed to 3-cap when you have a comfortable margin, and then everyone wipes at far and your team gets snowballed.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Oh you forgot the greed to 3-cap when you have a comfortable margin, and then everyone wipes at far and your team gets snowballed.
If I could +1 to infinity I would bro.
Keep in mind I run into this kitten in plat. I keep getting demoted to gold because ppl are so kittening dumb it’s honestly so comical that I feel bad for the ppl that actually take this serious.
This game is amazing what are you all talking about. I love dying to 14k of PI damage which is completely passive. The counter is obviously not to cast anything and die to auto attacks. It is an amazing game this game. My passive procs vs your passive procs as we both spam a rotation on a point. Its awesome.
And the skill comes from knowing which rotation to use vs which calss. I love such brainless gameplay where all you have to do is be lame.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I can’t actually stress how balanced this game actually is, the problem is the kittening idiot players.
That’s linked in my opinion. You know, some games, you outrotate completly the opponent until 1 bad mistake happens and you end up losing because people keep running mid suiciding 1 by 1, and you wonder if your teammates knew what they were doing ( plus sometimes flaming you on ignore mode).
At the turret meta time, it was clearly players not playing the best way. But nowadays, when i’m facing double necro double guard, i have issues to see what we could do…
Maybe it is just me, but from my experience some professions tend to be saltier than others. It would be interresting to study players profiles according to their favorite class. Tell me what you play, i’ll tell who you are.
Naw, it’s just that sometimes we try too hard to have fun. While everyone can get what they want in PvE, half will always win/lose in PvP.
You go into a PvP game accepting that you might lose and the way to salvage that loss is to learn from your mistakes. But you also have the desire to win, over your peers.
We can of course examine gaming from a distant perspective and declare that we are feeling entitled while in luxury. But PvPers can be a greedy bunch. And when we can’t satisfy that greed, we turn to (oh the rage) escape mechanisms. And those can be entertaining in itself.
Yes, you pointed the right word: greed
That’s just what turns this world so mad. There is good greed though. The greed to become better, a better player, or a better individual.
intersesting. Is it based on what class one mains or do u also take in account seconds and third classes. Well anyways
Main Class: Elementalist
Second: Warrior
Third: Druid
What profile do i fall in?
It’s not that simple when you have very little control over your party composition especially when terribads that only play 1 class will refuse to swap and MMR is all over the plce. My problem is definitely not self improvement lol none of t his would be an issue if I could just take a full team of friends into pvp who actually know how to play.
The current system is not competitive AT ALL. Duo queue is a complete joke, who the kittenhought of that lol people asked for solo q and team q to be separate, not this garbage.
soloq isn’t issue, wonky MM and terrible rank gain/loss system is
You cant have good matchmaking when nobody plays. Not rocket science
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
if they make pvp look and play amazing i wont mind the loses
It’s not that simple when you have very little control over your party composition especially when terribads that only play 1 class will refuse to swap and MMR is all over the plce. My problem is definitely not self improvement lol none of t his would be an issue if I could just take a full team of friends into pvp who actually know how to play.
The current system is not competitive AT ALL. Duo queue is a complete joke, who the kittenhought of that lol people asked for solo q and team q to be separate, not this garbage.
soloq isn’t issue, wonky MM and terrible rank gain/loss system is
You cant have good matchmaking when nobody plays. Not rocket science
Nobody argues about that but it doesn’t even attempt to balance out teams. It just throws all legends on one team and all golds on other and treats it as fair match based on rank point gains/loss.
[Teef] guild :>
Because this game balance for 5v5. YA! a 5 man team! and HoT make teamwork more important than oginal game.
SAVEING CLEANING HEALING + the game mode – 3 point fighting rotation …..
That’s mean you can’t not do many things by alone.
you dont know how many people started swearing at me for playing toxic builds,
i dont think they mean it though , its the heat of the moment.
the only reason i play toxic builds its to counter toxic builds.
You completely fail to acknowledge that each game has teams comprised of multiple divisions. Just with that, not a single match, can be competitive. In a competitive match, where every person is near each other’s rating, which means within 150-200 rating, a person is not going to be able to 1v2 or 1v3. Plain and simple. That ONLY happens when there are players in the match that should not be there (other than certain builds on certain maps against certain builds).
You also fail to acknowledge anything about how the MM forms teams, and as far as giving people a chance to play in a higher division, the whole point of entire thing is to EARN that, not be given it by a faulty system that the devs WILL NOT fix, because it will highlight their complete and utter failure on the game mode as a whole. That’s why they have chosen to go with queue time over quality. That’s why no one is playing, because it’s OBVIOUSLY terrible, and the people with the power to fix it, refuse to.
You fail to acknowledge that when when even the pros and the new players DONT PLAY as much in order to avoid the chance to loose MMR ….there will be not much difference …..
IF YOU PLAY more … the system will try to accurate represent your rating/skill ..
Whn every tries to play as less as posible … then a person with 80w/40 …and 65w/55 is almost in the same lvl
This is the copy paste of any normal system
Capish ?
A higly skilled player can carry in soloque
In the past you where saying to return the soloque to showcase this kind of skill
Deal with it
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
Highly skilled player will not be able to carry a match when he faces players of same skills while his teammates are way below his skill. High skilled player can carry in lower ranks but not closer to their actual rank.
There is also issues: why should high skilled player be forced to carry lower ranks?
Why should lower ranked players get a free ride? The problem is, the high skilled player has a dilemma: either he hardcarries lower ranks to divisions they don’t belong and increases chances of having same lower ranked player on his team again OR he loses match, loses ranks but at least low ranked teammate stays where they belong. I mean the choice is very obvious. Which results in huge skill gaps within same ratings and once again really broken and unfun matches.
At the end i think most players just want fun and fair matches. Matches where 1 player is forced to hardcarry not so skilled teammates are not fun. Matches where you watch your team getting spawn camped are not fun. Matches where you basically spawncamp enemy team are not fun. But this is direct result of what you are defending and leads to players leaving the game.
A higly skilled player can carry in soloque
In the past you where saying to return the soloque to showcase this kind of skill
Please show me where i posted this very statement. I wanted soloq back because full-premade with vc had very obvious advantage over full soloq team. It also didn’t help that such premades carried single players to divisions where they don’t belong. There is also issue that current pvp population simply can’t support team queue.
I do welcome soloq, i am glad they brought it back. I do not agree how current MM and rank gain/loss system are implemented.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Maybe it is just me, but from my experience some professions tend to be saltier than others. It would be interresting to study players profiles according to their favorite class. Tell me what you play, i’ll tell who you are.
Naw, it’s just that sometimes we try too hard to have fun. While everyone can get what they want in PvE, half will always win/lose in PvP.
You go into a PvP game accepting that you might lose and the way to salvage that loss is to learn from your mistakes. But you also have the desire to win, over your peers.
We can of course examine gaming from a distant perspective and declare that we are feeling entitled while in luxury. But PvPers can be a greedy bunch. And when we can’t satisfy that greed, we turn to (oh the rage) escape mechanisms. And those can be entertaining in itself.
Yes, you pointed the right word: greed
That’s just what turns this world so mad. There is good greed though. The greed to become better, a better player, or a better individual.
intersesting. Is it based on what class one mains or do u also take in account seconds and third classes. Well anyways
Main Class: Elementalist
Second: Warrior
Third: DruidWhat profile do i fall in?
I think you’re an open minded guy. You like to try to discover new possibilities and you are not bound by… not sure of the english word for… bias? You’re mostly a team player even though you like challenging yourself. You are quite charismatic and willing to lead if the need comes. People think of you as someone reliable, and they trust you because you acknowledge your own mistakes, and your own limits. But you are humble and willing to improve. You’re the type to believe only what he sees and feels by himself. What rune describes you? Rune of the adventurer. Gosh I should make a crappy facebook test.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Oh you forgot the greed to 3-cap when you have a comfortable margin, and then everyone wipes at far and your team gets snowballed.
So long as people rotate properly, going for a 3 cap is not a ‘wrong’ thing to do. It might be a l2p issue in gold. But maybe it’s because I’m a thief and most of the time my team knows to split the map to make my presence far more of a deadly factor. I’ve never played with slow and tanky comps, only against them.
It’s not that simple when you have very little control over your party composition especially when terribads that only play 1 class will refuse to swap and MMR is all over the plce. My problem is definitely not self improvement lol none of t his would be an issue if I could just take a full team of friends into pvp who actually know how to play.
The current system is not competitive AT ALL. Duo queue is a complete joke, who the kittenhought of that lol people asked for solo q and team q to be separate, not this garbage.
There are terribads on both teams. Better MMR is not going to solve your discontent with the game.
Your problem is not self improvement? Really? So you are the best you can be? Why aren’t you God of PvP then?
High skilled players know rotations and when not to throw bodies into losing situations. Bad players will die one by one at Home, then run back into the big fight on respawn, only to keep dying. This happens over and over and over and over. These players don’t belong in Gold+ match, let alone be placed on my team.
In a match, we can split 2/2/1 and still get all 3 point, so yes it’s not a wrong strategy. Good players who split like this and fail know not to try again because there are good players on other team, so they stick to focus on Home and Mid.
Season 6 was the first season i played ZERO Ranked matches. I play PvP predominantly for fun and partly for the fast reward track progression. Apart from the super easy ascended gear in Season 5 i didnt really enjoy ranked that much (mostly due to match making related and AFK’er etc). So when ANET reduced the rewards i decided to just chill and play unranked occasionally and spend the majority of my time in WvW where i actually really enjoy roaming and duelling.
Its a pity because i really liked the excitement and challenge of pvp before leagues were introduced and when the majority of pvp players played for the fun of it.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Season 6 was the first season i played ZERO Ranked matches. I play PvP predominantly for fun and partly for the fast reward track progression. Apart from the super easy ascended gear in Season 5 i didnt really enjoy ranked that much (mostly due to match making related and AFK’er etc). So when ANET reduced the rewards i decided to just chill and play unranked occasionally and spend the majority of my time in WvW where i actually really enjoy roaming and duelling.
Its a pity because i really liked the excitement and challenge of pvp before leagues were introduced and when the majority of pvp players played for the fun of it.
This will probably be what I’ll do next season if no drastic changes are made. It’s a game after all, and if it’s not fun then there’s no reason to play.
Maybe it is just me, but from my experience some professions tend to be saltier than others. It would be interresting to study players profiles according to their favorite class. Tell me what you play, i’ll tell who you are.
Naw, it’s just that sometimes we try too hard to have fun. While everyone can get what they want in PvE, half will always win/lose in PvP.
You go into a PvP game accepting that you might lose and the way to salvage that loss is to learn from your mistakes. But you also have the desire to win, over your peers.
We can of course examine gaming from a distant perspective and declare that we are feeling entitled while in luxury. But PvPers can be a greedy bunch. And when we can’t satisfy that greed, we turn to (oh the rage) escape mechanisms. And those can be entertaining in itself.
Yes, you pointed the right word: greed
That’s just what turns this world so mad. There is good greed though. The greed to become better, a better player, or a better individual.
intersesting. Is it based on what class one mains or do u also take in account seconds and third classes. Well anyways
Main Class: Elementalist
Second: Warrior
Third: DruidWhat profile do i fall in?
I think you’re an open minded guy. You like to try to discover new possibilities and you are not bound by… not sure of the english word for… bias? You’re mostly a team player even though you like challenging yourself. You are quite charismatic and willing to lead if the need comes. People think of you as someone reliable, and they trust you because you acknowledge your own mistakes, and your own limits. But you are humble and willing to improve. You’re the type to believe only what he sees and feels by himself. What rune describes you? Rune of the adventurer. Gosh I should make a crappy facebook test.
That’s not half bad.
Things u got right.
>Charisma(mostly IRL but i have confidence issues sometimes)
>Open minded
>likes a challenge
>acknoledges limits and mistakes
>willing to improve(sometimes stress causes me to be incredibly hard on myself)
>Believes what he sees and feels
U got almost all of it right.
I know some players who were ranked high in the charts. But because of the minimum game requirement to stay in the top, some were forced to play extra games. That allowed low skill players to be placed on the team, and created losses.
It can’t be helped. Having a minimum game requirement is good because you can’t sit on one lucky streak, and then take a break for the rest of season. But because matchmaking allows lowlowlow skilled players to fight top players, it turns a fun and competitive game mode into what feel like a grindfest gauntlet of “will I get bad players on my team next match?”. Each game you start to meet the minimum game requirement, you never know if matchmaking will make it fun, or pure kitten.
I know some players who were ranked high in the charts. But because of the minimum game requirement to stay in the top, some were forced to play extra games. That allowed low skill players to be placed on the team, and created losses.
It can’t be helped. Having a minimum game requirement is good because you can’t sit on one lucky streak, and then take a break for the rest of season. But because matchmaking allows lowlowlow skilled players to fight top players, it turns a fun and competitive game mode into what feel like a grindfest gauntlet of “will I get bad players on my team next match?”. Each game you start to meet the minimum game requirement, you never know if matchmaking will make it fun, or pure kitten.
^^this all happens because they changed MM to fast queues instead of quality matches so it just throws whatever it finds within minute in the same match.
[Teef] guild :>
^^this all happens because they changed MM to fast queues instead of quality matches so it just throws whatever it finds within minute in the same match.
^-^ and this happens because YOUR MACHT PLAYED effect you Leaderboard rating .
You can have 200-300 less rating team8s in your team , but both YOU and HIM have played 60 games in a period of 2 motnhs .
Not enought data to to categorized you who is pro or not .
Its a silly arbitery number ..based on your previous seasons MMR + 10 current placements macthes
THIS IS TRULY A 100% NON GIMMIMICK OLD SCHOOL NOT GRINDBASED LEADERBOARDS (without the casuals that keep active the que and hunt the Loot boxxes)
edit: not exactly …we need rewards to be available only o the 5% ….so we can have more matches manipulation + alts sabotage + late night/offimes gameplay :P
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
^^this all happens because they changed MM to fast queues instead of quality matches so it just throws whatever it finds within minute in the same match.
^-^ and this happens because YOUR MACHT PLAYED effect you Leaderboard rating .
You can have 200-300 less rating team8s in your team , but both YOU and HIM have played 60 games in a period of 2 motnhs .
Not enought data to to categorized you who is pro or not .
Its a silly arbitery number ..based on your previous seasons MMR + 10 current placements macthesTHIS IS TRULY A 100% NON GIMMIMICK OLD SCHOOL NOT GRINDBASED LEADERBOARDS (without the casuals that keep active the que and hunt the Loot boxxes)
edit: not exactly …we need rewards to be available only o the 5% ….so we can have more matches manipulation + alts sabotage + late night/offimes gameplay :P
So wait, you claim that legends play vs silvers because they both played 60 matches? Are you serious lol?
I think you really don’t understand the problem. Say 3 players of MMR around 1900 are queuing for match. MM is trying to build a team for them, but since no other 1900 queue, it grabs next 1800s. So we have team with average of 1860.
Now MM attempts to build enemy team for the match but since no more 1900s queue at time, it keeps looking for about a min. Since it can’t find the players with similar rating anymore, it removes the limitation and takes whatever it can find, e.g. 1800, 1400, 1400, 1500, 1500 which is more likely since generally mid/low tier have more players queuing at any time. So we have team of 1520 facing 1860. The MM doesn’t care that this is probably not a fair match, for the system it is a set match, players accepted the queue so it is a valid match. When match is over it will calculate ratings based on personal MMR vs avg MMR of enemy team which results
1. in absolute blow out for the 1520 team
2. absurd rank loss for the 1800 on the losing team
3. guaranteed loss for anyone on 1520 team (which will be repeated over and over again since no other higher ranked players queue at time)
4. the members of the 1860 team gaining almost nothing (up to 0 rating per win).
Bottom line, this system is not fair nor fun to anyone. Lower ranked get farmed by high ranked over and over again. The high ranked that ended up filling the spot on low ranked team gets punished heavily. High ranked players have absolutely boring matches with literary non-existent rank gains and the risk of losing ranks worth of 50 wins.
Why should any of those players bother pvp anymore? Among all other things (lack of carrots, class balance) this is one of the reason why people quit. I personally went from pvp’ing every day to not logging in for weeks. I do not enjoy sitting in matches, watching my team getting spawn camped by players 2 divisions above my teammates and then lose points worth of 2 wins. This is absolutely depressing.
As far as exploiting and cheating goes, this is not the system issue, this is customer support issue not doing anything about it (i am not claiming anything, look at NA LB and check games of top players… it even gets streamed but we would rather ignore elephant in the room -_-). In any other game i played companies were pretty harsh about such things, it is just in GW2 you can do whatever you want apparently.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
In the placements matches we had posters that moaned that some ppl where gaining better leaderspots numbers from some others , while they had the same results ….
Their previous MMR helped them to go in higher spots (more Rating) , in order to avoid to be in the ’’medium’’ zone and farm the new players .
You could have 1900 … he can have 1600 ….. but you have played the same numbers of games …(too few> avoid any more losss) .
In the end , if you both have 55% win rating YOU ARE IN THE SAME SKILL LVL .
If the averege time played is 1 game per day (2 months=60 games) and both keep the 55% win rating … who is the killed and not ?
So you want a system implanted where if your chance to win is lower than the oponent , you dont loose much rating and you gain more (if you beat them) ?
I am sorry …. but real esports like LoL rewards you for winning …so we must keep this ‘’deja vu’’ system
Its the spread like candies the infractions , season ?