Toxicity in PvP - here's why.
Casuals seem to be a scapegoat for toxicity of this thread. Toxicity is the fault of the toxic people or persons.
In every team game, all the players are going to be salty if individual teammates are getting dumpstered due to poor connection, bad builds, talking on the phone, screaming kids/parents in the background, you name it.
I’m guilty of being salty @ bad teammates, but as per the unspoken internet code of conduct, don’t start verbally abusing people in GW2 team chat. If you do, you’re at fault.
Instead of alienating a significant player demographic by simply denying them the PvP Achievements/League progress, I suggest a positive sportsmanship program, and the ability to meaningfully rate players on their sportsmanship, (or toxicity) in a way that incentivizes shutting the hell up instead of expressing how crap your teammates are compared to you.
Toss in some serious reward track progress boosts for a clean bill of sportsmanship, and you have a happier playerbase.
+1 Well said.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
I think the only reason that there is ‘toxicity’ in pvp is because it matters if you win or lose. If you gained a pip, the same amount of reward track progress and the same amount of gold for a loss, there would be zero toxicity because the games don’t matter. People value their pips/divisions so much that if anyone plays what a player considers badly, that player will be extremely angry because they believe that they are losing and it is not their fault. If they gain a pip for a loss, they wouldn’t care how bad their teammates are because it wouldn’t matter. Of course Anet can’t start giving pips out for losses, so there will always be toxicity in pvp. It is just not avoidable.
Yes, people who are angry at others in team chat could be banned, but that would massively reduce the player base because almost everyone has raged and someone else at least once. Only banning in the most extreme cases seems to be the right thing to do in my opinion. If people raging at you upsets you, you can turn off chat and you will never see it. I find it really funny when people rage at me, but I understand that most people would not like it so it should not be allowed.
Leagues encourage a lot of toxicity because there is much more to be gained/lost in ranked than unranked. I know that leagues cause toxicity because in unranked, I generally enjoy playing, I don’t mind if I lose and I play by choice, not because I feel forced to. In ranked before I get to legendary, I do not enjoy pvp at all unless I am winning, I am absolutely furious when I lose and I do not play by choice but because I feel like I have to so I can reach legendary. I am sure I am not one of the only people who think like this. Of course I never am unkind to people in chat and I try to be as helpful as I can no matter how I am feeling, but some people will show their emotions in chat.
As long as leagues exist, there will be a fairly large amount of toxicity.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
@Ellie: Pills are no replacement for education!
If someone in the street cannot control his anger, turns upset easily and throw some insults because it is getting out without control, I see how this person needs to channel his anger. It can be done either by medication or discussion.
In the present case, people get upset and take time to type on their keyboard, sometimes read what they have written before pushing Enter. It is like a forum, it is not as spontaneous. In that case I tend to think that people know what they are doing and do it on purpose : they want to be toxic towards someone.There can be several reason (“you hurt my ego, I hurt yours in front of others”, “If I am mean enough to someone it will create a reaction in his gameplay”…..) but I don’t think it is a medical issue.
I don’t know but i was cyber bullied on here once a while back by some one I killed in pvp repeatedly, and that’s all I did, I didn’t speak 1 word to him, just killed him every time he came near my point. And he got so mad and started calling me the worst name he could think of, it was bad but what made it worse was he got everyone on his team to call me that word too. I felt soo bad that I just wanted to go some where and hide. So that kind of abuse does bad things to people and it should not be excused or permitted. If meds and or therapy would help them to not harm others that way then they should do it, and if they are just hateful cruel people they shouldn’t be allowed any where near the internet ever. That’s my thoughts on the subject
“Others should be silenced because I can’t control my emotions”.
You might find this funny – but people who insult others or are just verbally abusive are not people that should be put on meds. Trust me – I work in this field and know what I’m talking about.
If people who insult and verbally abuse others should be medicated – you’d be medicating 99% of the world’s population.
The best way to avoid harm is to try to do your own part in being stronger and more capable in dealing with this sort of thing. Silencing people isn’t the answer.
Whether they’re wrong or right – people will speak out – it’s a fundamental right.
Their freedom means they’re also free to be mean to you if they so wish. Even if Anet doesn’t necessarily support it.Who said anything about silencing people? The block feature works fine.
You’re equating giving a cookie to people that are up voted for sportsmanship, with something completely different.
If it’s your calling to rip a strip off your teammates, and annoy every player in the vicinity, God bless America, you can still do that. Just don’t expect a cookie for good behavior.
In case you missed it Ellie proposes that everyone who has something that’s not nice to say to him must somehow be psychically deranged and should be put on medication.
This is a form of silencing – it’s the “there’s no validity to anything you say or do because you’re insane” tactic.
That does not mean that being verbally abusive is nice – but it certainly is not a prime indicator for mental sickness.
Others in this thread have proposed permabans for people who vent in PvP.
I was primarily addressing them.
I get your system – it might work – if the rewards are good enough it might even be a good farm.
So I was on reddit a few minutes ago and some happy poster posted this:
It is the same immaturity that plagues other PvP and FPS games and the problem is certainly not the people that are just there to play casually/have fun.
It was posted in a topic where people were discussing toxicity and its causes.
Well one of the causes is right there – in his post.If you are playing PvP casually in a happy-go-lucky way you should not be playing in leagues.
I think Anet should take steps to make it more clear that people that just want to “play some pvp” but have no idea what PvP is, how it works and so on should be encouraged to not play leagues.
The real reason for toxicity as far as I see it is being matched with clueless people that don’t listen and go into PvP with the wrong attitude.
One solution I propose to fix this would be a PvP rank requirement for entry into leagues of let’s say 60. I understand this can be farmed too – but I doubt most “casual” PvPers will bother with farming it that high.
Also to those of you who will be asking – why not post this on reddit – the answer is: I dislike reddit and believe that discussion regarding GW2 should take place on the official forums – not some 3rd party website.
Nice bait this topic, i can only say people play this for fun are way more the majority then the so called true hardcore minority, o wait the true hardcore ones already left this game and are playing BDO at this moment. The ones that are still left are wannabees who wants to keep their little world and not welcome anyone else.
I play PvP for fun and i dont care what others think about it, the joke is if i see playing pvp for fun i play at my best, if i MUST do stuff, i will not succeed.
Every human being works different mate, just learn how to go around with it, if you cant then you should be having a horrible RL lol.
Taking PvP seriously doesn’t mean you have to dedicate your life to endlessly grinding gear and subjecting yourself to RNG like BDO wants you to.
Yes, if we could only stop people from playing this game to “have fun” all our problems would go away.
Go to work if you wanna have fun! Leave gaming for the serious folks!
You missed my point entirely.
There are people who only want their wins.
There are people who just want to “have fun and goof off”.Their goals are different. Pairing them together is a recipe for disaster. In the end people will get at each other’s throats and nothing good will come of it.
Is it so hard to understand?
I got your point exactly right. And it’s not hard to understand your point is completely false. Really? You think there is only two kinds of players? Since when has having fun and trying to win been mutually exclusive?
Maybe you could expand your thought a little and consider there are people who just want to have fun and win?
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Yes, if we could only stop people from playing this game to “have fun” all our problems would go away.
Go to work if you wanna have fun! Leave gaming for the serious folks!
You missed my point entirely.
There are people who only want their wins.
There are people who just want to “have fun and goof off”.Their goals are different. Pairing them together is a recipe for disaster. In the end people will get at each other’s throats and nothing good will come of it.
Is it so hard to understand?
I got your point exactly right. And it’s not hard to understand your point is completely false. Really? You think there is only two kinds of players? Since when has having fun and trying to win been mutually exclusive?
Maybe you could expand your thought a little and consider there are people who just want to have fun and win?
I think what he is getting at is the lame duck argument “I paid the same amount for the game I will play however I want!”. Guess what everyone in the movie theatre paid the same amount for a ticket to watch the movie as well, this doesn’t mean I can watch the movie how I want and be disruptive to others there. The other 9 players in the game are real people using their real time so why isn’t there a basic social contract here as well to at least understand basics of the maps/class before jumping into ranked games.
Here is a real world experiment to try. Go to your local basketball court, join a game with random players there. Once the game begins ask for the ball then proceed to dropkick the ball out of the court. If people get upset remind them you are just playing the game the way you want and that you paid the same taxes as they do. Who cares if you ruin the game for 9 others, you are a fierce individual and you do what you want ROAR!
A bit out of topic, but I’d like to know if those “suffering” from toxicity play on NA or EU. I don’t want to expand on my life but I am not working in my home country and I am surrounded by people from many countries. What I noticed is that people are more prone to use bad words/insults in another language. I noticed too that it is easier for me to swear in other languages (English, German or Italian) because I feel it is not as impolite. On the other hand, people from those countries always look at me like I said something really strong.
By this I mean that on EU (which is a mixture of many languages) people may tend to be way more insulting in English because it does not feel so strong. That is actually weird to see German or French players being rude in another language. That is exactly why I think there is no “I can’t control myself” part in being toxic. People actually take time to translate their insults (which is obviously not the language in which they think) and type them to be sure that the other guy will read and understand them.
That said, toxicity may be an issue in game but if one wants to be fair I don’t think there is more than 10-15% of game where I’ve read somebody being really rude. Saying things like “Come on why are you going Lord, we have no points and our score is 100. Think a bit !” is not a toxic sentence, right?
Casuals seem to be a scapegoat for toxicity of this thread. Toxicity is the fault of the toxic people or persons.
In every team game, all the players are going to be salty if individual teammates are getting dumpstered due to poor connection, bad builds, talking on the phone, screaming kids/parents in the background, you name it.
I’m guilty of being salty @ bad teammates, but as per the unspoken internet code of conduct, don’t start verbally abusing people in GW2 team chat. If you do, you’re at fault.
Instead of alienating a significant player demographic by simply denying them the PvP Achievements/League progress, I suggest a positive sportsmanship program, and the ability to meaningfully rate players on their sportsmanship, (or toxicity) in a way that incentivizes shutting the hell up instead of expressing how crap your teammates are compared to you.
Toss in some serious reward track progress boosts for a clean bill of sportsmanship, and you have a happier playerbase.
And you believe such a system could not be abused? Silencing people who are mad because of a problem does not fix the problem. It only frustrates people.
You need to fix the problem not silence its effects.It’s not really a new concept dude.
Edit: Positive reinforcement around good sportsmanship (lack of toxicity).
LOL really?
The last game I played with you at the end of the game you said “I hate you all” and proceeded to contradict your statements in this thread.
You wanna know the kicker? You were on rev queueing like hell to get good at it. So while your rotations were top notch your mechanical skill was a liability….and we still ended up winning the match with a terrible comp.
Pot meet Kettle much?
On unranked matches I had teammates that did their job wrong, there were moments when I failed so hard that I won’t even tell what I did xD
But it was fun tho, we didn’t lose anything, just gained a little less than we could have.
Playing in leagues is something different. We dedicate our time to gain something more than dailies and reward track progress. We play to raise in divisions and test our skill against equally devoted players, not against a bunch of scrubs.
If I fail a close match up that could have been won and we were all matched just right, I ain’t gonna cry about it, they were better and I along with my team did few cruicial mistakes.
I am not okay if I lose my points and waste precious time in ranked matches because someone in my team runs around, falls over like a sack of potatoes and doesn’t want to learn about rotations and how to be more efficient in combat.
Casuals seem to be a scapegoat for toxicity of this thread. Toxicity is the fault of the toxic people or persons.
In every team game, all the players are going to be salty if individual teammates are getting dumpstered due to poor connection, bad builds, talking on the phone, screaming kids/parents in the background, you name it.
I’m guilty of being salty @ bad teammates, but as per the unspoken internet code of conduct, don’t start verbally abusing people in GW2 team chat. If you do, you’re at fault.
Instead of alienating a significant player demographic by simply denying them the PvP Achievements/League progress, I suggest a positive sportsmanship program, and the ability to meaningfully rate players on their sportsmanship, (or toxicity) in a way that incentivizes shutting the hell up instead of expressing how crap your teammates are compared to you.
Toss in some serious reward track progress boosts for a clean bill of sportsmanship, and you have a happier playerbase.
And you believe such a system could not be abused? Silencing people who are mad because of a problem does not fix the problem. It only frustrates people.
You need to fix the problem not silence its effects.It’s not really a new concept dude.
Edit: Positive reinforcement around good sportsmanship (lack of toxicity).
LOL really?
The last game I played with you at the end of the game you said “I hate you all” and proceeded to contradict your statements in this thread.
You wanna know the kicker? You were on rev queueing like hell to get good at it. So while your rotations were top notch your mechanical skill was a liability….and we still ended up winning the match with a terrible comp.
Pot meet Kettle much?
No idea what you’re on about, my sportsmanship and effort towards winning in game is good, and I rarely ever speak in team or map.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Casuals seem to be a scapegoat for toxicity of this thread. Toxicity is the fault of the toxic people or persons.
In every team game, all the players are going to be salty if individual teammates are getting dumpstered due to poor connection, bad builds, talking on the phone, screaming kids/parents in the background, you name it.
I’m guilty of being salty @ bad teammates, but as per the unspoken internet code of conduct, don’t start verbally abusing people in GW2 team chat. If you do, you’re at fault.
Instead of alienating a significant player demographic by simply denying them the PvP Achievements/League progress, I suggest a positive sportsmanship program, and the ability to meaningfully rate players on their sportsmanship, (or toxicity) in a way that incentivizes shutting the hell up instead of expressing how crap your teammates are compared to you.
Toss in some serious reward track progress boosts for a clean bill of sportsmanship, and you have a happier playerbase.
And you believe such a system could not be abused? Silencing people who are mad because of a problem does not fix the problem. It only frustrates people.
You need to fix the problem not silence its effects.It’s not really a new concept dude.
Edit: Positive reinforcement around good sportsmanship (lack of toxicity).
LOL really?
The last game I played with you at the end of the game you said “I hate you all” and proceeded to contradict your statements in this thread.
You wanna know the kicker? You were on rev queueing like hell to get good at it. So while your rotations were top notch your mechanical skill was a liability….and we still ended up winning the match with a terrible comp.
Pot meet Kettle much?
No idea what you’re on about, my sportsmanship and effort towards winning in game is good, and I rarely ever speak in team or map.
Missed the actual statements you said but this was me after the fact correcting your behavior
Missed the actual statements you said but this was me after the fact correcting your behavior
I sincerely feel sorry for you
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Missed the actual statements you said but this was me after the fact correcting your behavior
I sincerely feel sorry for you
Don’t i did a wonderful deed in helping a person who needed help. Just think after our interaction you’ve taken a complete stance opposite to what you used to do!!!
I’m like your mentor on how to be human. Gratz to you!!
Don’t i did a wonderful deed in helping a person who needed help. Just think after our interaction you’ve taken a complete stance opposite to what you used to do!!!
I’m like your mentor on how to be human. Gratz to you!!
You very much overstep yourself, you’re none of the above, just seeming more and more like someone who’s ego was a bit bruised when I generally noted to not 3v1, without any verbal abuse or rage. Cheers
New Twitter: @chaithhh
So I was on reddit a few minutes ago and some happy poster posted this:
It is the same immaturity that plagues other PvP and FPS games and the problem is certainly not the people that are just there to play casually/have fun.
It was posted in a topic where people were discussing toxicity and its causes.
Well one of the causes is right there – in his post.If you are playing PvP casually in a happy-go-lucky way you should not be playing in leagues.
I think Anet should take steps to make it more clear that people that just want to “play some pvp” but have no idea what PvP is, how it works and so on should be encouraged to not play leagues.
The real reason for toxicity as far as I see it is being matched with clueless people that don’t listen and go into PvP with the wrong attitude.
One solution I propose to fix this would be a PvP rank requirement for entry into leagues of let’s say 60. I understand this can be farmed too – but I doubt most “casual” PvPers will bother with farming it that high.
Also to those of you who will be asking – why not post this on reddit – the answer is: I dislike reddit and believe that discussion regarding GW2 should take place on the official forums – not some 3rd party website.
First, aren’t you creating that toxicity now by criticising those casual players?
Second, if you’re that guy who dislike to loose matches and blames randoms for it maybe you are the real problem?
If you want to win you get your own team and play with real voice help. You having fun, play how you want. I spend almostall my time at pvp, with randoms, just having fun. This is game for fun and you shouldn’t tell others what to do. You want to go to pro, get team. If you dislike people crying at eotm just block them.
Yes, if we could only stop people from playing this game to “have fun” all our problems would go away.
Go to work if you wanna have fun! Leave gaming for the serious folks!
You missed my point entirely.
There are people who only want their wins.
There are people who just want to “have fun and goof off”.Their goals are different. Pairing them together is a recipe for disaster. In the end people will get at each other’s throats and nothing good will come of it.
Is it so hard to understand?
I got your point exactly right. And it’s not hard to understand your point is completely false. Really? You think there is only two kinds of players? Since when has having fun and trying to win been mutually exclusive?
Maybe you could expand your thought a little and consider there are people who just want to have fun and win?
I think what he is getting at is the lame duck argument “I paid the same amount for the game I will play however I want!”. Guess what everyone in the movie theatre paid the same amount for a ticket to watch the movie as well, this doesn’t mean I can watch the movie how I want and be disruptive to others there. The other 9 players in the game are real people using their real time so why isn’t there a basic social contract here as well to at least understand basics of the maps/class before jumping into ranked games.
Here is a real world experiment to try. Go to your local basketball court, join a game with random players there. Once the game begins ask for the ball then proceed to dropkick the ball out of the court. If people get upset remind them you are just playing the game the way you want and that you paid the same taxes as they do. Who cares if you ruin the game for 9 others, you are a fierce individual and you do what you want ROAR!
Exactly this – this is exactly what happens in games where I get frustrated.
It’s not that people are playing badly – it’s that sometimes people are out of this world clueless as to what’s going on.
It’s not that they’re bad players – it’s that they’re not even playing. They’re just there – doing whatever they want to – disregarding that for the rest of the team that means certain defeat.
So I was on reddit a few minutes ago and some happy poster posted this:
It is the same immaturity that plagues other PvP and FPS games and the problem is certainly not the people that are just there to play casually/have fun.
It was posted in a topic where people were discussing toxicity and its causes.
Well one of the causes is right there – in his post.If you are playing PvP casually in a happy-go-lucky way you should not be playing in leagues.
I think Anet should take steps to make it more clear that people that just want to “play some pvp” but have no idea what PvP is, how it works and so on should be encouraged to not play leagues.
The real reason for toxicity as far as I see it is being matched with clueless people that don’t listen and go into PvP with the wrong attitude.
One solution I propose to fix this would be a PvP rank requirement for entry into leagues of let’s say 60. I understand this can be farmed too – but I doubt most “casual” PvPers will bother with farming it that high.
Also to those of you who will be asking – why not post this on reddit – the answer is: I dislike reddit and believe that discussion regarding GW2 should take place on the official forums – not some 3rd party website.
First, aren’t you creating that toxicity now by criticising those casual players?
Second, if you’re that guy who dislike to loose matches and blames randoms for it maybe you are the real problem?If you want to win you get your own team and play with real voice help. You having fun, play how you want. I spend almostall my time at pvp, with randoms, just having fun. This is game for fun and you shouldn’t tell others what to do. You want to go to pro, get team. If you dislike people crying at eotm just block them.
First – without addressing a problem and talking about it we’re not going to fix it or even come remotely close to that.
Second – how am I the problem? Because I have the audacity to solo queue and THEN – on top of that I expect people to at least know what PvP is and how it plays out before they join?
Or to have the common sense not to go in 3 v 1? or feed mid continuously?
Wait, fighting for a reward makes people toxic?
People who can’t behave in a game should be treated exactly as they are treated in rl. If someone thinks it’s ok to insult someone he should get punished.
There is no a reason for being a kitten in a game and there never will be.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Don’t i did a wonderful deed in helping a person who needed help. Just think after our interaction you’ve taken a complete stance opposite to what you used to do!!!
I’m like your mentor on how to be human. Gratz to you!!
You very much overstep yourself, you’re none of the above, just seeming more and more like someone who’s ego was a bit bruised when I generally noted to not 3v1, without any verbal abuse or rage. Cheers
I have no ego nor do I see myself as some great player….
I’m just a normal fool helping teens in need. You were lost with rage in your breast….now you are not
(edited by Azukas.1426)
Yes, if we could only stop people from playing this game to “have fun” all our problems would go away.
Go to work if you wanna have fun! Leave gaming for the serious folks!
There are PvP modes than allow you to have fun without screwing over player that are actually playing ranked for what it is, i.e. a competitive form of PvP where the goal is winning. If your goal is just to troll, be sarcastic without any argumentation, and bring nothing useful or noteworthy to the discussion, maybe you should not post.
I get toxic in PvP sometimes, and I know I should not, but when you get into sapphire/ruby/diamond level ranked matches and you still have people that screw your team over because they don’t want to cap points and would rather test their build on people off-point, there are many reasons to be upset. I’m just out of a game in which:
- two of the players disconnected to change classes 5 secs before the beginning of the game, and only got back 45 seconds into the game; the result was that we spent 45 seconds with only three players, and were 100 points behind after the first couple minutes because there was no way we could get mid or far 2v4-5, and we could barely keep close.
- Those same two players spent their time not even fighting people off point, just running around there for no reason, for the last 2 minutes of the game, resulting in us losing all points and losing the game while we had managed to get back in the lead by more than 50 points.
This kind of behavior is, in my humble opinion, more toxic than people flaming you for being yourself toxic to the team, and I will report them for both idling, and match manipulation; yet I know those guys won’t even get a temporary ban from ranked PvP, so what’s the point? I get upset and I tell them what I really think of them. As long as this kind of stuff keeps happening even in intermediary to high-level ranked PvP games, I’m pretty sure I won’t be the only one losing my temper over people screwing you over because it’s “fun” to them; there are even people that play in games for the sole purpose of trolling their teams and making them lose. It should be the case that if you play ranked, you have to play seriously, ow be temporarily banned from the leagues. Plain refusing to communicate with your team and doing whatever you want without consulting or listening to your teammates is unacceptable behavior in serious ranked matches. If you want to play for fun and not have to worry about weighting your team down, you can play unranked.
I find your comments about helping the casual player base interesting. I’ve been arguing this general idea for some time.
Nevertheless, I agree mostly.
The reality is that stacked matchmaking and farming bear a lot of the blame for toxic conditions. That and the un-lamented “l2p” era when players responded to every complaint or request for help with some variation of “l2p.”
Deliberately unfair matchmaking predictably created a bully culture. It will take significant time to turn that around. It will also take a noticeable reduction in farming and exploiting. Solo queue would go a long way toward that.
- People do not need to be so insulting or aggressive when getting kittened off but they do at times and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it from happening other than use the filter and block options.
- Not all of the edgy advice, finger pointing or even rage insults are irrelevant. Consider that the ragers “albeit rude” are actually accurate on what they are saying. Take a step back, don’t feed the troll but we have to ask ourselves “why are they yelling at us?” “Are we actually doing something wrong and being called out for it?” Maybe we are and maybe we aren’t but I often find that the people in here complaining about toxicity are indeed players that don’t understand competitive scenes. If they did, they wouldn’t be in here complaining about toxicity, they would be using their filter and block options.
- It is literally “legal” to talk kitten in NA. If a person were to call the police on a neighbor who looked over his fence and said: “I hate you, I hope you die, stay away from my yard or I’ll slit your tires”, the police would tell them: “There isn’t anything we can do about kitten talking”. <- This is 100% true and everyone posting in this thread needs to understand the difference between kitten talking and actual verbal abuse/harassment that is worthy of reporting. To those experiencing kitten talking, grow up and learn to deal with it. To those experiencing something much more offensive, report the player for verbal abuse and use your filter and block options. They were put there for a reason and I don’t see any further extent of action that ArenaNet could take on this problem, even if they wanted to.
The answer to everything posted in this thread, is use your filter and block options.
Has good poins on psychology of those toxic players explained in video.
(edited by Sismis.5390)
Anet needs to provide similar rewards in other modes.
They should have had wings for pve, pvp, wve and raids. All of them having a different appearance. This would cause alot of the ones who just want the wings to get them in a mode they are actually good at.
But they didn’t because they wanted to give their esports more people involved but it just caused a terrible league.
And you will find a few people raging at anyone for whatever reason.
I have seen alot of people call me a nub and to claim that because my score is low I didn’t do anything, but I have been defending points or ensuring the enemy doesn’t take a point for as long as I can whilst they look for kills all the while points are being decapped and they waste their time calling me and the rest of the team scrubs.
End of the day you will have good matches and bad matches, sometimes you don’t play to your best, others your team don’t and others the enemy team is just a build you struggle to fight, pay no mind to peoples shouts and just keep going, the more you play the better you get xD