Turret Engineer counters
I find it quite effective to long range them with for example power ranger lb or mezmer gs and also to use the enviroment in a way that the torrets can’t shoot at you.
As_shatter mesmer you can kill him very fast. With moa you will kill it even more faster
After the turret nerfs, condi guardian… guwhahaha… haha.. But seriously.
A 62600 burst zerk guardian can beat a turret engi 1v1. It’s not that they can’t be beaten.. it’s the fact that it takes years to do it. It isn’t exactly realistic to go against them in Conquest because it takes too long. Just like any other bunker spec, it’s best to walk around them and move on.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Playing thief, I will avoid them if I can.
If I really need to, I’ll use my Shortbow to AA and Clusterbomb the turrets down, mixed with #3 to dodge the annoying immobilizes that the Engi might shoot.
If the turrets go down, then I move in with my Melee Set.
If I play D/P (and the Engi is low allready), I’ll link #5 into ShadowStep, Heartseeker into steal or inf signet and go for the backstab.
Goes real fast and usually takes away the last bit of health they had in less then a second or something. Plus you still got Shadow Return for an easy way out if it goes wrong.
Classes, which can 1v1 and win:
Ranger(Longbow, Trapper), Mesmer(Shatter, Condi), Engineer(Turret(duh),Condi).
Classes, which can kill him in a 2v1: Ranger(Longbow, Condi, Spirits, Trapper), Mesmer(Shatter, Condi), Engineer(Turret, Cele, Condi, Decap), Necro(Condi, Power(needs Lich)), Ele(Staff Zerk).
The problem is, that the current meta features hybrid builds with lots of healing, moderate condi pressure and moderate, but constant damage. Celestial builds get eaten alive by turreteers and meditation guardians just can’t punch through those 27k health.
As for easy build adjustments to counter turrets and strategies:
Ranger: Take Drake. Lightning breath wrecks turrets and the drake just won’t die to turret fire. A trapper can just casually walk in, drop condi and kill the turreteer. Generally, even as power ranger, first load him up with cover condis, wait for him to use overcharge shot(the only immobilize clean besides the 2 condi clean on healing turret overcharge) then immediately pin him down with a cc skill and drop entangle. He won’t be able to get out. As a power engi, you may want to destroy the healing turret before attempting this.
Mesmer: Be a Mesmer. A mesmer can easily solo a turreteer. Just never go on point until you’ve cleared the ranged turret threat. When in doubt, just portal bomb him with some friends.
Ele: Get frost bow. No seriously. GET FROST BOW. In a 2v1, you can just nuke the turrets away in an instant. I didn’t list D/D above, because it’s so specific, but regardless of your build, if you have a frost bow, unless your ally is a thief, you can always 2v1 the turret engi.
Necro: Always 2v1 (or with lich even 2v2) never 1v1. As a powermancer, flush him out with lich form. As a condi mancer, just do your thing.
Engi: If you are an engi you should know the weaknesses of the turret build. Just load him up with grenades till he keels over.
Guardian: Never 1v1. Only 2v1 with one of the classes listed above and only if you know, that person is halfway competent. You are just there to provide pressure, so your mate can do his thing.
Warrior: You are just there to provide meat. stick to the 2v1 clear classes and pressure the turret engi.
Thief: Only 2v1 with the “solo” classes. Yes, don’t even bother 2v1 with the classes listed in the 2v1 department. It’s just such a bad matchup. If you are a condition thief, all of this doesn’t apply, but chances are, if you are a condition thief, you either don’t know, what you are doing, in which case general advice won’t help or you know exactly, what you are doing, in which case, you don’t need advice in the first place.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
(edited by naphack.9346)
Classes, which can 1v1 and win:
Ranger(Longbow, Trapper), Mesmer(Shatter, Condi), Engineer(Turret(duh),Condi).Classes, which can kill him in a 2v1: Ranger(Longbow, Condi, Spirits, Trapper), Mesmer(Shatter, Condi), Engineer(Turret, Cele, Condi, Decap), Necro(Condi, Power(needs Lich)), Ele(Staff Zerk).
The problem is, that the current meta features hybrid builds with lots of healing, moderate condi pressure and moderate, but constant damage. Celestial builds get eaten alive by turreteers and meditation guardians just can’t punch through those 27k health.
As for easy build adjustments to counter turrets and strategies:
Ranger: Take Drake. Lightning breath wrecks turrets and the drake just won’t die to turret fire. A trapper can just casually walk in, drop condi and kill the turreteer. Generally, even as power ranger, first load him up with cover condis, wait for him to use overcharge shot(the only immobilize clean besides the 2 condi clean on healing turret overcharge) then immediately pin him down with a cc skill and drop entangle. He won’t be able to get out. As a power engi, you may want to destroy the healing turret before attempting this.
Mesmer: Be a Mesmer. A mesmer can easily solo a turreteer. Just never go on point until you’ve cleared the ranged turret threat. When in doubt, just portal bomb him with some friends.
Ele: Get frost bow. No seriously. GET FROST BOW. In a 2v1, you can just nuke the turrets away in an instant. I didn’t list D/D above, because it’s so specific, but regardless of your build, if you have a frost bow, unless your ally is a thief, you can always 2v1 the turret engi.
Necro: Always 2v1 (or with lich even 2v2) never 1v1. As a powermancer, flush him out with lich form. As a condi mancer, just do your thing.
Engi: If you are an engi you should know the weaknesses of the turret build. Just load him up with grenades till he keels over.
Guardian: Never 1v1. Only 2v1 with one of the classes listed above and only if you know, that person is halfway competent. You are just there to provide pressure, so your mate can do his thing.
Warrior: You are just there to provide meat. stick to the 2v1 clear classes and pressure the turret engi.
Thief: Only 2v1 with the “solo” classes. Yes, don’t even bother 2v1 with the classes listed in the 2v1 department. It’s just such a bad matchup. If you are a condition thief, all of this doesn’t apply, but chances are, if you are a condition thief, you either don’t know, what you are doing, in which case general advice won’t help or you know exactly, what you are doing, in which case, you don’t need advice in the first place.
Add Cele ele staff and dd both can 1v1 turret engi no prob.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
I’ve never had problems against a cele dd.
That being said, I never encountered a good cele dd, while sitting on my point, minding my business. They usually only show up, when I take my main(thief) for a spin. However, i still feel like the cele dd just won’t kill the turret engi fast enough. The important aspect here are defensive rotations.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Staff ele can delete turrets and kick a turret engi off point to steal a full cap no problem. If they do that stupid floating turret crap though it’s another story.
[DERP] [iRez]
I’ve never had problems against a cele dd.
That being said, I never encountered a good cele dd, while sitting on my point, minding my business. They usually only show up, when I take my main(thief) for a spin. However, i still feel like the cele dd just won’t kill the turret engi fast enough. The important aspect here are defensive rotations.
That’s because dd eles are not really great for beating a turret engi. Their damage heavily relies on burning, which turrets till now weren’t able to recieve. Plus, they have to be in melee range and take all the damage.
On the other hand, fresh air can beat a turret engi but it requires perfect play.
(edited by Laraley.7695)