High amounts of effective CC in confined spaces
>Tfw you realize most capture nodes are confined spaces. Unless you’re willing to give up all of them!
You don’t need mobility if you’re sitting at their nodes. This isn’t WvW lmfao, if you took their point and they run away YOU WIN.
Condition removal is low but purity / generosity / melandru runes make up for it quite nicely.
Any way you look at it you will lose this argument. I can’t wait until you actually face one (since clearly you haven’t) in soloq / hotjoin / tpvp and realize how little is what you can do against them, whether in a 1v1, 1v2 or 2v2.
I have beaten all Turret Engineers in every 1v1 encounter I’ve had since the April 15th patch in PvP. Sorry, but I’ve never actually fought one before then because they were bugged pretty badly until recently. As a Power Engineer, TE’s lose to 2 things: Jump Shot and bombs with Forceful Explosives trait. On condition engineer, they still lose to bombs, acid bomb, Off-hand shield and burning. I’m trying to not get emotional about this because I’m serious and I don’t want you or anyone to believe Turret Engineers are unbeatable given equal skill with an opponent. To me they simply aren’t but I’ve been maining this class since a few months after launch. I can see tells most people can’t and I can work with opponent turrets’ rates of fire. I know which turrets to avoid at a glance and which ones to destroy. I.E. avoid getting closer than 300 to a thumper turret and you can do what you want. Absorb rocket damage but block/dodge the overcharged (arcing) rocket. Rifle turret doesn’t do anything but low sustained damage, get out of flame turret’s blind field and carry on. Believe it or not, net turret can mean life or death if you’re fighting a 1v2 versus a TE.
I’m only Tiger rank in PvP since I was mostly a PvE engi, but I play a lot of solo q. I can say from personal experience that Power Engineers are my most feared opponents, and Turret Engineers are my least. Any TE that runs melandru/generosity/purity is a dead engineer outside of words on forums, friend. I won’t reply to you past this statement so all I can say to all reading this from this point on is to pay attention to those that don’t seem to have a problem beating TE’s. Not just me, but warriors, necros, etc.
But I’m also okay with being wrong. If TE’s are really that strong, you can bet real money that I’ll switch over or at least make a hybrid. But I’ve found they just don’t have the tools to survive 1v1. If anyone is having trouble versus a TE, change your approach. They aren’t nearly as difficult to beat as the decap engis were before patch.