Turrets decap engi
I have beaten all Turret Engineers in every 1v1 encounter I’ve had since the April 15th patch in PvP. Sorry, but I’ve never actually fought one before then because they were bugged pretty badly until recently. As a Power Engineer, TE’s lose to 2 things: Jump Shot and bombs with Forceful Explosives trait. On condition engineer, they still lose to bombs, acid bomb, Off-hand shield and burning. I’m trying to not get emotional about this because I’m serious and I don’t want you or anyone to believe Turret Engineers are unbeatable given equal skill with an opponent. To me they simply aren’t but I’ve been maining this class since a few months after launch. I can see tells most people can’t and I can work with opponent turrets’ rates of fire. I know which turrets to avoid at a glance and which ones to destroy. I.E. avoid getting closer than 300 to a thumper turret and you can do what you want. Absorb rocket damage but block/dodge the overcharged (arcing) rocket. Rifle turret doesn’t do anything but low sustained damage, get out of flame turret’s blind field and carry on. Believe it or not, net turret can mean life or death if you’re fighting a 1v2 versus a TE.
you are talking about different thing. half of te’s dmg come from flame turret. no net turret, but perma burning.
btw, he is better at mid, with occasionally helping at home with rifle and flame turrets. rocket always stays at mid.
Turrets all have 7.5K ‘health’ each and can’t be critical hit. They take a disastrously long time to destroy if you’re a condition applier. A full zerker warrior with 100 blades may be able to take one in that channeled time. ( I know this because I have out of interested seen what hundred blades does to phantasms/turrets) That is one down, another 2 to go and that’s the elite dealt with..good luck with the big ol’ bomb that’s coming your way or nade spam while you take the 10 seconds to not focus on the engi.
Any engineer can drop up to 3 turrets, not including another 3 from elite. The elite drop is the only elite in game that has no duration. They will continue to do what they do perpetually until destroyed. This means that the engineer has at least 4 multi direction sources of damage. Most other professions only have one. To evade or block pistol/rifle fire, while negotiating flame throwers, net turrets whilst having to duel in their regen water field, while they have access to block and reflect or push/pulls while vigor and swiftness and usually protection is running, while they placing big ol’ bomb so stability will be needed as well..and if worst comes to worse, they combo the water field, or engage stealth.
Yeah..they’re perfectly balanced. They enrich the game. Everybody likes dueling them.
Another well designed profession that makes Pvp rewarding.I’m not defending the build (it’s not OP, but cheesy) but the elite turrets certainly have a duration. I believe it’s one minute if not destroyed. The bandages disappear after the set time also.
Interesting. TY for info. With their increase in popularity, I could be looking at multiple users elites. However one immobilise, one flame, one heal and when traited one rifle+6 additional bandage= Control, condition, heal, DPS..that is basically the modern trinity in one elite. That also creates 2 second stun and can be ground targeted at 1200 range. In any 1 vs 1 or even 1 vs 2 situation this is one hell of an elite to drop on your side. Unlike minions/spirit weapons they take no condition damage. So good luck to the necro using there scepter to wand spike each one down.
So… engineers are not allowed to have effective builds? Is this what it comes down to?
Necromancer minions have lower cooldowns, higher health, higher toughness, don’t bug out when you overcharge them, have more effective chain skills, and are allowed to deal critical damage and can be restored via regen or AoE heals. And despite that you complain about turrets?
Guess what… if turrets wreck your kitten then that’s how it should be, because it’s totally your fault. They can’t move and are extremely fragile, and their AI immediately fails if faced with more than one target. If you see a turret engineer, take advantage of their long cooldowns and pound the turrets with AoE. The engineer will be completely vulnerable. This is what players do beyond the extremely low ranks because they KNOW that once the turrets are down, the engineer turns into a towel for 30 seconds.
I know this because from rank 15 to about 25 I played a pure turret defense build and totally destroyed all of the idiots who tried to focus on me while my turrets blew them away. After that, players started AoEing my turrets first leaving me worthless until I die. It’s why I changed builds.
Fair point.
Minions also have undesirable pathing issues. They can take critical damage and conditions and also struggle when multiple players are around. Perhaps this is a better argument towards why AI should be avoided in PvP altogether. Hence why it is called PvP and not PvP+AI. That seems a nice natural balance that when one player vs another player wants to drop multiple AI units, that it shouldn’t be to their 100% advantage of where game AI is the workhorse behind their success, but the lack of player control is why they lost. They let something else take a large part of control of their build.
The thing is, players aren’t going to play the game how you envision it to be played, and that is where the miscommunication lies between the player base and the devs. You all have this perfect idea of how the game is suppose to be played but in reality players are going to look for the most over-powered spec to do what they need to get done.
Sorry for the confusion.
I wasn’t trying to describe a theoretical or “design intended” way to counter the build – I was simply stating what’s worked for me personally in top 50 team queue.
Can you show us video of you using a Thief decapping a point from a Decap Engis, please?
Thank you.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I have beaten all Turret Engineers in every 1v1 encounter I’ve had since the April 15th patch in PvP. Sorry, but I’ve never actually fought one before then because they were bugged pretty badly until recently. As a Power Engineer, TE’s lose to 2 things: Jump Shot and bombs with Forceful Explosives trait. On condition engineer, they still lose to bombs, acid bomb, Off-hand shield and burning. I’m trying to not get emotional about this because I’m serious and I don’t want you or anyone to believe Turret Engineers are unbeatable given equal skill with an opponent. To me they simply aren’t but I’ve been maining this class since a few months after launch. I can see tells most people can’t and I can work with opponent turrets’ rates of fire. I know which turrets to avoid at a glance and which ones to destroy. I.E. avoid getting closer than 300 to a thumper turret and you can do what you want. Absorb rocket damage but block/dodge the overcharged (arcing) rocket. Rifle turret doesn’t do anything but low sustained damage, get out of flame turret’s blind field and carry on. Believe it or not, net turret can mean life or death if you’re fighting a 1v2 versus a TE.
you are talking about different thing. half of te’s dmg come from flame turret. no net turret, but perma burning.
btw, he is better at mid, with occasionally helping at home with rifle and flame turrets. rocket always stays at mid.
I see gesho, perma burning has always been strong but the difference between this and other perma burning builds is that it doesn’t seem effective against more than one target. Burning here only comes from a) flame turret which can be easily destroyed, b)balthazar runes which proc on a heal every 20 seconds, and c) the flame turret inside the supply crate elite. I can take away 2 sources of burning from that build unless they go with pistol/pistol.
There’s no Incendiary Powder, no Incendiary Ammo, no stability, no effective stealth, no turret projectile reflection, no speed, no vigor, no stun breaks, and a condition cleanse of 2 every 15 seconds maybe unless you run purity/generosity sigils like the guy I responded to was talking about. I honestly don’t find this build to be strong enough on paper to warrant hate. This is a decent support build, that’s for sure, but it’s like… you are point fodder if you get focused while trying to play this build. I’ll try it out for a few matches to see what the fuss is about though. If anyone has any videos of it being played effectively, please feel free to link them. I’ll have to change my tune if this ends up being OP.
Interesting. TY for info. With their increase in popularity, I could be looking at multiple users elites. However one immobilise, one flame, one heal and when traited one rifle+6 additional bandage= Control, condition, heal, DPS..that is basically the modern trinity in one elite. That also creates 2 second stun and can be ground targeted at 1200 range. In any 1 vs 1 or even 1 vs 2 situation this is one hell of an elite to drop on your side. Unlike minions/spirit weapons they take no condition damage. So good luck to the necro using there scepter to wand spike each one down.
Definitely. As I said, I have no interest defending the build. Supply crate is a monstrous elite—with traited turrets it’s likely the best 1v1 elite in the game.
The stun itself is a bit slower and weaker than a single earthshaker, so nothing too gamebreaking there. However, if you don’t stunbreak+dodge immediately, you will definitely get hit by the net turret afterward, turning a 2second lockdown into a 4+second lockdown.
I see gesho, perma burning has always been strong but the difference between this and other perma burning builds is that it doesn’t seem effective against more than one target. Burning here only comes from a) flame turret which can be easily destroyed, b)balthazar runes which proc on a heal every 20 seconds, and c) the flame turret inside the supply crate elite. I can take away 2 sources of burning from that build unless they go with pistol/pistol.
“only” from flame turret? that “only” is perma burn, you cant beat perma burn, any other burn would be a waste.
and i wish you try to destroy that flame turret. wont live to see it down.
and yes, this is a single target damage. long range, reliable sustained damage-condi mix. sort of ranger on steroids. cant armor against, cant cleans, and best of all, may hardly ever see the enemy.
There’s no Incendiary Powder, no Incendiary Ammo, no stability, no effective stealth, no turret projectile reflection, no speed, no vigor, no stun breaks, .
none of these would hart, but if you need any of these, you are playing this wrong. the main idea of x3 turret is to hide behind anything you can, and faraway on t he safe side of teamfight.
and a condition cleanse of 2 every 15 seconds maybe unless you run purity/generosity sigils like the guy I responded to was talking about. .
purity sigil is on.
just stay out and behind the pillars.
I honestly don’t find this build to be strong enough on paper to warrant hate. This is a decent support build, that’s for sure, but it’s like… you are point fodder if you get focused while trying to play this build. I’ll try it out for a few matches to see what the fuss is about though. If anyone has any videos of it being played effectively, please feel free to link them. I’ll have to change my tune if this ends up being OP.
i played it for 3 days or so after the patch. its not unkillable, but its a hidden miracle of mid fight.
few tips from experience: 90% of the “skill” is turret positioning. certainly not in a pile. dont allow aoe or thief’s shortbow bounce wipe turrets simultaneously. i always position them in faraway triangle. rocket and rifle will have 1500 range. flame will have 750’range and will be somewhat exposed to deathball of middle, but again, many builds would kill for safety of 750 distance.
i wouldnt bunker home with this, i always run to mid first (with crowd) and position my turrets. with this even midfights we’ll usually win, ’ cause as i said its very reliable high dps. you can even target their guardian and it will go down in 10-15 sec with you alone. also ppl sort of start to panic, i’m not joking. those turrets are far away, not very visible, but here you see your guard going down for no apparent reason. ( for instance i often put flame in foefire mid bushes).
once mid is cleaned, i may run with turret or two (low cd, flame and may be rifle) to help whichever side node needs help. rocket always stays at mid.
i usually don’t assault far and very seldom i bunker home. this is not a good build for capping. you’ll kill invader, may be even two of them, but you’ll most likely lose a node to even one invader.
once i had an experience, i was going up spirits mid when i run into 3 enemy, they were coming down just out of capping mid (this was hotjoin and you can tell i’m not pro at tracking enemy count or at pvp at all). i haphazard dropped my two turrets and threw supply cart. after all my shield time i went down, but one of the enemies went down too. while them stomping (i used my wire) second guy went down. then our thief joined the game and third went down (i was moving my target). eventually i rallied and they wiped. thief helped, but bulk of that fight went through the turrets and it was one of the most imba encounters i’ve ever seen.
I just wanted to add something here. There is a big difference between an Engi playing a Turret build spamming turrets compared to a good engie that can utilise all the turrets in combination with combo fields.
Such as the thumper turret blast on active and not explode on destruction, with a build I run atm I have 8 blasts, combined with other classes its so dam fun let alone great for many situations.
Engineer is weak vs condi also you can burst him down with enough spike damage.
I feel the reason people get upset is because they arent thinking outside the box. Pick up the build, play it yourself and see where the weaknesses are. Its one of the best ways to find out. Either that or like Grouch said earlier there are ways, #askanengi.
Lets not complain on mass about a class mechanic that’s finally become viable, its new really in spvp as its a lot stronger than before, so your bound to have many issues coming up against it, not many people at least EU side used it before the 15th April feature pack.
Ask a question here or start up another thread entitled: How to take out a turret Engie build. Theres a power and Condi variation at the least running various turrets. Thumper Turret being the main turret of choice in most builds.
(edited by jebro.6370)
I just wanted to add something here. There is a big difference between an Engi playing a Turret build spamming turrets compared to a good engie that can utilise all the turrets in combination with combo fields.
Such as the thumper turret blast on active and not explode on destruction, with a build I run atm I have 8 blasts, combined with other classes its so dam fun let alone great for many situations.
Engineer is weak vs condi also you can burst him down with enough spike damage.
I feel the reason people get upset is because they arent thinking outside the box. Pick up the build, play it yourself and see where the weaknesses are. Its one of the best ways to find out. Either that or like Grouch said earlier there are ways, #askanengi.
Lets not complain on mass about a class mechanic that’s finally become viable, its new really in spvp as its a lot stronger than before, so your bound to have many issues coming up against it, not many people at least EU side used it before the 15th April feature pack.
Ask a question here or start up another thread entitled: How to take out a turret Engie build. Theres a power and Condi variation at the least running various turrets. Thumper Turret being the main turret of choice in most builds.
i think will be useful if ppl actually post build they are talking about.
replacing single turret is as important as switching weapon for profession. you play it very differently.
for instance when i say x3 turret i mean rocket/rifle/flame, mostly playing mid, helping on sides. i posted link above.
@Gesho, its a post generally not really directed to anyone tbh
This thread has gone way off track. The OP wasn’t talking about killing anyone using turrets or trying to 1v1 someone or even surviving (though that’s implied).
The OP was talking only about using turrets to decap a point. This is not about the general viability of turrets and the strength and pros/cons of engineers at large.
Turret engis are a cheap no skill build that require little to no effort to master. The AI does all the work for you.
It’s worse than PU mes or necro minions because turrets are immune to conditions and they cannot be crittically struck. Meanwhile any build that is slightly risky gets wrecked by this build just because the turrets hit like a truck.
Yes I know they cannot hit someone critically but they still hit like a truck. Not too mention the amount of insane boons they put out. Perma fury, might, swiftness, protection, and vigor thanks to the turrets from skills and then supply crate. Yeah… Turret engi is a better boon spammer than eles or guards… While doing much much much better damage
It’s a cheap build that needs nerfed back into garbage.
Yeah they surely hit like a truck compared to, lets say phantasms? I mean that rifle turret dealing 300ish damage a second is surely ridiculous compared to a illusionary unload hitting for what now again? And while phantasms die faster they also start their recharge at deployment, can reposition themselves to attack instead of firing into a wall, is on a profession with baseline 2 weapon sets with good access of stealth, prot, vigor, blocks invulns evades are affected by boons and traits in general. The only thing i could argue for is incritability and conditionimmuntity, but their base survivability is so low you don’t need to crit them to hit them for lots. But yeah sucks to be a condition necro or condi thief i suppose.
But for a mesmer encountering one of these “kitten i should just setup my rifle, rocket and net turret in a triangle here and be happy” engineers (rolled by people trying to make the point that turrets are overpowered i would give the following words of advice: Greatsword, Sword, Pistol. Not necessarily all of them if you still want to retain the ability to switch over to staff to survive extremely well for a glass cannon you can do so.
I have ended up in duels ending in a tie with PU mesmers, but that kitten well isn’t by just setting up turrets and autoattacking. And thats without gs.
Thieves getting kittened over by the tricorn turrets i suppose i understand better though.
(edited by miriforst.1290)
Yeah they surely hit like a truck compared to, lets say phantasms? I mean that rifle turret dealing 300ish damage a second is surely ridiculous compared to a illusionary unload hitting for what now again? And while phantasms die faster they also start their recharge at deployment, can reposition themselves to attack instead of firing into a wall, is on a profession with baseline 2 weapon sets with good access of stealth, prot, vigor, blocks invulns evades are affected by boons and traits in general. The only thing i could argue for is crit and conditions, but their base survivability is so low you don’t need to crit them to hit them for lots. But yeah sucks to be a condition necro or condi thief i suppose.
But for a mesmer encountering one of these “kitten i should just setup my rifle, rocket and net turret in a triangle here and be happy” engineers (rolled by people trying to make the point that turrets are overpowered i would give the following words of advice: Greatsword, Sword, Pistol. Not necessarily all of them if you still want to retain the ability to switch over to staff to survive extremely well for a glass cannon you can do so.
I have ended up in duels ending in a tie with PU mesmers, but that kitten well isn’t by just setting up turrets and autoattacking.
Thieves getting kittened over by the tricorn turrets i suppose i understand better though.
Not just thieves. mesmers while rifle turret may not hit hard rocket turret hits like a truck. Lets not forget the thumper turret launch combined with the rifle launch… The turrets pump out so many boons that engis damage isn’t half bad. Meanwhile their survivability is ridiculously over the top.
Simply put turret engis do too much damage while being too tanky.
Low risk Low reward hands down easiest build in the game.
Yeah they surely hit like a truck compared to, lets say phantasms? I mean that rifle turret dealing 300ish damage a second is surely ridiculous compared to a illusionary unload hitting for what now again? And while phantasms die faster they also start their recharge at deployment, can reposition themselves to attack instead of firing into a wall, is on a profession with baseline 2 weapon sets with good access of stealth, prot, vigor, blocks invulns evades are affected by boons and traits in general. The only thing i could argue for is crit and conditions, but their base survivability is so low you don’t need to crit them to hit them for lots. But yeah sucks to be a condition necro or condi thief i suppose.
But for a mesmer encountering one of these “kitten i should just setup my rifle, rocket and net turret in a triangle here and be happy” engineers (rolled by people trying to make the point that turrets are overpowered i would give the following words of advice: Greatsword, Sword, Pistol. Not necessarily all of them if you still want to retain the ability to switch over to staff to survive extremely well for a glass cannon you can do so.
I have ended up in duels ending in a tie with PU mesmers, but that kitten well isn’t by just setting up turrets and autoattacking.
Thieves getting kittened over by the tricorn turrets i suppose i understand better though.
Not just thieves. mesmers while rifle turret may not hit hard rocket turret hits like a truck. Lets not forget the thumper turret launch combined with the rifle launch… The turrets pump out so many boons that engis damage isn’t half bad. Meanwhile their survivability is ridiculously over the top.
Simply put turret engis do too much damage while being too tanky.
Low risk Low reward hands down easiest build in the game.
Rocket is 50 sec recharge after destruction and is glassy, thumper is melee, has a smaller aoe and recharge and damage than BOB (if we are comparing the launch) and is still a low damage per second (even lower than rifle if i remember) and also has got a 50 sec cooldown at destruction. Also the more turrets that engineer gets and the more you trait for them (and believe me you have to trait for them) the less damage and survivability will the engineer have in both damage and survivability. Reflects helps against rifle CC (as well as rocket turrets, rifle turrets net turrets etc.). We tried playing around a bit with the mesmer/turret engi setup, and the impression i got as the mesmer was that the real danger behind them as of now is the attack range, because of nerfing the baserange on some turrets but making rtb increase the range by 50%(!). The rocket turret traited remained much the same but the rifle turret, flame and net turret all got a sudden spike in range traited. This decreased the care needed in placing them and made it harder to range them down first without getting hit by all three + engi (some points are better for this than others). It also makes it harder to find the range of thumper and flame turret. Reverting this change will make them easier to range down, and from there it shouldn’t be any big problem taking down the engineer. But rocket turret should remain long range, its glassy and can be taken down in seconds depending on your build (phantasms clear it fast enough). Thumper is sturdy, but the main problem as with the above is the hard telling of the attack range when traited (no red circles etc). It should be short range defense.
I’ve toyed with the idea of implementing turrets alá global agenda, that is having them powerfull but vulnerable to positioning. This means that depending on the turret they are limited to a certain firing arc. Rocket for example might only be 90 degrees, rifle might be 180 degrees, flame 270 and thumper aoe. But also making them strong. That way both the engineer and the enemy have to plan their attack/defense.
All the raging this thread is hilarious.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
All the raging this thread is hilarious.
It’s not so much rage as it is frustration with an extremely easy to play build. My team and I, in effort to make a point played a certain comp in team que last week. This comp consisted of three turret engis all running the exact same build which was 0/2/6/6/0, rifle, healing turret, thumper turret, rifle turret, rocket turret, and supply crate celestial amulet, and runes of the pirate. Our other team members were a triple kit celestial engi, and a zerker staff ele (swapped them to a power necro halfway through.) In 5 hours we lost 2 matches. One of which was mainly due to one of our players constantly Dcing. In one match this same player dc’d for half the match and we beat the other team by alot. This build is so broken that it allows teams to win 4v5.
An argument people have made against this evidence is “You didn’t face any good teams.” People actually tried using the argument that in 5 hours of continuous team que our team did not face a single good team. While it is possible, the other side of the argument is that this build, (we say it only because it made up the majority of our team) is much stronger than people are willing to admit and provides too much reward for too little effort.
Once again 5 hours 3 turret engis, 2 losses…. Those numbers should speak for themselves.
First off, I don’t think any A.I. build should be effective at all in PVP, this goes for MM, Spirit Rangers or turret engis. But I really haven’t encountered any problematic turret engis since the patch. Maybe I was just lucky and didn’t run into any skilled turret engis. I have not tried a turret engi build either and I have no interest at all since I don’t like A.I. builds. I’ll try to force myself to play one and see what the fuss is all about but so far, I’m not really impressed with what I’ve faced.
I’m yoloqueueing TA on EU all the time and got to top 600 without tryharding much, so i think “bad enemies” is a totally valid argument since there are barely any decent teams playing. Doubt your NA top 600 is any better.
(edited by Shadow of Azrael.1205)
All the raging this thread is hilarious.
It’s not so much rage as it is frustration with an extremely easy to play build. My team and I, in effort to make a point played a certain comp in team que last week. This comp consisted of three turret engis all running the exact same build which was 0/2/6/6/0, rifle, healing turret, thumper turret, rifle turret, rocket turret, and supply crate celestial amulet, and runes of the pirate. Our other team members were a triple kit celestial engi, and a zerker staff ele (swapped them to a power necro halfway through.) In 5 hours we lost 2 matches. One of which was mainly due to one of our players constantly Dcing. In one match this same player dc’d for half the match and we beat the other team by alot. This build is so broken that it allows teams to win 4v5.
An argument people have made against this evidence is “You didn’t face any good teams.” People actually tried using the argument that in 5 hours of continuous team que our team did not face a single good team. While it is possible, the other side of the argument is that this build, (we say it only because it made up the majority of our team) is much stronger than people are willing to admit and provides too much reward for too little effort.
Once again 5 hours 3 turret engis, 2 losses…. Those numbers should speak for themselves.
Ok tonight I vsed many teams with multiple turret egis and in soloq it is extremely strong extremely! 1v1 they aren’t impossible to deal with but when u get multiple of them if you not a guard or war its become very hard. Now I believe with team work and right comp bunker guard+hambow war is stronger and can beat them but it requires team work. Compared to turret engi which you don’t have to say a thing. Now do you balance things around soloq or do you balance under the assumption people are communicating and are running right builds? Right now I think turret engi could be use in high level play.
Nevertheless its been so funny watch these turret engi do there thing I have seen so much rage and drama its been quite entertaining.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Like I said in another thread, the nerf to AR makes it so much easier to counter any decap engineer spec – be it turrets or it’s old rifle/flamethrower…
Though I am completely unfair here – I am always the one taking close, and I most of the time when I see an engineer, I switch out to my condi necro and smile as they come… I have not much mobility on my necro, so if anyone wants to die on my point, so be it…
The first thing i do when I join a server on any character is look at how many engies there are on the same team. if theres more than 1 on any team I imedietly exit to another server. Refuse to play with that tosh. they are op and not worth anyones time to play against. thats just how i do it same goes for ele’s.
(edited by Shanos.2459)
I disagree that the AI does everything for you.
With the turrets you have an activate to get abilities off. I think what anoys people is the knockback off point.
Engineer wise ISNT played in top competitive spvp atm guys.
Turrets I feel might even bring them back when people actually venture away from the standard kits/utilities.
Also think about the flame turret. Yes it burns, but the main use I use it for is the blind on activate for such things as downing, mitigating burst damage etc etc,
Played well turrets really can make any 1v1 go in the favour of an engineer, even vs conditions.
I feel that most of the anger/frustration comes from decapping. If so, get yourself some stability, some blocking, some resistance to those abilities. Yea its anoying Ive played against them, but at the end of the day they are a lot weaker in so many other areas that I dont feel a nerf for this is useful or needed.
“only” from flame turret? that “only” is perma burn, you cant beat perma burn, any other burn would be a waste.
and i wish you try to destroy that flame turret. wont live to see it down.
and yes, this is a single target damage. long range, reliable sustained damage-condi mix. sort of ranger on steroids. cant armor against, cant cleans, and best of all, may hardly ever see the enemy.
Sounds like you are playing a glass cannon with no ranged weapons. You can’t really blame the engineer for that.
I suggest adding some more defensive skills, pure glass cannons are going to struggle a lot against full defensive builds. Also, bring a ranged weapon, that will keep you out range of flame and thumper turrets. Sorry that this isn’t a build that will stand still and let you instagib them.
its very annoying to fight afk turret engis
i will personally throw hands at whoever it was on the balance team who decided the explosive rockets buff was a good idea
dat necro
i wonder actually, who had such rather silly idea to make rocket launcher projectiles follow the enemy making LoS rather useless… “you wanna counterplay? well we will make sure you can’t do it”
[Teef] guild :>
In general, i’d use for IA builds 2 approaches
1. Remove them from spvp, toxic builds.
2. Convert them in support builds like banner war (so basically they are usefull only in pve). No damage or CC.
Nah turret build could be easily fixed: remove the autoattack from the turrets, implement passive buffs (like banners), change the “active” part of the turret skill in order to have a lower CD and a different, less powerful, effect.
DO NOT nerf turrets into the ground, though.
There you go, you can’t afk anymore!
nerf this kittening piece of kitten already
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
turret engi is extremly skillfull build
turret engi is extremly skillfull build
Is this really becoming a thing ?
Cuz if it really is, it’s like the worst thing this game ever created.
name 1 decap engi thats being used in top tier
Is this really becoming a thing ?
Cuz if it really is, it’s like the worst thing this game ever created.
name 1 decap engi thats being used in top tier
Jazzy turrets has run it in the past 3 ToL/ToG qualifiers and has made 3rd place twice and 4th place once with it. Meaning in 3 consecutive qualifiers he made it to the final round for qualifying but lost and was placed in the 3rd/4th place game.