Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brigantia.5746


So basically next season it will be fair but this season nobody cares how unfair it currently is.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


This is all good and well, but what’s stopping a diamond tier group of friends from having one dude make an amber account? I’ll assume that you’re also changing the pip rewards then, making it so that it doesn’t matter if there’s a tier 1 amber with a clean MMR on the winning team.

Someone please clarify.

This is exactly the same thing that I was thinking while reading that paragraph.

If the pips loss/win depends on the higher div player of a team, than this change is good. If not, it will still not prevent some kind of abuse.

Match prediction is also based on the highest division player in the party.

This worries me, yes it stops exploitation that was happening, but will also now harm many legitimate players as well.

as an example, in our guild there is a wide mixture of pvp abilities, from legendary through to people that are still legitimately in emerald/saphire. for anyone that is a lower level to play with the diamond members they will now be matched up against people far better than they are. (many people don’t want to solo Q and want to be able to play with friends/guildies) as such these matches will almost all be losses resulting in disheartened lower level players, and making it far less desirable for higher level players to queue with friends that aren’t as good as they are going to lose a lot more that way.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


A message from the PvP team:

Thank you for the updates! I think this addresses most of the problems, and I’m looking forward to season 2. With the combination of “team upscaling” and win streaks getting higher skilled players up the ladder faster, I think it will be a much better experience than season 1 has been.

(also, as there are already complaints in this thread, I disagree with much of the community about solo-queue. I do not think it is needed, so long as teams are correctly rated skill-wise, which I think you’ve covered with the upscaling to highest league division member.)

you must be new to pvp or farm with premade
premades have at least 2 huge advantages over pug teams:
- voice client (if you ever played thief vs full premade you would know how huge the difference is because good premade will call your movement all over the map and decapping becomes quite hard; then we have organized lord rushes etc.)
- matchmaking can’t force terrible class composition on premade

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


This is all good and well, but what’s stopping a diamond tier group of friends from having one dude make an amber account? I’ll assume that you’re also changing the pip rewards then, making it so that it doesn’t matter if there’s a tier 1 amber with a clean MMR on the winning team.

Someone please clarify.

This is exactly the same thing that I was thinking while reading that paragraph.

If the pips loss/win depends on the higher div player of a team, than this change is good. If not, it will still not prevent some kind of abuse.

Match prediction is also based on the highest division player in the party.

This worries me, yes it stops exploitation that was happening, but will also now harm many legitimate players as well.

as an example, in our guild there is a wide mixture of pvp abilities, from legendary through to people that are still legitimately in emerald/saphire. for anyone that is a lower level to play with the diamond members they will now be matched up against people far better than they are. (many people don’t want to solo Q and want to be able to play with friends/guildies) as such these matches will almost all be losses resulting in disheartened lower level players, and making it far less desirable for higher level players to queue with friends that aren’t as good as they are going to lose a lot more that way.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I think if ANET doesnt want to add solo q then something along the lines of what was suggested above.

Adjust rewards based on party size. Make an adjustment to the team MMR when in a party to account for better coordination/voice comms. That way the soloq players either dont lose a pip unless its a complete blowout and the winning team may not even get a pip unless its a complete blowout. Well thats an extreme example but you know what i mean. Just adjust the MMR per additional person in a party.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


Good changes, well done.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Can stronghold not give pips out anymore?

The imbalance between the amount of time for a game of conquest to end over a game of stronghold is absurd, and will have people gravitate to this being the next “pip farm” I just hope you guys have the foresight to see this before it becomes an issue.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Good changes but

1) full premade vs soloers is not fixed (Soloqueue QQ )

2) I hope you can play like legendary player and queue doesn’t take an infinite time.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Eolirin.1830


No, they finally have an exclusive PVP item that Only hardcore pvpers can get, there is no reason it should be handed out to the masses like candy. There are SO MANY awesome looking PVE skins that I will never have by spending all my time in PVP, so let us have this one item, and get back to killing random mobs.

You do not design an achievement track that is 99% grindable to anyone at any skill level and then gate completion on the very last achievement based on player skill. You either gate the entire system so that it’s clear that you’re only going to get it by being really good at pvp, or you don’t do this. Tournament rewards are an example of that kind of gate. You don’t even expect to work toward them if you don’t think you can win tournaments.

You still have to play a truly massive amount of spvp to get the wings, and especially so if you aren’t very good under the new system. It’s not a matter of being ‘hardcore’ it’s a matter of being skilled; you can get people who play nothing but spvp, who devote hundreds of hours to the game mode over the course of the four seasons, but can’t get out of Ruby because they’re not good enough to get past the players in that division, and get denied the wings because of that last achievement, despite getting every single other one. That’s not cool. Edit: and especially because you don’t even know you need four division level ups unless you take the time to examine the meta achievement list for Part 4 or look at the wiki, as the achievement is locked and doesn’t display it’s requirements.

it’s my understanding that you don’t need to complete the achievment in one season, so instead of getting into diamond in one season you can get into ruby in 2 seasons and still reach the same goal, the hardcores will be able to get the skins sooner but the casuals will still have a chance, it’ll just take alot longer

If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

(edited by Eolirin.1830)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


Even league of legends allows up to duo Q in their ranked soloQ. Of course, since their population is high enough, they’ll have more people going duoQ to make it so that sides both have a duoQ.

As far as I know, they might even be adopting a similar system to GW2 where they would be allowing even 5man premades into soloQ with the intent of always making it so that both sides have the same amount of partied players.

Of course, but even in LoL or any respected PvP game you have the option to team queue or solo queue. Just because a ranked solo queue exist, doesn’t mean you don’t have the option to take a duo into ranked team queue if you really want to go there. The point of separation is for the benefit of the solo queue players, the team queue players already have the advantage.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Maybe they should allow Ruby/Diamond/Legendary players to start at Emerald Division at the start of the next season, that way it would give new players into Amber some breathing room to advance and not be totally crushed at the beginning of the season.

It would also be a nice extra perk to those players. Mind you those players will make it out of Amber pretty fast in any case.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


The biggest complaint next season will be from all the brain dead bads that can’t grind there way past the first couple of league. Leagues were never meant to be grinded through. They are meant as gauge of your skill level. I might make it to legendary this season but if next season I can only to get to ruby as long as I feel like I’m not playing with complete nimords half the time and I don’t feel like 50% of people are exploiting a flawed system I’ll be perfectly fine with it.

I agree with this guy

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kevin.4209


Would it be possible to clarify how the mmr/division trade off will work? I just want to make sure that the system is not continuing to balance across teams using mmr after matching by division. That is, I’m hoping the system isn’t first choosing 10 players close in division, and then choosing the teams players are put on to equalize mmr across the two teams, because if that is the case, high mmr players are still being penalized severely (I can clarify why if desired, PhD student in econ/stats here).

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Reclaimer.9276


And the pre-mades still have the huge voip advantage in matches. Why are solo and team q still in the same matchup? I know q’s would be longer but if more effort was put in to pvp overall (it’s a disgarce to gw1) more ppl would be playing it. Instead we have (after years) 2 pvp modes and a handfull of maps.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

As much as appreciate to finally hear from Anet. You will plz forgive me if i dont get on board the hype train since we have bin burned in it before. To many times promises has bin made & broken.

So this time will wait & see & go over other mmo’s wile you guys get it right. Good luck! You’l need it!

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I have one little question…


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Shopping for Ambers
This specific change will go into effect in our next scheduled release (prior to the end of season 1).

Why not RIGHT NOW? I am stuck in Ruby because of this exploiters, plus the incredible overpower of elite specializations.

EDIT: Ah! my english is not good enough, “prior” means before the league ending.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This is all good and well, but what’s stopping a diamond tier group of friends from having one dude make an amber account? I’ll assume that you’re also changing the pip rewards then, making it so that it doesn’t matter if there’s a tier 1 amber with a clean MMR on the winning team.

Someone please clarify.

This is exactly the same thing that I was thinking while reading that paragraph.

If the pips loss/win depends on the higher div player of a team, than this change is good. If not, it will still not prevent some kind of abuse.

Match prediction is also based on the highest division player in the party.

I have a lot of friends that aren’t as high tier as I am. A lot of them have already shied away from playing with me due to my higher league and MMR. Now, I’m certain they will not be encouraged to play with me since they will be brought up to my league and MMR if we que together.

Join a real team with same rank and skill-level and become friend with them too.
Problem solved. People can always make new friends.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


Shopping for Ambers
This specific change will go into effect in our next scheduled release (prior to the end of season 1).

Why not RIGHT NOW? I am stuck in Ruby because of this exploiters, plus the incredible overpower of elite specializations.

and now the only way i will be able to get out of Ruby is to SoloQ as it will now be harmful for me to team up with friends that are in higher divisions… yay?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Snorcha.7586


Until you either:

1. Split SoloQ and TeamQ or;
2. Make it so you can’t lose PIPS against premades as a full solo team

these changes are pointless.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


They finally sent someone in for damage control. Here’s to not getting my hopes up!

P.S. Anet, please higher more staff to take care of pvp

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kevin.4209


Until you either:

1. Split SoloQ and TeamQ or;
2. Make it so you can’t lose PIPS against premades as a full solo team

these changes are pointless.

Am I the only one who gets a premade like one out of every twenty games and wins at least half the time?

So much negativity on this forum

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


All that matters, is if they can produce viable builds in S2 that have some depth to them.

Please guys, everything else is getting better, but without a better direction to the skills and balance it’ll be for nothing

Start by raising cooldowns substantially on all these new skills.

Then introduce a trade off on choosing the elite specs (or just nerf the passive traits)

Lastly, make elite specs F2P in spvp only. Or at least released as a smaller package.

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Shopping for Ambers
This specific change will go into effect in our next scheduled release (prior to the end of season 1).

Why not RIGHT NOW? I am stuck in Ruby because of this exploiters, plus the incredible overpower of elite specializations.

and now the only way i will be able to get out of Ruby is to SoloQ as it will now be harmful for me to team up with friends that are in higher divisions… yay?

What you mean? they are not going to be interested in you because you are not “good enough” to play the real (not exploiter) thing?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brazzi.2045


soo…. um…. MMr tanking and premades stomping pugz will still be a thing, same kitten all over again?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


Shopping for Ambers
This specific change will go into effect in our next scheduled release (prior to the end of season 1).

Why not RIGHT NOW? I am stuck in Ruby because of this exploiters, plus the incredible overpower of elite specializations.

and now the only way i will be able to get out of Ruby is to SoloQ as it will now be harmful for me to team up with friends that are in higher divisions… yay?

What you mean? they are not going to be interested in you because you are not “good enough” to play the real (not exploiter) thing?

i mean i’m good enough to be in Diamond (i think) but i know that is around where my skill level likely caps out, and now if i queue with some friends i will be matched as a legendary rank…

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


Unless I am reading this wrong, this sounds horrible for casual/low mmr players who will have to face high ranked players at the start of the season, thus putting them off pvp altogether. It sounds like it is best not to play in the first week of the season at all……. I won’t be.

Exactly. If you are a casual/low mmr player i would highly recommend missing the first week of season 2. That way the better players will have moved several tiers already and you wont have big losing streaks on day 1.

I’m not sure it’ll take a full week, given the way the win streak works, though it depends on how many extra pips they get too, but yeah. At the same time, you’re still much more likely to be facing the middle of the distribution rather than the tail, so it depends on how bad you are. The longer you wait, the more Amber and Emerald will only be low MMR players though. There’s a perverse incentive to delay playing as a high MMR player, in that you’ll win streak a lot more once the divisions are more stable.

But it’s all temporary disruption. You’ll plateau in the same places.

We want to encourage new players to try the league (so we have a higher player population and shorter queues) – if they start off being trampled by high ranked players, game after game, it will be a horrible experience for them, and they won’t come back!

You know, I don’t mind getting stomped anywhere near as much as the trash talk that so often accompanies it. Not to mention the (random) teammates who think that our loss must be caused by the rest of the team… And then feel the obligation to inform us of how bad we are, what we should do instead of ranked PvP, etc.

I’m so often tempted to hide team chat altogether, but I’m always afraid I’ll miss something important.

I really think there should be some kind of “maturity rating” that helps determine your team makeup… Good luck designing that system.

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


soo…. um…. MMr tanking and premades stomping pugz will still be a thing, same kitten all over again?

That “mmr tanking” is only a problem before ruby, no? Now, the premades are a problem, a real one, but at least they are going to be of your division, I suppose, and not legendary people with an amber (that is also legendary because is using alternative account)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

soooooooooo no SOLOQ still?????? GG

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Yes we need solo q. So we also can see who is the best progressing player at a, b, c, d profession on his own. if people want to do premade. then let them do it but only allow them to progress vs other premade.. not farming unorganized pugs.

i don’t care about queue times, but if i join pvp q i want fair match. Not wasting my time/life with running back over and over again to die in 5-6sec to a premade with pugs and thats going on for like 10mins.

Or maybe make a in game vote system that we can give up the match vs premade if everyone votes to give up or atleast 4 people vote so we can join other match fast and hope its not another premade.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: IIvIIozzie.9250


Okay, so I think you guys are making a step forward with the changes of “shopping for ambers” but you are also taking a step backward with division as your primary matchmaking consideration. Your primary matchmaking consideration should be based on party size, here’s why.

Team P Z, along with other top guilds on the leaderboards, use smurf account’s to game the system into easier matchups. They will continue getting 40+ win streaks on the leaderboards because they still won’t be queuing against 5 man team setups, once their accounts start getting into ruby they’ll simply swap out to another account and start guild team queuing again.

You can argue that this new streaking system will boost them to the top fast enough for smurfing to be ineffective but I think that’s unlikely. Let’s say the new streak system gives an additional pip to every win after 3 wins. That means a five man coordinated team like P Z can go 30+ wins in a row before hitting ruby if they all start on amber. So unless this system change makes them streak to legendary very fast or the system places them against full teams more effectively this change isn’t going to help keep things competitive.

If you duo queue you should go against another duo queue in your division, triple queue goes against triple etc. If there are no parties the same size as yours in your division to queue against than you should then have to fight same size teams in higher divisions, not random pugs and get easy victories.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


Just to ensure: if one all diamod team has one amber (for instance the high skilled guy who just missed couple of league weeks) they will still get two pips (and enemy team lose two as well) after having close game against another full diamond team?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Erik Waananen


Erik Waananen

Game Designer


If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Hey there, folks! My name is Erik and I’m the newest member of the PvP design team.

I think that there’s still a bit of confusion out there about progress regarding the PvP legendary backpack and so I just wanted to pop in and clarify once again that you DO NOT need to complete all of the legendary backpack achievements in a single season in order to acquire the backpack itself. I think the achievement text that Eolirin is referring to is for the “Primordial Legend” achievement, which, while it does require completing in a single season to finish, is not linked to your Ascension progress in any way. Some players who climb to higher divisions faster than other players will naturally be able to finish their legendary backpacks sooner, but again, the achievements for the backpack can be worked on over the entire year’s lifespan of the Ascension achievement category and do not need to be finished in a single PvP league season. Hope that clarifies some things!

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: The Ace.9105

The Ace.9105

soo…. um…. MMr tanking and premades stomping pugz will still be a thing, same kitten all over again?

That “mmr tanking” is only a problem before ruby, no? Now, the premades are a problem, a real one, but at least they are going to be of your division, I suppose, and not legendary people with an amber (that is also legendary because is using alternative account)

No, what I understood from their post was that mmr only affects your team. So tanking mmr gives you worse teammates. What matchmaking does in season 2 is that it matches you against players in same point range (pips?) without using the mmr matchmaking and uses division as your mmr against your opponents while keeping your personal mmr as an indication of your teams skill level. This system tries to get players who have same mmr than you in your team.

So basically teams that face each other are only balanced in terms of mmr inside each team but between 2 teams there is only division point range balance. For example high rank players get que with high rank players and low rank players que with low rank players and divisions separate these mmr tiers. Now with winstreaks high mmr players progress faster to their own division so eventually those players will que against each other leaving low mmr players behind. This means that division will finally show the players individual skills and low tier players can finally progressively get better.

Season 2 system is by far a better system than this current season 1 system.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Until you either:

1. Split SoloQ and TeamQ or;
2. Make it so you can’t lose PIPS against premades as a full solo team

these changes are pointless.

I’d like to see some very simple logic added at a minimum. A group of 5 solo players should NEVER face premades of 3, 4, or 5 players.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Another note: We’re making some changes to allow high division players to get matches faster to help combat the long queue times.

Hopefully this issue is still addressed properly in light of:

  • Divisions becoming more of a hard determinant of the pool of people to play with.
  • A legend in a group takes an opponent group full of legends too before a match can begin.

Seems like a recipe for infinite queues with hard limits on who you can face in high divisions.

MMR expands in the search for opponents. So far, divisions have proven to be totally static and not able to expand.

There had better be some big behind the scenes tweaks, or queue times for legend in season two will be an all-time level of unplayable.

Given anets record I foresee this being a huge problem in S2. Dunno why they just couldn’t tweak the way mmr adjusts for groups and decrease the rewards high level players get from grouping with players more than 2 levels lower than them. Too hard I guess.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Can stronghold not give pips out anymore?

The imbalance between the amount of time for a game of conquest to end over a game of stronghold is absurd, and will have people gravitate to this being the next “pip farm” I just hope you guys have the foresight to see this before it becomes an issue.

This^^^^ It’s already the PIP farm. I knowing people who are legendary status by just farming this broken game mode with a premade.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Blackari.2051


finally we are moving somewhere, but if you trully want this game to be at least some kind of esports than something like paragraph “Shopping for Ambers” should be a freaking hotfix after first realization that it is abbusable as much as it is….. fixes like these do not break current ongoing season but rather it would help it! so please start HOT FIXING! even some class balance, when one class is obviously broken just HOT FIX it!

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


soo…. um…. MMr tanking and premades stomping pugz will still be a thing, same kitten all over again?

That “mmr tanking” is only a problem before ruby, no? Now, the premades are a problem, a real one, but at least they are going to be of your division, I suppose, and not legendary people with an amber (that is also legendary because is using alternative account)

No, what I understood from their post was that mmr only affects your team. So tanking mmr gives you worse teammates. What matchmaking does in season 2 is that it matches you against players in same point range (pips?) without using the mmr matchmaking and uses division as your mmr against your opponents while keeping your personal mmr as an indication of your teams skill level. This system tries to get players who have same mmr than you in your team.

Typically this happens now to me. I’m only ever matched up with players in my range now.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Hey there, folks! My name is Erik and I’m the newest member of the PvP design team.

I think that there’s still a bit of confusion out there about progress regarding the PvP legendary backpack and so I just wanted to pop in and clarify once again that you DO NOT need to complete all of the legendary backpack achievements in a single season in order to acquire the backpack itself. I think the achievement text that Eolirin is referring to is for the “Primordial Legend” achievement, which, while it does require completing in a single season to finish, is not linked to your Ascension progress in any way. Some players who climb to higher divisions faster than other players will naturally be able to finish their legendary backpacks sooner, but again, the achievements for the backpack can be worked on over the entire year’s lifespan of the Ascension achievement category and do not need to be finished in a single PvP league season. Hope that clarifies some things!

What is the lifespan of the Achievement then? Do we have to get it by the end of 2016?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: jessiestiles.9437


If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Hey there, folks! My name is Erik and I’m the newest member of the PvP design team.

I think that there’s still a bit of confusion out there about progress regarding the PvP legendary backpack and so I just wanted to pop in and clarify once again that you DO NOT need to complete all of the legendary backpack achievements in a single season in order to acquire the backpack itself. I think the achievement text that Eolirin is referring to is for the “Primordial Legend” achievement, which, while it does require completing in a single season to finish, is not linked to your Ascension progress in any way. Some players who climb to higher divisions faster than other players will naturally be able to finish their legendary backpacks sooner, but again, the achievements for the backpack can be worked on over the entire year’s lifespan of the Ascension achievement category and do not need to be finished in a single PvP league season. Hope that clarifies some things!

Seriously 1 year? And how many seasons is that? Because we need to cross 4 divisions in a single season 4 times and lots of us wouldn’t even have unlocked 4th ascension yet because of the daily time gate. So we will need to have 4 more seasons? Or will getting to legendary in one season be necessary? If so what percentage of people even make it to legendary.

This will clarify if it’s even possible.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Hey there, folks! My name is Erik and I’m the newest member of the PvP design team.

I think that there’s still a bit of confusion out there about progress regarding the PvP legendary backpack and so I just wanted to pop in and clarify once again that you DO NOT need to complete all of the legendary backpack achievements in a single season in order to acquire the backpack itself. I think the achievement text that Eolirin is referring to is for the “Primordial Legend” achievement, which, while it does require completing in a single season to finish, is not linked to your Ascension progress in any way. Some players who climb to higher divisions faster than other players will naturally be able to finish their legendary backpacks sooner, but again, the achievements for the backpack can be worked on over the entire year’s lifespan of the Ascension achievement category and do not need to be finished in a single PvP league season. Hope that clarifies some things!

Seriously 1 year? And how many seasons is that? Because we need to cross 4 divisions in a single season 4 times and lots of us wouldn’t even have unlocked 4th ascension yet because of the daily time gate. So we will need to have 4 more seasons? Or will getting to legendary in one season be necessary? If so what percentage of people even make it to legendary.

We have 1 year to get the legendary backpack, this is 4 seasons.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: jessiestiles.9437


Right so if you cross 4 divisions this season it won’t count if the achievement is still locked?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Dear Erik Waananen. Just a quick suggestion…before implementing any changes, youl need to have it tested out on a test bed server or something. Or elseas you can see.. rage!

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: The Ace.9105

The Ace.9105

If that’s the case, then the achievement text needs to be changed, because it straight up says ‘in one season’.

That’s the case, devs stated so. In the end, one needs only to reach Ruby twice and Sapphire twice to get the precursor during all the 4 seasons this year.

So, yes, the backpack is pretty much grindable and that’s it, the League system was thought out exactly with that idea in mind (that’s why the “not-losing-pips-every-rank” system is on up until you hit Ruby).

Hey there, folks! My name is Erik and I’m the newest member of the PvP design team.

I think that there’s still a bit of confusion out there about progress regarding the PvP legendary backpack and so I just wanted to pop in and clarify once again that you DO NOT need to complete all of the legendary backpack achievements in a single season in order to acquire the backpack itself. I think the achievement text that Eolirin is referring to is for the “Primordial Legend” achievement, which, while it does require completing in a single season to finish, is not linked to your Ascension progress in any way. Some players who climb to higher divisions faster than other players will naturally be able to finish their legendary backpacks sooner, but again, the achievements for the backpack can be worked on over the entire year’s lifespan of the Ascension achievement category and do not need to be finished in a single PvP league season. Hope that clarifies some things!

Seriously 1 year? And how many seasons is that? Because we need to cross 4 divisions in a single season 4 times and lots of us wouldn’t even have unlocked 4th ascension yet because of the daily time gate. So we will need to have 4 more seasons? Or will getting to legendary in one season be necessary? If so what percentage of people even make it to legendary.

This will clarify if it’s even possible.

Besides the pvp legendary backpiece is a reward from skilled pvp gameplay. It is not meant to be for everyone. If you want to get a legendary backpiece you can get it by doing fractals in pve.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: jessiestiles.9437


You mean it’s not for people who didn’t have 30+ days spare to unlock the achievements in December/January or due to obscure misleading language used in the achievement realise this is the requirement. Is that the definition of legendary?

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Do we have to reach the Legendary division (at some point) to create the legendary backpiece?

Will the new season reset mean that crossing the first three divisions will count for the achievement requirement of Ascencion III, if I and II were completed during the previous season?

If Ascencion II is at 1/2 (Sapphire now), will advancement through Amber next season make it 2/2?

I’m still confused as to why you’re offering a PvE item in a PvP game type other than possibly to encourage non-PvP people like myself to partake..

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


Nice to see developers responding in this thread.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Rebound.3409


I don’t see anything about punishment for the people who clearly exploited (and are actively exploiting if u see the daily plathora of screenshots) and already got everything they needed in the first season. So should i understand nothing will happen to them? If yes be sure any exploit that will ever appear in pvp i will take advantage of it….because i consider it a reward at this point, by your lack of action.

(edited by Rebound.3409)