Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


I wrote this wall of text during a fit of insomnia! Enjoy my frands!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


No mention of cele rifle engi…so we have to assume that cele engi is 100% balanced, do you really expect people to take you seriously?

You complain about power necro random procs..and ignore IP? slick shoe anybody? …you already know the way to the door

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


Great writeup, spot on. Definitely agree with you on the domineering nature of Runes/Sigils, and also the matchmaking situation. Many think it’s due to Anet changing it and that’s why it’s so bad, but the simple fact is there aren’t enough playing for it to do it’s job.

As for 2v2 and 3v3 arenas, I’d love to see them. What I’d love to see first though is proper balance. I think adding arenas right now would only serve to hurt PvP, and make more obvious the glaring issues we deal with every day.

And for the off chance any Anet developer reads this, I think I understand your attitudes a little bit more now. The predominating thought many of you have is that we’re playing the game wrong, or we’re using mechanics the wrong way. That we haven’t figured out how to react to “perceived imbalances”. Well I’ll tell you what. What we have is what you’ve given us. This is our feedback. Please react accordingly.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


No mention of cele rifle engi…so we have to assume that cele engi is 100% balanced, do you really expect people to take you seriously?

You complain about power necro random procs..and ignore IP? slick shoe anybody? …you already know the way to the door

Show me where I said any of that.

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


Full agreement. Especially about conquest being a poor choice of gamemode and balancing being to infrequent/bad. Wasted potential indeed.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


No mention of cele rifle engi…so we have to assume that cele engi is 100% balanced, do you really expect people to take you seriously?

You complain about power necro random procs..and ignore IP? slick shoe anybody? …you already know the way to the door

Show me where I said any of that.

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Balance. Oh balance. Currently I think class balance is… subpar. Like I said earlier, celestial bunker builds like shoutbow and DD Elementalists have absolutely insane damage relative to how tanky they are. And they can also move around from point to point extremely quickly.

You talk about celestial bunker and don’t mention celestial rifle?
What part of this build is not bunker?

hmmm….forget it nvm, don’t want waste time arguing just pointing out the obvious.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

A very accurate analisys.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: serenke.4806


Why are you still writing walls of text? Did you not leave with a lot of fanfare and such?

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Well I dont agree with arenas. Deathmatch went obsolete many years ago. All they really need is to make Conquest better by varying the design instead having every map layed out so that its a game of tic-tac-toe and whoever mess up first loose. If I wanted competition I’d rather see them copy MOBA design than arena.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Kicast.1459


As for 2v2 and 3v3 arenas, I’d love to see them. What I’d love to see first though is proper balance. I think adding arenas right now would only serve to hurt PvP, and make more obvious the glaring issues we deal with every day.

I think perma stealth is a big blocking point to manage correct arenas.
And in fact this is why I think we still do not have them yet.
Anet should rework stealth mechanic first, and I feel they either don’t want or worst cannot handle this problem.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

warrior doesnt need to be nerfed when it removes 100% of all condition builds from the meta?

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile:

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

“Wahoo! Bye frands!”

Makes me think of a fat friendly overexcited gremlin tbh

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Conquest forces builds that just aren’t fun to play or play against. Bunkers.

Conquest doesn’t “force” builds any more than other PvP modes, and as for what is ‘fun’, that is subjective. You say you don’t play WvW, but if you did, you would find that it is not uncommon for small roaming groups (which is just basically killing each other, no objectives) to contain bunkers to act as bait, to res, to disrupt, support, etc.

firmly believe that for MMO PvP, arenas is the way to go. Arenas are 2v2 or 3v3 fights on a tiny map. If you die, you are out. This type of PvP is extremely popular in any and every MMO that has it. Blizzard and World of Warcraft have put up many tournaments with many thousands of dollars on the line.

Erm WoW arenas flopped as an “e-sport”, despite having a playerbase larger than anything except LoL, and a huge gaming company behind it, go play WIldstar and see how popular arenas are…

Arena objectives are simple. You kill your opponents. No trebuchets to fire, no nodes to stand on, no NPCs to kill. It’s a brawl, and it’s exciting. It’s fun and easy to watch.

Or it’s dull, simplistic, low skill capped, that isn’t fun to watch, they’ve streamed GW2 2v2/3v3 before, guess what not many people watched them, even for GW2.

I guarantee that MMO fans who have never played this game will love the combat and get hooked!

I also think the best thing abut GW2 is the excellent combat, however there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who have tried GW2 and left who did not like the combat system.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


I agree with everything you wrote.

What infuriates me so much while playing PvP is that it SHOULD be fun and exciting because of how great the combat is, but is actually totally depressing and infuriating because of how bad the PvP system is.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Ladies and gentlemen, Vee Wee!

Someone who has claimed to have quit playing this game on multiple forum post, but is somehow still deemed suitable to weigh in on a game he/she doesn’t even play.

And five gauge shreks lots of power necros, may be he didn’t want to engage because it was a part of his strategy??? Like seriously? Every zerker class has random procs. Jesus I hate every single post that comes out of this dudes brain. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Magira.6390


I’m switching from SWTOR here because BioWare offers us only arenas in Rated. Therefore, I do not agree.
Arena is a simplified PVP mode, for people who are overwhelmed with goal-oriented way of playing and I am very pleased that there are none here.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Ladies and gentlemen, Vee Wee!

Someone who has claimed to have quit playing this game on multiple forum post, but is somehow still deemed suitable to weigh in on a game he/she doesn’t even play.

And five gauge shreks lots of power necros, may be he didn’t want to engage because it was a part of his strategy??? Like seriously? Every zerker class has random procs. Jesus I hate every single post that comes out of this dudes brain.

Implying there is strategy in GW2 PvP.

Oh wait…

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Boggs.6482


I can’t believe I actually read all of that. O_O God, the mists are boring.

Anyway, I agree with all of it. I’d like to add in balance infrequency and the prevalence of bugs that have been in game as long as I can remember.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


agree 100% about everything except balance.
Yes anet should have more frequent patches but atm i feel like most profs have at least 1 viable spec

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I agree with the post on most things.

The most overused sigils and runes need to be toned down. This is by far the most important thing to do right now and even more vital than the profession specific balancing. WvWvW is my main game mode and there the sigil and rune selection is wider and creates even more imbalanced combinations (not to mention WvWvW allows much higher total stats). Runes and sigils should complement a build, not define it.

The current match making system is horrible. I solo queue unranked and way too many matches are blow outs. I might win 500-100 or lose 100-500. There is no easy way to see ally nor enemy ratings. I think the MMR ratings and rank should be visible by pressing the B button. The information should also display a bit longer after the match is over if you still don’t exit the map.

I don’t think arena will work very well with this game, because there aren’t any dedicated healers and you can have high burst and mobility in the same build. Teams could just camp in stealth and burst down the 1st enemy, who comes in range. That wouldn’t create fun match ups.

Team Deatch Match (TDM) would work better, but the Courtyard map needs to be replaced by a better TDM map. Courtyard has too many choke points and it makes spawn camping and kiting endlessly way too easy (those two are the best strategies in the map). The spawn should have a wider exit area (why not entire map side wide?) to make spawn camping a bit harder. An ideal TDM map should also have a bit more open terrain. If this would make LB rangers too powerful, then tone down LB.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Vegito.3048


not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

warrior doesnt need to be nerfed when it removes 100% of all condition builds from the meta?

Easy fix. Soldier runes now have a cooldown.

Edit: runes of the trooper*

Rantev [Warrior]

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

warrior doesnt need to be nerfed when it removes 100% of all condition builds from the meta?

I agree with this, but don’t forget that with the change they’re planning, lots builds will be able to bring self condition cleanse, so condition builds will still have a hard time and should be balanced around their condition application rather than nerfing shoutbow even though it is a tad too strong atm.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Trybil.1567


A lot of good points, but I disagree about making all sPvP “arena” style. Boring. Implement better tank/damage balance per the suggestions and give players a choice of game mode. Don’t “fix” something by reducing choice and variety.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

Ladies and gentlemen, Vee Wee!

Someone who has claimed to have quit playing this game on multiple forum post, but is somehow still deemed suitable to weigh in on a game he/she doesn’t even play.

And five gauge shreks lots of power necros, may be he didn’t want to engage because it was a part of his strategy??? Like seriously? Every zerker class has random procs. Jesus I hate every single post that comes out of this dudes brain.

A bit drastically, but i kinda agree. There are lots of posts by VeeWee, always pointing at “this game sucks”. A friendly hello, but obviously a very negative person behind. This is the gw2 board, we like this game! So why you always bother us with your thoughts about a game you dont like/play? Enjoy your life VeeWee, do something you like!

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Xelic.8674


Stop giving him attention and he stops, ok.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Warkind.6745


Criticizing a game means you hate it now. Sad life.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Vee Wee. There’s a few things that you said that’s not exactly true

Higher population does not necessarily improve matchmaking. This was seen when beta stronghold came out and we had a surplus of users. The queue times were drastically worse. Unless a Dev says otherwise, matchmaking took longer because of a bigger population.

Regardless, 2m -5m queues are average for most games. Smite and LoL are examples. I honestly believe GW2’s matchmaking is better than smites.

Arenas is not going to make this game “esports”. It’s maybe 1 out of 10 pieces that we need. Don’t expect a 200,000 surge of players either. It’s not going to make that much of a difference but the pvp community (and pvp experience) will be that much better for sure.

Conquest has more strategy than you think it does. In fact, there’s more skill through rotations, target management and team synchronizations than any 2v2 or 3v3 elimination arena can bring. That’s not to say these arenas wouldn’t be better or more fun. I feel you’re belittling a gamemode that you still don’t quite understand.

Game updates, some games need them more frequent than others. I don’t think this game needs it as often as you think. Everyone thought Might nerfs were inconsequential but the qq threads stopped shortly thereafter. There really isn’t anything gamebreaking. Only certain personal annoyances like air/fire procs and now leech sigils because the meta’s changing. People think “sigils shouldn’t be build defining”, and why not? Every other aspect is. Should sigils not be worth taking at all?

Necro bursts.. they’re very predictable, especially lich form. This is a l2p issue.

I listened your wall of text with a voice reading app. These items stuck out the most, from what I heard.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


My two cents-

Leaderboards: Guild Wars 2 only has modes for team based game types, but yet the leaderboards are solely based on individual rating, why? This effects the following

- No incentive to stay on a team
- Constant team hopping
- A very toxic community
- Elitism

The solution:

Make the leaderboards actually work. And two make the leaderboards register as an actual team rather than something that looks like everyone is competing with each other despite being on the same team. Team rating should be first, and player rating should be secondary. Give players a reason to stick it out on a certain team, and if they leave a team that is really high rated, then that players team rating is back at zero for exmaple. There needs to be consequences for leaving team / incentive for staying.


Balance and Conquest are supposed to go hand and hand “from what arena net claims”. However that excuse is going to be long gone once Stronhold finally comes out and is forced into the rotation despite our opinion on if we actually want to play it. There are quite a few things that effect balance that need to be checked out regardless of game mode.

Healing Signet – Not even fire and forget, just simply forget, no need to even hotkey
Dodging while immob – completely changes fights which in turn changes the outcome of games
Signet of restoration – promotes passive spamming of skills
Withdraw – Low counterplay when it comes to interrupting the heal.
Signet of the Ether: Promotes max clones to get the most passive healing effect

TLDR: fix dodge while immob, take away passive healing effects from signet passives, replace them with more offensive capabilities that promotes exciting play, and give a more rewarding active heal for anything involving a signet. Withdraw needs to be something along the lines of a mesmers phase retreat while healing to promote counterplay. Interrupting someones heals are huge plays, but right now half the classes don’t even actively heal themselves, which promotes passive, stale, and boring play, regardless of gametype.

Game Modes

We need game modes that incorporate 2v2 and 3v3’s. Why? Less people on team team = more available teams with a small population. And more teams = more competitive play.

I could say more but I wanna go play battlefield 4. See ya


Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


not agree on warrior being gods.
still depend on actual player skill.

just because a very small handful of players play warrior good, does not mean warrior needs to be nerfed, again.

warrior doesnt need to be nerfed when it removes 100% of all condition builds from the meta?

I agree with this, but don’t forget that with the change they’re planning, lots builds will be able to bring self condition cleanse, so condition builds will still have a hard time and should be balanced around their condition application rather than nerfing shoutbow even though it is a tad too strong atm.

you can always take a guardian with pure voice and have a basically condi immune team even if the runes sre nerfed (and its the runes not the warrior that clear the condis). plus, its only 4 condis removed if the warrior runs 3 shouts, which is not a huge amount anyway. 409 engi can do the same thing with elixirs.

i find that two condi players, with one of them a rabid engineer, are easily able to overload the shoutbow. people should give 5 condi a go, might end up being so good it becomes the new meta. few builds can survive the focus of two or more condi spam builds.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I find that two condi players, with one of them a rabid engineer, are easily able to overload the shoutbow. people should give 5 condi a go, might end up being so good it becomes the new meta. few builds can survive the focus of two or more condi spam builds.

People have. They can be fun but very frustrating. Shoutbow + Ele will counter almost all condi builds. Add an Absolute Resolution Guardian to the mix and Condi teams will virtually do no damage. The celes team with Zerk guardian will out damage and out sustain them.

That said… things may change now that Burns and Poisons stack. I’m not sure if this is enough to change the meta but it’s possible. I’m excited! :P
condi guard hype

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


My two cents-

Leaderboards: Guild Wars 2 only has modes for team based game types, but yet the leaderboards are solely based on individual rating, why? This effects the following

- No incentive to stay on a team
- Constant team hopping
- A very toxic community
- Elitism

The solution:

Make the leaderboards actually work. And two make the leaderboards register as an actual team rather than something that looks like everyone is competing with each other despite being on the same team. Team rating should be first, and player rating should be secondary. Give players a reason to stick it out on a certain team, and if they leave a team that is really high rated, then that players team rating is back at zero for exmaple. There needs to be consequences for leaving team / incentive for staying.


Balance and Conquest are supposed to go hand and hand “from what arena net claims”. However that excuse is going to be long gone once Stronhold finally comes out and is forced into the rotation despite our opinion on if we actually want to play it. There are quite a few things that effect balance that need to be checked out regardless of game mode.

Healing Signet – Not even fire and forget, just simply forget, no need to even hotkey
Dodging while immob – completely changes fights which in turn changes the outcome of games
Signet of restoration – promotes passive spamming of skills
Withdraw – Low counterplay when it comes to interrupting the heal.
Signet of the Ether: Promotes max clones to get the most passive healing effect

TLDR: fix dodge while immob, take away passive healing effects from signet passives, replace them with more offensive capabilities that promotes exciting play, and give a more rewarding active heal for anything involving a signet. Withdraw needs to be something along the lines of a mesmers phase retreat while healing to promote counterplay. Interrupting someones heals are huge plays, but right now half the classes don’t even actively heal themselves, which promotes passive, stale, and boring play, regardless of gametype.

Game Modes

We need game modes that incorporate 2v2 and 3v3’s. Why? Less people on team team = more available teams with a small population. And more teams = more competitive play.

I could say more but I wanna go play battlefield 4. See ya


Agree with your balance comments. Imo necro, ranger and mesmer are the only classes with significant count play, mainly as you can rupt their heals.

The other classes are so absurdly op and there is zero counter play to them.

All classes involve mindless spam and procs.

Thief is the worst, there is no punishment for spam on that class at all. Withdraw has been one of the most op things in game forever. Hsow it still has such a short cd is beyond me

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Login.5102


Game updates, some games need them more frequent than others. I don’t think this game needs it as often as you think. Everyone thought Might nerfs were inconsequential but the qq threads stopped shortly thereafter. There really isn’t anything gamebreaking. Only certain personal annoyances like air/fire procs and now leech sigils because the meta’s changing. People think “sigils shouldn’t be build defining”, and why not? Every other aspect is. Should sigils not be worth taking at all?

Necro bursts.. they’re very predictable, especially lich form. This is a l2p issue.

Game updates in Gw2 are terrible. There have been SERIOUS bugs that haven’t been addressed for YEARS or takes years to fix(even though the community posts countless threads on them) that affect balance. past and current kitten would be kittened up AI, air immobilize, can’t move until i /dance /sit in the middle of battle, vamp runes, bone minions blast finishers still activate like 2 seconds after you explode them…since beta. There are so so many more.

Necro burst he’s talking ONLY about passive procs. Im not saying necro op in any way(my main), but how the hell is a CHill of death/air/fire combo predictable? l2p around passives?

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Yes, more of these posts in PvP forums please.

Im sorry, but i completely agree with everything said in the OP.

Im currently at a stage of just disbanding my PvP only guild. Because of the infrequency of balance patching, the extreme overnerfing or buffing of classes and ofcourse the mmr/league system.

But lets also not forget the experiment that has gone extremely bad called the mappool. (we just want arenas or more cap point maps, i play guildwars2 because i dont want to play dota style maps and now with stronghold your forcing a bandwagon upon us probably because of investors)

I also know allot of people feel exacly the same way. The combat system is extremely fun and rewarding, untill you actually enter PvP. Where you get matched with gods and bunnies alike, whilst still being rock papper scissor balanced out by pure RNG luck. Where taking objectives is more important then the actuall Player versus Player interaction. Wich is terrible

Anyone who said they dislike arena-combat really have no idea how the combat system in guildwars 2 work at all i feel. There are even seperate 1v1 custom maps almost always filled with very good players, begging to get a reall format where they can play in. (shame its a /join spamfest because there is no arenanet involvement at all in 1v1 combat scenarios)

Also issues like this is why the community thinks arenanet isnt communicating at all. No responses at all in the 5v5 PvP side of things. Just devs responding on fluff that doesnt adress any core issue.

TL;DR? Read the bolded text.

(edited by ErazorZ.5209)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Game updates, some games need them more frequent than others. I don’t think this game needs it as often as you think. Everyone thought Might nerfs were inconsequential but the qq threads stopped shortly thereafter. There really isn’t anything gamebreaking. Only certain personal annoyances like air/fire procs and now leech sigils because the meta’s changing. People think “sigils shouldn’t be build defining”, and why not? Every other aspect is. Should sigils not be worth taking at all?

Necro bursts.. they’re very predictable, especially lich form. This is a l2p issue.

Game updates in Gw2 are terrible. There have been SERIOUS bugs that haven’t been addressed for YEARS or takes years to fix(even though the community posts countless threads on them) that affect balance. past and current kitten would be kittened up AI, air immobilize, can’t move until i /dance /sit in the middle of battle, vamp runes, bone minions blast finishers still activate like 2 seconds after you explode them…since beta. There are so so many more.

Necro burst he’s talking ONLY about passive procs. Im not saying necro op in any way(my main), but how the hell is a CHill of death/air/fire combo predictable? l2p around passives?

Understood, but I was strictly revering to class specific buffs or nerfs. As were others; like the post above me, are wanting. I don’t exactly agree on these specific buffs/nerfs. I think it would hurt the game more if there were changes and mechanical ‘reverts’ every three weeks.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


Where taking objectives is more important then the actuall Player versus Player interaction. Wich is terrible

I’m going to go ahead and quote this for truth. This right here is the crux of the problems in spvp. The new upcoming game type will only make it worse.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: champ.7021


Really good write up. You missed some of the good things about PvE, the fact that it can be crazy hard, but only when players make it so (i.e. low manning, speed runs, records).

But your analysis of PvP is spot on. I would say more but i already responded on reddit. I hope Anet actually listens to people like you and realizes with all these veterans leaving, or just not being as interested anymore there is clearly something wrong with the game that needs fixing.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


Vee Wee, why in the kitten do you still post here? I thought you quit this game, QQ, etc etc. Is your life really that dull that you need to post daily on a forum for a game that you quit/hate.


Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Vee Wee, why in the kitten do you still post here? I thought you quit this game, QQ, etc etc. Is your life really that dull that you need to post daily on a forum for a game that you quit/hate.

Probably the same as me. Getting fed up by the game because of lack of support for it. But still love the core game as is.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Login.5102


Vee Wee, why in the kitten do you still post here? I thought you quit this game, QQ, etc etc. Is your life really that dull that you need to post daily on a forum for a game that you quit/hate.

Meh i understand where hes coming from.

He probably played 10,000 + hours like me and a lot of beta players.

When you put that much time into something because of the potential(even if your on a break), you still feel very connected to it. When HoT is released, maybe a large amount PvP improvements will be implemented.

And maybe all those hours won’t be wasted…..Theres a chance? there is a chance..right guys?


Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Vee Wee, why in the kitten do you still post here? I thought you quit this game, QQ, etc etc. Is your life really that dull that you need to post daily on a forum for a game that you quit/hate.

Meh i understand where hes coming from.

He probably played 10,000 + hours like me and a lot of beta players.

When you put that much time into something because of the potential(even if your on a break), you still feel very connected to it. When HoT is released, maybe a large amount PvP improvements will be implemented.

And maybe all those hours won’t be wasted…..Theres a chance? there is a chance..right guys?


The only chance is to get vocal about it, and rally everyone who feels this way to the forums. So anet understands eventho its a minority. That minority is severely hurting eventho it could grow allot bigger. (not saying esports level, but who knows if everything is done well..)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Vee Wee how can you give suggestions when you don’t play the game anymore? And why are all of your post ALWAYS negative? If your grumpy because of lack of sleep you should read it helps your eyes to get fatigued and can help you fall asleep. Don’t write because since your exhausted people tend to write nonsense and I say that from experience. Only thing I agree with you is leaderboards can be a bit better. Everything else idk man I think you should take a nap…..

Necromancer Main

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: champ.7021


Vee Wee how can you give suggestions when you don’t play the game anymore? And why are all of your post ALWAYS negative? If your grumpy because of lack of sleep you should read it helps your eyes to get fatigued and can help you fall asleep. Don’t write because since your exhausted people tend to write nonsense and I say that from experience. Only thing I agree with you is leaderboards can be a bit better. Everything else idk man I think you should take a nap…..

Probably because changes can only be made through negative criticisms. If you think something should be changed would you say, Its the best thing ever but it needs to be changed. Also Vee wee said that the combat system is fantastic which we all agree with.

Honestly everything he/(she?) said is what basically all my pvp friends say, just more fleshed out. I doubt anyone seriously into pvp will argue that vee wee is off the mark. Maybe some things he/(she?) said arent 100% accurate or not everyone agrees with them, but the whole gist of the write up was pretty dam true.

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


Hi frands! Thanks for all the replies! I’ll try to respond to some of them!

You talk about celestial bunker and don’t mention celestial rifle?
What part of this build is not bunker?

Probably the part where it gets nuked by conditions, has issues standing on the point, no permanent vigor like the actual bunkers, no defensive boons, etcetc!

Why are you still writing walls of text?

I want to play this game again and I was waiting on a frand to join my CEVO pug!

I never said to remove conquest for arenas! Some people like conquest! Some people will like stronghold! But some people like arenas, a game mode that is so easy to implement, create maps for, maintain, and will bring so many people to this game that it’s just not logical for them not to be in this game! But when it comes to esports, I think arenas is the top choice for game mode! You may say that WoW arena failed at esports but you can’t deny that it had way more popularity and success than its conquest battlegrounds! And while gaming organizations may not treat it as esport, the in game community sure does and they have regular tournaments with so many different teams and many monies to hand out! Chalk it up to the overwhelming popularity of WoW in comparison to GW2 if you want, but I don’t see WoW’s conquest counterpart getting anywhere near the amount of support/popularity/prize money/success as its arenas!

I fail to see how permanent stealth is an issue! World of Wartcraft Thieves/Assassins or whatever they were called had permanent stealth built into their character! They didn’t have to build for it or anything! There wasn’t an issue there! Sure there could be a bunch of trolls but there will be trolls in anything you do! Are there not AFKers, leavers, and other griefers in conquest? Report and move on!

I also fail to see how arena is low skill cap! I’d say arenas have a much higher skill cap than conquest because the entire point of the game mode is to outplay your opponent! “But Vee Wee, you have to know how to rotate in conquest!” Oh please! If looking at the minimap and spamming AoE on point is the definition of high skill cap…

And of course no one can deny the overwhelming popularity of MOBAs in esports! But I feel the situation can be summed up in a conversation I had with a frand of mine who quit this game (who, by the way, stated he would come back to play if there were arenas). So I was describing stronghold to him and basically said it’s a MOBA-esque game mode, to which he replied, “But isn’t GW2 an MMO?” Hah! Yes it is!

I never said Power Necros are op! I simply used the Necromancer as an example for insane procs! Sigils and procs should enhance a build, not be the primary method of everything! Some people say balance is ok because every class has a viable build! How many of these viable builds would continue to be so without their precious Air/Fire combo! How many decent builds have turned into juggernauts with the combo! How do you counterplay a random crit or hit! The whole system is just anti-fun!

I think that’s it! Thanks again for reading! If you have something to contribute, I hope you do so! But let’s avoid the trolling and flaming so we can have a discussion on how Guild Warts 2 can improve into the game I know it can be! Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Vee Wee isn’t Courtyard DM? Why Arenas?

Necromancer Main

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Login.5102


Vee Wee isn’t Courtyard DM? Why Arenas?

People don’t like the map.

its not 3v3

Arena =/= DM

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Bitty.1409


Okay in terms of your gripes about the matchmaking, balance(although some is a bit outdated) marketing of the game, and overall lack of incentive to play the game I agree with you; but the thing you always seem to not consider is that a majority of the people that play this game competively actually really like the mechanics of conquest. Although a fairly straight foward game mode at its core, and the lack of balance can make it very stale. Conquest at a high level of play is actually incredibly strategic with a lot of ways to outplay the other team .

Team Spoookie – Shnicky

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Wouldn’t 5v5 be the more “skilled” mode because of higher team coordination?

Necromancer Main

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


Vee Wee isn’t Courtyard DM? Why Arenas?

Good question my frand! Deathmatch and arenas are two different game modes! DM is what you see in courtyard and the way it’s set up just boils down to spamming AoE and whoever dies first usually costs their team the victory in a vicious spawn camping snowball effect! Arenas, on the other hand, should be played on a much smaller map than courtyard with less people! 3v3 on a tiny map with objects that you can hide behind for line of sight purposes! When you die, you are out! No respawns!

The LoS objects shouldn’t be too big, otherwise you can just kite forever around it until your cooldowns come back up! That’s not fun either!

but the thing you always seem to not consider is that a majority of the people that play this game competively actually really like the mechanics of conquest.

Of course I considered it! Anyone who likes conquest can still play conquest! I’m for adding new content, not replacing existing content with something else as Anet is so keen on doing! But what about the people who don’t like conquest or who would rather play something else! Should they be forced into playing conquest! I suppose the answer is yes because of the 3 years 1 game mode clause that we unwittingly signed when purchasing this game and that saddens me!

Hope that helped! Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

(edited by ArrDee.2573)

Vee Wee's Thoughts About GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Bitty.1409


Okay in terms of your gripes about the matchmaking, balance(although some is a bit outdated) marketing of the game, and overall lack of incentive to play the game I agree with you; but the thing you always seem to not consider is that a majority of the people that play this game competively actually really like the mechanics of conquest. A fairly straight foward game mode at its core, Conquest at a high level of play is actually incredibly strategic with a lot of ways to outplother team. The problem I think is the lack of balance patches makes the game mode stale because of one meta staying the same for so long.

Team Spoookie – Shnicky

(edited by Bitty.1409)