Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Vixena.3821


I’ve been recently playing a ranger in hot joins so that I could do the Hunter achievement, and wow… I have been verbally abused every single day that I’ve been playing that ranger. I never received so much harassment on my warrior, engineer, or mesmer. It’ll happen at least once and up to five times per day that I’m doing spvp. I’ve had to report so many people over the past week. What I find interesting is that it is often coming from players who have the Legendary Champion title.

Where is all of this hate coming from? It’s making me really hate playing my ranger. I do not say anything nor do any emotes to provoke. All I want to do is play my ranger and not have to worry about someone calling me f****t (most popular word to use).

(edited by Vixena.3821)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Loonita.7421


Most people I see raging against rangers is because they usually stand on ledges and just shoot. Now this is just an opinion, but I believe the range is way too crazy specially since all maps have a spot for rangers to simply sit all game. Most jumps/ teleport skills won’t actually reach these places for example guardians judgement will not take you to that ledge.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


Ping them a [Packet of Salt].

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Most people I see raging against rangers is because they usually stand on ledges and just shoot. Now this is just an opinion, but I believe the range is way too crazy specially since all maps have a spot for rangers to simply sit all game. Most jumps/ teleport skills won’t actually reach these places for example guardians judgement will not take you to that ledge.

But this is not WvW, so you can’t actually just hide in that spot just dpsing, expecting your PUG teammates to help you cap the node, which you know it won’t happen.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


Most people I see raging against rangers is because they usually stand on ledges and just shoot. Now this is just an opinion, but I believe the range is way too crazy specially since all maps have a spot for rangers to simply sit all game. Most jumps/ teleport skills won’t actually reach these places for example guardians judgement will not take you to that ledge.

But this is not WvW, so you can’t actually just hide in that spot just dpsing, expecting your PUG teammates to help you cap the node, which you know it won’t happen.

Except that is exactly the role of a ranger, and with any competent teammates, works incredibly well. When it’s pulled off well, that’s when the raging starts because it’s “cheesy”.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Get used to it. People hate Rangers in general. It doesn’t matter what build you use, even.


Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Zord.6130


People hate rangers because they hate seeing half (or even more) of their HP depleted by rapid fire, when it takes absolutely 0 skill to do from that range.

I know, rangers have lots of weaknesses and everything, and I never complain about them in chat, but I still hate to see getting downed by a guy who, after 1m, I engage in a close fight and discover he is a keyboard turner (and a clicker possibly as well) who backpedals until he dies.

Also, about Legendary Champions… do not bother them. Most of them acquired their title through rank farming, and even when they didn’t, it doesn’t show anything, really. I killed “Legendary Champions” with only one weapon lots of times, so it’s not like their opinion is worth more than anyone else’s ^^

Powerpuff Girls [PPG]
Trixxi Is Cute – Purple Fhaz: your daily roamer

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I play almost exclusively ranger and I’m not sure I’ve ever had someone rage at me (for being a ranger anyway).

Put up a champ brawler title or something and people will probably leave you alone. I suspect a lot of the rage is directed at stereotypical bearbow noobs, and not at legit PvPers. I like watching Koroshi play his ranger and he doesn’t get raged at.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


Well ranger is sorta the new warrior in terms of skill input to reward output. So its sorta expected.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Rangelost.4857


Weird. I usually get less angry whispers when I play on my ranger, and it’s your typical longbow/greatsword berserker.

Either way, you shouldn’t pay them any mind. Block, report and move on. You could waste your time trying to understand why they act like the way they do and realize it’s nothing you have control over, or you could simply deny them the attention they crave. It doesn’t matter what you play, people will complain. Especially people who shouldn’t even be allowed to be in a match in the first place.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Darkness.9732


rangers are the worst class in gw2.
They have no survival skills, pet is hilarious ( compare ranger F skills with warriors Eviscerate for example ).
Gw2 developpers have never showed any attention or love to ranger problems. I’ m 100% sure noone of them plays ranger.

Ranger class has no future. Play another class or change game becouse unfortunatly our beloved ranger will forever suck compared to other classes ( warrior,ele ,mesmer and so on )

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: holodoc.5748


People hate rangers for one simple reason – they can have pets. No other profession can tag along a cute honey-bunny colored in pink and named “Fluffy – Destroyer of Worlds”.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I have been verbally abused every single day that I’ve been playing that ranger. I never received so much harassment on my warrior, engineer, or mesmer. It’ll happen at least once and up to five times per day that I’m doing spvp. I’ve had to report so many people over the past week. What I find interesting is that it is often coming from players who have the Legendary Champion title.

Elitist acting elitist. Report and Block. Although I’ve never received any abuse for being a ranger on the EU servers though. I have been abused for trying to cap, trying to defend, for ressing, for stomping when outnumbered, being outnumbered etc. you know lately I’ve just been putting my guild chat on and ignoring map and team chat. That tends to work for me.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

I have been verbally abused every single day that I’ve been playing that ranger. I never received so much harassment on my warrior, engineer, or mesmer. It’ll happen at least once and up to five times per day that I’m doing spvp. I’ve had to report so many people over the past week. What I find interesting is that it is often coming from players who have the Legendary Champion title.

Elitist acting elitist. Report and Block. Although I’ve never received any abuse for being a ranger on the EU servers though. I have been abused for trying to cap, trying to defend, for ressing, for stomping when outnumbered, being outnumbered etc. you know lately I’ve just been putting my guild chat on and ignoring map and team chat. That tends to work for me.

The problem is when you get a team of genuine people who want to form a solid strategy, but two members don’t respond because they have team chat off. Block all you want, but turning off team chat isn’t always best.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Deadly Moonshiner.1354

Deadly Moonshiner.1354

Regardless what you play in terms of profession or what game you play (HJ/unrank/rank) there were and will always be abusers. Here I don’t count the critique that is justified and from which one can learn.

So, a carefully chosen block is your friend. That said as soon as one says, noob, noskill, and similar nonesenses, he/she is on my block list from that moment on.

Also, don’t get easily moved by someone’s words and don’t reply. The most effective way to deal with abusers and trolls is not paying attention to them. Don’t feed them what they crave the most. If you ignore them, then they rage and that is exactly what you should achieve.

Just my 2cents…

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I have been verbally abused every single day that I’ve been playing that ranger. I never received so much harassment on my warrior, engineer, or mesmer. It’ll happen at least once and up to five times per day that I’m doing spvp. I’ve had to report so many people over the past week. What I find interesting is that it is often coming from players who have the Legendary Champion title.

Elitist acting elitist. Report and Block. Although I’ve never received any abuse for being a ranger on the EU servers though. I have been abused for trying to cap, trying to defend, for ressing, for stomping when outnumbered, being outnumbered etc. you know lately I’ve just been putting my guild chat on and ignoring map and team chat. That tends to work for me.

The problem is when you get a team of genuine people who want to form a solid strategy, but two members don’t respond because they have team chat off. Block all you want, but turning off team chat isn’t always best.

True enough, but I’ve never encountered a team like that, never ever. Granted I only have 600 matches but I think that’s a decent enough sample size. I get 2 types of teams, ones who don’t say anything or those who complain and insult.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


They are hated because they’re so easy to play. Most people who play ranger think they’re good but in reality most people who play ranger are just unskilled people. People who main ranger will probably fail on a class or build that takes real skill.


Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Wintersnight.3061


I have been verbally abused every single day that I’ve been playing that ranger. I never received so much harassment on my warrior, engineer, or mesmer. It’ll happen at least once and up to five times per day that I’m doing spvp. I’ve had to report so many people over the past week. What I find interesting is that it is often coming from players who have the Legendary Champion title.

…… lately I’ve just been putting my guild chat on and ignoring map and team chat. That tends to work for me.

What is your in-game name. so I can say in /say to tell you to turn your team chat on. If you are playing in games where your teammates aren’t pinging the map and calling out incs and strats…. then you should take it upon yourself to do it. Your rank will dramatically improve. Most people here are looking for leadership in the game as long as you do it nicely and not as an elitist.

I wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors,

Cindy Lou Who, the Bestest Who in Whoville

Cindy Lou Who, Retired Ranger
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


People tend to get kittened off at rangers because rangers were the easiest kill in the game for an extremely long time. Now the same builds that hard countered us before STILL hard counter us. But the builds that we were supposed to actually be able to fight we can actually damage now.

As for our range. People LOOOVE to kitten about the arrows. When ANY class capable of movement skills can cross the distance. Hell. The S/D thief build can cover our distance and then some in less than a few seconds. They have the mobility and evasions to do so safely.

Most deaths from the rangers longbow are caused by people not paying attention to what else is going on in the match. There only looking right infront of them so when a ranger unleashes from off there screen they immediately start screaming how OP it is when they could have simply looked up every few seconds and realised someone was moving up that ledge.

Longbow Rangers are good at +1ning fights for the same reason thieves are. Becuase if you arent paying attention they hurt really quickly before you have a chance to react. When simply paying attention to more than what the bunker guard infront of you is doing would give you more than enough time to move yourself behind cover to soak the initial burst (where the ranger will probably have blow half his damage cooldowns in an attempt to spike you.)

Ghost Yak

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


In truth Rangers are hated because of those that just can’t play ranger. The rapid fire, long 4 knockbacks and some mobility can turn a losing team battle into a winning team battle. Now a good ranger would know which target is doing the most harm in the team fight and try to neutralize it or at least put pressure on him/her so that teammates can either peel or regroup to reengage. Good rangers have no problem surviving or even disengaging from outnumbered fight til the teammates come and try to peel for them instead of yoloing and dying alone.

Basically a good ranger supports the team through raw dps, but most rangers don’t. They are just trigger happy #2/4 pressing people who stand on ledge and die when the nodes are free for decap/cap. They do not rotate nor communicate, but drunk in power of longbow #2 and #4 and believe themselves as godlike dps when in truth they can easily be shut down without help of a teammate. Also many rangers fail to use their gs properly which leads them to their demise, and most repeat the same mistake of not practicing gs.

This is why people prefer mesmer/thieves than rangers as dps roles because at least thieves and mesmers can be expected to disengage/survive for a short time due to their stealth/teleport, but rangers are constant target for other dps roles. Also that people who play rangers think they are some sort of engineer rocket turret and stand on a ledge and never move.


Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


People hate rangers because they hate seeing half (or even more) of their HP depleted by rapid fire, when it takes absolutely 0 skill to do from that range.

I know, rangers have lots of weaknesses and everything, and I never complain about them in chat, but I still hate to see getting downed by a guy who, after 1m, I engage in a close fight and discover he is a keyboard turner (and a clicker possibly as well) who backpedals until he dies.

Also, about Legendary Champions… do not bother them. Most of them acquired their title through rank farming, and even when they didn’t, it doesn’t show anything, really. I killed “Legendary Champions” with only one weapon lots of times, so it’s not like their opinion is worth more than anyone else’s ^^

Lol rank farming? Eat your little heart out mate. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Gw2 developpers have never showed any attention or love to ranger problems. I’ m 100% sure noone of them plays ranger.

Ranger has received multiple buffs in the past year. Including in the most recent patch.

OP, I’m sorry people are butts to you because of the profession you play. I see it happen sometimes too, or get it myself playing engineer.

Ping them a [Packet of Salt].

^ This is hilarious, try this.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Gw2 developpers have never showed any attention or love to ranger problems. I’ m 100% sure noone of them plays ranger.

Ranger has received multiple buffs in the past year. Including in the most recent patch.

OP, I’m sorry people are butts to you because of the profession you play. I see it happen sometimes too, or get it myself playing engineer.

Ping them a [Packet of Salt].

^ This is hilarious, try this.

I agree, Ranger is got some love lately. Few little fixes and Rangers should be on equal footing with other classes.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Most of them acquired their title through rank farming, and even when they didn’t, it doesn’t show anything, really. I killed “Legendary Champions” with only one weapon lots of times, so it’s not like their opinion is worth more than anyone else’s ^^

What on earth? It’s not even possible to rank farm your way to 80 anymore because of the rank gain cap from custom arenas. It’s not like it takes long to get rank 80 from playing normally anyway.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


Longbow Rangers are annoying

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Vixena.3821


Ping them a [Packet of Salt].

That’s hilarious. I will have to do that

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Zord.6130


People hate rangers because they hate seeing half (or even more) of their HP depleted by rapid fire, when it takes absolutely 0 skill to do from that range.

I know, rangers have lots of weaknesses and everything, and I never complain about them in chat, but I still hate to see getting downed by a guy who, after 1m, I engage in a close fight and discover he is a keyboard turner (and a clicker possibly as well) who backpedals until he dies.

Also, about Legendary Champions… do not bother them. Most of them acquired their title through rank farming, and even when they didn’t, it doesn’t show anything, really. I killed “Legendary Champions” with only one weapon lots of times, so it’s not like their opinion is worth more than anyone else’s ^^

Lol rank farming? Eat your little heart out mate.

Wow, did I hurt you maybe? Are you one of the frequenters of these servers? Did I, perhaps, insult your legitimately acquired rank 80?

If rank farming to r80 is really not a thing, then tell me what are 120+ people doing every moment of the day in these servers.

@Random Weird Guy:
the fact that you cannot acquire more than a specified amount of rank points during each day does not prevent people from still farming it through hotjoins. Also, this thing (the rank points cap in hotjoins) has been introduced quite recently, so there are still a lot of people out there who obtained that rank in such a way.


Powerpuff Girls [PPG]
Trixxi Is Cute – Purple Fhaz: your daily roamer

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


2 things

1- Dont worry about ranks or titles, anet made it alot easier to get to level 80 in pvp which has entitled some of the players.

2- Its just those players, there are very toxic people who complain no matter what.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


This one made me giggle, a teef that died to a single lb2 cast when he came to my homepoint and was put in a wolf fear without using any cd’s whatsoever.


Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

its ironic that those people that ether ignore a ranger helping or focus on rangers being the bane of all there problems , in the end if you ignore team mates it’ll loose the match .

i don’t get any bad whispers since i show them clear support even jump down after applying the first round of CC’s , though these Full glass kitten rangers can do only one thing sit on the sides and use others as meat shields as soon as they get into direct combat they will ether loose or out dps the opposing player in the end its a matter of time till they die, these are the type of rangers other players dislike because they are just that .
1. annoying not very helpful if things go sour on point.
2. offer no combat support because they are too squishy to even go near a turret.

the people that complain are normaly the ones that don’t pay attention and get salt in their eyes.

even a few of them posts above are just critics that struggle to notice why Ranger is different and keep compairing them to melee classes.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Klonko.8341


They are hated because they’re so easy to play. Most people who play ranger think they’re good but in reality most people who play ranger are just unskilled people. People who main ranger will probably fail on a class or build that takes real skill.


Think whatever you want of ranger but one thing stay true: “it is easier to do well with a ranger,but it is way harder to excel as a ranger”. I hope one day you will find a good ranger because they are among the best dueling class.

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Yeah, people need to go back to focusing on Minion masters!

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: unlucky.9285


did you know necro has no reflects no blocks/invulns, no vigour and no instant gap closers?

it doesn’t matter if I know a ranger is standing up on a cliff or not, I literally cant do anything about it but try send my team mates up to get them and find a place to hide I might be able to dodge half the rf and then guess and random dodge that basically instant very long knockback but 7 seconds later its all up again so…..

I also don’t know why rangers b!@#$ about their pets…. you give it the swiftness trait and its a permanent pest to your opponent.. If I try to kill it the ranger will kill me thanks to all the hp it has, if I try ignore it it is there free to fear cripple knock me down. I cant run away from it and it can follow me across half the map.. I wish my minions were like this not that I use the bugged things…

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: manarchon.2089


I’ve been recently playing a ranger in hot joins so that I could do the Hunter achievement, and wow…

The problem is when you get a team of genuine people who want to form a solid strategy, but two members don’t respond because they have team chat off. Block all you want, but turning off team chat isn’t always best.

In hot join games its always the best option to take all chat channels off. And in game voice bubbles as well. Nobodys forming any “solid strategy” on hot join.

In unranked/ranked i keep the team chat on in case someones forming some “solid strategy” Its rare even there if you que solo. I turn it off if someone starts the solo flaming monologue routine. Usually ppl dont use team chat at all or the “lonely long suffering expert superstar” player start raging how bad/kitten/noob all the team-mates are.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: mulzi.8273


a large majority of rangers just use 2 buttons: RF and PBS. They really need to tone down not only RF but all long distance damage. And if people dont think range dmg is not a problem, explain why even 80% of meta warriors includes longbow, and very few, if any thieves take dont take shortbow.

That being said, I main a ranger, and rapid fire is a bit too OP. They need to either tone down the damage or take the bleed off. I can 2-3 shot squishies with absolutely no danger to myself unless they have a teammate to cc to me away.

My main issue with rangers is the number of them below ranked. In hotjoin or unranked, there is usually 3+ rangers in the match. If they have any semblence of skill, or coordination, the just overwhelm everthing in a match (thank god most hotjoin folks and uranked arent that good tho)..

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Prysin.8542


a large majority of rangers just use 2 buttons: RF and PBS. They really need to tone down not only RF but all long distance damage. And if people dont think range dmg is not a problem, explain why even 80% of meta warriors includes longbow, and very few, if any thieves take dont take shortbow.

That being said, I main a ranger, and rapid fire is a bit too OP. They need to either tone down the damage or take the bleed off. I can 2-3 shot squishies with absolutely no danger to myself unless they have a teammate to cc to me away.

My main issue with rangers is the number of them below ranked. In hotjoin or unranked, there is usually 3+ rangers in the match. If they have any semblence of skill, or coordination, the just overwhelm everthing in a match (thank god most hotjoin folks and uranked arent that good tho)..

80% of warriors use longbow because longbow burst skill is the only burst that cannot be blinded, thus it has 100% chance to trigger cleansing ire. That is 100% chance to remove 3 condies every 10 sec. It also covers a massive area, so you are 100% sure to deal damage with it. War lb has a low cd firefield and a low cd blast finisher, meaning easy aoe might spam.
The warrior lb auto fires 2x arrows meaning it stacks adrenaline 2x faster then any other weapon.

If any other warrior weapon had these qualities, even if the aoe was all point blank or melee ground targeted like hammer stun, then 80% of warriors would us that weapon.

I shouldn’t have to explain stuff like this on the pvp forums, but since i had to, it goes to show how ignorant people are.

Thief use sb because of it having a super low cd blast finisher, teleport and poison field. Meaning they got aoe heal denial, finisher support and crazy mobility all in one weapon, that is infact more then some classes can get from a whole build. But to thieves, this is all but a frsction of their build (s)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

(edited by Prysin.8542)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Cryostasis.7680


The hate is easily explained because in solo-queue the LB ranger is a high reward vs. low risk build. If you have some rather competent team mates that can ‘tank’ the opposition on a node and you do nothing but sit afar and snipe them, it will sooner or later incur the feeling that you’re really nothing but a 2 buttons damage bot. Even a p/d thief, which in a team fight does almost the same thing (bursting low targets to down them quickly) has more risks because he can be caught in some low area AoEs (hammer stuns, imobs etc.) and he can die quickly. The feelings worsen when you duel such a ranger solo on a node and they never sit out of the LB and die miserably after 10 sec or so.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


The hate is easily explained because in solo-queue the LB ranger is a high reward vs. low risk build. If you have some rather competent team mates that can ‘tank’ the opposition on a node and you do nothing but sit afar and snipe them, it will sooner or later incur the feeling that you’re really nothing but a 2 buttons damage bot. Even a p/d thief, which in a team fight does almost the same thing (bursting low targets to down them quickly) has more risks because he can be caught in some low area AoEs (hammer stuns, imobs etc.) and he can die quickly. The feelings worsen when you duel such a ranger solo on a node and they never sit out of the LB and die miserably after 10 sec or so.

Actually Power Ranger is high risk build, it’s only low risk vs newbies who doesn’t know who to focus…

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: oneply.9586


if you receive hate while playing your ranger, its not because you are playing ranger, its something you are doing. or possibly you just have bad luck with getting matched up with jerks.

One Ply To Rule Them All
Bring PPK back to WvW!!!

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


Because Ranger isn’t hard to play and all the skills look the same. Positioning is a somewhat difficult skill to learn on ranger, as is controlling their pets. But rotations are basic and effective and it upsets people. The people who rage the most often are bad players who lose to a cheesy combo such as quickening zephyr + signet of the wild + rapid fire. That combo is incredibly easy and will hit 10-15k, although I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s stupid and wastes cooldowns.

At a higher to top level power ranger is a high risk high reward build and your teams will usually attempt to peel/cover for you. At lower level it is definitely low risk high reward. At all levels condi ranger is pretty cheesy, same as spirits and settlers bunker. All our builds are semi “viable” and cheesy, but all very strong in 1v1s hence…rage. Just ignore them bro.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


Welcome to the Ranger world…

NSPride <3

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Power Ranger is still easy mode, why? You have 10 million evades on top of an endure pain signet and it repositions easy because it has mobility too.

I don’t understand why people think Ranger has any risk involved, it is the EASIEST class in the game kinda like Guardian.

Doesn’t matter how you build Ranger, you’re an easy mode spammer no matter what you do. There is NOTHING hard about easy mode evade spams and 10 million stun breaks while you attack and bait cool downs with pet. NOTHING.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: evanlegion.7680


Power Ranger is still easy mode, why? You have 10 million evades on top of an endure pain signet and it repositions easy because it has mobility too.

I don’t understand why people think Ranger has any risk involved, it is the EASIEST class in the game kinda like Guardian.

Doesn’t matter how you build Ranger, you’re an easy mode spammer no matter what you do. There is NOTHING hard about easy mode evade spams and 10 million stun breaks while you attack and bait cool downs with pet. NOTHING.

yeah sure…and i think they can fly while spamming rf too and also pet can shoot lasers

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



This happens to a lot of professions. Personally, I am fine with rangers and their damage. I would like to see signet of stone extended to 8 seconds, but only apply to the pet. The invuln from physical damage to the ranger is way too long.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


As other have said, it’s not that Rangers are OP, but the way they are generally played. The majority of the damage comes from a single skill that has a low CD.

As a GW1 player, the Ranger is an incredibly disappointing class. I always loved to play interrupts, and while there are some traits and skills that are similar to that sort of play style but it’s nowhere near as rewarding imo.

I always feel “spammy” as a Ranger no matter what I run. Even with a cool combo like getting a interrupt with Concussion Shot -> Pet Immob -> 150% dmg Maul when I’m not doing that I’m just pew pewing. With LB it’s even worse because it all comes down to 2 skills.

There’s also the fact that Ranger now has what is basically their version of Endure Pain with no real investment, long CD or not it’s still basically a “get out of jail free” skill (I don’t like EP either).

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Easy to play doesn’t mean OP to be honest. It’s just that it makes Bad Players look like they’re making big plays but their not.

Most annoying cancerous class list, ranger would be top in that.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Ah the tribalism. If everyone got to pick a profession that is ‘cancer’ to the game mode then there would be none left.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Valentin.2073


I dont think ranger is spammy. I play a cele spirit ranger and it’s no way as spammy as a cele engineer or a cele ele.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


Power Ranger is still easy mode, why? You have 10 million evades on top of an endure pain signet and it repositions easy because it has mobility too.

I don’t understand why people think Ranger has any risk involved, it is the EASIEST class in the game kinda like Guardian.

Doesn’t matter how you build Ranger, you’re an easy mode spammer no matter what you do. There is NOTHING hard about easy mode evade spams and 10 million stun breaks while you attack and bait cool downs with pet. NOTHING.

You have no idea what you’re talking about, showing 0 knowledge of a class. No wonder your points are so biased that only favors Warrior.

Power ranger doesn’t has a million evade, they have at best ONE evade on a 40 secs CD. (lighting reflexes) Seriously stop talking, you don’t know anything yet you trash talk people for stating more factual information. (If you’re talking about GS evade, if a ranger is using GS to auto on you none-stop on your warrior, you can literally afk and still be alive, they’re losing dps by spaming auto on you with a GS)

(edited by Toxsa.2701)

Verbal Harassment Against Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Edit – Just read it was Hotjoins.

Just ignore them lol. Sorry for your anguish but let them QQ till their hearts content. If they wanted a more competitive game, they know where to go.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)