Hello, my name is Vyndetta and I’ve played Trap Ranger since release in High Lvl Tpvp. I have had a lot of questions on how to deal with Ranger, and complaints on how overpowered trap Ranger is. Take these tips however you want, if this guide helps only one person then I’m happy
Inc lots of writing
Here is my guide on how each class speced a unique way(yet are useful in Paids) can deal with Ranger. These specs and tips may be unforgiving if played poorly but if played well, are rewarding. All these tips apply to 1v1’s in tpvp as well to 5v5’s tpvp. Also, some of these builds are not fully made on purpose (you will have to figure it out).
Some of these builds take practice and thinking. You can’t make a new character and copy a spec and think you will do well right away.
Necromancer- in a 1v1, necromancer vs ranger is a tossup. Why do I say that? whoever transfers condis the longest/resist the other ones condis the most will win the fight.
Tips: Proc the Rangers Condi removal empathic bond. Empathic bond removes all condis every 10 seconds from the ranger. Once you proc empathic bond, blow your condi load on the ranger and his pet. most of the necromancers condis are AoE so it’s quite easy to stack them on the pet as well. Use epidemic on the pet when you blow that huge condi load on the ranger. Fear as much as you can to annoy and do absurd dmg at ease. You also want to transfer the condi’s on yourself to the ranger at the right times. The right times is when you eat traps and have mass bleed stacks on yourself. Eating traps as a necro is very good, you almost want to time and eat those traps on purpose so that ranger does no damage, yet they take a large amount of dmg. The most important thing to do as a necro for survival, is to blow Consume conditions (your heal) when you either don’t have a condi transfer yet have a lot of conditions or your entangled.
Builds: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fQQQNArYWjMat7Nbyb87JAJFPDdkigJm6R5pfOA;TsAgyCuo+y8l4L7Xuvkft+YEwcBA
Thief: I personally don’t play this class, but I will try to give some tips from what hurts me from a thief as a trap Ranger.
Tips: Burst D/p, Attrition D/p, Burst p/p. Burst is very strong against ranger. even if the ranger can react to their burst, it is very hard for the ranger stay alive vs them. Another thing why D/p and p/p is strong, they both have interrupts. You can chain it on a trap rangers heal or on their dps. Thieves have the ability to reset, which allows them to gain full health and get another chance of their burst on the trap ranger. Another thing why their burst is so strong, Basilisk Venom goes through a trap rangers traited shared anguish 90% of the time (eww more ranger bugs). Attrition D/p is strong because they can summon thieves to do their dps, and eat traps, while they keep going stealth and backstabbing on stealth cd. They can eat traps, then stealth and be at full hp again. They do this till the rangers traps are really on cd. Then they pop their dmg on the ranger. Last thing about d/p thieves, they have a blind field. Blind field can eat spike trap and make the other traps almost useless.
Caed’s D/p
Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)
Mesmer: This another class I don’t play but are tips from my experience. One of the weaknesses to Ranger is Confusion. Condi mesmer hard counters ranger, but shatter mesmer can deal with ranger (if played correctly). You want your clones to eat traps, and invuln traps as much as possible. Most importantly, you want to keep distance. This means letting a point get neuted for survival is necessary. Your phantasms will do a good amount of dmg to the ranger. This means let them do their ability to wear down the ranger. You also want to proc the rangers shared anguish trait before you shatter. This is so you can stun them with cry of frustration when you are shattering. In Addition to that, you want to proc empathic bond trait before the shatter, they will have a ton of confusion stacks after you do that nice burst. Obviously you don’t want to make your shatters obvious or else you will do 0 dmg with them. Rangers can switch to to sword and evade all that burst if they see it coming. Feedback + null field + arcane thievery are all hard counters to ranger. In tPvP if you can’t handle the ranger, I’d advise bring 1 or 2 of those utilities to deal with them.