Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Hello, my name is Vyndetta and I’ve played Trap Ranger since release in High Lvl Tpvp. I have had a lot of questions on how to deal with Ranger, and complaints on how overpowered trap Ranger is. Take these tips however you want, if this guide helps only one person then I’m happy

Inc lots of writing

Here is my guide on how each class speced a unique way(yet are useful in Paids) can deal with Ranger. These specs and tips may be unforgiving if played poorly but if played well, are rewarding. All these tips apply to 1v1’s in tpvp as well to 5v5’s tpvp. Also, some of these builds are not fully made on purpose (you will have to figure it out).

Some of these builds take practice and thinking. You can’t make a new character and copy a spec and think you will do well right away.

Necromancer- in a 1v1, necromancer vs ranger is a tossup. Why do I say that? whoever transfers condis the longest/resist the other ones condis the most will win the fight.
Tips: Proc the Rangers Condi removal empathic bond. Empathic bond removes all condis every 10 seconds from the ranger. Once you proc empathic bond, blow your condi load on the ranger and his pet. most of the necromancers condis are AoE so it’s quite easy to stack them on the pet as well. Use epidemic on the pet when you blow that huge condi load on the ranger. Fear as much as you can to annoy and do absurd dmg at ease. You also want to transfer the condi’s on yourself to the ranger at the right times. The right times is when you eat traps and have mass bleed stacks on yourself. Eating traps as a necro is very good, you almost want to time and eat those traps on purpose so that ranger does no damage, yet they take a large amount of dmg. The most important thing to do as a necro for survival, is to blow Consume conditions (your heal) when you either don’t have a condi transfer yet have a lot of conditions or your entangled.
Builds: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fQQQNArYWjMat7Nbyb87JAJFPDdkigJm6R5pfOA;TsAgyCuo+y8l4L7Xuvkft+YEwcBA

Thief: I personally don’t play this class, but I will try to give some tips from what hurts me from a thief as a trap Ranger.
Tips: Burst D/p, Attrition D/p, Burst p/p. Burst is very strong against ranger. even if the ranger can react to their burst, it is very hard for the ranger stay alive vs them. Another thing why D/p and p/p is strong, they both have interrupts. You can chain it on a trap rangers heal or on their dps. Thieves have the ability to reset, which allows them to gain full health and get another chance of their burst on the trap ranger. Another thing why their burst is so strong, Basilisk Venom goes through a trap rangers traited shared anguish 90% of the time (eww more ranger bugs). Attrition D/p is strong because they can summon thieves to do their dps, and eat traps, while they keep going stealth and backstabbing on stealth cd. They can eat traps, then stealth and be at full hp again. They do this till the rangers traps are really on cd. Then they pop their dmg on the ranger. Last thing about d/p thieves, they have a blind field. Blind field can eat spike trap and make the other traps almost useless.

Caed’s D/p
Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)

Mesmer: This another class I don’t play but are tips from my experience. One of the weaknesses to Ranger is Confusion. Condi mesmer hard counters ranger, but shatter mesmer can deal with ranger (if played correctly). You want your clones to eat traps, and invuln traps as much as possible. Most importantly, you want to keep distance. This means letting a point get neuted for survival is necessary. Your phantasms will do a good amount of dmg to the ranger. This means let them do their ability to wear down the ranger. You also want to proc the rangers shared anguish trait before you shatter. This is so you can stun them with cry of frustration when you are shattering. In Addition to that, you want to proc empathic bond trait before the shatter, they will have a ton of confusion stacks after you do that nice burst. Obviously you don’t want to make your shatters obvious or else you will do 0 dmg with them. Rangers can switch to to sword and evade all that burst if they see it coming. Feedback + null field + arcane thievery are all hard counters to ranger. In tPvP if you can’t handle the ranger, I’d advise bring 1 or 2 of those utilities to deal with them.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


The Almighty, Nero Vitus’s Condi Mesmer Build

Standard http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsdWlwzyp3UTrGa9ICqHgn29dkU0asWJF82FC;TsAg0CvoqxUjoGbNuak1s+YAx8DA

Elementalist: D/d s/d s/f d/f Staff. Almost all the weapon sets can deal with Ranger well. If you want to counter a ranger you want to go with S/f. Focus has so many projectile barriers. Those projectile barriers make it so a ranger cant cast traps and do his shortbow damage. Along with a 25 second condi clear on the weapon set, its pretty obvious why this does well against ranger. When you fight a ranger on any of those specs you want to be very cautious when using abilities, because one mess up is very unforgiving. Time your abilities wisely, because ranger vs ele puts the elementalist skill to the test. Armor of earth trait, + cleansing water, is so strong against ranger. Ether renewal and signet of restoration are great against rangers. 15 second condi clear heal is very powerful. One secret tip I will somewhat give out (sorry skovos), is one of the elementals on the elite is very strong against trap rangers. When you are getting bursted is when you need to dodge the traps or blow a cool down. Los and regening helps a lot when fighting rangers. if something gets messy you can exit the fight with ease and try again (like a thief almost). You always want to play aggressive but not too aggressive because you need to be cautious of how many condi’s you have on yourself.

Builds: Any weapon combination works http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEQQJArdhEmibyR4gjDAkHmcCLjChUeAAA2A

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

(edited by Vyndetta.9415)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Guardian: Ranger is suppose to counter guardian completely, but guardian can beat/deal with them. I’ve slayed many guardians over my trap ranger career, but their are ways for a guardian to be quite annoying and even beat a trap ranger. As a bunker guardian, you will lose the fight overall but you can delay a lot of time for teammates to help. Skills like sanctuary, wall of reflection, shield of the avenger are all very strong against ranger. Use shouts when a ranger is about to burst you with traps/shortbow so you take minimal damage. Dodging their traps and invuln the traps should be the bunker guardians top priority. Use your shield of absorption off your shield to stop burst as well. If you use sword, try and blind traps with sword 2 and use sword 3 to stop crossfire burst and it will negate any traps being thrown. If you are using a hammer, cc the trap ranger whenever you are not getting bursted. Don’t be aggressive when fighting a ranger, but don’t let them free fire on you. I’ll add more later maybe to the dps guard but her is both builds (obviously their are variants)

Builds: Bunker: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUQQNAseSlUgqCnFSPEm4ESmCDEBxegRcUHdpwhkIA;TsAA1CmoyyklILbWuskZt+Y8xsBA
EU style
Dps builds(I’ll add the other maybe later)
Bring wall of Reflection

Ranger: I won’t go into detail about trap ranger vs trap ranger, but obviously whoever avoids the traps the most will most likely win. Beastmaster rangers can do very well against trap ranger, but it’s up in the air on whoever is fighting for the point.

Builds: Trap Ranger/BM Ranger

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Engineer: Whether you are running condi burst or power burst engi, it’s the same like the other burst classes, be surprising with your burst. As a power engi, you can stay at range and do well against trap rangers and wait for them to get close to do your burst. As a condi burst engi, the most important things are to get your burning and confusion stacks on them. They are weak to confusion and burning wears the ranger down over time. Use your condi removal elixirs when you have conditions so you negate most of the rangers damage. If you bring your elite supply crate, it makes it even easier for you. Supply crate can do a good 20k damage or more over its duration. With the 4 second immobilizes from the crate the ranger should be even easier to burst down. If the ranger has the point you want to play off point with your grenades. With the arsenal of blind nades and pistol blinds, it will be even easier to win against them.

Builds:(fill in the blanks)
Condi build
power build

Warrior: 100 blades warrior is very strong against ranger. if a warrior pops the trap rangers stun break and catches a ranger in a 100 blades they are toast. If you can’t catch the ranger in a 100 blades, 1 whirlwind or eviscerate will bring them to half health. Another build that gives trap ranger trouble is the shout hammer warrior. Yes, I know this seems like a noob build but it’s very effective against them, especially in a 2v2 situation. The mass cc with condi removal with 6k burst heals is very strong. All of those things counter ranger effectively and can make them nearly useless in small fights and team fights.
Builds: 100blades http://teampz.com/threads/roaming-greatsword-warrior.19/
Hammer heal http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQNAS3engO08YyDSBBFhAApALuOFUSVAu0DxQLNA;TsAgzCmoyyklILbWuskZtEZIyuBA

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Team Fights: Ranger in team fights are very nice focus targets. They can get cc chained from full to 0 easily since they have no real stun breaker. They are very susceptible to burst in team fights, but the trap ranger is very strong to sustained. Bringing 1 or 2 wall reflections/deflections on your team will be very harsh on the opposing teams ranger.

Small fights: Ranger in a small fight synergizes very well with most classes, so these are very hard. Depending on what the other classes are in the small fight, the ranger is still a good first target to attack. mass cc burst is extremely strong in these fights because in the small fights, most of the time, that trap ranger doesn’t have a guardian by his side. This means he has 0 stability to fend off that burst.

Thanks for reading, sorry you had to read my bad grammar skills. (I know it is a lot to read and majority of you probably skipped it all anyways :P). I’ll fix this guide and make it cleaner later if I’m not too lazy of course.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


If anyone has any questions about ranger or any of the other classes, don’t hesitate to whisper me in-game or send me a message on the forums. If I can’t help you, I’ll send you to an expert on the subject who does. Give me criticism, trolling, and feedback. Thanks and GL.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Powerr.3649


First post! Reserved


Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: leashmaygoss.2140


Good joke Yuvi.

Java has no honor, get good NA.

Build wars 2.

Booty Bakery [yumy]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Nord.5360


Always good to see this kind of stuff. Thanks Yuvi.


Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: kailin.4905


Great post. I have spent the last few days focusing on countering rangers specifically on my necro and you nailed it.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Still waiting fory ranger lessons Dx

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Hammer Heal as a counter and then you get thrashed by Thieves cause baiting your shouts are so easy. That counter is out of the question honestly.

Better yet, I’d like to see how PZ makes that work. Oh wait, it won’t. Shouts are underpowered in tPvP.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Hammer Heal as a counter and then you get thrashed by Thieves cause baiting your shouts are so easy. That counter is out of the question honestly.

Better yet, I’d like to see how PZ makes that work. Oh wait, it won’t. Shouts are underpowered in tPvP.

Better question is how do you counter a zoo keeper?

(im a girl btw)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Hammer Heal as a counter and then you get thrashed by Thieves cause baiting your shouts are so easy. That counter is out of the question honestly.

Better yet, I’d like to see how PZ makes that work. Oh wait, it won’t. Shouts are underpowered in tPvP.

Better question is how do you counter a zoo keeper?


Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Mufa.1326


Vyndetta’s guide on how to counter vyndetta. Too funny … do i have 15 char?

Soko D Medo

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


Not to undermine your effort because it’s always nice to see people trying to teach the community, but if you don’t play the class your trying to give advice to then I’d steer away from doing so. Good advice must be practical to be of any use.

For example condi mesmers are actually pretty terrible in tPvP to begin with, as is confusion (on the Mesmer) in general. In almost any scenario you would deal more damage with just mind wrack rather than using cof and praying your opponent spams a bazillion skills during the 3s confusion is up. And while it’s true confusion is strong vs the ranger’s auto-attack if the ranger blindly spams it, you’re simply not going to face many condition-based mesmers in high level tPvP because they are terrible overall, and you certainly shouldn’t be advising Mesmers to do so.

Arcane Thievery is really only useful in 1v1, and even then it is debatable to take over null field due to being able to combo null field into another 5s of chaos armor. Similarly I would never take Feedback simply to help combat a trap ranger. It is not really needed.

Personally I don’t think the standard glass cannon shatter mesmers have much of a chance to kill a good trap ranger, but I don’t think trap rangers or OP or anything like that. It has more to do with glass cannon mesmers (and glass cannon builds in general) becoming less and less effective in high level tPvP. It’s amusing to me how the majority of the forum posters here still believe glass cannon shatter mesmers are OP when most high level tPvP’ers think they are pretty UP now.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


Not to undermine your effort because it’s always nice to see people trying to teach the community, but if you don’t play the class your trying to give advice to then I’d steer away from doing so. Good advice must be practical to be of any use.

For example condi mesmers are actually pretty terrible in tPvP to begin with, as is confusion (on the Mesmer) in general. In almost any scenario you would deal more damage with just mind wrack rather than using cof and praying your opponent spams a bazillion skills during the 3s confusion is up. And while it’s true confusion is strong vs the ranger’s auto-attack if the ranger blindly spams it, you’re simply not going to face many condition-based mesmers in high level tPvP because they are terrible overall, and you certainly shouldn’t be advising Mesmers to do so.

Arcane Thievery is really only useful in 1v1, and even then it is debatable to take over null field due to being able to combo null field into another 5s of chaos armor. Similarly I would never take Feedback simply to help combat a trap ranger. It is not really needed.

Personally I don’t think the standard glass cannon shatter mesmers have much of a chance to kill a good trap ranger, but I don’t think trap rangers or OP or anything like that. It has more to do with glass cannon mesmers (and glass cannon builds in general) becoming less and less effective in high level tPvP. It’s amusing to me how the majority of the forum posters here still believe glass cannon shatter mesmers are OP when most high level tPvP’ers think they are pretty UP now.

Well Nero does play this spec in higher level play so…. yeah, but he is RELY far ahead of other Mesmers in the game right now, so maybe most would have issues playing that spec. He’s playing chess while we’re all playing checkers! ;p


(edited by Zodian.6597)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: East.8960


vyndetta you so sexy!!!! nero too stronggggg.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.


(im a girl btw)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Mufa.1326


Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)

I am not a sharing person

Soko D Medo

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Im Rubber.5321

Im Rubber.5321

Hello friend,
Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.
If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.
Rangers are overpowered.
But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.|

Hes not defending the class or the build hes simply helping people that cant get around trap rangers to do so. I think this post helps the spvp community, also any guide to counter a class should be viewed as helpful .

Chickenlitle, Chicken Y,X,P,R,Z
|Rank 50+Mesmer|Team DTC|

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.1640


Awww yeeeeeeeeeee. ^^
GJ Vyn

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Naito.5693


I almost spilled my coffee when I opened your necromancer build.
Thanks for the good laugh.

A Lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


Good to see effort being put in, especially with all the QQers complaining about trap rangers… Almost funny how as soon as you offer some counters for it, people CONTINUE to kitten. Goes to show this community is pretty… bad. Well made guide though Vynny.

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Mesmer: This another class I don’t play but are tips from my experience. One of the weaknesses to Ranger is Confusion. Condi mesmer hard counters ranger, but shatter mesmer can deal with ranger (if played correctly). You want your clones to eat traps, and invuln traps as much as possible. Most importantly, you want to keep distance. This means letting a point get neuted for survival is necessary. Your phantasms will do a good amount of dmg to the ranger. This means let them do their ability to wear down the ranger. You also want to proc the rangers shared anguish trait before you shatter. This is so you can stun them with cry of frustration when you are shattering. In Addition to that, you want to proc empathic bond trait before the shatter, they will have a ton of confusion stacks after you do that nice burst. Obviously you don’t want to make your shatters obvious or else you will do 0 dmg with them. Rangers can switch to to sword and evade all that burst if they see it coming. Feedback + null field + arcane thievery are all hard counters to ranger. In tPvP if you can’t handle the ranger, I’d advise bring 1 or 2 of those utilities to deal with them.

Thanks for the advice Vyndetta good attempt at helping players deal with some of the tough things.

sigh It’s gonna be tough trying to time a 10 second cool down between a 90 second cool down with an evade spam-able class while also taking a ton of arrows to the face.

But at least it’s something to practice with. Thanks again.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)

Rainbow Unicorn Death Blossom: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-c33V-BFSwk0-S5FOkd0;9;6TJJ;437A19-26-KZV8-BX4jwmAjwmA2Fe

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Mufa.1326


That is not attrition d/p

Soko D Medo

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


The Necro builds are laughably bad. Really. This gotta take the prize as worst conceived guide I’ve read in a long, long time.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


That is not attrition d/p

lol there’s more than one type of attrition build, you’re rather ignorant. If you want attrition d/p Cruuk’s is 0/0/30/30/10. I would put points in a different place than Cruuk would. And you, on the other hand, I don’t think anyone cares what build you’re running.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)

D/P bs:

0/30/30/10/0-float the final 10 points

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


The Necro builds are laughably bad. Really. This gotta take the prize as worst conceived guide I’ve read in a long, long time.

Yeah it is just plain silly. No condi necro is ever going to skip the GM scepter trait. I’m assuming his logic is the condition duration increase isn’t a big deal vs ranger’s full condi cleanse every 10s but that’s what I was trying to explain in my post above about his mesmer builds/tips (which were even worse TBH… giving out builds for a class he admits he doesn’t even play)… you’re not going to see/use these wacky builds that are specifically tailormade to “counter” trap rangers in tPvP because nobody is going to slot things like feedback just to deal with 1 trap ranger.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

I almost spilled my coffee when I opened your necromancer build.
Thanks for the good laugh.

Not as good as the Glamour/Condition mesmer. I can go make guides about classes I don’t play (7 of them) with the help of a builder and a lot of theorycrafting. Then I’d pretend it to be good.

Hello Nim <3

Snow Crows [SC]

(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


I almost spilled my coffee when I opened your necromancer build.
Thanks for the good laugh.

Not as good as the Glamour/Condition mesmer. I can go make guides about classes I don’t play (7 of them) with the help of a builder and a lot of theorycrafting. Then I’d pretend it to be good.

Hello Nim <3

Your loss =\

Naito, NA > EU <3

The Necro builds are laughably bad. Really. This gotta take the prize as worst conceived guide I’ve read in a long, long time.

Here is my the build i personally use and yes I main necro (hate it love it).
I was just adding builds that some players used and did well with. All three of those builds are great but are mainly to get focused down, survive, yet do absurd damage (the NA necro meta). One of you posters said that GM trait for scepter is a must take, it is honestly not that great when you can get more survivability when you know 4 people will focus you every single game. However, I personally take the trait because I play passive agressive and fits my playstyle.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Attrition thief: N/a(lf the build pst)

D/P bs:

0/30/30/10/0-float the final 10 points

ty sirs

Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

I just wanted to go a bit more in-depth and put my point of view up with my tips. Most of the build in the meta atm are to change just a 1 skill/trait for one or two of the 5 players and you will annoy a trap ranger a lot. Some of those builds added do well in the meta, yet drastically annoy a ranger.

No matter whats fighting what, each player has a chance at winning. Be careful on what you wish for on those nerfs btw. peace.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Vyndetta how do you counter slick shoes?

(im a girl btw)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Vyndetta how do you counter slick shoes?

NaturalPortman slick shoes cannot be countered.
Stability for everyone else :P

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Naito.5693


I almost spilled my coffee when I opened your necromancer build.
Thanks for the good laugh.

Not as good as the Glamour/Condition mesmer. I can go make guides about classes I don’t play (7 of them) with the help of a builder and a lot of theorycrafting. Then I’d pretend it to be good.

Hello Nim <3

Your loss =\

Naito, NA > EU <3

The Necro builds are laughably bad. Really. This gotta take the prize as worst conceived guide I’ve read in a long, long time.

Here is my the build i personally use and yes I main necro (hate it love it).
I was just adding builds that some players used and did well with. All three of those builds are great but are mainly to get focused down, survive, yet do absurd damage (the NA necro meta). One of you posters said that GM trait for scepter is a must take, it is honestly not that great when you can get more survivability when you know 4 people will focus you every single game. However, I personally take the trait because I play passive agressive and fits my playstyle.

That build is terrible.
Nothing personal.
But the build I saw after I clicked that link was terrible. Absolute trash.

A Lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

^ That’s this thread in a nutshell.

It still blows my mind how the perception of rangers has gone from them being seen as an underpowered laughable class to now this scary overpowered class when next to nothing has really changed (especially for trap rangers).

The only thing that has really changed for rangers is that A) Java started running rangers mainly because he just wanted to try something new to keep things interesting and rangers main Achilles heel happens to come from skills/abilities that aren’t popular in the current meta.

I mean, rangers themselves don’t do anything really much better than anyone else. They don’t have amazing dps, they can’t bunker like other classes, but they just happen to be the right kind of mediocre to shine in the stagnant meta game that GW2 has created.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

^ That’s this thread in a nutshell.

It still blows my mind how the perception of rangers has gone from them being seen as an underpowered laughable class to now this scary overpowered class when next to nothing has really changed (especially for trap rangers).

The only thing that has really changed for rangers is that A) Java started running rangers mainly because he just wanted to try something new to keep things interesting and rangers main Achilles heel happens to come from skills/abilities that aren’t popular in the current meta.

I mean, rangers themselves don’t do anything really much better than anyone else. They don’t have amazing dps, they can’t bunker like other classes, but they just happen to be the right kind of mediocre to shine in the stagnant meta game that GW2 has created.

To be fair vyndetta never gave his opinion on whether he finds it op or not. He’s just giving people a way to “DEAL WITH IT”.

(im a girl btw)

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

^ That’s this thread in a nutshell.

It still blows my mind how the perception of rangers has gone from them being seen as an underpowered laughable class to now this scary overpowered class when next to nothing has really changed (especially for trap rangers).

The only thing that has really changed for rangers is that A) Java started running rangers mainly because he just wanted to try something new to keep things interesting and rangers main Achilles heel happens to come from skills/abilities that aren’t popular in the current meta.

I mean, rangers themselves don’t do anything really much better than anyone else. They don’t have amazing dps, they can’t bunker like other classes, but they just happen to be the right kind of mediocre to shine in the stagnant meta game that GW2 has created.

To be fair vyndetta never gave his opinion on whether he finds it op or not. He’s just giving people a way to “DEAL WITH IT”.

Oh, I should clarify, I’m really only talking about the people replying to this topic who are complaining about how OP they think rangers are or how they don’t like the counters that he suggested. Vyndetta did a good job at giving a level-headed analysis with the intentions of helping rather than judging or whining.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

^ That’s this thread in a nutshell.

It still blows my mind how the perception of rangers has gone from them being seen as an underpowered laughable class to now this scary overpowered class when next to nothing has really changed (especially for trap rangers).

The only thing that has really changed for rangers is that A) Java started running rangers mainly because he just wanted to try something new to keep things interesting and rangers main Achilles heel happens to come from skills/abilities that aren’t popular in the current meta.

I mean, rangers themselves don’t do anything really much better than anyone else. They don’t have amazing dps, they can’t bunker like other classes, but they just happen to be the right kind of mediocre to shine in the stagnant meta game that GW2 has created.

Totally agree with this. How and why suddenly the supposedly worst pvp class got to be OP after actually having two quite big nerfs (short bow speed and recently pet F2 cool down resets on swap taken away) baffles my mind.

Great write up by the OP though.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hello friend,

Dunno why you posted all this stuff. I made a post addressing this very thing in the “how to counter a ranger” thread.

If classes are forced to bring builds and abilities that are sub-optimal for fighting the other 7 classes in an attempt to have a CHANCE at beating a trap ranger it means ONE thing.

Rangers are overpowered.

But hey, thanks for spending a large amount of time trying to prevent a nerf to a build that obviously needs one. Peace.

“I shouldn’t be forced to change my meta to deal with a new meta!”

^ That’s this thread in a nutshell.

It still blows my mind how the perception of rangers has gone from them being seen as an underpowered laughable class to now this scary overpowered class when next to nothing has really changed (especially for trap rangers).

The only thing that has really changed for rangers is that A) Java started running rangers mainly because he just wanted to try something new to keep things interesting and rangers main Achilles heel happens to come from skills/abilities that aren’t popular in the current meta.

I mean, rangers themselves don’t do anything really much better than anyone else. They don’t have amazing dps, they can’t bunker like other classes, but they just happen to be the right kind of mediocre to shine in the stagnant meta game that GW2 has created.

Totally agree with this. How and why suddenly the supposedly worst pvp class got to be OP after actually having two quite big nerfs (short bow speed and recently pet F2 cool down resets on swap taken away) baffles my mind.

Great write up by the OP though.

The F2 reset is actually just a tooltip glitch. You can still use the F2 after pet swap even if it looks like it’s still on cooldown.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


If scorpion wire didn’t randomly obstruct itself on thin air among other things I’d consider mentioning it. :P

The great forum duppy.

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


I am running power necro with axe/focus and dager/warhorn and those rangers look like counter to me. I use consum cond heal , well that truns boons to cond, and corruption that turns boons to cond and signet that transfer conditions+ golem elite. Sometimes they destroy me completely with 100% hp at end :p. But sometimes i manage to get them low but they still down me, but because my down state dmg is op i usualy kill them :p. So atm my best counter is dmg on downed state. Any tips?:P

all is vain

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


To help with thief vs trap ranger, utilize shadowstep (not just the utility skill, but shadowstep from anything). Now if they sit right on to of their traps thats different (and sort of foolish) but you can just lay down aoe effects and kick them out or equip scorpion wire to pull em away. I say shadowstep in the event that they place the traps between you and them which teleporting just skips over all of them. If you see them run back to their line of traps, don’t follow.

As cond thief, not using pistols, I do sometimes come across trap ranger’s who make me need to retreat but usually I just keep harrassing them and dodging. Even with that currently broken trait that removes conditions I can still stack them often enough to make him/her retreat and chase them down (stealth + sb is great for chasing).

Best thing, is to not melee a trap ranger if they decide to sit on their traps. You will likely die or need assistance. CC them away from traps or teleporting over them is the best advice I can give (I played trap ranger for awhile and it seemed a little too easy sometimes)

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Vyndetta's Guide to Counter Trap Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


Trap rangers are great, but they don’t have much for stun breaks and escape abilities, their bar being full of traps and all. Their trap range isn’t that large. Not a lot of condition removal. There’s Enough there to exploit. Reflection, retaliation and confusion are all very helpful.

As a mesmer, I always like to take at least 15 into illusions for confusing cry and illusionary retribution. Let your phantasms do the talking. I also happen to run a clone spam/death build, so they get confusion and another condition every time they pop a clone. Helpful for necros too.

Guardian I run GS/Hammer, so trap rangers hurt. I pretty much have to burst them down before I run out of cooldowns.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand