Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
Wardrobe save feature suggestion
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
I thought you where going to say an OP necromancer.
+1 please annette
Now that they added ATs, i imagine this might be next on the agenda.
They should’ve done that since beta but no, everything that has GW1 feels must go away.
I thought you where going to say an OP necromancer.
Well and that xD
you know your game is going downhill when the biggest failure in gaming history has something you don’t xD
wow had saved builds + armor for many years now… actually before gw2 was even released :|
[Teef] guild :>
GW1 has saved builds. I use the templates frequently. It does require manually changing armor and weapons.
Blizzard is a triple A company with top of the line devs tho…..anet isnt. Youre expecting too much.
you know your game is going downhill when the biggest failure in gaming history has something you don’t xD
Guild wars 2 and diablo 3 both got released in 2012. By 2015:
GW2: 4.6 million copies sold
Diablo 3: 30 million copies sold
Diablo 3 PC version copies sold in 2017 only: 5.21 million. <- thats more than GW2 during its first 3 years post release.
Its in the top 10 of best selling games of all time lol.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Blizzard is a triple A company with top of the line devs tho…..anet isnt. Youre expecting too much.
Not all the top of the line devs are in blizzard… Anet has perfectly capable devs for the job.
We are already have different teamplates in PvP + WvWvW + PvE , that saves your builds without effecting each other .
Heck you can use 1 lvl character with the same class , but different spec and relogin
(btw if Teamplates where enabled ,, and most ppl had the EXACTLY SAME dual specs (anti-meele + anti-conditions) , should the company use that ’’data’’ to nerf that most-used-spec?
The Devs can slap the community with those data , as an excuse for the nerf-hammer)
(edited by Luci.7018)
1 build template for each gamemode doesnt cut it. Nor multiple locked ones.
Ppl shouldnt feel attached in their benevolent spec for too much , because when it will be nerfed they most likely whine in the forums rather to adapt or find a a new one .
(or defend it , till Hell freeze)
There plently on examples …. just like myself when they nerfed Thief , i tried to play other games , for some huge APM and crits characters .
Or ppl will use the same over and over OP specs that limits the character’s spec pool (just like atm ppl that copy-paste the Meatabattle site , and the rest moaned that there is effectivle 1-2 specs per character)
(edited by Luci.7018)
the lack of templates forces the use of the better specs pretty much so…
No the lack of teamplates , forces players to think about the enemies comp and agjust accordigly .
Ppl are just lazy , that they rather whine in the forums , rather than use the 1:30 to change specs …
By having 2 dual specs that theres hugely chance to NOT WORK 75% the that times , because your ANTI-CONDTION secondary spec , wont have the extra mobility to counter the Thief or the Mesmer portal
Whatever happens YOU WILL BE FORCED TO CHANGE SLIGHTLY your secondary or primary spec all the times .
Or if these specs happens to be so OP ,you wont ever need to change them , so they must be nerfed
(edited by Luci.7018)
No the lack of teamplates , forces players to think about the enemies comp and agjust accordigly .
Ppl are just lazy , that they rather whine in the forums , rather than use the 1:30 to change specs …
By having 2 dual specs that theres hugely chance to NOT WORK 75% the that times , because your ANTI-CONDTION secondary spec , wont have the extra mobility to counter the Thief or the Mesmer portal
Whatever happens YOU WILL BE FORCED TO CHANGE SLIGHTLY your secondary or primary spec all the times .
Or if these specs happens to be so OP ,you wont ever need to change them , so they must be nerfed
You cant run and change fast the build for situations. If i can have one build ill just pick the one that fits most situations. If i can swap easily then i have more option.
True you will choose the ones that has the most chance to succed / ‘’balanced overall’’ , just like the current meta specs and the ppl that moan in the forums that the PvP Devs sux , because the meta havent changed since season 4 .
You can Impant Teamplates , but the most ‘’balanced specs’’ must be nerfed this time , so we wont have the same moaning . And the Devs must share those data every 1,5 months
(edited by Luci.7018)
Blizzard is a triple A company with top of the line devs tho…..anet isnt. Youre expecting too much.
Not all the top of the line devs are in blizzard… Anet has perfectly capable devs for the job.
Comparing blizzard devs with anet devs is like comparing champions league.
with sunday amateurs.
There is 0 competetion. Most anet devs wouldnt even get an intern job at anet after coming from this disaster.
Failed blizzard devs however come to anet.
Ever heard of an anet dev that whent to blizzard? Neither did i.
Blizzard is a triple A company with top of the line devs tho…..anet isnt. Youre expecting too much.
Not all the top of the line devs are in blizzard… Anet has perfectly capable devs for the job.
Comparing blizzard devs with anet devs is like comparing champions league.
with sunday amateurs.There is 0 competetion. Most anet devs wouldnt even get an intern job at anet after coming from this disaster.
Failed blizzard devs however come to anet.
Ever heard of an anet dev that whent to blizzard? Neither did i.
Any idea what happened to the yearly x-packs that they evisioned ?
Or why they remove them quartely Income reports (how much money they make) ?
I was kinda curious about those 2 , but i am happy to w8 for 1,5 years about what new technology their Devs will create
(edited by Luci.7018)
Any idea what happened to the yearly x-packs that they evisioned ?
Or why they remove them quartely Income reports (how much money they make) ?I was kinda curious about those 2 , but i am happy to w8 for 1,5 years about what new technology their Devs will create
You mean these quarterly results? Results for the 2nd quuarter are incoming at the 3rd of august.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Any idea what happened to the yearly x-packs that they evisioned ?
Or why they remove them quartely Income reports (how much money they make) ?I was kinda curious about those 2 , but i am happy to w8 for 1,5 years about what new technology their Devs will create
You mean these quarterly results?
The old ones had earning per game .
It gave some buzz to the hate-based sites that wow is dying etc
Any news about the yearly x-packs?
Edit : Blizzard owns Candy Crush ?\
(edited by Luci.7018)
The old ones had earning per game .
It gave some buzz to the hate-based sites that wow is dying etcAny news about the yearly x-packs?
I personally really dislike anual xpacs in any MMO games. + i think its bad for the game overall since it makes content absolete too fast.
The old ones had earning per game .
It gave some buzz to the hate-based sites that wow is dying etcAny news about the yearly x-packs?
I personally really dislike anual xpacs in any MMO games. + i think its bad for the game overall since it makes content absolete too fast.
But their Devs wanted faster x-packs .
What happened ?
Their Devs are better , compared our cluess ones
Money Problem ? (nope)
Lack of Programmer Skills ? (nope)
When Ghostcrawler left , did the community moved to LoL to whine about mages or paladins ?
(edited by Luci.7018)
gw2 is dx8 game. there is no technology there
you know your game is going downhill when the biggest failure in gaming history has something you don’t xD
Actually, D3 is pretty kitten fun now, IMO. Mindless, mindless fun. And still, much better than GW2