Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


lol… to all the people who were arguing with me about that. lol.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


The majority of this forum doesn’t know how to play and just agree with the majority. Anyone who can think can know that warriors hard counter spirit rangers.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Rufy.6093


Yup, I said it to. Warrior if played and built right is one of the best classes right now, probably close to necro.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Yes they do. It doesn’t change the fact that both can be utterly brainless due to having access to easy mode defensive mechanics such as triple stance or indefinite frames which is the problem.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Yes they do. It doesn’t change the fact that both can be utterly brainless due to having access to easy mode defensive mechanics such as triple stance or indefinite frames which is the problem.

It doesn’t matter. The point is that there was a thread floating around talking about 1v1 counters and I told everyone that Warrior counter Spirit Rangers and a bunch of Warriors scuttled out of the woodwork telling me that was an idiot for saying so.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


I feel a warrior will probably shut down the main threat of a spirit ranger, but in 1v1, I don’t see the warrior winning. The warrior kills the spirits which represents most of the threat of the Ranger’s build, but the spirit build is pretty much purpose built for 1v1, so I don’t see the warrior as able to kill the Ranger. A stalemate would probably result in my opinion.

Granted, I didn’t watch pax so I don’t know what happened between the two teams. These are just my opinions regarding the two builds.

Ranger | Elementalist

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


I’d like to see this build that counters spirit rangers, and also this “right build” that is one of the best classes right now.

I’m not doubting they exist, but if we’re going to talk about them in here, I wanna see what we’re talking about.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i faced a warrior running Super PAX build as a spirit ranger. He aoed my spirits, stunned me with his hammer attacks and his damage hit hard.

So i know what the PAX petting zoo runners felt when they faced Super.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I don’t know how anyone hasn’t figured out by now how strong warriors are. They take no damage while hitting super hard and being virtually immune to both hard and soft cc.

The warrior is like Irelia from league. A class made to be unbelievably broken so that it could fight the other stupidly broken things in the game. All of anet’s bullkitten about not wanting power creep, and yet they constantly do just that. Instead of nerfing the stuff that’s a problem, they use RNG to pick a class and buff it up to godmode.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

I’m pretty sure the build they are talking about has max 542 hps. Not even always. 474 on average. 575 max with Valkyrie Amulet, 498 on average.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

I’m pretty sure the build they are talking about has max 542 hps. Not even always. 474 on average. 575 max with Valkyrie Amulet, 498 on average.

Absolutely false.

407 heal per sec with heal signet, 396 heal per sec with adrenal health at 3 adrenal bars.

It’s 803 hp per sec.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

I’m pretty sure the build they are talking about has max 542 hps. Not even always. 474 on average. 575 max with Valkyrie Amulet, 498 on average.

Absolutely false.

407 heal per sec with heal signet, 396 heal per sec with adrenal health at 3 adrenal bars.

It’s 803 hp per sec.

Unless there is a bug, Adrenal health heals every 3 seconds.


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

I’m pretty sure the build they are talking about has max 542 hps. Not even always. 474 on average. 575 max with Valkyrie Amulet, 498 on average.

Absolutely false.

407 heal per sec with heal signet, 396 heal per sec with adrenal health at 3 adrenal bars.

It’s 803 hp per sec.

Unless there is a bug, Adrenal health heals every 3 seconds.


Correct, i verified.

still doesn’t really change anything, altough now i understand how broken would 800 hp per sec would have been

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Correct, i verified.

still doesn’t really change anything, altough now i understand how broken would 800 hp per sec would have been

Hrm… my build heals 900 HP per second.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Correct, i verified.

still doesn’t really change anything, altough now i understand how broken would 800 hp per sec would have been

Hrm… my build heals 900 HP per second.

Aye, but you don’t run around with a hammer, or a mace.

That is seen as the problem, I guess.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

People still are arguing.

Warrior > spirit ranger
Warrior also > necro

Warrior is in a very strong position right now.

War > evrything

The point is this is not enough to make this meta to shift, since direct damage wil never counter a warrior healing 800 hp per sec.

Currently GW2 is simply not enjoyable, and it’s disgusting to know so many great players left already

I’m pretty sure the build they are talking about has max 542 hps. Not even always. 474 on average. 575 max with Valkyrie Amulet, 498 on average.

Absolutely false.

407 heal per sec with heal signet, 396 heal per sec with adrenal health at 3 adrenal bars.

It’s 803 hp per sec.

Unless there is a bug, Adrenal health heals every 3 seconds.


Correct, i verified.

still doesn’t really change anything, altough now i understand how broken would 800 hp per sec would have been

If it was every second (adrenal health) i would agree that it was too strong. In the current meta its fine the way it is now, but as soon ANet fix conditions they should tone down Healing signet to balance with the new strenght of conditions.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Soooo… even longbow/hammer is OP now?

Or is the problem about healing signet?

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Soooo… even longbow/hammer is OP now?

Or is the problem about healing signet?

Personally I think the regen is the source of the problem with wars. There’s no reason it’s inherently bad for warriors to be able to hit hard, to cc really well, or spam condis. The problem only occurs when they can do those things and also be near immune to damage heh.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Lol, so warrior is more OP then people called the most OP classes necro and ranger?
i guess that’s why everyone in top 100 are warriors and owning people!

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


I still do not agree that warriors hard counter spirit rangers. Yes warriors have the potential to take out the spirits, but at great cost. In group fights this can be done because everyone’s damage combined with the warrior’s AoE will take out the spirits efficiently. However, in 1v1s, the ranger will still dominate the warrior because of how long it takes to kill the spirits with just the warrior’s AoE alone.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


I still do not agree that warriors hard counter spirit rangers. Yes warriors have the potential to take out the spirits, but at great cost. In group fights this can be done because everyone’s damage combined with the warrior’s AoE will take out the spirits efficiently. However, in 1v1s, the ranger will still dominate the warrior because of how long it takes to kill the spirits with just the warrior’s AoE alone.

Yeah, if we take some Stun-Breakers it’s a different story, but people hate changing builds or thinking outside the box.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Soooo… even longbow/hammer is OP now?

Or is the problem about healing signet?

Warriors Suffer from To much To Soon.

Healing Signet without all the Condition Changes they received wouldn’t be Overpowered

Condition Changes without Healing Signet Buff wouldn’t be overpowered

But them together, and its overpowered

Weapon Themselves is not to bad, I personally don’t think Longbow is Overpowered, or Even Hammer, But Skullcrack is just stupid… I have a 5 Second Daze in a build I use that’s on a 45 second cooldown, its bloody powerful as hell… a 4 Second Stun every 7-10 seconds is just moronic… There is no Amount of Stability in the game that can save you from it.

But is Skullcrack super overpowered because they have Sustain now from Healing Signet when before they couldn’t last long enough to fight through stability…..See that’s little things you have look at… ..Its not just one thing that’s overpowered about Warriors, Its a hard concept SPvP tend not to grasp…Its lots of little things added over time that make them just silly right now.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it"

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

What? do you even know what you talking about?Do you even know what Meta means? People stick to the meta, because it’s the BEST, there i said it, the best option they have. every patch gone live, PvPers adapt the meta fast within 1 week. There’s no such thing as "not willing to lose “ranking” because we’ve figured it out in the very 1st week, oh and about the lose “ranking” thing, there’s something called hotjoin where you can even open your own room.

and you say that you’ve made builds for warrior which they adapt a few month later. That doesn’t mean KITTEN, ill tell you that. Do you know that this game used to patch once per month and now twice per month with major or minior PvP changes?

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Soooo… even longbow/hammer is OP now?

Or is the problem about healing signet?

Warriors Suffer from To much To Soon.

Healing Signet without all the Condition Changes they received wouldn’t be Overpowered

Condition Changes without Healing Signet Buff wouldn’t be overpowered

But them together, and its overpowered

Weapon Themselves is not to bad, I personally don’t think Longbow is Overpowered, or Even Hammer, But Skullcrack is just stupid… I have a 5 Second Daze in a build I use that’s on a 45 second cooldown, its bloody powerful as hell… a 4 Second Stun every 7-10 seconds is just moronic… There is no Amount of Stability in the game that can save you from it.

But is Skullcrack super overpowered because they have Sustain now from Healing Signet when before they couldn’t last long enough to fight through stability…..See that’s little things you have look akittens not just one thing that’s overpowered about Warriors, Its a hard concept SPvP tend not to grasp…Its lots of little things added over time that make them just silly right now.

Your a WvW not a SPvP, so goto WvW forums and talk about how godly your unbalanced crakitten ome where else. Stop posting on every single post calling us SPvP dumb.

I used to WvW allot, roam & duels all day long, but it’s so unbalanced it isn’t funny. Just take look at your runes………. Take look at most your PI videos……

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Rofl, I’ve been laughing at the Warriors on their forums arguing for weeks now that they’re perfectly fine because no one uses them in SPvP and I told them “Just because SPvP is filled with idiots who don’t catch on for month’s doesn’t mean your class is fine, I’ve created builds that they’ve picked up month’s later, whined about, despite counters already showing up and then gotten nerfed because of it”

SPvP will never be on the forefront of creating new builds, because its a dumbed down version of World vs World….People find a meta and stick to it not willing to lose their “ranking” while in World vs World, you’re more likely to lose fights and try something new.

Soooo… even longbow/hammer is OP now?

Or is the problem about healing signet?

Warriors Suffer from To much To Soon.

Healing Signet without all the Condition Changes they received wouldn’t be Overpowered

Condition Changes without Healing Signet Buff wouldn’t be overpowered

But them together, and its overpowered

Weapon Themselves is not to bad, I personally don’t think Longbow is Overpowered, or Even Hammer, But Skullcrack is just stupid… I have a 5 Second Daze in a build I use that’s on a 45 second cooldown, its bloody powerful as hell… a 4 Second Stun every 7-10 seconds is just moronic… There is no Amount of Stability in the game that can save you from it.

But is Skullcrack super overpowered because they have Sustain now from Healing Signet when before they couldn’t last long enough to fight through stability…..See that’s little things you have look akittens not just one thing that’s overpowered about Warriors, Its a hard concept SPvP tend not to grasp…Its lots of little things added over time that make them just silly right now.

Your a WvW not a SPvP, so goto WvW forums and talk about how godly your unbalanced crakitten ome where else. Stop posting on every single post calling us SPvP dumb.

I used to WvW allot, roam & duels all day long, but it’s so unbalanced it isn’t funny. Just take look at your runes………. Take look at most your PI videos……

Before Perplexity there was Dwyana …Suppose that was overpowered as well.

And yes World vs World is unbalanced, just like SPvP is unbalanced, because MMO’s are inherently unbalanced.

At no point in history has an MMO ever been balanced.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

You make stupid look smart, don’t even try to claim you made the BM build you made the gimick PI carry me build, now your trying to make a build where the runes carry you with PI.

So much skill…. You don’t have much of understanding about the current meta in SPvP. Just listen to yourself. Do you even play at the top tier level in team que for past few months for one I’ve never seen you once.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

You make stupid look smart, don’t even try to claim you made the BM build you made the gimick PI carry me build, now your trying to make a build where the runes carry you with PI.

So much skill…. You don’t have much of understanding about the current meta in SPvP. Just listen to yourself. Do you even play at the top tier level in team que for past few months for one I’ve never seen you once.

BM Bunker is and will always be PI Build, PI build as you put it is nothing more then BM Bunker with PI Equipped as a utility, If you didn’t have PI you used Lightning Reflex/SoR or any other ability in the game, and still wrecked face.. Hell I even had movies of me using “PI Build” as you so put it but instead using Sharpening Stone Instead.

Also Latest Build I created uses the runes with Technobabble, Which I used before the Runes were Released…But TB takes advantage of Perplexity so much it’d be silly not to use them now.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

You make stupid look smart, don’t even try to claim you made the BM build you made the gimick PI carry me build, now your trying to make a build where the runes carry you with PI.

So much skill…. You don’t have much of understanding about the current meta in SPvP. Just listen to yourself. Do you even play at the top tier level in team que for past few months for one I’ve never seen you once.

BM Bunker is and will always be PI Build, PI build as you put it is nothing more then BM Bunker with PI Equipped as a utility, If you didn’t have PI you used Lightning Reflex/SoR or any other ability in the game, and still wrecked face.. Hell I even had movies of me using “PI Build” as you so put it but instead using Sharpening Stone Instead.

Also Latest Build I created uses the runes with Technobabble, Which I used before the Runes were Released…But TB takes advantage of Perplexity so much it’d be silly not to use them now.

You know this is SPvP forum’s right where we don’t have racial skills right?

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

You make stupid look smart, don’t even try to claim you made the BM build you made the gimick PI carry me build, now your trying to make a build where the runes carry you with PI.

So much skill…. You don’t have much of understanding about the current meta in SPvP. Just listen to yourself. Do you even play at the top tier level in team que for past few months for one I’ve never seen you once.

BM Bunker is and will always be PI Build, PI build as you put it is nothing more then BM Bunker with PI Equipped as a utility, If you didn’t have PI you used Lightning Reflex/SoR or any other ability in the game, and still wrecked face.. Hell I even had movies of me using “PI Build” as you so put it but instead using Sharpening Stone Instead.

Also Latest Build I created uses the runes with Technobabble, Which I used before the Runes were Released…But TB takes advantage of Perplexity so much it’d be silly not to use them now.

You know this is SPvP forum’s right where we don’t have racial skills right?

And that means what exactly? Do you think only Asura’s ran BM Bunker back then or something in World vs World? What do you think the other races ran when they did my build..Sure as hell wasn’t PI.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

This is why you have little understanding about current meta game in SPvP, you have no freaken idea what your talking about. Do you even know why Spirit Ranger’s took over in last 2 month’s.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

with in 3 month? sure, why not. he misses his thief anyway.
not like he’s dropping spirit ranger because of people finally adapt the build, you know that right? you actually know that theres 2 patches every month right? do you even think or you just use adapt and meta these words to make you sound smart?

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

This is why you have little understanding about current meta game in SPvP, you have no freaken idea what your talking about. Do you even know why Spirit Ranger’s took over in last 2 month’s.

Because SPvPer’s are a day late and a dollar short.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

with in 3 month? sure, why not. he misses his thief anyway.
not like he’s dropping spirit ranger because of people finally adapt the build, you know that right? you actually know that theres 2 patches every month right? do you even think or you just use adapt and meta these words to make you sound smart?

Most Balance changes aren’t done twice a month, For example if this next patch has changes most likely the 17th patch won’t have changes. The only thing the 2 patches are doing is pushing out Living World Content. Class Balance and other things are still on a slower rotation.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


don’t even bother anymore, he will just bring you down to his level and beat you there.
see all the nonsense bs hes throwing everywhere?
let him live his dream of being a pro who created BM ranger build and owning all the uplevels like a god with food in wvw the ultimate balanced mode.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


You guys are still kittening about Spirit Rangers, before that you were kittening about BM Bunker Rangers, These are things that within a month people knew how to counter them, and SPvP picked up months after I created BM Bunker and others had used Spirit Ranger and knew the counter.

You guys haven’t adapted to a meta within 1 week at any point in this game..Instead you whine that you don’t want to change your current meta until anything new is nerfed (that one of you stole from World vs World Players)

Look, a imba WvW player who accept their imba-ness talk about how PvP players don’t adapt this BS imba meta, cool story bro. ill tell you we adapt. my friend just quit his thief and played a spirit ranger 21 wins 8 lose yoloq.

And in 3 month’s when you guys finally adapt to Spirit Rangers, he’ll quit that toon and play a different one.

This is why you have little understanding about current meta game in SPvP, you have no freaken idea what your talking about. Do you even know why Spirit Ranger’s took over in last 2 month’s.

Because SPvPer’s are a day late and a dollar short.

Yeah that’s right you have nothing. Go back to WvW and make videos of you kill nubs.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


don’t even bother anymore, he will just bring you down to his level and beat you there.
see all the nonsense bs hes throwing everywhere?
let him live his dream of being a pro who created BM ranger build and owning all the uplevels like a god with food in wvw the ultimate balanced mode.

I don’t have to dream about being the pro who created BM Ranger build, I have video’s and a post history.

If you can provide evidence otherwise i’ll be happy to see it.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


What I also find dumb is people forcing others to play Warrior just to deal with Rangers. It is just pathetic. Use broken to deal with broken, not that it isn’t fair game but people should be able to play w/e they feel like.

They need to power creep all classes so things like these don’t happen.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You don’t have to play a Warrior to deal with Rangers, But the Warrior is the easiest method of doing it because the Warrior is incredibly powerful right now.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Your a WvW not a SPvP, so goto WvW forums and talk about how godly your unbalanced crakitten ome where else. Stop posting on every single post calling us SPvP dumb.

I used to WvW allot, roam & duels all day long, but it’s so unbalanced it isn’t funny. Just take look at your runes………. Take look at most your PI videos……

WvW warrior with skullcrack build will get /gkick in 10 min. This build is terrible for guild purposes. May be good for some roaming, but roaming is not a big deal at all.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Warrior > Spirit Ranger > everyone else?

which is balanced by

Everyone > Spirit Ranger > Warrior skill requirement wise?

Seems legit


WvW warrior with skullcrack build will get /gkick in 10 min. This build is terrible for guild purposes. May be good for some roaming, but roaming is not a big deal at all.

Your a long way from the WvW forums, let me guide you on your path Sir Knight:

Also your guild must be pretty pro to kick some guy for being a skull crack warrior without asking him to change build or advising other wise. Good to see a guild building the community, oh wait…

Must be something like:
Good Guild → good players, friendly, helps newbies

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

(edited by TGSlasher.1458)

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Also your guild must be pretty pro to kick some guy for being a skull crack warrior without asking him to change build or advising other wise. Good to see a guild building the community, oh wait…

Sigh. When you writing application to the WvW guild, you agreeing with guild rules, which includes guild builds, gear, command hierarchy and raid times. Wrong build mean chance to wipe for 20-30 guild mates. If someone thinks that his personal preference >>> needs of everyone around, he must choose guild that agreed with his point of view.
Skullcrack warrior is small scale oriented build, with very low potential for big group fights.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Why are you wubwub tryhards in pvp forum? Wubwub and pvp are night and day. I can easily 2v1 against bads in wubwub.

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Why are you wubwub tryhards in pvp forum? Wubwub and pvp are night and day. I can easily 2v1 against bads in wubwub.

I can 1v2 against bads anywhere. Can’t see how it proves something, though.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Warrior doesn't counter Spirit Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


You don’t have to play a Warrior to deal with Rangers, But the Warrior is the easiest method of doing it because the Warrior is incredibly powerful right now.

You are arguing with people that are just not very good at the game. I doubt any of them are even on the top of the leader boards if they were they would know warrior is a powerhouse.

@ all the PvPers that think they are elite

GvGers are on your leader boards killing your dudes. Conquest mode promotes poor play and cheese gimmicks this is clear as you see how low the skill level is of the best pvper when put against the skill level of the best GvGers.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)