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We need this in Tpvp
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I, as someone how likes dota2, i have to say they matchmaking is not bad, but its not perfect I had many games which were a one sided slaughter and it was not caused by outdrafting.
To be honest apart from the whole 4v5 bs and the case that 3 or more of one class are in a team the match making is not as bad as it was, but maybe its only because most of the time i play nights and only the more “hardcore” pvpler (not including me, but mostly rang 45 or higher player) play at those times (everyone knows what he is doing, is really nice). Those games a most of the time really close (450ish to 500)
I think a system that tries to avoid that the same classes are in a team and something more effective against those leavers at the beginning, would be good.
But the ability to pause is really nice if someone dced for a short time which already happend to me. This is more important i think.
I agree with you. They do need a stricter punishment system(whether it will be like dota2s or gw1) that makes afking and 4vs5s happen less often
I had my fair share of problems with Dota 2s matchmaking after it came out of beta, so I was glad to see this post outlining changes for the better.
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this are fine theoretical concepts, bur what should we (or anyone) do when you have
1 x r 70
2 x r50,
4 x r30
4 x r20
1 x r1
in queue, and thats all you have?
ps: kitten fixes like “bring kitten balance” and “fix pvp” all been said and archieved.
this are fine theoretical concepts, bur what should we (or anyone) do when you have
1 x r 70
2 x r50,
4 x r30
4 x r20
1 x r1
in queue, and thats all you have?ps: kitten fixes like “bring kitten balance” and “fix pvp” all been said and archieved.
Make the changes and focus on creating a bigger and better community. I believe thats what they may be trying to do atm
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Dota 2 has the playerbase to support a fully functioning MMR system, GW2 does not. No matter what ANet does, there will not be a decent matchmaking system until there is a large enough pool of players for the system to choose from at a given time.
Dota 2 has the playerbase to support a fully functioning MMR system, GW2 does not. No matter what ANet does, there will not be a decent matchmaking system until there is a large enough pool of players for the system to choose from at a given time.
+ 1 to this, even the best matchmaking falls short if the population is too low.
Dota 2 has the playerbase to support a fully functioning MMR system, GW2 does not. No matter what ANet does, there will not be a decent matchmaking system until there is a large enough pool of players for the system to choose from at a given time.
I mentioned that in the op
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yeah i played a lot of Dota2 the systems works fine, the difference is that Dota2 has 10 times more players than Gw2 PvP does
yeah i played a lot of Dota2 the systems works fine, the difference is that Dota2 has 10 times more players than Gw2 PvP does
10 times?
dota2 has like 550k players on peak
gw2 spvp 17k players peak
that’s more like 32 times more.
some stats:
Current Players Peak Today Game
236,707 547,638 Dota 2
33,079 69,052 Team Fortress 2
23,903 80,321 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
yeah i played a lot of Dota2 the systems works fine, the difference is that Dota2 has 10 times more players than Gw2 PvP does
10 times?
dota2 has like 550k players on peak
gw2 spvp 17k players peak
that’s more like 32 times more.some stats:
Current Players Peak Today Game
236,707 547,638 Dota 2
33,079 69,052 Team Fortress 2
23,903 80,321 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
You got my point:P
I mean i agree that of course we need more people playing for the system to fully function, but what comes first, have proper functing matchmaking and punishment system. or have a bigger player base?
If you have everything in working order you can focus on getting more people to play and stick around. If you have a good number of people but the basic systems dont function well, will they stay?
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