Well they just give everything people want...
New game modes are coming sir hold on and in game ladders etc
1.Now mesmers, since this “emagherd pressing 1200 range instant interrupt is hard” spec started to become popular i heard people constantly saying how their “lockout” or w/e gw1 mesmer was awesome and gw2 totally needs it BAM here you go 10 second interrupt. Will it be good? If you interrupt crucial skill now its deadly already, later it will just be deadlier even if you interrupt this skill in worse moment.
2.(thief on your tail 24/7 for example). So is every ele working on toning down thief? No, most are just asking for ele buffs, which will come and who knows how powerful ele will be in skilled hands.
3.Listen to common sense not to community which mostly only opens mouth when they are raging about something and cant think clear.
1.Lockdown already existed before the patch. Yes, it has some isses, but I can’t remember anybody in the Mesmer forum complaining about interrupts setting skills only on 5s CD.
The typcial Mesmer problems still are thieves and conditions.
2.So, do you rely want to tell me, that nobody is complaining about thieves?
People usually want buffs for their classes, as this are probably the classes they play most, undstand most and so proposing changes to their own class probably is easier than demanding nerfs for other lasses.
3. Not listening to the community? Like ignoring your post? Might actually be a good idea…
New game modes are coming sir hold on
and in game ladders etc
lul but whats good about it? with the limited resources they have anet can barely balance conquest. What will adding new game mode that require completely different balance and splits PVP community achieve for this game?
Conquest is what keeps this game into balance, imagine perma stealth thief or PU mesmer in deathmatch, or chasing decap engi in CTF.
Ofcourse these things can be balanced out for the new game mode, but how much more adding new game mode will slow down conquest from becoming good?
I am waiting for better reward, better competition, better balance since release. But from what ive seen so far its just same old system with new objective.
It’s not like attrition could ever kill a warrior anyway.
Ever try running barbarians or soldiers and fighting a good warrior? It’s not pretty.
I’m sorry… What? I don’t even know what I just read.
(Also, lockdown Mesmer weren’t complaining about… much of anything.)
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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
There’s many ways they could have implemented attrition but they picked the most basic of basic ones.They could have scaled down Lf to a reasonable amount but let us hop in it more,build it up faster,and use our utilities and heal to take the place of lost LF so that this one mechanic doesnt dictate ALL our builds and give them room to shave and buff.These are suggestions the community gave a year ago before i quit and came back yet here we are with auto attack the class and dumb match ups where its have enough lF?No?dead Yes?you win.I don’t like how necro’s whine the most but they barely get payed attention to even when being constructive.
The Mesmer sub seems happy for there new trait and i would be as well,once they get an interrupt off on a heal your fate is sealed.
Ele is just too much effort for way too little reward right now though i can see a bit why there afraid of buffing em they were monsters worse than hambow and pw are right now a year ago.
Listen to common sense not to community which mostly only opens mouth when they are raging about something and cant think clear.
Uhm, Anet is messing up because of the community???
So remember that one time, when Anet said they were making a patch largely based on community input… the diamond skin patch.
Everyone said…
Diamond skin is bad.
Passive procing cleansing fire isn’t what the ele needs.
Don’t nerf arcane or the entire ele class will suffer.
And, what happened?
Diamond skin.
Passive procing cleansing fire.
Anet nerfed arcane.
kittening community, screwing up the patch once again…
Anyways, seriously, I think you’re confusing when Anet finally got around to fixing a class with Anet listening to the playerbase because Anet doesn’t listen to the playerbase when it comes to balance.
They actually utterly ignore the playerbase when it comes to stuff like taht.
Occasionally they will get a point to focus on from the community (like warriors being bad or eles having not enough cleansing in other trees) but their ‘solutions’ are always 100% grade Anet bull-kitten.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Mesmers wanted their lockouts be more powerful when they interrupt – now 10 seconds will completely kitten up necro and ele and ranger… these were the problems of mesmer? Cause i dont see how it helps mesmer against thief.
Eles wanted protection against condis – they got diamond skin, so was it any good? no, because you cant just give good condi protection to already powerful ele. imagine fresh air ele who doesnt have to worry about enemy condis.
Next patch they put in what people asked team deathmatch map – will it turn out good? no idea but im sure i will go there with my stealth thief and not with my necro.
People ask for things they think would work if the game would be made by their imagined design, anet implements these things in their designed game, so in the end these ideas dont work as they do in your mind.
i really doubt shadow art thief would contribute anything ….
if its like other game , There are probably kill points. Being shadow art thief is just dumbing your team.
People asking for slight improvements for underpowered specs/classes is somehow irrational to you? Eles didnt ask specifically for Diamond Skin, and there was no Mesmer petition for Power Lock. You cant blame A-net design choices on the player.
.. And you realize EVERY traitline is getting a new trait right? God forbid Domination -the enemy control/lockdown line- gets a new lockdown trait. Of all 5 new traits do you really think we wouldnt be getting atleast one new Shatter, Phantasm, and lockdown trait?
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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!