I hear these types of things a lot in PvP.
“It’s just a game”
“I just want skins”
“I just want reward chests”
“I just wanna make gold”
“It’s just for fun”
For all of these statements that’s true, in "UN"ranked PvP. These are statements unskilled players make all the time and to be honest it gets old.
What RANKED PvP should be:
The only thing that matters is winning.
If you’re unsure of your build, don’t bring it.
If you’re unable to commit 100% to the full duration of the match, then don’t play. That means if your baby starts crying you are going to ignore it till the match is over. If your house is on fire, you will finish the match before leaving. If you cannot commit to this THEN DON’T FUGGIN QUE FOR RANKED!
You should be playing each match as if there were $1,000,000 going to the winner. If that were true, would you be playing your current profession with your build? Would you be rushing off to far point, leaving your team to 3v4 at mid? Then die at far point, handing them 2 points, who then rush towards your home where they know there’s only 1 player on your team left, possibly giving them now all 3 points?
This isn’t just a Guild Wars problem. It’s a gaming problem period. People just don’t take RANKED games seriously enough. People just want skins, gold, points towards golden guns, whatever the case may be.
Ranked SHOULD be a place where only the best bring their A games and hopefully get matched against equally skilled players where each victory is an adrenaline rush. Sadly this isn’t the case. I’d say a good 50% of the players in ranked play as if they don’t give a crap at all, and easily 80% or more of games end in 500-300(or less) victories cause the mismatched games.
During my 10 placements this season I even had the same flippin guy throw TWO games. The first one the team lost mid fight and he said “are you serious?” and afk’d the rest of the match.
The next match he said “Oh YOU AGAIN! I’m AFK!” and literally afk’d the entire match AGAIN! Then he sent me a mail saying he was going to afk EVERY game he ever saw me in forever. I mean what a joke. I’d ban this guy for life from ranked games period.
So yah Anet, can you put some seriousness into people and make it so people actually give a crap about ranked games?
1) Remove dailies from ranked, move to unranked
2) Remove reward chests, move to unranked
3) Start perma-banning players from ranked who are 100% known to be throwing/trolling games. Put a nice plaque somewhere with their names so we can all enjoy it.
4) Only give rewards at end of season according to your highest achieved rank. That means players who don’t feel as if they will ever get higher, will stop playing ranked. That’s a GOOD thing. They can now go play unranked to get better or farm chests and rewards.
5) End of season rewards should be SPECTACULAR! I’m talking like gold players getting 500 gold, 50-100 of each top tier mats, maybe some cool skins. And even better rewards for Plat/Legend players.
6) Stop rewarding failure! If you’re silver or below, you get consilation prizes not worth much of anything. Under 50% of the field = you get next to nothing.