What can I get for playing sPvP
Hello everyone!
I just hit 80 and I was doing some sPvP, i got to rank 9 rabbit. I was wondering if it were possible to get better gear by leveling up ranks? If not, what is the point of sPvP?
how about witnessing your skills improve and you prevailing against competition?
Hello everyone!
I just hit 80 and I was doing some sPvP, i got to rank 9 rabbit. I was wondering if it were possible to get better gear by leveling up ranks? If not, what is the point of sPvP?
Everyone has access to equal gear, there technically is no “better” gear. Admittedly, you can find better looking gear as you rank up, but that’s about it.
The “point” of sPvP is to get better, collect cool gear, and crush your opponents.
“No shinys? What’s the point!?”
As much as I hate to say it I actually agree. sPvP is pointless and a waste of time. Yeah it is fun but it dies really fast with lack of reward. It feels as if you don’t progress. You just do the same small number of arenas against the same people over and over and over with no reward. You can’t even relax in LA while showing off your gained reward because the little bit that you do gain is stuck inside the mists. Still waiting on duel commands and GvG. At the very least a small reward or sPvP. Allow people to level up doing it that would be lovely. We can level on WvW why not sPvP?
There’s some stories going on about other rewards coming for glory points.
But untill then the only way to get little money is to spend your glory on dyes :p
Don’t ask what sPvP can do for you, ask instead what you can do for sPvP!
To crush your enemies!
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
to challenge yourself
and test builds you make for fun
I was always thinking people play games for fun.
Have some fun, seek and destroy all mesmer you can find, take warr down to the ground …thats always feels fine in a bad day .
Actually, there is not really a point for playing PvP. (competitive) In about 6-8 months, you may can say that PvP in GW2 is OK…there are some nice community based tournaments tho, but that’s all. I doubt that PvP will really improve this year so much, to make it viable for competitive players.
You can show off your high rank and gear. I completely agree that you need something for play. For me, I enjoy displaying my Ransacker title and have people fear me. The whole idea is to show off.
Don’t listen to those who say “play for fun”. That’s not why we play an MMO. We play to show off and develop our characters. If we have “fun” along the way, that’s great. But it’s not enough by itself.
… Allow people to level up doing it that would be lovely. We can level on WvW why not sPvP?
Even assuming U grab a premade build, if your leveling up a toon, then ur probably a noob with THAT toon & will likely be a liability to your team for several matches early on while you LEARN to play the class (skill familiarization & roles/playstyle)
To crush your enemies!
The Great Conan has spoken!
….what is the point of sPvP?
For now, it’ all cosmetics in the mists….
Actually, I’m hoping that ANET is gonna make something like Zkeys available that will NOT be acct bound & SELL on TP for more than ecto (just like end-of-life prices in GW1 ). I figure that it created incentive in GW1 for ppl to PvP, maybe it’ll work in GW2 too …
I figure that they could make them purchaseable via glory, so they can make RL $ selling “challice of glory” in GEM store. but who knows, maybe that will just over-inflate gem prices from all the PvE gold in the economy.
As an alternate, maybe ANET could consider bumping the achievement points for PvP. I can’t tell if the guys at the top of the achivement leaderbord are there more because of PvP or PvE?
If you get really good you can money.
Play for sPvP for fun and to be one of the best players. Video Games used to always be about this. Now they are all about Profit. The MMO industry preys upon losers who have no life and very little RL Friends. People that play just to show off or get Uber Shiny gear are people that have a hole in their life that they are trying to fill. It gives their pathetic life meaning and makes them feel special, something they are unable to attain elsewhere.
Play and have as much fun as you can. And try not to take for granted that you live in a place and have the means to play Guild Wars 2 or any Video Game. Billions of people in this world aren’t as fortunate as you and would give anything to be in your shoes.
These forums are not the place to give moral lectures and make judgement on why people play. We play for different reasons and all of them are valid.
To crush your enemies!
Don’t listen to this guy.. He’s a newb.
(But seriously LOL @ the link)
to cap a circle and run arround it
They’re only a couple of thing you can really get:
Titles- For the most part they’re just time sinks. Doesn’t reflect the skill of the player at all. Even the Champion XXX ones are. Play enough tourneys and you’ll get them.
Finishers- You get a new finishing move every ten levels. These are pretty cool. Easily the best reward.
Armor/Weapons- New gear every ten levels, and also from tourney chest. You can only use them in PvP so ya…..
Overall the rewards for PvP are pathetic.
Heavens Rage
As much as I hate to say it I actually agree. sPvP is pointless and a waste of time. Yeah it is fun but it dies really fast with lack of reward. It feels as if you don’t progress. You just do the same small number of arenas against the same people over and over and over with no reward. You can’t even relax in LA while showing off your gained reward because the little bit that you do gain is stuck inside the mists. Still waiting on duel commands and GvG. At the very least a small reward or sPvP. Allow people to level up doing it that would be lovely. We can level on WvW why not sPvP?
i would kill to be able to level up through spvp
no pun intended
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer
PvP progression should never, ever be about stuffz. Ever.
For that, go fight the scripted pixels.