What class will be OP next patch?

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


My bet is condi engi! Take your bets ladies. After about 3 months we can look back and say “told ya so! this TOTALLY ruined the game”

twitch.tv/ostricheggs MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Relentless.7023


I think what we thought was power creep before is about to be shattered forever. The sheer amount of stat buffs they put in just the runes and sigils they have shown us already has me wondering how stupidly broken this “PvP Renaissance” (LOL Allie) is going to be.

Warrior is still gonna be broken as hell, even with the nerfs.

(edited by Relentless.7023)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


Obviously Rangers…

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Arcturus.8109


#Eleapocalypse incoming! Repent!!!

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Warrior with fast hands.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Syde.5961


Condition builds in general are gonna be broken as hell after the patch!

Og Salmonder [oT] – Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

warriors and ele well and engineers the big 3

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Engineers are still going to be awesome.

Warriors, I think the sheer accumulation of nerfs, previous and in patch will take its toll but 2 sigils is a plus.

Thief, same as now really.

Ele, great for those who are already good with Ele but those who struggle will probably continue to do so.

Mesmer, could see real improvement with patch.

Guardian, a little stronger.

Rangers, a little stronger.

Necros, a little weaker.

2 real losers overall, Warrior/Necro. Small possibility of Ele being a big winner but we shall see, it might only benefit those who are already very good with Ele now.

Other classes its just very marginal changes, I think.

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: hehk.8705


Corruption necros will be scary.

Bunker Guardian + bunker Ele may make a team absurdly bunkery.

Condi Engis, like Oeggs said, but I think necros will still kitten on them, even when they face roll their keys.

That wierd thief SD might stacking build, Oeggs made, may be very good with the buff to might rune sets.

Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Rangers will rule TDM. Eles will continue their slow and subtle takeover of solo queue, and IDK about Team Arenas. I have a feeling a lot of really good players will be coming back for a spell with this patch and we may end up seeing some interesting team comps. That’s my hope at least.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Cavalier Warriors
Trickery thieves
Condi engie

These are my bet for the specs that invalidate so many otherwise viable options.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


probably condi engi if necro cant eat them for breakfast no more.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Condi Engi
Bunker Ele (Maybe?)

I am hoping my new S/D ‘Might’ build works well.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580



It’s glaringly obvious.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


We will see rangers whit survival skills, that’s a good news. A new build aviable. Engi turretter, good news (and more good things for engi).
Ele can become a good bunker (no crit while in earth attunement!!!).

About Guardian… Im’ a Guardian… and.. nothing change.
1) Aegis grand master will not work whit active block skills (for example, a Producer say that that trait don’t work whit the block skill of the mace).
2) No one can hope to play guard whit condition damage. You can inflict 33%+ damage whit burn, but it’s still only one condition. Not enough for a condi build.
3) 3k more HP whit a trait… but the other GM trait in Honor trait line is Pure of Voice, that remove conditions whit shouts… then… you can’t pretend to make players chose about 3k of hp and a combo trait+rune that remove 2 conditions at time! Expecially whit the actually condi meta in pvp!

For Guardians there’s no changes. I don’t know a single player that really want to play whit that new GM traits.
I hope the work whit all the other traits is better…

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


MM Necro. Vote for Sikari! <3

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

With the new runes of balthazar, not only will engis have the highest HPM in this game, but if you’re too close when attacking him, you might get incinerated. Oh boi, the incoming pain!

R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbo.2845


I think Condi Guards will bring a lot more to the table than anyone, ever. The new traits they brought out finally unlock new builds that will allow for Guardians to dominate the condition meta – the day has FINALLY come!!

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


Well obviously thieves

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Well obviously thieves

I hope you don’t actually think that.

(edited by Obsidia.5127)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Staff bunker Eles!!

Diamond skin OR Stone heart to hard counter team comps! support and decent AoE dmg even on clerics!

oh not to mention! AOE?? Random dodge meta coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I think Condi Guards will bring a lot more to the table than anyone, ever. The new traits they brought out finally unlock new builds that will allow for Guardians to dominate the condition meta – the day has FINALLY come!!

You do have a point…playing as passively as possible (via stacking retal and having automatic burns) tends to be most rewarding in this game.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


Well obviously thieves

I hope you don’t actually think that.

Conquest is a game mode which rewards mobility over everything else. Literally there is no way to stop a thief getting decaps other than with another thief. Everything on top of that is gravy

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


dd ele will be back, condi thief , sigil spec warriors.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


I think Condi Guards will bring a lot more to the table than anyone, ever. The new traits they brought out finally unlock new builds that will allow for Guardians to dominate the condition meta – the day has FINALLY come!!

Condi Guards are going to be garbage. Mark my words.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

Well I’ve personally given up on guild wars, so you know I can only expect the worst. Though I suspect most people here have done the same.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: snoeckie.9230


Svanir, svanir beats them all…

We take what is given and a shinier tomorrow
- Skrittking

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: miklo.3610


Didn’t play for a while, where can i see the balance changes? Kinda curious about them

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Hey O-Eggs, I play engineer (not well, mind you), and want to get your thoughts for a build tomorrow.

Perplexity confusion spammer? I wanna OP kittenolol people tomorrow afternoon.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: smilango.5960


Hey O-Eggs, I play engineer (not well, mind you), and want to get your thoughts for a build tomorrow.

Perplexity confusion spammer? I wanna OP kittenolol people tomorrow afternoon.

Plex runes aren’t being put into PvP anymore, as last I heard

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


zerker engineer

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Mesmers, Diversion + Power Block is going to be a pain in the kitten .

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


Sigil of intelligence Axe/x + anything Warriors (possibly with cavalier?).
Condi Warriors (they already are).
Condi Engineers (agree there).
Sigil of Air+ Sigil of Fire Thieves.

Not sure about the others.

(edited by Khenzy.9348)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


I think Condi Guards will bring a lot more to the table than anyone, ever. The new traits they brought out finally unlock new builds that will allow for Guardians to dominate the condition meta – the day has FINALLY come!!

Condi Guards are going to be garbage. Mark my words.

Let’s make this interesting… 10 gold to anyone who can beat my condition guard after the patch with a meta-ish build.

I’m on EU, either on this account or Perdix.8641

Phaatonn, London UK

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: snoeckie.9230


Perplexity is going be a kitten to handle.

We take what is given and a shinier tomorrow
- Skrittking

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Perplexity is going be a kitten to handle.

There will NOT be perplexity runes in pvp

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Rarnark.5623


Thief, Condi Engi, and Staff/Scepter Dagger support ele

Spirit Bae
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: yiishing.9057


I’m pretty sure it will only take a few weeks until a new, over the top build pops up and all the bandwagoners can hop onto that. With the amount of changes it’s hard to tell which class it will be though.

I’m just looking forward to not having 4-6 warriors among 10 players…

Good Old Days [GD] - Disturbed Squad [DISS]

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


Sigil of Air+ Sigil of Fire Thieves.

…. you don’t know it perhaps but they will also lower Dmg on these Sigils .
And then we have a fire and a air sigil which both do half the dmg of now => great.

2 Procs combined for the dmg of one of them now + losing 5% dmg overall … thief will be sooo OP …

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: snoeckie.9230


Perplexity is going be a kitten to handle.

There will NOT be perplexity runes in pvp

Thx just researched it, have mixed feelings, but it’ll be good to monitor the tweaks, then adding them to pvp

We take what is given and a shinier tomorrow
- Skrittking

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


Guardian can’t be a good condition damage class whit only one condition. You can increase the Burn damage trom 700 to 900, good, but if all the other classes inflict 2k+ damage whit conditions, the guardian is still a bad condition damage class.
And to obtain all the traits to be a condition damage dealer, a Guardian need to be something like 30/30/0/0/10 or 30/20/0/0/20. Whit my Berserker Guardian, in spvp, I can kill a Guardian whit that build easy. And a Berserker Guardian Isn’t the top dps class of the game XD

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Guardian can’t be a good condition damage class whit only one condition. You can increase the Burn damage trom 700 to 900, good, but if all the other classes inflict 2k+ damage whit conditions, the guardian is still a bad condition damage class.
And to obtain all the traits to be a condition damage dealer, a Guardian need to be something like 30/30/0/0/10 or 30/20/0/0/20. Whit my Berserker Guardian, in spvp, I can kill a Guardian whit that build easy. And a Berserker Guardian Isn’t the top dps class of the game XD

Well then you stand to make 10g my friend

Phaatonn, London UK

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


guardians could be on the radar, 50% higher burning damage is pretty amazing.
but then again guardians don’t have passive healing that outheals none glass cannon classes.

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


It really comes down to how well Radiant Retaliation scales with condition damage. If it scales decently enough, then I can maybe see a condition guard build coming to life. If not, then no it’ll still be subpar to a direct damage build. Also Amplified Wrath is pretty underwhelming, 30 points into a line that nobody ever uses.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Condition warriors/engi

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


One that people haven’t been mentioning is Rabid Survival Ranger, might be the new back point build. Should have a lot of good match ups,

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


guardians could be on the radar, 50% higher burning damage is pretty amazing.
but then again guardians don’t have passive healing that outheals none glass cannon classes.

It’s 33%, if it was 50% I’d of been QQing about it for the last 3 weeks XD

Guards are better set up for glass condi than warriors because they have damage mitigation. It’s more fun to play although burst could kitten people off.

Also I don’t understand why people would trait 30 into radiance when they could just run carrion.. That trait is for shamans guard..

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


Condi guard will be terrible don’t worry. The class is too far off from having a good condition build, a little more burn damage won’t make a smidgen of difference. I was assuming that condition damage would just replace power in the real formula if you have that trait, in which case it’s bad.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Condi guard will be terrible don’t worry. The class is too far off from having a good condition build, a little more burn damage won’t make a smidgen of difference. I was assuming that condition damage would just replace power in the real formula if you have that trait, in which case it’s bad.

I’ll record it tomorrow, they’re really not far off now if you know enemy cleansing and can mitigate condi pressure. They won’t be easy mode but certain classes are going to have difficulty with them.

Phaatonn, London UK

What class will be OP next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Cleric cleansing water staff eles, celestial eles (in the deathmatch map probably), and any ele build variants of stone heart + rock solid + ether renewal.