What's wrong with PvP
Don’t know too much about PW, but moa needs to be nerfed.
Quite easy to counter 100b though.
LMFAO there’s two types of players those that lie, and those that tell the truth.
(edited by cyrealkylla.7145)
LMFAO there’s two types of players those that lie, and those that tell the truth.
So smart guy explain to me how a stun breaker helps WHEN YOUR DAZED!!
Your gonna all pretend that hundred blades isn’t used directly after a daze it’s hilarious
first off, its usually a stun called bull charge that wars use before hb. second off shiNn.2571 put in all the valid points. Once you learn to play, they are not such a big issue. Moa bird is quite OP that i can agree on. pistol whip is the weakest thief build in the game, even spam 2 wins that. and sure standin a quickened hb is gona hurt but like shiNn.2571 says, breake stun/go immune /or dodge /stop playin with 10k hp and 5 armor.
with stunbreak u remove daze too, so shhhhhs now. just play with the tips we’re given you.
Jealous Much [JM]
Ok enjoy the servers you’ll have in 2 months all 4 of them
Daze is pretty weak.
I don’t think it prevents rolling.
Speak for yourself, nothing’s wrong youre just new and don’t like change.
lol what’s funny is the cry for moa bird nerf by rogues and warriors but the lies about h.blades and p.whip being OP.
I get moa birded maybe 3-4 times out of 15 matches I get p.whiped or h.blades 8-10 times per match and you cry about moa bird lmfao.
So you hit stun breaker and then the guy hits p.whip agian lmfao should everybody load up there bar with stun breakers for 2 classes!!
You need a one click button that does 8-15k a shot and I need to Learn to play, posted the same thing when Rift and Swtor lauched about class balance, liars posted in droves about how it was fine LTP blah blah servers were dead in 2 months.
I play mesmer.
Moa is undoubtedly broken, so is time warp.
No mesmer elite is balanced, mass invisibility is outmatched by veil.
lmfao chocolate you want to click a button that takes 75% of peoples life and I’m the baby
the main point is, if ur stunbreak is on cd them u’re dead. That’s it.
It’s a broken mechanic to force you to build a character some way and save your precious stunbreaker for these things or else u’re dead just because someone clicked his abilities without any think or plan just haste and spam. No class should be allowed to do that because it’s just bring dumbness to the gameplay.
lol no your right Shukran we should all go LTP because you learned how to click a button
While I do not agree with the OP as I do not have problems with Moa, Pistol Wrip and 100 blades, it is true that:
- GW2 is the only game I have been waiting for 5+ years
- GW1 was (and still is) my favourite online game in the last 20 years
- I never quit any MMO so quick as I did from GW2
Downed State is the worst PvP idea ever and it is The PvP Killer Feature itself.
Missing tournament chests with no compensation is the most arrogant issue in any MMO I’ve ever seen.
Non working TP is something I understand because the GW2 model of TP is one of the hardest to implement properly. I know. However, it is another killer thing. Playing PvE without TP in 2012? Lol.
The game was released half year before it should. I think this happened because of the NCSoft’s financial problems. The funny thing is that the game was working much better at the beta events than after the release.
All of it.
Downed system has to go, classes need balancing, some form of actual progression needs to be apparent, et etc
Hundred Blades is very hard to set up against competent players. You have to think outside of the box. Bull’s Rush isn’t the bees knees anymore (I think the predictability of Bulls Rush is why a lot of GS warriors are using the hammer as their secondary weapon now). It certainly isn’t an iWin button. The same goes for (to a lesser degree) Pistol Whip thieves. Moa on the other hand is a different beast entirely – it is an iWin button unless the mesmer sucks and allows you to run away. I’ve no idea who thought Moa was balanced.
We are not friends.
I myself use Moa to defend myself, to steal boss or stop guardian full healing the whole server.
Trust me, while you people cry about the Moa, in the reality the double stun we can do is 10 times more deadly than that funny bird. When you become free from the stun you already lost your 75% hp and you are full of Confusion and Bleeding and other random conditions came from Chaos Storm and Armor. You also might be burning at the end of the double stun if we are close.
Moa can run and can dodge (yes, she can). When you are stunned you get much more damage and conditions.
Moa is a nice defense and guardian counter skill. Mesmers who use it for attacking are just lame.
If you have quit gw2 Mage, what are you still doing here?
Dodge Bull’s Charge for once. You know he’s going to use it. Pay attention, dodge it, then you’re free to beat on him from behind while he finishes channeling since every warrior and their mother finishes the channel despite you being behind them. Don’t know why.
Out of the 3, Pistol Whip is the only one that need to be balanced. Hundred Blades and Moa are really easy to evade, brake stun out of hundred lades or CC while bulls charge animation, and Moa has like a 3 second cast with a purple aura u can see a mile away, just dodge it or CC the mesmer. But the fact that thieves can teleport to you it makes it really hard to evade. And not to mention thieves evade when using Pistol Whip, like if it wasn’t OPed enough… Take away the evade on the skill and everything will be nice and dandy!
(edited by EKUEOLOFi.9518)
I think the Warrior’s and Thieves are right, there’s nothing whatsoever OP about those skills. Infact I think there so balanced that every class should have a one button 8-17k ability.
I think everyone should be able to spam one button and skill somebody! Then we can all call each other noobs and whiners and say LTP or use your stun breaker.
I think the Warrior’s and Thieves are right, there’s nothing whatsoever OP about those skills. Infact I think there so balanced that every class should have a one button 8-17k ability.
I think everyone should be able to spam one button and skill somebody! Then we can all call each other noobs and whiners and say LTP or use your stun breaker.
If you’re taking 8-17k damage from ANY ability, you’re lacking toughness.
If a Thief decides to waste all his initiative on using heartseeker from 100%-?%, you will win, as he just wasted all his initiative, and now his defensive/escape abilities are burned.
A warrior using 100b is easy to see coming. Dodge the charge – win.
Gear defensively.
Don’t whine about non-issues that are non-issues.
Getting stunned into moa and then dieing before it’s over is what’s really brutal. It is possible to get moa’ed with half or less energy, which results in having to eat pretty much all the damage you take during moa.
Just as much as “good players know how to avoid moa”….good players also know how to land moa and curb stomp your face during it’s duration while you can do nothing but maybe a dodge roll or two if you were lucky enough to get stun → Moa’ed with a full energy bar. It’s a pretty brutal offensive CC, there’s no getting around that.
I just think Moa needs to be treated more like a CC you aren’t supposed to hit. Ie, if you take x% of your health during it’s duration, it breaks. Or, you take significantly reduced damage/regen health during it’s duration.
Actually you CAN dodge in moa form. It just doesn’t animate. The bird just looks like you run slightly faster and you evade attacks normally, which is why a lot of people don’t even realize you can dodge roll during moa.
But considering it’s duration, and the fact that you can just as easily be crippled/stunned and be unable to use your cc breakers/defensive cd’s while in moa, the ability to dodge isn’t really that amazing (you might even get moa’ed while at half or no energy anyway).
wow… read the first post and wondered why you thought 2x moa pets is OP (which it kinda is), dont mind the mesmer moa myself, just gotta learn what skills you get
Downed state needs a few tweaks I think. Finishing moves are broken, the ability to speed them up, or use finish him from stealth needs to be looked at. Also, be thankful people havent learned that leaving a player downed can be a good thing. Most players will fight to get back up, just drop a few stacks of bleeding on them and continue the fight. after a minute of being downed players might realize that its best to just die and respawn.
Rangers ability to to command and switch pets in downed state. Is this a bug? because I can interrupt someones finishing move 4 times and chunk off around 30% of their health (more if its a glass cannon). Interrupt with 2nd downed skill, hit with 1st, f1 (pet target) f2 (moa stun cone) f4 (switch to a second moa) f1, f2 again, and if timed right (spamming rocks between) i can hit another 2nd skill to interrupt their 4th finishing move.
Take some time to study the downed skills each class gets and learn to counter them. I rarely use finishing moves in favor of just stacking conditions and beating on them with aoe’s. (warriors engineers and elementalists are the only classes i will actually try to use finishing moves on) If you hit them for over 1.5k then its not really worth using finishers, If you have more then 2 people, its a waste of time to use finishers, If you know they’re going to interrupt you, guess what its not worth doing
Now as it stands, if you can use stealth or apply quickness, it is worth doing a finisher, but i would consider it a waste of a quickness buff.
moa Bird -> run behind walls in 1o1 he cant kill you if u kite him. And use your own utility too. before or after.
You’re right, thats the way to counter moa. But since this game is objective based this will result in loosing a point.
And in a teamfight running behind a wall will really help your team.
- making 2v2’s 2v1’s, 3v3’s 2v3’s…
- capping points without problem since the enemy has to run away
I do think, that is over the top.
meh this thread thing is bugged.
CyrealKylla, no skills do 17k dmg to good players, those skills get +5x dmg to Kittens.
And the guy who said Moa Birds can’t Dodge needs to stop posting cause he doesn’t know anything about GW2.
(edited by Moderator)
sharks, lords, auto balance, underwater combat, burst, retaliation, haste, mesmers, guardians, 5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting, 10 second cc, bugged tournament chests, bugged skills, ‘its not OP you can dodge it’, ‘its not OP you just cant deal with it yet’, endless loading screens, magically removing conditions while touching the waters surface, magically going immune while touching the waters surface, lagspikes, bugged traits, downed state, imbalanced downed states, multiple classes with 1 shot abilties with lower cooldown than the 10 sec dodge regen, stupid scoring system, only 20% boost from winning, zerging in wvw, zerging in 8v8, one shotting trebs, cannons, release feeling worse than beta weekends, just a handful of maps, no arena like GW1, general lack of pvp attention from devs.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
sharks, lords, auto balance, underwater combat, burst, retaliation, haste, mesmers, guardians, 5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting, 10 second cc, bugged tournament chests, bugged skills, ‘its not OP you can dodge it’, ‘its not OP you just cant deal with it yet’, endless loading screens, magically removing conditions while touching the waters surface, magically going immune while touching the waters surface, lagspikes, bugged traits, downed state, imbalanced downed states, multiple classes with 1 shot abilties with lower cooldown than the 10 sec dodge regen, stupid scoring system, only 20% boost from winning, zerging in wvw, zerging in 8v8, one shotting trebs, cannons, release feeling worse than beta weekends, just a handful of maps, no arena like GW1, general lack of pvp attention from devs.
the fine: Sharks: np stop playin towel build; Lords: np easy; Auto balance:necessary evil,unless u wanto play 7v2; Burst: np refer to sharks; Retaliation: np refer to sharks; Mesmers: some classes kill them like cake others dont, its about your aoe;Guardians: refer to mesmers.10s CC:this isnt a 1v1 game.
it’s not OP you can dodge it: game is balance with dodge being considered,also refer to sharks.
1 shot abilities: refer to sharks, if u play with 1hp and 2armor u will get 1 shot yarr.Zergin in wvwvw: hard to get people to follow more finessed tactics; Zerging in 8v8: Pugs cant coordinate easily due to the amount of Kittens and no obviously worthy leader/TS. One shot cannons: refer to sharks.
no blabla like gw1: give it time it just came out they have other priorities atm.
The Bad: Underwater Combat: Bugged Kitten capricorn map needs to be removed till its fixed.
5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting:that could use a fix.Buggs need fixing but dont seem on high priority yet.
Hundred Blades is very hard to set up against competent players. You have to think outside of the box. Bull’s Rush isn’t the bees knees anymore (I think the predictability of Bulls Rush is why a lot of GS warriors are using the hammer as their secondary weapon now). It certainly isn’t an iWin button. The same goes for (to a lesser degree) Pistol Whip thieves. Moa on the other hand is a different beast entirely – it is an iWin button unless the mesmer sucks and allows you to run away. I’ve no idea who thought Moa was balanced.
Lmao how you can argue that 100b and PW is no OP and Mao is, is beyond me, you can still run away and evade as a bird, and it can only be cast once every 4 minutes and is easily dodged, what is the CD on PW and Hundred blades?? A lot less than 4 mins. These skills can be very effective when used at right time, but what were your teammates doing while you were running round like a headless chicken?? Did they not help out?? Sorry to say it again but this is not a 1v1 game they are team games and should be treated as such..
And these kind of posts are just getting boring, check the forums and post in one of the other thousand X class is OP threads
Sharks: np stop playin towel build; Burst: np refer to sharks; Retaliation: np refer to sharks; 1 shot abilities: refer to sharks, if u play with 1hp and 2armor u will get 1 shot yarr. One shot cannons: refer to sharks.
Who cares that a pvp game is filled with one shotting siege weapons and pve mobs in almost all of the maps and 200% attack speed buffs and permanent retailiation, braindead stuff. Resilience will fix it! xD Oh, i mean Toughness.
And yeah, it is a team game. That doesnt make MOA any shorter or less ridiculous. TEN SECOND cc guys, cmon, that kitten belongs in WoW. And luckily mesmers get an even better skill for teamfights! Group wide Haste! Moa is fine because its worse than Time Warp?
Also ‘its not OP you can dodge it’ is something everyone can use, its an empty statement that if everyone uses it, must mean that the game is completely balanced.
So where are my ‘dodge this or die’ skills like MOA and whateverskillcoupledwithkittenquickness? Why are they on a select few classes, and why are those the ones that say its fine? Gosh, i wonder. Why dont we give everykittenclass a button that kills people unless dodged. That will surely be an extremely enjoyable game guys! If everyone can one shot everyone we have balance!
Go on, buff everyone up to get their own Quickness buff. See how wonderful this game will become.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
Guys, seriously?
I may agree with Hundred Blades which is sub-par compared to Pistol Whip, these skills are clearly overpowered.
Pistol Whip has high damage, is spammable and has a stun in it. Of course you can counter it if you have a stun breaker in your build (which most the time has horrible cooldown), but the fact is that it outperforms all burst combo in the game and it is just one skill! You would say that there is HS which is better but it just proves that the whole thief profession is overpowered.
Moa Morph is the most dumb skill ever. You can’t state it is just fine when just one skill kicks out from the combat a player for whole 10 seconds and makes totally useless some builds (like minion master Necros) and almost all transformations.
If you were to see it in gvg with all classes getting around a 25% damage nerf in that format along with some other changes to ressing and a few other things.
It is then you would understand why they went this op for all direction during the casual formats.
Moa morph has a 3 minute or so recharge, and is only really effective if the team calls you as a target while morphed. It’s no different than a stun, however you can still runa round and use some kind of attacks.
True balanced in these formats would not be as fun as it is when you always are ressing and never even team battles.
True balanced is needed for competitive (gvg/arenas) but not casual (conquest/wvw).
See :
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
Gank sinatra summarized beautifully a the kitten kitten thats wrong with this game.
go ahead take away stun of PW, but then let us move while we cast it. PW should then interrupt a cast.
meh this thread thing is bugged.
CyrealKylla, no skills do 17k dmg to good players, those skills get +5x dmg to Kittens.And the guy who said Moa Birds can’t Dodge needs to stop posting cause he doesn’t know anything about GW2.
Any player running a dmg spec can get 17k burst in 3 seconds regardless of their skill lvl even with 3k toughness.
It’s called being rooted then pistol whiped @ backstabed. This game was meant for group PvP that’s why the game balance is destroyed when you add one class that can burst that easily with no skill curve.
If your such a skilled player then you shouldn’t mind it taking alot more button clicks then 3 to kill someone. Or are you so bad you need to spam 3 buttons to kill someone.
I can’t wait until they nerf Moa and every Mesmer switches to Time Warp. Then the real crying will begin.
meh this thread thing is bugged.
CyrealKylla, no skills do 17k dmg to good players, those skills get +5x dmg to Kittens.And the guy who said Moa Birds can’t Dodge needs to stop posting cause he doesn’t know anything about GW2.
Any player running a dmg spec can get 17k burst in 3 seconds regardless of their skill lvl even with 3k toughness.
It’s called being rooted then pistol whiped @ backstabed. This game was meant for group PvP that’s why the game balance is destroyed when you add one class that can burst that easily with no skill curve.
If your such a skilled player then you shouldn’t mind it taking alot more button clicks then 3 to kill someone. Or are you so bad you need to spam 3 buttons to kill someone.
your assumptions are faulty. firstly, a thief that pistol whips cant backstab, and the reverse.
also pistol whip, may be slightly OP, but it requires a lot of setup (and nearly all yoru skills complimenting you for setting up the PW).
backstab requires you blowing 4-9 ini to enter stealth depending on traits and weapon sets (or use a CD, 30 sec-1min). then when you see the thief disapear (stealth lasts 3-4 seconds, we cannot stealth out of view and have enough time to get into melee to backstab), you do what? id strongly suggest you MOVE YOUR FREAKING BUT, beacuse i gaurantee hes coming towards someone wit a dagger for a backstab. if he doesnt get a back backstab, it does about half the damage. maybe less.
backstabs are very high risk vs high reward, its easily thwarted by anyone with an ounce of ability. cant tell you how many times i go invis and NOBODY near me, even the person im attacking, tries to get away from where i am, they stand there and take the backstab some reason.
Wolfe I stopped reading after this “your assumptions are faulty. firstly, a thief that pistol whips cant backstab, and the reverse.”
1. Steal
2. Pistol Whip
3. Swap
4. Cloak and Dagger
5. Backstab
IF there still alive Heartseeker for the kill, and it guarentee’s a kill REGARDLESS OF ANY TARGETS TOUGHNESS you can use Inf. Strike if the target moved in the slighest before you swap.
You can do that EVERY 6 SECONDS, so you can kill any target every 6 seconds, wow lotta setup time there
But it is 5 clicks and thats usually WAYYYYY to complex for a rogue to use to kill someone
(edited by cyrealkylla.7145)
Wolfe I stopped reading after this “your assumptions are faulty. firstly, a thief that pistol whips cant backstab, and the reverse.”
1. Steal
2. Pistol Whip
3. Swap
4. Cloak and Dagger
5. BackstabIF there still alive Heartseeker for the kill, and it guarentee’s a kill REGARDLESS OF ANY TARGETS TOUGHNESS you can use Inf. Strike if the target moved in the slighest before you swap.
But it is 5 clicks and thats usually WAYYYYY to complex for a rogue to use to kill someone
proof you dont play thief worth a crap. offhand is shortbow or go home buddy. id LOVE to use a diff offhand, but shortbow offers too much. not too mention youll be spreading you utility skilsl thin trying to cover both ends, making you a one target kill then run away and hide (which may infuriate people but has little impact on team play)
its viable, posible, but is also redundant for anything but mindgames.
User succesfully ignored! is my new favorite message on these boards.
sharks, lords, auto balance, underwater combat, burst, retaliation, haste, mesmers, guardians, 5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting, 10 second cc, bugged tournament chests, bugged skills, ‘its not OP you can dodge it’, ‘its not OP you just cant deal with it yet’, endless loading screens, magically removing conditions while touching the waters surface, magically going immune while touching the waters surface, lagspikes, bugged traits, downed state, imbalanced downed states, multiple classes with 1 shot abilties with lower cooldown than the 10 sec dodge regen, stupid scoring system, only 20% boost from winning, zerging in wvw, zerging in 8v8, one shotting trebs, cannons, release feeling worse than beta weekends, just a handful of maps, no arena like GW1, general lack of pvp attention from devs.
Obama is overrated, GankSinatra for president.
I can’t wait until they nerf Moa and every Mesmer switches to Time Warp. Then the real crying will begin.
Nah, because the people crying aren’t playing serious PvP anyway where Time Warp matters.
Wolfe I stopped reading after this “your assumptions are faulty. firstly, a thief that pistol whips cant backstab, and the reverse.”
1. Steal
2. Pistol Whip
3. Swap
4. Cloak and Dagger
5. BackstabIF there still alive Heartseeker for the kill, and it guarentee’s a kill REGARDLESS OF ANY TARGETS TOUGHNESS you can use Inf. Strike if the target moved in the slighest before you swap.
But it is 5 clicks and thats usually WAYYYYY to complex for a rogue to use to kill someone
proof you dont play thief worth a crap. offhand is shortbow or go home buddy. id LOVE to use a diff offhand, but shortbow offers too much. not too mention youll be spreading you utility skilsl thin trying to cover both ends, making you a one target kill then run away and hide (which may infuriate people but has little impact on team play)
its viable, posible, but is also redundant for anything but mindgames.
Don’t spend a lot of time considering things, do you? Shortbow only offers Inf. Arrow unless you’re speccing to use it offensively. You can sacrifice a tiny bit of mobility with more attacking options with Swiftness on dodge and HS spamming across the map.
BTW, hit C&D and immediately pop steal. C&D will finish when you appear at your target giving you stealth 99% of the time. The only time it doesn’t is when you get unlucky and they dodge as you Steal in. Follow this up with a Backstab and voila! Easy opener. Don’t need u-skills at all for this. You -can- use your typical PW setup with immobilize venom so as soon as the backstab lands, you swap, pop Haste and proceed to burst them down. Not too difficult – I know because I’ve done it.
sPvp is not good atm balance wise and has few other serious issues, only thing that gives me hope is that everything can be fixed in 1 day and then on the other hand I dont see why arenanet is letting people leave 1 by 1 beacause they wont implement few simple changes.
heres a list they require little to no time:
1. winning needs to be a goal not farming glory so make it you get far more for win than for anything else
2. dicourage 8 people capping the same node by spliting the glory by number or people
3. tPvp needs leather
requires some more time but not that much
4. balance clasess so all are viable
5. condition damage needs to work better
If all that would be fixed game would be ok
hundred blades can be dodged.
pistolwhip use stunbreaker.
moa just run away from the illusions until you break out.
I can’t wait until they nerf Moa and every Mesmer switches to Time Warp. Then the real crying will begin.
Nah, because the people crying aren’t playing serious PvP anyway where Time Warp matters.
Im glad you guys arent even trying to hide how ridiculous Time Warp is. A false feeling of superiority seeps through your posts like ooze just like most mesmers, but at least you’re fair on time warp.
(edited by GankSinatra.2653)
Pistolwhip and hundred blades are fine.
Downed state is a nice mechanic that adds a lot of depth to teamfights.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Thieves with shortbow can get rid of mesmer clones with cluster bomb and trickshot.