Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


So guys.. whats your opinion? We have PAID tournaments almost a week running.

I have to say.. the quality of PAID is totaly different from Free ones. No doubt my team need to work harder to be competitive in this format.

I see so many different strategies now, what worked well in the pass doesnt work on really organized teams. Games are faster, and much more closer. I have seen trully close 15 min games and at that point .. i said.. wow.. that could be really interesting for spectators now. With a good casting it definitelly has the potencial to be funny for observers.

One think i realized after playing few of them is that this format is trully also dividing our player base into two groups.. you even are able to stay in paid format or you dont. At that point im not really sure if is the goal of this tournaments to be that hard – because in EU primetime we had waiting times longer than 10 minutes to start the tournaments, and also we offten meet same teams – leading me to interesting question.. What is the waiting time in non-prime time? and howmany teams trully can compette in this?

Anyway, im glad this format is here. It give me another goal, and just to see how big step in quality from free to paid it is.. im trully looking fowarad to see custom tournaments and mainly spectator mode !

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


The paid experience so far is good leaving aside the que times on certain servers at different times , alot of rly good teams with very good setups , the rewards could be better atleast they upped the glory from chests. My only gripe is that anet needs to stop allowing class changes mid game and at the begging of the game too many counter , copycat possibilities it will be alot more balanced without this.

play hard , go pro.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


The paid experience so far is good leaving aside the que times on certain servers at different times , alot of rly good teams with very good setups , the rewards could be better atleast they upped the glory from chests. My only gripe is that anet needs to stop allowing class changes mid game and at the begging of the game too many counter , copycat possibilities it will be alot more balanced without this.

yea, que times (btw its not servers its datacenters so we have only 2 datacenters EU and US). And due to that – it seems that there is much less team playing.

and you totaly right.. this make the tournament a bit broken.. I have to say once again. Whole team should go inside the map as one when they really are ready and from that point there should be no way back.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Jony.6815


I actually like the character swap in tournaments. It offers so much variety to the team setups that i think it can be really positive. But i would make it more “competitive” and less random. In my opinion teams should have 3 options to swap characters, and use them wisely during the tournament, just like in football. This can be an addition to the strategies or just a random bug abuse anet hasnt decided how to fix yet. I like more the first option.

Sadcleric ( TNT)

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I actually like the character swap in tournaments. It offers so much variety to the team setups that i think it can be really positive. But i would make it more “competitive” and less random. In my opinion teams should have 3 options to swap characters, and use them wisely during the tournament, just like in football. This can be an addition to the strategies or just a random bug abuse anet hasnt decided how to fix yet. I like more the first option.

Sadcleric ( TNT)

well, i see your point but i still have to consider that one game is 15min maximum. In a close game switch in during the game could mean a totaly different strategy as you probably going to direct counter something. It could be then too much advantage leading to capping point and then you got your advantage.

Im preffering to see balanced builds that are build arrount “answer to anything” then going direct counterbuilds.

But thats just my opinion of course. Lets stay on topic..

What is your experience with PAID tournaments? like? dont like? any comments?

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


love them, finally we dont have to sync queue to play against good teams. Queue times are a bit long but I am fine with it.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


quality improved a lot.. thats for sure somehow i have a feeling we see same groups more and more offten.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


best thing ever… all they need to do is nerf portals so ppl stop using those annoying 2 mesmers in kyhlo

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I think the barrier to entry hurts people from consecutively playing. Dropping the ticket requirement from 5 to 2 or 3 would go a long way to allow more interested parties to play more often.

Other things that concern me:
Guardian block bug – currently seeing a lot of teams run double guardian bunks mainly for this reason.

Teleporting through walls (especially on Khylo). Way to much buggy mobility, I feel like this is severely overlooked.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: juanma.9813


Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments – after a week?

Insufficient sPvP content and other thing, why the map order is always the same? OMG! Make it random and add Capricorn in the random rotation.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I think the barrier to entry hurts people from consecutively playing. Dropping the ticket requirement from 5 to 2 or 3 would go a long way to allow more interested parties to play more often.

Other things that concern me:
Guardian block bug – currently seeing a lot of teams run double guardian bunks mainly for this reason.

Teleporting through walls (especially on Khylo). Way to much buggy mobility, I feel like this is severely overlooked.

Agree with everything you said.. here..

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


The payment scheme is definitely needs work…I think a charge per round you reach is better. What will happen soon is that only the top teams will queue (as teams who don’t win 90% will run out of tickets), giving very long and tedious queue times.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


bad premades are losing and going back to farming pugs in free tournies, therefore good premades will continue to have longer queue times and casuals will continue to be spawn camped in free tournies or stuck playing horrible hot join matches.

Until there is a ranking/ladder system this actually made things worse across the board in the big picture.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I would like the tickets to enter decreased if only to drop the que times primetime where I’m at is around a 5min que but out of primetime its 35mins plus I love the competitiveness though as it makes for very fun matches.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Not sure if fun, or just extra work to counter good players using the dual bunker & mesmer setup.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Arc.9374


bad premades are losing and going back to farming pugs in free tournies, therefore good premades will continue to have longer queue times and casuals will continue to be spawn camped in free tournies or stuck playing horrible hot join matches.

Until there is a ranking/ladder system this actually made things worse across the board in the big picture.

Not sure if fun, or just extra work to counter good players using the dual bunker & mesmer setup.

It saddens me greatly that I have little to contribute to this thread except my disappointment. Who would have thought that pushing shiny new toys despite the metagame/ranking problems (or lack thereof) would have such predictable consequences…


Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Saunby.5836


No multiple classes should be available in paid as this can make a game really unfair, just 1 class restriction implementation would be great. Teams then can’t have 2 guardians or anything else like that such as a 5 man guardian or thief team.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: TheZeus.8617


Just make it so that each round costs 1 ticket.. you make it to next another and last another so in all 3 tickets instead of 5…. the way it is atm for tickets no one is wanting to Q b/c the prices are to high.

Athena War Goddess
[TWIN] Anvil Rock

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


So basically we see two ways how to improve?

1) Balance the entry ticket price? The goal should be to allow more premades entry?
2) only one class type allowed – so no double guardians, no double mesmer teams?

First im really for balancing the ticket price. 5 tickets will lead to the point where even the best guilds will start to loose tournaments and will be forced to go back. Its simply the mechanic, and only matter of time. There always be someone who will loose games..

I hope this topic will get some dev attention as i would like to see the Devs point of view and maybe they do have real data from servers (what is the waiting time?, howmany teams is there? etc).

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


I love paid tournaments. Much more challenging and entertaining than free ones. Ask anyone from top teams – they’ll take a decent match over pug stomping any day.

On the other hand, I agree with the points made here. Barrier of entry is quite high for new teams. People losing in 1st round can easily get discouraged since they get nothing back for the 5 tickets they put in. I realize this mode is meant to be very competitive, but having people give up paids will only hurt everyone else doing them, due to long ques.

This problem mainly exists for teams that won’t make it past 1st round. Getting 4 tickets back for making it to the 3rd and 4th place is fine.
I can see two ways out of this situation – either implementing ladders ASAP or increasing reward for coming in on 5th-8th place a bit. Even giving 2 tickets back would help. Anything that would

On the other hand we need to remember Anet is still a company that needs to make profit, selling tickets for real money being one of the ways to achieve it.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

people only come to forums to QQ, who has no problems will not bother with forums most of the times.

The entry fee is not too high, the average team, will not run out of tikets, and will even be able to buy some cosmetics. All of my friends who play the game casually, have gained tikets, and bought charter slots and skins.

The hardcore teams, have infinite tikets, and loads of gems already, i think the rewards might even be a little too high.

If everyone was supposed to play PT, there would be no fee, the teams who run out of tikets, need to improve a little more, before playing PT again.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Im actually here to find pepople like you who can discuss and give their opinions. But its true forums are more and more just for QQ.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


I love paid tournaments, the quality of games has vastly improved. No need anymore to sync, you just apply and play. Que times are reasonable.
Btw you only need to win 1/3 of your PT to play PT forever, if you cant win 1/3 of your PT you just need to be better, whats the big deal? But I agree there needs to be a “league” between topteams and PUGs. I guess qualifying points come into play soon.
Considering balance, there will always be a best setup or at least a setup that is superior to other setups, so why kitten yourself if you want to win? Its not like it takes forever to get a new lvl 80 char to PVP with.


Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Darrgen.1672


The cost of entry is a big problem and nobody should be debating this, even the teams that dont lose. Why? it’s simple q times are already bad and this is after several monthes of not being able to spend tickets due to only having free tournies. After a month you will see even primetime q’ing will be 30+mins of waiting for pops. I see it only spiraling downward as time goes by, not getting better. Take yesterday for example. We que’d up at around 6:30 eastern time and waited for 30 minutes with no pop, there was some reasoning behind this(big storm and a lot of people were w/o power/internet) but it should not have been enough to not even allow for a single session of paid tournies going on. This is just barely a week after the release of paid tournies.

I like some of the ideas in this thread especially the entry fee per round. This will allow for teams a chance for advancement. Only thing i would change is if it was only 1 ticket per round, you would have to remove rewards for first round losers because 1 ticket for a chest win or lose would be far too cheap.