(edited by Vain.1029)
Why can't I PVP with my friends in the Battle Grounds?
Matchmaking is already really stupid.
Just yesterday I hot-joined and hit play now. And instead of filling a server that was near capacity, it threw me into a 1v1 match. Many many times do I get put into matches with 2-3 people in it.
League of Legends does it best, copy that. Shouldn’t be hard to implement. Solo queue, duo queue, ranked teams queue, unranked teams queue. That caters to all types of gamers.
This is easily the worst game design in any MMO in history, and it’ll likely be the reason why my friends and I won’t stay in GW2.
At least copy MOBA games where there are different matchmaking systems for solo players/duo players and full teams.
It’s an MMO where you can’t play with your friends without going through loads of trouble. Yes, you can join the same game in the game browser and yes, you can swap teams fairly easily. But when the 3 matches end you’ll need to do go back to the gamebrowser and rejoin since it’s not going to keep you on the same gameserver beyond that point.
Terrible, terrible design.
So you’d have to wait for another same size group to queue for the same server out of 235 servers? And hope that there would still be room for both groups? That is simply idiotic.
Not if the groups were only allowed to be 2-3 people.
Yes, it’s still idiotic. You have to wait for another group to pick the ONE server you picked out of over 200 (that’s less than 0.5% chance) and hope that there’s still enough room for both groups.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Remember that you can join a tournament with a partial roster and it will match you with the players necessary to fill your team while still allowing you to play on the same team as your friends.
Yea Jon, but we’re hearing reports that getting matched against other premades is “challenging”, whereas many would like to gather all their friends and play against unorganized teams in a more “casual” format.
Yea Jon, but we’re hearing reports that getting matched against other premades is “challenging”, whereas many would like to gather all their friends and play against unorganized teams in a more “casual” format.
ah, i see the problem. some people want to steamroll, but they don’t want to BE steamrolled. my heart is bleeding for them.
no, seriously, it is.
stupid heartseeker.
I’d like to chime in if I may. I think the problem is that there is no middle ground. Right now you either go to sPvP for casual play or Tournament. The problem with tournament is that the few times I’ve tried it, it’s always my group of totally random people against a fully organized guild. All I really want is for team sizes to decrease, make it 5v5, the size that’s considered competitive. I’m sure a lot of players share my wish.
It would also be nice to have some more game modes or maps, anything other than leaving it as it is now.
This wont be as much an issue once paid tourneys are in. You’ll have Free and paid and most “Pro” teams will be in the paid tourneys freeing up the free for more casual play. Only time will tell though.
Remember that you can join a tournament with a partial roster and it will match you with the players necessary to fill your team while still allowing you to play on the same team as your friends.
Oh ok, then no worries. :p
I’d like to chime in if I may. I think the problem is that there is no middle ground. Right now you either go to sPvP for casual play or Tournament. The problem with tournament is that the few times I’ve tried it, it’s always my group of totally random people against a fully organized guild.
You do understand that if you allow too easily for groups to play together in sPvP mode, you’ll get the same result there you got in tournament right?
Remember that you can join a tournament with a partial roster and it will match you with the players necessary to fill your team while still allowing you to play on the same team as your friends.
We don’t want to do 5v5 tournaments, we want to do 8v8 normal bgs. Every other MMO i have ever played has let you play normal PvP with groups, and premades have never been a huge problem. Sure, you run into them every once in a long while, but with how easy it is to change servers on this game, it will not be a problem. Also, if you make it so only small groups of 2-3 can join, then it really won’t be a problem.
So you’d have to wait for another same size group to queue for the same server out of 235 servers? And hope that there would still be room for both groups? That is simply idiotic.
Not if the groups were only allowed to be 2-3 people.
Yes, it’s still idiotic. You have to wait for another group to pick the ONE server you picked out of over 200 (that’s less than 0.5% chance) and hope that there’s still enough room for both groups.
How idiotic are you? All you have to do is make it so groups can only join games though the Hot Join feature, problem solved.kitten that was easy. You will still probably have to sit in a queue for a little while, but I would much rather wait a few minutes to be able to play with my friends.
I’m glad Anet gets it. Now if the rest can just wrap their heads around it.
The “inability” to play with your friends is the only thing that prevents games from become “stomp the pubs”. Premade teams have ruined PvP in every MMO since forever, even GW that didn’t allow you to easily group had people syncing and pub stomping.
Randomized teams is the way to go.
We don’t want to do 5v5 tournaments, we want to do 8v8 normal bgs. Every other MMO i have ever played has let you play normal PvP with groups, and premades have never been a huge problem.
And every other MMO with PvP you have played has been bad.
You’re also simply not paying attention if you don’t think premades made them even worse than they already were.
If you weren’t wanting to just pubstomp, you’d be fine playing against your friends every few games. Me and my RL friends actually find it more interesting playing against each other occasionally. The insistence that you always play with people you have on teamspeak just shows that all you really want to do is steamroll some pugs.
I’m glad Anet gets it. Now if the rest can just wrap their heads around it.
The “inability” to play with your friends is the only thing that prevents games from become “stomp the pubs”. Premade teams have ruined PvP in every MMO since forever, even GW that didn’t allow you to easily group had people syncing and pub stomping.
Randomized teams is the way to go.
this one is right. Want to play with friends? Play tournaments!
I was extremely disappointed when I found out you could not queue for a sPVP match together with friends. I hope Anet does something to fix this
Ulari I’m no developer, and maybe your idea is feasible, but I think it makes too many assumptions about how to rate teams, and may have a high chance to incorrectly match players up. I think you are over-engineering the solution and introducing too many new problems.
First, thanks to milo (and Vayra) for their constructive and reasonable responses.
I do fall into the trap of suggesting a solution.
To be completely clear I’ll try and stick with requirements (requests):
— I want to group with my friends and compete in sPvP.
— I do not want to PUG (pick-up-group) stomp.
— I do not want to have to coordinate a tournament team when I have only two additional friends online.
— I do not want to ‘fight the system’ to join my friends (switching teams during the match).
I know I can play in sPvP with my friends now by joining their match and switching teams when I have to, so playing with friends is possible… it is just cumbersome.
Final note:
With no matchmaking system, PUG stomping is also possible… form your group, join your friend’s match, switch sides if you have to, stomp.
So you’d have to wait for another same size group to queue for the same server out of 235 servers? And hope that there would still be room for both groups?
No, you make it so that if you want to buddy-queue with another person and stay on the same team, it will ONLY work if you use hot join, and you can’t pick a specific server. The system can be made to congregate all such player+buddy pairs on a relatively constrained set of servers, rather than all 235. They could even make it so that solo hot joiners never get put in these.
This, and just either hide, or clearly note these designated servers are for group/friend spvping.
I understand the need to stop pub stomping as it can really negatively impact the whole experience, but I do wish there was a more casual way to play with friends. Not everyone wants to take it to the next level and play tournaments.
Given your requirements, it seems that free tournaments are exactly what you are looking for. These will become much more appealing once paid tournaments are introduced, since “skilled” players would be more occupied with that. I understand that you strongly wish to play with your friends in a casual pvp setting, but there may not exist a scenario the developers would accept where groups can play pug spvp together easily. In my opinion they are justified in the interest of fairness.
— I want to group with my friends and compete in sPvP.
We all do! tpvp allows us to play with our friends easily.
— I do not want to PUG (pick-up-group) stomp.
Well, even if you don’t, other people certainly would. If there is any possibility that abuse can happen in this regard, I think it’s in everyone’s interest to stop it.
— I do not want to have to coordinate a tournament team when I have only two additional friends online.
You’ve already got 3/5 people. You only need to enter a free tournament and you will automatically be given the last 2 players you need. Automatically! you don’t need to “coordinate” anything. This is almost identical to being in a regular spvp server with 2 of your friends and 2 randoms on the same team. What’s the difference? The difference is that in tournaments you will fight challenging and organized opponents sometimes. Or you will fight another team that had a partial roster like you did. This is more fair in my opinion than allowing you and your friends to face off against 5 other completely random people.
— I do not want to ‘fight the system’ to join my friends (switching teams during the match).
This is normal. In many games with similar systems it’s expected that players would like to organize onto one side. It’s not impossible, it’s just difficult. Many people simply stop trying.
The “inability” to play with your friends is the only thing that prevents games from become “stomp the pubs”. Premade teams have ruined PvP in every MMO since forever,
So two people playing together and communicating via teamspeak can easily stomp the opposing team – that’s 8 vs 2 … seems legit o_ô
I can see why they’re not letting whole groups play together and I’m fine with that. That would ruin it. I’d just like to be able to play with one (or maybe two) of my friends and I don’t think that would be a big issue.
Today I was playing with two of my friends and in most games we were on the same team anyway and we did not just stomp everything. Tbh I get my posterior handed to me on a regular basis … It’s just frustrating when two of your friends are on the opposing team :|
We just want to play some casual PvP and we’d like to play together. I think they should allow two or three friends to stay on one team. The other 5 people – the majority of team – would still be random people.
Tournaments aren’t really an option for me, because as I already said, we’re just looking for some casual fun. I don’t want to spend hours looking for other people, disucssing strategies, etc etc.
Just give us Alliance Battles or something similar. Please?
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?
Tournaments aren’t really an option for me, because as I already said, we’re just looking for some casual fun. I don’t want to spend hours looking for other people, disucssing strategies, etc etc.
You can enter with a partial roster, and it will automatically fill in your remaining players. Lots of people use the free tournament system to play with a friend. You don’t need to discuss strategy if you don’t want to. Just enter and play. Try it.
I don’t want to spend hours looking for other people, disucssing strategies, etc etc.
Free tournaments sound like the thing for you!
I feel as long as there’s no ladderboard, scoreboard or stats implemented with sPvP, premade teams should not be allowed. If I am facing a friend, I feel glad there’s no true harm in it. Nothing permanent will result of it.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
Try it.
I did. And no thank you. Don’t know whether we were simply unlucky, but facing an organized guild team with 3 randoms isn’t fun at all.
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?
Try it.
I did. And no thank you. Don’t know whether we were simply unlucky, but facing an organized guild team with 3 randoms isn’t fun at all.
not unlucky… i bet i around 80% of my games vs 5 man premade, but it will get smoother when paid tournaments are working
-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-
Try it.
I did. And no thank you. Don’t know whether we were simply unlucky, but facing an organized guild team with 3 randoms isn’t fun at all.
i know! it’s awful, isn’t it? maybe you should do the normal spvp, then you’ll get put into more random groups which won’t have any premades, and the fight will be fair for everyone…
So, can anyone give a straightforward reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to stick with a group of no more than 3 players in hot join games? The common answers are not compelling. This entire thread I’ve only heard: A. Because we don’t want pubstomping. B. Because some of us already deal with it well enough. and C. Because Tournaments.
A. I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. At all costs, we should avoid allowing players to pubstomp. But it is reasonable to assume three (or two) players will not carry a game. More importantly, it is unreasonable to assume that 3 players on a team of 8 will pubstomp each and every game in sequence. That’s ridiculous. Even if they win more games overall, it does not mean they won in such a way that ruined the fun for the other team. And it’s not as if we’ve eliminated stomping as is; the team scrambler already stacks teams now and then, so that games are entirely thrown to one side. Allowing 2-3 man groups, in all likelihood, will not change the status quo.
B. If you enjoy sometimes being switched to the other team, against your friend/sibling/fiancee, then I’m happy for you. Truly, I am. Perhaps you have enough time to make up for it with cooperative play later on. Perhaps you’re just patient. Either way, it’s good that you can get the most out of the game. On the other hand, I do not have extra time. And when I’m already pressed for time, it’s difficult to be patient.
Many weeks I only get to game with my friends for an hour. Maybe an hour and a half. Not all of our friends at once, mind you. Just two of us together at a time; three if we’re lucky. That’s all games, all modes; not just GW2 PvP. Most of the other weeks we never get to play together at all. We are all busy Adults. We have jobs, school, family, hobbies, and other pressing matters. We don’t get to lay back and ride out the bumps in the game whenever we feel like it. Fighting tooth and nail with our schedules is the only way to play. So when we sit down to PvP we want to play together. At this point, most of us don’t even own GW2 for the simple fact that group PvP isn’t guaranteed outside of tournaments. Those of us who do, love it. But it’s difficult to convince others to join when we can make no promises.
C. Yes, I do think it’s hypocritical to vehemently protest group play in non-tournaments, but then happily encourage pug play within tournaments, as if they weren’t one and the same situation. But that is not why I feel tournaments are an inadequate answer to the lack of 2-3 man groups in hot-join. The simple answer is this: people go to tournaments in order to play serious and win, and that is not why I PvP on GW2.
Jumping into a tourney, pug or otherwise, has a certain set of social rules: You’re going to try to win to the best of your ability, screwing around is strictly prohibited, and you’re going to stay dedicated to the match (bathroom breaks, beer breaks, the puppy/child/spouse needs attention breaks, or any other kinds of breaks are violations of dedication). This doesn’t work for me, nor does it work for my friends. All that’s wanted is some good old face smashing without people getting let down when we need to run off for this or that for a few minutes. And we do let people down when we pug tourneys only to break the rules. We don’t want to; unfortunately, sometimes we have to.
So, please, I entreat all of you who have fought against the suggestion: find me a reason to be more happy with the current state of things than I would if 2-3 player groups had team priority in non-tournament sPvP. If any rational reason exists to prove it would make the game worse, I am all ears. Until then, I only see potential improvement.
Edited because I accidentally a word.
(edited by Pinder.5261)
So, please, I entreat all of you who have fought against the suggestion: find me a reason to be more happy with the current state of things than I would if 2-3 player groups had team priority in non-tournament sPvP. If any rational reason exists to prove it would make the game worse, I am all ears. Until then, I only see potential improvement.
Looks like you already know all of the reasons, you just don’t care and want to pubstomp.
I want to que up with friends and do a few battle Grounds. Why wont it let us? It really needs to be fixed. Yes i know SPVP but we are just wanting to relax and have fun. This needs to be fixed!
You can play with your friends via tournaments. We will continue as well to improve the ability to play with friends in pickup games, but it will always be somewhat limited because we do not want large groups of guilds pub stomping the pick up games.
^This is what i have been telling people who complain about this all along and how that was probably the case.I did not know it for a fact yet but i do now.
Most responded with blind rage on how i was wrong and that it was just case of lazy coding and that eventually groups can enter current open matches. Guess i was right all along.
I think it was a great to keep pre-mades out of open matches. Sometimes you just want to pop in to test out a build or just for a more relaxed match or w/e but finding out you are up against a pre-made that basically only enters to destroy pugs and feel better because of it would kill the open matches fast.
(edited by Smackjack.5071)
If you have a friend you want to play with join the same game some games you will be on the same side other you will fight no matter what its fun.
If you have a friend you want to play with join the same game some games you will be on the same side other you will fight no matter what its fun.
Indeed i agree. I play most MMO’s together with my GF and we play GW2 together including pvp. We enter open matches together on the same server and we know but don’t care that we can be matched up against each other because it is simply like you just said , fun. And this is why we play open matches. Whenever we want the more controlled and competitive environment we join a tournament together, i really don’t see a reason for the massive qq to have the ability for pre-mades to enter open matches against pugs other then wanting to play with a unfair and pathetic advantage.
If you have a friend you want to play with join the same game some games you will be on the same side other you will fight no matter what its fun.
Indeed i agree. I play most MMO’s together with my GF and we play GW2 together including pvp. We enter open matches together on the same server and we know but don’t care that we can be matched up against each other because it is simply like you just said , fun. And this is why we play open matches. Whenever we want the more controlled and competitive environment we join a tournament together, i really don’t see a reason for the massive qq to have the ability for pre-mades to enter open matches against pugs other then wanting to play with a unfair and pathetic advantage.
Cause people can’t show there e peen without friends.
would be really nice to have a guild que, so we can do 8v8 matches with our guild, even if it is premade vs premade only. This is GUILD wars afterall isnt it? 0.o
The name Guild Wars has nothing to do with Players being in guilds.
Back on topic. I have to agree with A.Net on this one. Even though PVP is broken and the balance is crap. Letting pre-made groups stomp pugs is not good.
LMAO then you obviously never played GW1 because he basically just asked for GvG by name, an 8v8 of only GUILDIES. so yea…..
Allow groups of 2 at least. That shouldn’t be too influential.
The answers were already posted earlier in the thread.
1. Party up and you’ll get the option when you right click on a friend already in a server to join friend in pvp (I believe you both need to be on each others friend list)
2. Play in tournaments
I find the balance is screwed up even more because i don’t want to kill my more casual pvp friend I just end up telling him where i am and avoiding him until we can eventually switch to the same team. Because you guys removed the gear difference there really inst a large skill gap between casual’s and hardcore players, other than their builds which are easy to google or find on forums, and an incredibly small amount of players who play professional tournaments. In Wow i took fighting premades as a fun challenge with my friend, it was really only the gear that didn’t make it feel fair not the fact they had a little better communication.
Maybe to improve it you could add some small voice commands like in fps like v+1 attack keep v+2 attack mine v+3 low on health. This would help casual’s or maybe higher if you chose to spend lets say 20k glory on a commander emblem for Spvp you can assign points for people to attack or defend.
I would be up for groups of 3 to join Spvp together, without getting auto balanced!, if people are completely against this maybe add in a tab with matches where you can only play solo.
Tournaments just aren’t an answer to this because of the long wait times between matches , i very rarely get into a match where both teams ready up before the waiting timer is up, maybe 1 in 10 matches.
So, can anyone give a straightforward reason why we shouldn’t be allowed to stick with a group of no more than 3 players in hot join games? The common answers are not compelling. This entire thread I’ve only heard: A. Because we don’t want pubstomping. B. Because some of us already deal with it well enough. and C. Because Tournaments.
A. I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. At all costs, we should avoid allowing players to pubstomp. But it is reasonable to assume three (or two) players will not carry a game. More importantly, it is unreasonable to assume that 3 players on a team of 8 will pubstomp each and every game in sequence. That’s ridiculous. Even if they win more games overall, it does not mean they won in such a way that ruined the fun for the other team. And it’s not as if we’ve eliminated stomping as is; the team scrambler already stacks teams now and then, so that games are entirely thrown to one side. Allowing 2-3 man groups, in all likelihood, will not change the status quo.
It will, when I play my elementalist on the same server as one of the guardians in my guild we have never lost a game when we get put on the same side. 1 good player can tip the balance on any map, 2 good players who communicate with each other on vent/ts/mumble is going to crush any opponents who do not have 2 players on voice comm together. To give you one example, he was defending the clock tower on Kyhlo while I was manning the treb. Whenever he was under attack he would call for assistance and I pelted the area with rocks. He held the point alone with only my little support for the entire game, against as much as 4 or 5 opponents. He was occasionally downed, but I managed to get a kill with the treb every time to bring him back up again. 2 people working together is an insane advantage and should not be possible to guarantee.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
sPVP is suppose to be with randoms… and for the whole so many friends why dont we try to incorparte different brackets instead of 5v5 like do 2v2 3v3 etc.. itll help alot of complaints to be resovled
i would love that, 2v2 / 3v3 tournament modes would make a lot of sense. And if special maps were needed, take your time and make them. me and countless other pvp lovers could organize small teams with one or two RL friends or guild buddys.
possibly but i have no problem seeing people head for a base from the treb and killing them with it. The problem you are talking about isnt premade’s its the fact players who are good at pvp and do it often can be put against newer players.
In Rift game on my server there was long queue times for pvp so we were always rolling small groups of 2-3 people to enter games faster.
You dont imagine how many times my 10 man team was 80% made of my guild small pvp groups stacked together and using voicechat = roflstomped pvp battlegrounds.
Not that fun when u farm pvp ranks (but efficient of course) not fun at all for opposing random team.
If you want play team vs team go tournament. Leave the random matches for random groups.
Remember that you can join a tournament with a partial roster and it will match you with the players necessary to fill your team while still allowing you to play on the same team as your friends.
Hello, let me first start by saying for the most part PvP is a blast and it would be great if i could give my two cents. Ive played over 100 rounds of sPvP at this point, and will say ive played maybe 5% games where it was even close. 95% of the time the score ends up being 500 to 200. I personally at this point dont have a problem with this because there isnt a huge reward for winning and its mostly a zergfest.. so if one team is going to get stomped.. why not let us have more fun stomping / being stomped with our friends.
My second thing id like to point out is you are by no means a small game, GW2 is huge and the words only spreading, i really see no need for auto-balance especially since leavers are linked towards the other team losing. Why not make the game a que system similar to other MMO’s instead of picking from a giant list of servers? This will make it so that if a game has a leaver no one will need to swap cause the next person in cue will be swapped into the game.
The only thing holding me back from loving sPvP right now is the inability to play with my friends which i think is absurd. If anything tPvP pub stomping is a issue, if i have 2 friends we cant get on the same team for sPvP, if we go to Tournament PvP we can win the first round, but the second round is always fully premade guilds.. so you really need to make sPvP group joinable for people that arent 5+ people.
It will, when I play my elementalist on the same server as one of the guardians in my guild we have never lost a game when we get put on the same side. 1 good player can tip the balance on any map, 2 good players who communicate with each other on vent/ts/mumble is going to crush any opponents who do not have 2 players on voice comm together. To give you one example, he was defending the clock tower on Kyhlo while I was manning the treb. Whenever he was under attack he would call for assistance and I pelted the area with rocks. He held the point alone with only my little support for the entire game, against as much as 4 or 5 opponents. He was occasionally downed, but I managed to get a kill with the treb every time to bring him back up again. 2 people working together is an insane advantage and should not be possible to guarantee.
I really appreciate the decent response, thanks for that. Your argument has merits; so when I follow up with the rebuttal I don’t mean to suggest that I do not believe your statement at all. Just that I feel it isn’t an entirely accurate assessment.
It’s true, two or three players in communication with each other have an advantage. But that’s true of any two or three players who communicate. If you put 2 or 3 good PvPers, all of whom are very vocal about where they’re going and what they’re doing, together at random on the same team, they produce much the same effect as a group of three friends. In fact, I would argue that three random, great PvPers who use in-game chat can be better off than three average PvPers who have Vent, especially when it comes to overarching strategy and unique mechanic utilization (trebs).
The gap probably feels larger right now because the general player base rarely speaks at all. Most of us are inexperienced, overly focused on our skill usage, and otherwise shy from taking the lead with an attempt to organize the team. Any communication at all will create a significant advantage against that situation. Once players become more accustomed to the general play, you’ll probably see more communication in total, and having two or three in direct contact won’t make such a massive difference. They will still have an advantage of some measure, certainly. Just not so severe.
As an empirical counter argument: when I duo up with another friend, we generally lose just as many matches as when alone. Why? Because we aren’t super awesome PvPers. We, like most who play this game, are just average people. Our ability to team up doesn’t guarantee a win.
And even for those players (like yourself) who do manage to win more with your friends: winning doesn’t always mean stomping. Anet has done a great job creating an ecosystem where close, and even moderate, losses can be the best fun. We don’t want anyone to stomp. But winning is not necessarily pubstomping. Many times it’s just simply winning.
LMAO then you obviously never played GW1 because he basically just asked for GvG by name, an 8v8 of only GUILDIES. so yea…..
Guild Wars is named after The Guild Wars, not the PvP mode. Go look it up on the official Wiki, if you don’t believe me.
the massive qq
I wonder how long it will take for people to grow up and realize there’s a difference between blind stupid “QQ” and simply criticizing something … sigh
finding out you are up against a pre-made that basically only enters to destroy pugs and feel better because of it would kill the open matches fast.
Yeah sure. Because 2 or 3 premade people can totally destroy the opposing team …
No one’s asking for a whole premade team to be able to stick together. People just want to play with their friends and tournaments are not an option (as they’re far from casual friendly). I don’t see why it’s so hard to understand that some people just want to play some casual PvP with their friends …
Looks like you already know all of the reasons, you just don’t care and want to pubstomp.
You do like to troll a lot, don’t you?
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?
LMAO then you obviously never played GW1 because he basically just asked for GvG by name, an 8v8 of only GUILDIES. so yea…..
Guild Wars is named after The Guild Wars, not the PvP mode. Go look it up on the official Wiki, if you don’t believe me.
the massive qq
I wonder how long it will take for people to grow up and realize there’s a difference between blind stupid “QQ” and simply criticizing something … sigh
finding out you are up against a pre-made that basically only enters to destroy pugs and feel better because of it would kill the open matches fast.
Yeah sure. Because 2 or 3 premade people can totally destroy the opposing team …
No one’s asking for a whole premade team to be able to stick together. People just want to play with their friends and tournaments are not an option (as they’re far from casual friendly). I don’t see why it’s so hard to understand that some people just want to play some casual PvP with their friends …
Looks like you already know all of the reasons, you just don’t care and want to pubstomp.
You do like to troll a lot, don’t you?
Ehm 2 or 3 people that are in coms with each other against a team that isn’t can totally decimate the opposing team. It would make for a huge imbalance. Others have already pointed this out in here.
And yes it is massive QQ since there is already a option to play matches as a group. Why you so badly need to enter open matches that consists mainly of pugs is beyond me.
(edited by Smackjack.5071)
i think there is a bit of misunderstanding or maybe i misunderstood:
op asked for 8v8, everyone is confusing it with 5v5.
anet says: they don’t want 8guildmate stomping pubs. that’s right.
you can follow a friend by friend list->right click on friend-> join match pvp etc
that don’t give you 100% chance to be in team with him.
if you want to be sure you are with your friend, you can party and start tourney, you can be 1,2,3,4,premade. easy
And yes it is massive QQ since there is already a option to play matches as a group. Why you so badly need to enter open matches that consists mainly of pugs is beyond me.
I don’t want to play with a complete group in hot join matches, because yes, that would totally ruin the experience for the opposing team. I just want to be able to play some casual (i.e. no tournaments – these are far from casual!) PvP with (one or maybe two of) my friends. I don’t care whether they open up hot join matches for small groups or implement a completely new PvP mode. Just because some people complaining about this issue might enjoy stomping pugs, doesn’t mean that everybody with the same concern does -.-’
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?
Ehm 2 or 3 people that are in coms with each other against a team that isn’t can totally decimate the opposing team. It would make for a huge imbalance. Others have already pointed this out in here.
And others have also pointed out that 2-3 player groups in communication can make little to no difference. So which is it? We’re all operating on hearsay and anecdotal evidence when we say 2-3 man groups do or do not stomp entire games. It is not a valid talking point. I mean, bring out all the stories you want of what happened when you teamed up with a bro and won games (or not). But they do not constitute verifiable proof of what would happen should small party (3 players or less) groups be guaranteed team placement. The environment and the variables would be different. The stories do not necessarily translate.
Short of Arenanet harvesting research by opening up public testing on the issue, it doesn’t count. Make claims to the contrary if you wish. The truth remains we cannot know until the change is fully tested.
thing is, today it will be “i want just me and my friend”, so anet give in and let you queue with your 1 friend. but then someone else will be, like, “but there’s 3 of us! my good buddies and i can’t stand pvp’ing against each other”, so 2 becomes 3. then it’s “our guild just wants to pvp together in 4s.” and then it’s 4.
then we’re right back to the ridiculousness of being roflstomped.
for this mode of pvp, grouping isn’t needed. do tourny if you want to group. that’s what it was for. i play every aspect of this game with my wife, but even we don’t mind splitting up for the fun of spvp. it’s quick clean fun! no worries about coming up against some premade guild buddies who’ve got their tactics down to the point you might as well just stand on your spawnpoint.
this is chaotic, desperate, unorganised fun. pure win.
seriously. do tourny if you need to carry each other.