[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I think, maybe listing some reasons why players are not interested so much in pvp’ing atm (which pretty obvious looking at LBs) could motivate devs to change some things around for next season. Leave your reasons (and maybe suggestions) here, in short form if possible without flaming and all that kind of stuff.
I will start. I used to pvp a lot, like way too much actually, way way too much. Now i barely ever do any matches for the following (main) reasons:
- Uncertain matchmaking: i welcome to the current rating system we have however i found myself wanting to queue less and less in fear of losing rating. It is not that i am not confident in my “skills” but i know that my skills have often nearly no effect on match outcome due to how matches are structured (especially in higher divisions). For the sake of shorter queues the match quality became so bad that pvp turned into AFK simulator (for me at least) aka 500-100 matches where either my or enemy team just afks at spawn due to unable to do anything else. PLayers divisions below other players should NOT be in the same match but it happens so frequently that i can see why players would not want to soloq or queue at all – too much risk to lose rating and drop down.
- Rating gains: similar to point above, the problem last and this season is that you gain rating based on your MMR and average of enemy MMR, the system does not take into account the MMR of your teammates – which is really bad because due to wonky MM you often end up with low ranked players while facing higher ranked which causes guaranteed loss and loss of quite chunk of rating for no good reason.
- Class balance: i know it is huge topic with many aspects, but i think it went really downhill when things like trade-off, specific role, common sense etc. were thrown out of the window and homogenization/powercreep became a thing (unkillable juggernauts with absurd damage and high mobility). The second aspect that simply DOES NOT WORK is balancing around NON-class stacking while class stacking is prevalent in pvp. If such feature causes a lot of player griefing (hello 2 thieves vs 4 dhs -> afk teammates) and lopside matches, then it needs to be fixed, one way or another.
- The rewards: i actually don’t care about rewards so much, i love that gold gains ranked give now but i feel like we need more carrots to bring players back to pvp. HOWEVER, those carrots need to be tied to wins, not afk’ing at spawn.
(edited by Cynz.9437)
The RNG matchmaking, long queues where only 9/10 players accept most of the time, and butchering of the rewards drove me to pve, even though I’m primarily a pvper. It just feels like a huge waste of time this season, lol.
Got tired of them not addressing the issues that players have been posting for ages.
1. Class Stacking
2. Class based MMR
3. Separate Solo and Team Q
4. Boons and skills way too spammy
Then they
1. Completely gut the rewards
2. Very random Match Making
Im finding WvW more fun at the moment.
My connection keep me away from ranked, i don’t want to make my mates lose rating..
when ther’s the pvp season i often play unranked, where meta isn’t so important and you can play your own build without beign flammed.
I really like PvP but I don’t enjoy Player VS Ping
(the screen here below it’s been taken after a disconnection, with only GW2 opened)
I don’t like the stress of a gametype where I am dependent on others to also perform well. Not saying I’m better its just the thought of others having my outcome in their hands at all in a short timed format stresses me out to the point of not being able to enjoy it. That is likely a personal issue with myself.
I agree with the homogenization/powercreep not being preferable. I miss classes feeling much more different.
I also just find WvW more enjoyable but that has always been the case for me.
Matchmaking: not much to be said here, we all know it’s not good especially if you’re in plat/high gold and get to face top 10 duos with nobody good on your team. Or alternatively, you’re forced to carry potatoes because nobody in your MMR range plays the game at that exact time and you get punished for losing.
It should be obvious that MMR isn’t linear but ANet tries to average the teams MMR. What I mean by this is, a 1800 MMR player is a LOT better than a 1500 MMR player whereas a 1300 MMR player is only slightly better than a 1000 MMR player comparatively. This just leads to trash matchmaking when you have silver players in the same game as top 10 duos despite the MMR being sorta numerically equal.
Balance: Not much choice in what to play, most players run the same builds because they are effective. Seen some guys try different stuff in S5 but they always got shut down by players running meta. Very few viable niche builds so it makes the game kinda boring.
Rewards: Well rewards aren’t my sole motivation in playing but this season they nerfed everything so hard the rewards are basically 0 to me as a PvE player.
The titles are also the same as last season and basically they’re going to be worth less every season as more people get them so I don’t care anymore and not gonna bother.
There isn’t even a Call of the Mists buff in Season 6. Feelsbad.
Repetitiveness: There’s like the same old maps over and over again with very little variety. They even made Khylo boring af so it’s like meh. This is further multiplied by the ‘stale’ meta where it’s always the same builds, same maps etc.
Solo Q/Duo Q: The mixed queues kinda annoys me since I don’t have the ability to have a reliable duo partner. Last season I made a few friends and duo’d some games but had to solo at the end since they started to have school/college. It’s just so much of an advantage to duo especially with the wonky matchmaking and it feels unfair to me so I don’t bother.
Ratings: It sucks losing -20 and gaining only 13 for beating top tier players because they get padded with silver players who drag the average down despite it being a super hard game. I guess it also sucks for them since they have to win 10 games to cover 1 loss. Basically sucks for all involved.
Only way ANet will listen: Not playing is pretty much the only way of complaining I have left about PvP. We’ve all posted what we think is bad and so on within these forums there’s not much else to do but not playing puts some real numbers in context of how bad PvP is doing due to these poor choices. If you have like a 50% player # drop from S5 then they’re kinda forced to do something about it whereas complaining on the forums does nothing.
(edited by fishball.7204)
Bad matchmaking and refusal to balance classes in a timely manner. They made almost no balance changes after season 5. So good to know this game is so balanced after all the time.
Here is my reason/s. Don’t worry it’s a link to my post on the GW2 forums.
Those are the reasons I can’t even begin to get more invested in GW2’s PvP. Now that I’ve found actual relevant PvP games on the market.
Also look at the mentality of the players in these forums from a, Attack player who has a legitimate discussion/Post ratios. Your current player base wants free wins, and other players to be force to lose from the lack of basic PvP mechanics that are placed in other relevant PvP games.
Also the fact that the devs and moderators are more concerned with punishing players for exposing hackers and exploiters to the community. Then they are with stopping the hackers or exploiters from ruining the in game experience for actually players.
Idling, AFKing, and throwing matches in the ranked leagues are highly punished in relevant PvP games. However here in GW2 you are more likely to get banned for making a post on the forums that rubs someone else the wrong way, instead of hackers and such getting banned.
All of those together is why I no longer can put front much effort to play a game. Where my effort and sportsman-like play is irrelevant, compared the the opposite.
anet are still as incompetent as ever. here’s my short list of complaints.
1. Toxic Solo Que Community
- afk, bad tactics, rage afk, no teams, all the BS you know and love
2. Poor Balance
- many useless skills. hardly any build variety. too many short cast high impact abilities.
3. No New Game Modes
- yo conquest gets boring.
4. Stale
- i’ve played gw2 for a long time, it gets old when there is only one game-mode, and balance moves at a snails pace.
5. Other/Better Games
- gw2 has a good core combat system, but the rest of the game is pretty questionable. with other good games coming out (BDO, For Honor, Paragon etc) i’m less motivated to play this game.
so why do i still play a dozen or so matches a week?
heck, it’s because warrior is really strong r/n so i can just gunflame for fun. if warrior gets over-nerfed i’ll be gone, it’s only my love for the class that keeps me here.
There are too many one-sided matches. Game mechanic is that one player having a bad day, underperforming or just standing around throws the whole match. You are always one player short in fights and that snowballs. This has happened all time. But at the moment its the mayority of matches – either in favor of your team or the opponent team. There is not much fun in playing such matches for me.
The one sided matchups seem to happen way more frequently that I think they should. It gets old fast, so, at best, I play a few ranked matches a week now.
Lots of reason for them being lopsided; poor matchmaking, AFK players, toxic chat that makes some people just go through the motions (vs actually going afk), poor matchmaking (worth saying twice).
1. Well, as for me it all boils down to balance.
-GW2 used to have a pretty active combat mechanism where you had to ‘’wait for the ennemy to use X skill before using your Y dmg skill or Z CC skill’’. Nowadays the game seems to be on autopilot.
-Build diversity took a hit with HoT since elite spec are, contrary to what was said before HoT, superior to core specialization and not simply an addition to your specialization pool choice. Hell the idea of playing a ranged guardian, a support ranger or a melee engineer are probably the best success of those elite specialization since they did offer a new way of playing those classes…sadly the good points of HoT in term of class diversity are negated by the fact that the overall balance went down the drain. Each elite specialization is basically superior to their core counterpart. We now have 1 build (for the most part) to play with in PvP for each class instead of the many builds we had in the earlier version of GW2.
I would try the BLACK DESERT and never post the complaint in this forum since today. GW2 make me down and I don’t have sufferance anymore. I have waited a year since HoT but Anet don’t have any change from HoT and we don’t see any hope here. 2017 GW2 isn’t GW2 already. His soul is gone. May be I will keep to play a match every day, may be not, Who care? Like this forum~ Who care!?
(edited by xeonage.1253)
If i was honest, i think people are very rude. The system itself isn’t so bad, there are entertaining rewards, correct system ( finally we have a form of leaderboard in game, and points indicated), there aren’t so many dc’s/afk ( i recall having one every 3rd match back in time).
The only issue, although it’s pretty big, is the class balance with leads to matchmaking problem and map ( legacy of foefire) problem.
OP resisted all attempts from the community to curb power creep. He now gets to enjoy a dead game
Nobody plays because the rewards suck. Remember when anet got all excited about their pvp increase? It was purely pve players managing to grind pvp to get rewards. They didn’t enjoy it because it is terrible on so many levels.
Nobody is going to play this games pvp for fun. It is too bad. They must make rewards greater than pve for the player base to recover again, of course this still means pvp will be bad so whatever lol
I didnt play HOT at all before last season. I didn’t know any of the skills or traits of other classes. And yet I still got legend which proves how skill-less the game is.
So I literally knew nothing about the game, didnt try hard, just spammed a roation whilst looking at my keyboard and GOT LEGEND. lolz.
(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)
Im not playing for the last comment that fishball made.
Complaining on the forums wont change anything. Not playing will, the last patch that made for great justice do 6 stacks of might also just made me say. Nope i wont do this anymore.
Also why are people not playing?
Simple its not fun.
No one likes that a single weapon like ranger staff does everything. It blocks projectiles, it has a gap closer, it heals and removes condi.
No one likes the trap placement of DH as well as the F3 shield.
No one likes warriors ability to have perma stability and constant burst attacks.
No one really likes HOT specs in PvP and you can add WvW.
Pro players kept playing for the money, the 2nd it was gone why stay? Its not fun so many wont even play for fun. Low level players will get blown up in 1 sec and there is no real bunker builds so they cant even ease into the game. I mean Toker left a giant rant after a PvP dev left. He finally unloaded that he and many of the Pro players hated playing in the HOT era.
It trickles down, if the best players in the game feel limited and that the game is unbalanced. Then it will fall like that to semi pro level players, average players and below average players. All of these people will find something incredibly wrong with game play and say its broken.
And guess what they are all right. HOT in general was/is a broken expansion that only caters to raiders and meta group map farmers.
So how does the PvP, WvW, players looking for a actual challenge in PvE that doesnt require X build to raid?
Simply quit logging in. ( and in my case still complain a ton on the forums ……)
Don’t enjoy post-HoT combat. The power-creep killed build diversity.
New to pvp here. So far I have learned that I will be staying (maybe) just long enough to get the items I want and never joining pvp again. It’s not terrible, but it isn’t good either.
The match making is truly the worst part of the game. The game is won or lost simply by pressing “B” and seeing the team comps. If this isn’t fixed, perhaps we can just get a surrender option so all the players can move on to the next randomly selected “match-up”.
The rewards are, well, underwhelming. The worst part is that the pvp currency is limited and thus encourages players to stop playing pvp until a season reset occurs. Repeat cycle until you get bored, forget the game mode even exists or you achieve what you came for and have no need to pvp again. That’s almost as bad a design as EVE Online’s training system which discourages activity or even logging in since you don’t need to in order to “play”.
Those two issues, rewards and match making are the main killers of this game mode. Until those get fixed, re-balancing sigils and such will have no effect other than to provide a very brief distraction from the fact that it’s just another broken game mode in GW2 (see WvW and dungeons for more info on broken game modes).
Went to PvP, to get the other legendary back. I stopped doing PvP as it took away the fun I had in Gw2. Rewards are garbage, population is garbage, everything is garbage.
Remove PvP and allow people to duel each other in the open world. Make it so that those people can play for gold if they want to. Winner takes all. There are games that have this that are over 10-15 years old and still have more players then Gw2 PvP ever will.
Also, matchmaking is fine. It’s just that there is a pool of 15 players to choose from at any given time.
I stopped today cuz again playing with “plat” players and no one even give a d*mn about swaping profession or anything like that.
Double necro without a single support you ask to swap?
I’m power necro dude chill !
Ok I play GW2 pvp only for about 3 years and when I say before the game starts it’s a 100% loss and what happend?
The double necro pro + bad thief easy game loss.
1v2 and 1v3 entire game tryhard as hell and those people still manage to get from a 3 cap into 0.
By far not the only bad game xD
I’m bad at complaining but I have enough of the “skill” lvl of players on plat or near plat is just not even weak but sad askitten.
90% of those players have no idea of their class or what to do. No idea of good team comp vs bad they just want to play the class they can.
Last season decent matches with same trolls and afkers but was 100% better then this one.
If people on plat lvl have no idea of the game or of their own class then I jst have to admit this game is dead.
My top 3 until now:
Thief players / never swap / never outnumber / never decap / roame 90% of the time off point
Necro players (the best of all) 0 support who cares I play necro die mid fight within 10 seconds gg + don’t forget the rage after +blocking you cuz they are the best players and you su**.
Random afkers / before the game starts ragers (yes even on high rank)
told a “pro” druid not to push far cuz I want to do (get abused as noob kitten etc.) druid goes far die 1v1 to a power war we can’t get mid cuz necro and other dude die and I can 1v3 mid
Matchmaking last season ended with 1950
Placement this season:
8 of 10 2 losses due to not even close to be even games (carry potential 0%)
first loss 2 core players both bad + afk druid on close 300-500
second loss perfect team vs 4 warriors 1 dh loss due having team of trolls or people who play randomly a class no idea what it was
lost due to enemy thief stealing 2 beasts 460-500 1v2 entire time and even a 1v3 + done 2 beasts alone
Now the problem is if you don’t duo que you can forget to carry 4 players.
The real problem is just the players themself. People who play 1 profession and not even good are the biggest issue. My losses were all from the same players who played something what doesn’t even close match to the team comp but they don’t care. Bad players on high rank = no fun to play at all. Not that it would be a challange cuz I won this season more then once 1v2s and even twice a 1v3.
I thought it was just “random luck” that you get so many bad players but this happend now more then once and a sign to stop pvp ranked for this season =)
Good luck to everyone and don’t rage so much:D
I’m still playing, but It’s true that I’m playing less. I managed to avoid long loss streak and have a fragile slightly over 50% win rate. That makes me play around 3-4 games a day instead of the usual ~10 games a day.
Still solo queuing on thief, I know I have room to improve and I am quite stubborn. I’m getting interesting games right now. It’s a bit stupid but I’m more at ease playing solo queue than playing with guildies. At least I know losses are either unknown people fault or myself. Looking back it’s a bit sad…..
Good thing is that I invested more time in fractal and WvW. I’m considering learning Raids as well. I’m starting to get a balanced amount of time in all game mode.
For me it’s the match making…. I’m sick of being knocked out of gold because I can’t beat players like Naru. He’s an ESL player but the system says I have to beat him in order to be Gold worthy.
I still play everyday. The current matchmaking has got me seeking other games and trying to get back into LoL for the first time since LoL Season 2…. Atleast their system puts me against similar skill levels.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Power creep and lack of build diversity killed it for me. Why stick around when you’re forced to play the same boring hammer+egun build you’ve been playing for the past 5 seasons if you want to be competitive with your class?
I’m playing less and less because of lopsided matchmaking due to duo-queuing. I’ve been as high as rank 40 on the leaderboard but it’s impossible to play a fairly high volume of games and keep that placement on the leaderboard. I run into duo-queue after duo-queue and since both teams are filled with high tier gold players I lose, a significant amount of the time due to the fact that I am outmatched by the two platinum players I am up against who can carry their team. It’s just too difficult to solo-queue right now without getting discouraged. I’d like to play a lot but the only way to have a good rating is to play LESS not more which is really hurting the queue times and the overall pvp experience.
I am also NOT happy with the rewards being nerfed. They were much better in season 5 although I do think anet has done a good job in the way of increasing the gold we gain during seasons. I’d like to earn ascended shards of glory even during the off season and perhaps at more than 50 ascended shards because it takes a lot of time, and I’d like to be able to earn the ascended gear again without all kinds of extra crap added on, keep it simple please.
Another game mode would be nice too sure, but it’s less important to me than balanced classes, balanced matchmaking, and good rewards that keep me playing. I want to actually see how well I fare up against other players but I can’t do that with season 6 because the leaderboard is manipulated by the quota and the duo queue. I’m not some ESL guy but I still enjoy this game and PvP is the best place to work on mechanics amongst other things. If anet can change the quota to give you a bonus based on total volume of games played each week beyond the quota that would be nice like an additional +3 or +4 per game beyond 15 games or something to help with climbing that would be nice too.
(edited by Nothing.4953)
I stopped today cuz again playing with “plat” players and no one even give a d*mn about swaping profession or anything like that.
Double necro without a single support you ask to swap?
I’m power necro dude chill !
Ok I play GW2 pvp only for about 3 years and when I say before the game starts it’s a 100% loss and what happend?
The double necro pro + bad thief easy game loss.1v2 and 1v3 entire game tryhard as hell and those people still manage to get from a 3 cap into 0.
By far not the only bad game xD
I’m bad at complaining but I have enough of the “skill” lvl of players on plat or near plat is just not even weak but sad askitten.
90% of those players have no idea of their class or what to do. No idea of good team comp vs bad they just want to play the class they can.
Last season decent matches with same trolls and afkers but was 100% better then this one.
If people on plat lvl have no idea of the game or of their own class then I jst have to admit this game is dead.
My top 3 until now:
Thief players / never swap / never outnumber / never decap / roame 90% of the time off point
Necro players (the best of all) 0 support who cares I play necro die mid fight within 10 seconds gg + don’t forget the rage after +blocking you cuz they are the best players and you su**.
Random afkers / before the game starts ragers (yes even on high rank)
told a “pro” druid not to push far cuz I want to do (get abused as noob kitten etc.) druid goes far die 1v1 to a power war we can’t get mid cuz necro and other dude die and I can 1v3 midMatchmaking last season ended with 1950
Placement this season:
8 of 10 2 losses due to not even close to be even games (carry potential 0%)
first loss 2 core players both bad + afk druid on close 300-500
second loss perfect team vs 4 warriors 1 dh loss due having team of trolls or people who play randomly a class no idea what it was
lost due to enemy thief stealing 2 beasts 460-500 1v2 entire time and even a 1v3 + done 2 beasts aloneNow the problem is if you don’t duo que you can forget to carry 4 players.
The real problem is just the players themself. People who play 1 profession and not even good are the biggest issue. My losses were all from the same players who played something what doesn’t even close match to the team comp but they don’t care. Bad players on high rank = no fun to play at all. Not that it would be a challange cuz I won this season more then once 1v2s and even twice a 1v3.I thought it was just “random luck” that you get so many bad players but this happend now more then once and a sign to stop pvp ranked for this season =)
Good luck to everyone and don’t rage so much
The problem with players trolling in rank by only being able or willing to play one single class has already been solved. You want to know how relevant PvP games solve this problem. I told you how Hi Rez does it with Smite since that’s my focus atm.
You wanna play ranked 5v5 conquest? Guest what? You are not only going to have to put in over 80 hours per a account to reach max PvP level. But also you will have to have played enoth on 20 different characters to have a minimal of 20 characters with mastery. This is even before Smite allows you to queue for ranked conquest. kitten that problem was stopped before it even got started ah?
In GW2 you should be forced to hit PvP Rank 80 before even being able to queue for rank. On top of that you should need to show proficiency on at least 3 out of the 9 professions. All of these really minor easy to fix but serious problems. Could have been prevented from even starting up. But nope ANet didn’t even care enoth to put such basic thought about them in a competitive PvP environment.
1. Brain-dead HoT Power Creep
This is by far the biggest problem. HoT elite specs are far too forgiving of mistakes with excessive defense/healing and their damage is usually over-the-top in addition to that. There’s no more skill in pvp; it’s all spam. When you know your opponent is just spamming, but can’t punish them for it because of a pile of defenses, many of which are automatic, it’s just plain disheartening. On top of that, it’s killed variety in builds and team compositions.
2. Friends have mostly left
PvP is a team game, but when you don’t have anyone to play with, you lose some motivation. Many gave up because of specifically because of #1.
3. Inability to PvP with friends
Can’t queue as a team. In a team game. GG. Ranked is a bunch of solo queue heroes, which discourages healthy teamplay and breeds toxicity.
4. Poor Match Quality
This has little to do with the matchmaker and is mostly because of low population from #1-3.
5. No Hope for Improvement
HoT power creep is still going strong over a year after launch. The last “balance” patch was laughable and did almost nothing to address it. When it looks like the team can’t address the elephant in the room or even acknowledge it, there’s no reason to stick around and wait for it to get better.
For what it’s worth, I stopped playing GW2 around September 2016.
I got Ascension at the beginning of S3, then really only played a handful of matches after that. I don’t think I played any at all in S4, and I was gone by S5.
I’m not a pro player at all. I was only Ruby in the old system and that seemed about right to me. I’m not good enough to try and get Legendary. Without any progression for me to work towards, it got kinda boring.
I still read the forums regularly because I really enjoyed GW2 and I’m still interested in what going on, I played in all the content – PvP, WvW, Raids, PvE metaevents. All the characters with multiple full Ascended sets in each. 8 Legendaries. Bought gems a few times here and there for the cool QoL stuff like Airship pass and Shared Inventory slots.
The game is just old. It gets boring. For a casual player, there has to be something to play towards other than eSports.
Also, I understand the ranked seasons no longer have team queue, which means now i can’t even play with my friends. That seems like a silly decision.
One more point – whenever I come back to read the forums – literally every post is the same as it was in September. People crying about matchmaking, balance, afk players, balance. Overall, I really liked the game when I played, but it seems it’s in the exact same state it was when I left, so no real reason for me to come back.
The development seems to be stuck in a rut, but so is the player base.
i still play, but i can list reason why i tend to play less.
- SoloQ/teamQ only this need to happen. (sure one might be more popular but people should have choices)
- same old same old crappy rewards. (Anet decided to add these rewards, make it crap;py to get them and all so that they can just forget about it.)
-Match making still suck and creates lopsided matches (people always says the population is the reason.) season 5 has lots of players yet i experience this kinda bad Match makings.
-NO class stacking NONE 1 class per team, maybe 2 is ok. you can still swap class before match starts but it wont let you stack class pass requirement.
Why I don’t play? As an ele main… after nerfs, amulet removals, etc all there is left is a play style that makes me grind my teeth. Don’t get me wrong I have plenty of other characters I could use but when I don’t like the entire mode with my main the desire to play it vanishes.
Not really playing this season because:
Bonus brownie point for the day:
Little things like that just kill PvP for me..
From reading through the comments I find my own issues have mostly been covered. My #1 issue with PvP right now is that afk & match manipulation is not being addressed.
Eg. if you have a dc during a match and you lose there is no rating loss. However if you have a dc during a placement match and lose it is still counted as a loss. With what appears to be high level of ragequitters these days, and the importance of placement matches; this to me demonstrates an inequitable playing field. And, it only gets worse as you play more.
queue time and length of match.
i miss the 10 seconds queue time and one minute matches of gw1 random arena.
I used to PvP a lot a couple years ago, I’d never leave HoTM, it was just far more balanced back then and more fun, I can’t quite put my finger on it. It could be that I don’t PvP as much now due to community, behaviour of, believe it or not, new players that think they’re the kitten.
I participated in Seasons 2 and 3 heavily to get The Ascension, and casually in Seasons 4 and 5. I’m not a fan of Stronghold, it’s a PvE arms race, and conquest has gotten extremely dull for me, that I can’t bare to play more than 1-3 matches before going back to PvE/WvW.
I’d be back in a shot if 2v2, 3v3 random soloque arenas were added, along with new 5v5 game types, like capture the flag and time trial defense (like Strand of the Ancients in WoW)
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
Rewards are bad. There is no real incentive. I would rather do a ranked game every day and unranked build experiements other. The rewards need to be like last season to encourage me to put me ranking at stake. Currently , why should I bother?
The biggest thing for me was the repetitiveness. When you have the same number of game modes for years it gets really, really, boring and people are bound to play something else.
Because i am playing monster hunter XX, and LoZ Breath of the Wild
Elite specs.
Its hilarious that when the queue pops almost 5 years since the game released and we have 4 of the 5 maps having been in the game since 2012! They have made 1 competitive map in 5 years.
That is a fact and a depressing one.
Funny though.
1. still no solo only queue in rank.
2. I am Gold rank on my rev/thief/ele but below bronze on other classes, if I want to try other classes and keep getting rewards I would have to literally throw matches.
3. lag, lag, lag, a game were 1/10 of a second is crucial yet you get 1000 ping spikes and packet loss. just not worth the rage.
For me it’s about lack of incentive.
Don’t get me wrong, I HAVE played a lot of games (~150) this season, but once i have reached a certain spot I feel comfortable with, I suddenly loose all motivation to play.
Currently I’m rank 183 on the leaderboards and since I know, that I am not good enough to be a top 100 player, I just stopped. And I think many other players on this level feel the same….which directly leads to the next issue.
Match Quality. IF I want to have quality matches, I have a very short window per day I can play (like 3-4 hours max on prime time). If I play at any other time, I will be matched with and against teams, that are way higher or way lower than myself….and that just isn’t enjoyable.
I’m still playing. I’m solo queue’ing a PU Mesmer and bouncing around a 50% win rate.
I’m playing a lot fewer games this season, because if I get above 50% I’m immediately punished with a loss streak.
At Bronze, a 4 DH enemy team is a wildcard and might be an easy win.
I think the matchmaking is actually improved. Still after multiple seasons of deliberately tilted matches, I just don’t feel like trying to fight through a loss streak. I go fire up GW1 or something else instead.
1. Matchmaking. Needs much work. Tired of being matched up with beginner players against elite groups. I shouldn’t have to face legendary players when I’m in silver or gold. I want to face off against similar skilled people.
2. Toxic community. Incredibly entitled community who believe they should win every match they play. Large number of people that curse in map chat, throw tantrums and then afk. Large number of people who blame everyone but themself when they are mediocre at best.
3. Terrible rewards. I’m ok with them reducing rewards moving forward but felt very betrayed and disheartened when they severely devalued the rewards that had already been earned. Not fair and left me feeling cheated.
Because numerous other games dedicated to small team instanced PvP do it far, far better, MMORPGs should concentrate on strengths of the genre, as in the “massively multiplayer” bit, which in regard to PvP means large scale PvP (RvR) / Open world PvP.
To much gimmicks rotation based, with a low action/situation impact, it all resumes to who can cast the needed rotation faster and harder.
Rewards are a mess of a system.
Game name should be changed to lamewars, ugly even to observe.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I used to play alot previous seasons but I havent touched this season, I’ve played the placement matches on both of my accounts but I will not touch the season again and my 850 decay will keep going up.
Boring meta
No seperation of soloq and teamq
kittenty rewards
Overall low population
I play, but I don’t play as much as I can b/c of terrible match quality
I’ll not even bother playing this season after the huge rewards nerf and the low population, I’ll not even talk about the HoT powercreep, PvP will never get become bigger if new players can’t get in.
Im on 9-0 in my placements, I will play the last match a week before the season ends, get the plat badge and be done with pvp until Anet does something about it.
Lack of a build-saver/template system is my #1 reason. I greatly enjoy build-crafting and testing and switching between professions. I spent alot of time doing that in GW1. However I can’t muster the urge to do that here since it means messing around with a bunch of scraps of paper and/or external spreadsheets.
This has also discouraged my participation in dungeons and fractals. I basically stick to wvw and vanilla pve/world exploration. Hoping the next expac has a saver so I can start enjoying other game modes.
I play daily but last season i played a lot more. Playing less because:
1. queue times are longer
2. matches are more volatile even after 60 games. it feels like I’m still in placement matches sometimes.
3. rewards are harder to get so i don’t feel compelled to grind 15 matches a night like i used to.
4. no new legendary so i don’t really have something other than the chests to get.
So now I’m changing my attention to raiding.
2. Toxic community. Incredibly entitled community who believe they should win every match they play. Large number of people that curse in map chat, throw tantrums and then afk. Large number of people who blame everyone but themself when they are mediocre at best.
You misunderstand. In multiple seasons matches were deliberately uneven. I saw 68 straight losses. Others reported as many as 100 straight losses.
People simply don’t have as much tolerance and resilience as they once did. Matchmaking and balance have been issues for too long.
Yes, players are entitled to a fair match. If someone, anyone, is losing a high percentage of the time it is evidence that they are probably not fairly matched. There may also be other contributing factors.
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