Why no standard character models in unranked?

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


Do you hate your player base or something?

Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

Most people want to mess around in unranked and not have a worse experience. Why punish us for it. To try and “make us form teams”?

The direction of your development is so elitist and hateful to 99% of your player base. Stop trying to force us into ranked team queue with a roster so the try-hards can have some people to farm.

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


It’s probably an oversight.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Reokie.7809


It’s the casual/solo player being shafted in favor of the try-hard esports crowd. But hey at least we will have a handful of new teams playing a dead mode, hungry to farm any newbies who dare step into srs esports territory.

Gaaxi 80 D/F Ele

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

…Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

…To try and “make us form teams”?

So I agree, minus that over the top language, but are those real quotes?

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


…Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

…To try and “make us form teams”?

So I agree, minus that over the top language, but are those real quotes?

Not direct quotes but the hear say is that this is the reason.

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


It’s the casual/solo player being shafted in favor of the try-hard esports crowd. But hey at least we will have a handful of new teams playing a dead mode, hungry to farm any newbies who dare step into srs esports territory.

+1. Why do they hate those of us who just want to play for fun. We dont get features or support I guess. Dead game and dead game-mode try-hards get it.

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


…Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

…To try and “make us form teams”?

So I agree, minus that over the top language, but are those real quotes?

Not direct quotes but the hear say is that this is the reason.

maybe you should look up some direct quotes then

stop perpetuating hearsay

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

…Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

…To try and “make us form teams”?

So I agree, minus that over the top language, but are those real quotes?

Not direct quotes but the hear say is that this is the reason.

maybe you should look up some direct quotes then

stop perpetuating hearsay

…? Nothing he says in that post has anything to do with standard models. The words standard and model don’t even show up on the entire page.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


…Stop trying to force us into what YOU think is good for us, like getting rid of solo queue so “they will form teams”. It is stupid.

…To try and “make us form teams”?

So I agree, minus that over the top language, but are those real quotes?

Not direct quotes but the hear say is that this is the reason.

maybe you should look up some direct quotes then

stop perpetuating hearsay

…? Nothing he says in that post has anything to do with standard models. The words standard and model don’t even show up on the entire page.

..? op’s “paraphrases” are about solo queue deletion logic.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


What about not giving solo queue as good rewards as team queue?

Anet hate their player base and just try to force people into what THEY think we should enjoy. Which is no-lifing it up with lame 5 man rosters.

Like I said, they intentionally try to FORCE players into playing THEIR WAY rather than letting us play our way. They hate their player base.

So thanks anet for trying to force us into playing against try-hards with their “tactics” in team queue so they can all feel pro.

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Guys! The thread was supposed to be about standard character models. If you wish to complain about matchmaking and soloq, there are at least 10 threads to do so.

About standard character models, I think wanting them in every queue is something the “try-hard esports crowd” would want, but what about the casuals? Guild Wars 2 pvp is so cool it feels like a MOBA, but let’s not forget that it is in fact a RPG. I spent time giving my characters their cool, unique looks, and I’d want my opponents to notice them. Hell, if I make an autumn-themed sylvari elementalist, I don’t want people thinking she’s just another bimbo from Divinity’s Reach!

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Guys! The thread was supposed to be about standard character models. If you wish to complain about matchmaking and soloq, there are at least 10 threads to do so.

About standard character models, I think wanting them in every queue is something the “try-hard esports crowd” would want, but what about the casuals? Guild Wars 2 pvp is so cool it feels like a MOBA, but let’s not forget that it is in fact a RPG. I spent time giving my characters their cool, unique looks, and I’d want my opponents to notice them. Hell, if I make an autumn-themed sylvari elementalist, I don’t want people thinking she’s just another bimbo from Divinity’s Reach!

You can still see your character. Don’t see why I should be forced to view it. It is ridiculous.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Guys! The thread was supposed to be about standard character models. If you wish to complain about matchmaking and soloq, there are at least 10 threads to do so.

About standard character models, I think wanting them in every queue is something the “try-hard esports crowd” would want, but what about the casuals? Guild Wars 2 pvp is so cool it feels like a MOBA, but let’s not forget that it is in fact a RPG. I spent time giving my characters their cool, unique looks, and I’d want my opponents to notice them. Hell, if I make an autumn-themed sylvari elementalist, I don’t want people thinking she’s just another bimbo from Divinity’s Reach!

Yeah, but if you’re a 2 foot tall asura, I don’t want to see it. It ruins the gameplay in a pretty major way for me. I can’t even do ranked queue cuz it’s in such a super high competitive state that I need a full good team to even have fun. There’s no good PvP for me right now honestly.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Guys! The thread was supposed to be about standard character models. If you wish to complain about matchmaking and soloq, there are at least 10 threads to do so.

nah, the thread title is misleading.. the op is just taking a legitimate wish and spinning it into a reason to say anet hates everything with nothing but his own opinion to back up his drivel.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Would it hurt anyone to just add a toggle for that option?

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


Guys! The thread was supposed to be about standard character models. If you wish to complain about matchmaking and soloq, there are at least 10 threads to do so.

About standard character models, I think wanting them in every queue is something the “try-hard esports crowd” would want, but what about the casuals? Guild Wars 2 pvp is so cool it feels like a MOBA, but let’s not forget that it is in fact a RPG. I spent time giving my characters their cool, unique looks, and I’d want my opponents to notice them. Hell, if I make an autumn-themed sylvari elementalist, I don’t want people thinking she’s just another bimbo from Divinity’s Reach!

I think the option should be there for the bads who still can’t tell the animations apart because it’s not fair to force them to view it as we choose to do so.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


I dont understand why this option dont work everywhere. Its not only good for pvp but also it can help players with old pc imo.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


It would be really great if they add this option to unranked matches too.
I cannot understand why they are differenciating between these game types…

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’d like to see one legitimate reason why not to include the option, besides saving it for a “we don’t have anything else ready” patch

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Wilco.1458


I’d like to see one legitimate reason why not to include the option, besides saving it for a “we don’t have anything else ready” patch

They want unranked to be casual and standard models are tryhard.

Not saying I agree with this, but I’m pretty sure is the main reason.

Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork

Why no standard character models in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’d like to see one legitimate reason why not to include the option, besides saving it for a “we don’t have anything else ready” patch

They want unranked to be casual and standard models are tryhard.

Not saying I agree with this, but I’m pretty sure is the main reason.

Problem there is they seem to want a transition from unranked to ranked and the lack of an option is kind of glaring as they state often they want said transition to be smooth between modes.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.