Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


Make no mistake, just about every single change to skill and class balancing this update was balanced around WvW zerg game play with apparently very little consideration for PvP, the game mode where it is almost ENTIRELY dependent on class/skill balancing.

Why was this the case? Is this simply the new manifesto as directed by Mo? Will the next patch in 3 months focus skill balance solely around fractals? IS there even a pvp balancing team anymore? What about profession balance team?

I asked this question on the reddit AMA and was downvoted to oblivion under the army of happy PvErs that want to proclaim this patch as the greatest invention since sliced bread, hopefully I can get a better insight in what goes into skill balancing from Anet here.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

(edited by Darknicrofia.2604)

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.3952


Yeah the nerfs to guardian were literally explained to be because of wvw in the patch notes. DH able to screw 70 man blobs because brainless game mode? Nerf it despite its the 7th ranked class!! Disregard pvp it’s not like it’s the “fastest growing game mode” and they invest thousands into the PL!!
Also yeah you get down voted on reddit for even mentioning pvp

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Most of the “WvW” changes where just setting things at 10 target limits, which is largely irrelevant in sPvP barring a very select (and uncommon) set of circumstances.

Dragonhunter got hit because DH was the WvW equivalent of pre-nerf bunker chrono in terms of how much it was breaking stuff.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


you don’t balance a game around 40v60 combat, you just don’t…

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


So you think nerfs were aimed for WvW zergs like rev sword 2 when revs use hammer / staff in zergs, or Riposting Shadows when revs normally don’t even use assassin legend for zergs, or that the nerf to slick shoes & sneak gyro were aimed at one of the least used classes in zergs / guilds, or perhaps your understanding of the game is so bad you think buffing engi pistol is aimed at WvW, etc, okay…

The patch had some stuff for WvW like limiting the number of targets to 10 on skills like static field, the stab change, DH bow 5, etc.

And here is the reality check, until raids, the vast majority of balance changes in this game were for PvP to the detriment of WvW / PvE, to the point overall game balance across all modes over the history of this game has been one of the worst I’ve ever played, e.g – necros spent 3 years at bottom of the barrel in PvE, engies/rangers were not even recruited by WvW guilds for years, and you throw your toys out of the pram because one patch actually considers WvW a bit, rather than 95%-100% focus on PvP like most patches, talk about entitlement, I guess objectivity is an unknown concept to you, pathetic…

And the laughable thing is, even with near 100% of the balance focus in this game PvP has very rarely got anywhere near decent balance.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


So you think nerfs were aimed for WvW zergs like rev sword 2 when revs use hammer / staff in zergs, or Riposting Shadows when revs normally don’t even use assassin legend for zergs, or that the nerf to slick shoes & sneak gyro were aimed at one of the least used classes in zergs / guilds, or perhaps your understanding of the game is so bad you think buffing engi pistol is aimed at WvW, etc, okay…

The patch had some stuff for WvW like limiting the number of targets to 10 on skills like static field, the stab change, DH bow 5, etc.

And here is the reality check, until raids, the vast majority of balance changes in this game were for PvP to the detriment of WvW / PvE, to the point overall game balance across all modes over the history of this game has been one of the worst I’ve ever played, e.g – necros spent 3 years at bottom of the barrel in PvE, engies/rangers were not even recruited by WvW guilds for years, and you throw your toys out of the pram because one patch actually considers WvW a bit, rather than 95%-100% on PvP like most patches, talk about entitlement, I guess objectivity is an unknown concept to you, pathetic…

I kittening know right? As I’ve previously said, this subforum is a joke.

Stella Truth Seeker

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


The 10 target limit for CC walls and the initial change to some ranged skills were for WvW. All other skill balance changes were sPvP focused or important for all game modes.


Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The funny thing is strong AoE is good for mass pvp as it can counter skill less zerging. WvWvW in this game really is the sick cousin of great Mass pvp games like Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer.

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


solution: Split PvP and all other modes balancing.

Oh but they wont, because reasons…

Desolation [KISS]

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: jessiestiles.9437


You can play against the same 5 people in pvp for an hour or two. This is true even during league. There’s just not the interest in pvp to warrant focused development in this area. The balance updates are obviously for WvW, raids and HoT. So don’t act suprised that the balance patch doesn’t make any sense. PvP is low priority.

Why was balance solely focused on WvW?

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


You can play against the same 5 people in pvp for an hour or two. This is true even during league. There’s just not the interest in pvp to warrant focused development in this area. The balance updates are obviously for WvW, raids and HoT. So don’t act suprised that the balance patch doesn’t make any sense. PvP is low priority.

And can’t blame people for not sticking to PvP, ingame it is toxic as kitten. So I’m glad about their approach with this patch on not being focused on PvP only.
It’s just like zinkz said.

Stella Truth Seeker

(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)