(edited by Divinity.8041)
ranked comp 2v2, 3v3, 5v5
This was the best part of WoW pvp in my opinion. The theorycrafting on classes etc, constantly changing meta and groups. It kept things fun.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
There is never enough people on to even get into a paid with PUGS as well…
I think you need to rejuvenate your player base before focusing on what you are trying to do in this game. Your main PVP in this game is like honor grinding in WoW…which was fun once in a while, but extremely repetitive.
Stop making us grind for nothing, give us incentives. PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
Many firms copy what other successful firms have already done, and profit from it. I don’t think ANYONE will argue the success of WoW’s ranked group pvp system, it was probably the best part of their PVP. It also spawned a huge e-sport league as well.
You have a great game, but you are really about to lose me. I have never seen such a slow response.
I am a consultant for one of the best firms in the world focused in restructuring, and this game needs to be tweaked or it will simply die like many of the other firms who are too thick headed to believe their “baby” is bleeding money, or simply loosing their client base.
Nobody buys games anymore to just PVE, especially not online games.
*The WoW pvp system is as good as something can be at the moment. It always humors me when people on this forum whine about wanting “perfection.” Do you know how many really large companies are absolutely kitten when it comes to their operations and business models?
It shows your age when you ask for things that simply are not possible. I see a game that is so balanced and well built, that it is actually boring.
PvP should act like an economy, when larger firms try to take over in a FOTM or OP builds, a competitor will arise. I was a gladiator back when the title meant something. (pre s3 when it got inflated and just pointless).
Many of you complain about OP builds or RNG, but you need to understand, that is what keeps things random and fun. There are many times I faced matchups where RNG would not work in their favor, and it would work for my favor in a comp that was never “supposed” to win. Most people don’t realize that good players will still beat “unbeatable or cookie cutter” comps 99% of the time.
Please take some advice from a popular game, implement it here, and take what is already almost too balanced and give it a little flavor, and a burst of life into the e-sport world. If it does not happen soon, your game will simply be another “could have been.”
(edited by Divinity.8041)
Personally I hated wow’s arena system. Pre 2k most of the fights boil down to who has more gear 2k-2.3k or so is where most of the above average players are and anything higher than that is nothing more than a rock/paper/scissors match where you know weather or not you’ve won/lost when the gates open.
Not enough community for this.
i agree with OP, WOW’s arena system and its reward system were best part of its pvp
if we could combine it with only cosmetic rewards and combat system from GW2
add game modes from both, like arena deathmatch, conquest, CTF etc…
and we would get the best pvp game imo
Are you a member of any of the open tournament guilds? All it takes to get in to most of them is a pm, and you can form pug groups for paids pretty easily from them.
I do agree to an extent, though—right now if you’re unable to form a 5-man team, PvP is pretty lackluster. Hotjoin is good enough for farming/zerging, but it’s not even a good practice area now since the real game is so much different. Pugging free tournaments has become a huge gamble—a while back you could solo queue and expect to get a decent match maybe two out of three times. Now it’s more like every other or one out of three…
When free tournaments get converted to solo/duo queue single match things will get much better.
I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,
As the game is now you kinda feel handicapped when you throw blinds on a guardian coz theres no chance you can swap target and interupt a 0.5 sec cast in a big fight.(ESPECIALLY when the casting-animatinos are the same on many spells, SO you have to GUESS.)
And not being able to avoid aoe’s coz you’re chilled when strafing
(edited by Hyxorcisten.5786)
I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,
I agree, people are quick to say “go back to that game.” It has a solid, well thought out PvP system. When the community talks, Blizzard actually listens, and fixes and updates content quickly. I guess because it is P2P.
You all are quick to forget how good their PvP system is. Most of the better players in this game will agree with me as well. I think some of you just want to point your nose in the air and be like “I play GW2, not Wow, I am not an 11 year old kid.”
Don’t hate friends!
I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,
As the game is now you kinda feel handicapped when you throw blinds on a guardian coz theres no chance you can swap target and interupt a 0.5 sec cast in a big fight.(ESPECIALLY when the casting-animatinos are the same on many spells)
And not being able to avoid aoe’s coz you’re chilled when strafing
So true. This game most so fast, that most interrupts and CC are pretty much pointless. (which pretty much destroys any sort of strategy whatsoever and becomes let’s just click on this player until he dies).
I would definitely, like to see some elements of WoW’s arena system introduced. Rewards don’t have to be the same gear is not as important in gw2 and shouldn’t be. However having pre-made “arena” teams that earn rank based on performance with title rewards maybe gold, karma, influence, etc… being given out at the end of seasons or maybe even every week would really revitalize the pvp scene IMO. It would be alot of fun to play in a basic arena game type.
NO. Do not EVER, EVER, EVER implement a system whereby I have to grind to even obtain competitive gear. Worst idea ever.
are you serious? none is talking about stats on gear… o.O
I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,
I agree, people are quick to say “go back to that game.” It has a solid, well thought out PvP system. When the community talks, Blizzard actually listens, and fixes and updates content quickly. I guess because it is P2P.
You all are quick to forget how good their PvP system is. Most of the better players in this game will agree with me as well. I think some of you just want to point your nose in the air and be like “I play GW2, not Wow, I am not an 11 year old kid.”
Don’t hate friends!
Sounds to me like you really just want to play WoW. Get to it man. Peace.
Or I want the game to be more skillful instead of just zerging 1 target?
NO. Do not EVER, EVER, EVER implement a system whereby I have to grind to even obtain competitive gear. Worst idea ever.
As far as other points you made, fine. I’d like to see a 2v2, 3v3, and a 5v5 deathmatch situation set up, sure, but no kittening gear grinding so I can be on the same level as Captain I-dont-have-a-job-and-play-24/7. kitten that.
I don’t consider playing 10 matches a week to get some points to buy some gear “grinding.” In the current state of the game, I could get full pvp gear in WoW quicker than achieving the silly ranked system the game gives me.
If the gear was marginally better, that would be incentive for me. Or…if it allowed you to do specific skills or things from other classes or something. Sort of like Trang Oul’s set on Diablo 2 would allow a necromancer to use sorceress skills.
*I almost feel that ANET has done away with what makes strategy great! Racials…gear…etc. It really takes a lot of thinking out of the game, and almost makes it too balanced compared to other games. It is like saying you can only fight with XYZ in a game with QRSTUVWXYZ. You need to let players be creative.
I almost feel like WoW is like the android phone OS, and GW is like iphone OS. They limit you on options, and only give you what “they want the user to experience.” While this might be cool on phones, in a fantasy world where you want to be able to theorycraft and be strategic against current metas and comps..this simply is not cool.
For now? Let’s get a ranked 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 in. We can hash out rewards later.
(edited by Divinity.8041)
2v2/3v3 could be interesting, not sure how it would be balanced, but it would still be interesting. Stat progression though… Nty. Been said a million times, and it’s going to be said again; Skill should determine how well you do, not by how much you grinded for gear, and if you’re fighting people with equal stat gear, what would be the point of stat progression anyway? Does the illusion of stat progression really make the PvP so much better? Fun and the upcoming ranking should be the main incentive.
Besides the obvious things which they’ve already mentioned they were going to add (Like spectator, more gamemodes, ranking etc.), I honestly don’t even think there is anything major Anet could “take” from WoW, which would actually benefit PvP.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
A small staue in the mid of the map as secondary mechanic , awarding 2 points every sec as long as u channel it (or more) , could work as a 4v4 arena .
And some debree-rocks-broken colums so u wont easily get focus fired or u friends have to carefully place themselfs to chain cc the enemy
Or stay on top of the rocks , for better visual and targeting
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
i wish it was Guild Wars HD instead of this “sad” game
*The WoW pvp system is as good as something can be at the moment.
No it isn’t, Arena is permanently unbalanced and simplistic, which is dull, hence despite the huge sub base it failed as an e-sport. Not just with WoW, look at Bloodline Champions compared to LoL or DOTA 2, Arena is just too simplistic.
Which is why it got dropped from tournies / leagues like MLG.
Nobody buys games anymore to just PVE, especially not online games.
Sure they do, or at least many buy them mostly for PvE and view PvP as just a side game.
Stop making us grind for nothing, give us incentives. PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
Terrible idea, gear differences produce bad unbalanced PvP.
If your argument is Anet should copy success then surely they should lookng at LoL with its 30 million plus playerbase rather than WoW.
About the only thing they could learn from WoW is to offer more variety, at least as ‘just for fun’ options, but they clearly lack resources so the likelyhood of either smaller group (2v2/3v3) or larger say 15 vs 15 or guild vs guild, appearing any time soon does not seem high, maybe a different (non-ranked) game mode is more likely.
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
Not exactly copying WoW, considering Guild wars ( 1 ) invented arenas where WoW perfectioned them and made them more competitive. But you can search all over the forums a lot of people is looking for 2v2/3v3/5v5 team death match game modes.
Also i agree the RNG to get items here is so bad, i wish we could actually buy what we want when we progress by either rank, or points.
The OP basically wants a pvp system that this game completely tried to not follow on purpose. Those of us who read up on this game before we bought it know that the game will not go in that direction and like it because it helps those of us who are done with college and not sitting around playing video games for 6 hours a day and have jobs and social lives but can still have fun in pvp in a system that doesn’t require roles and still requires more skill than grinding for 3 weeks every patch just so you can keep up with the teenagers who don’t have jobs and don’t do extra curricular activities after school.
That said, if they did implement arena-style matches, I don’t think it would hurt anything other than the fact you would have to develop more social connections in the game, which again, is a hamper to those of us who do not have dedicated gaming friends. I also do not want to see any rewards that change the power of a character, and I also don’t want to see discrimination against new players because they don’t look decked out. I don’t care how long you have played—if you suck you suck, and if a new player is better than you and only rank 5, so be it.
Furthermore, I don’t like tiered pvp systems because it becomes a competitive match and less fun—people get yelled at on vent, etc. That’s not fun. I enjoy winning with casual people who play against casual people. I don’t like to be yelled at on my Saturday’s off work by some jerk 20 year old who has no job and plays all day. That will drive away this game’s market.
(edited by Soyboy.3548)
WoW arenas are like the Runescape of the PvP world, no one thinks you are good if you do well there but there are still people that love it and all the power to them.
(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)
NO. Do not EVER, EVER, EVER implement a system whereby I have to grind to even obtain competitive gear. Worst idea ever.
As far as other points you made, fine. I’d like to see a 2v2, 3v3, and a 5v5 deathmatch situation set up, sure, but no kittening gear grinding so I can be on the same level as Captain I-dont-have-a-job-and-play-24/7. kitten that.
Agreed. The beauty of this game is that it is not gear dependent, but we do need to have a system where people don’t always have to look for a group just to pvp. Aside from arena deathmatch, goal based battlegrounds (other than conquest) should be added for variety. Getting extremely tired of conquest.
WoW arena’s are garbage. There are a lot of stupid people out there in the PvP world and a lot of them are playing the crappy mobas like LoL and Smite but the ones who arent are still into WoW arenas.
WoW arenas are like the Runescape of the PvP world, no one thinks you are good if you do well there and no one respects them but there are still people that love it, doesn’t mean its a good idea lol.
So if MOBAs are crappy and WoW PvP is crappy… What is the good PvP? GW2?
You sounds kinda delusional.
Smite is far from crappy and GW2 could definitely take a page or several from its book and improve out of sight.
2v2 and 3v3 please. Something other than player vs circle… it’s soooooo boring. Oh, look at me stand in this circle soooo hard bro. Ugh. Also getting people for a 2v2 and 3v3 team is far easier than a 5 man team who all have exactly the same play schedule and skill level. My RL friend and I did 2’s and 3’s arena for years because maintaining a consistent 5’s team was akin to drudgery and work trying to get everyone perfectly coordinated at all times with RL schedules and practice times, meta changes and whatnot. With 2’s and 3’s a couple of friends can participate far more often.
2v2 and 3v3 please. Something other than player vs circle… it’s soooooo boring. Oh, look at me stand in this circle soooo hard bro.
For someone who claims to be a wvw’er your attitude towards sPvP is very passionate although negative and Im not surprised you genuinely enjoyed WoW PvP because people like you are the kind of people I ran into when I played that game. Passionate and negative.
I personally stopped PvP’ing in WoW after TBC, I have one HWL and one WL toon and I’ve been playing mmo’s for their pvp since Asheron’s Call. Arenas are a terrible yet convenient format for pvp. ANet has stated why 2v2 and 3v3 are not yet viable formats of PvP which they don’t plan on implementing atm.
(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…
No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
Yeah totally we need more WoW clones in the gaming industry. Game Designers should literally carbon copy World of Warcraft for every next MMO coming in the next 10 years.
Seems legit.
But seriously, no.
For someone who claims to be a wvw’er your attitude towards sPvP is very passionate
Actually I claimed, multiple times, that I’m both. I wvw, I do SPvP, I even do dungeons sometimes for the fun of it. Crazy I know right? Actually playing in all parts of the game. Insanity.
You know for all the people who just flamed me for saying WoW is bad? Look at our player base, and look at their player base. And they actually PAY to play.
Our PvP base is getting smaller by the day, and the developers are not responding fast enough, and think players are going to stay in this game.
Sadly this game is on the cusp of being dead and to the point of no return.
*Again, like I said before, you all like to point your noses in the air and say “go back to WoW, I play GW2.” If you you are proud of being part of a dead community, more power to you brah.
You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody plays it, it is useless. This is what this game is becoming. It is just a shame that I have invested so much time :\
You know for all the people who just flamed me for saying WoW is bad? Look at our player base, and look at their player base. And they actually PAY to play.
Our PvP base is getting smaller by the day, and the developers are not responding fast enough, and think players are going to stay in this game.
Sadly this game is on the cusp of being dead and to the point of no return.
*Again, like I said before, you all like to point your noses in the air and say “go back to WoW, I play GW2.” If you you are proud of being part of a dead community, more power to you brah.
You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody plays it, it is useless. This is what this game is becoming. It is just a shame that I have invested so much time :\
How can you tell the game is getting smaller by the day? Some of us don’t even get to log on until Saturday because we have a career, social life, and gym. What statistics are you using to make such an assumption?
As as multiple glad in wow I dislike the system, because at top it was :
Queue snipe/dodge, afk waiting for rewards, PL/Trade, selling rating etc.
The player base was “huge” you said, but the part that COULD do competitive pvp (i.e. pve trinket/illidan bow/dagger etc) was very small.
Deathmatch is stupid :
You focus this one, then it’s “micro”. No strategy it’s only tactics and teamplay and solo play. Yes it’s good in this way, but capture point offer more setup/less rock-scissor-paper and is more adapted to being competitive and esport.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
gear gaps were a complaint for bad players. Every season gave you plenty of time to max out your gear and then have time to climb the ladder even with limited play time. The only people who complained were the 1500 players who even if you gave them max gear at the start of the season, would remain 1500 players. Good players even made videos of playing in blues and still dominating teams in the 2k ranges who had full gear.
You know for all the people who just flamed me for saying WoW is bad? Look at our player base, and look at their player base. And they actually PAY to play.
Our PvP base is getting smaller by the day, and the developers are not responding fast enough, and think players are going to stay in this game.
Sadly this game is on the cusp of being dead and to the point of no return.
*Again, like I said before, you all like to point your noses in the air and say “go back to WoW, I play GW2.” If you you are proud of being part of a dead community, more power to you brah.
You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody plays it, it is useless. This is what this game is becoming. It is just a shame that I have invested so much time :\
How can you tell the game is getting smaller by the day? Some of us don’t even get to log on until Saturday because we have a career, social life, and gym. What statistics are you using to make such an assumption?
just look at the number of spvp servers and queue times buddy
You know for all the people who just flamed me for saying WoW is bad? Look at our player base, and look at their player base. And they actually PAY to play.
Our PvP base is getting smaller by the day, and the developers are not responding fast enough, and think players are going to stay in this game.
Sadly this game is on the cusp of being dead and to the point of no return.
*Again, like I said before, you all like to point your noses in the air and say “go back to WoW, I play GW2.” If you you are proud of being part of a dead community, more power to you brah.
You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody plays it, it is useless. This is what this game is becoming. It is just a shame that I have invested so much time :\
No I didn’t flame you, but nice cop-out. If a game is doing badly ( and to claim that you have to prove it, frees/paids are booming in EU ) then you analyze why is that and how to solve the problem, you don’t assume that we lack idiotic elements such as gear-grinds. GW2 PvP has its issues but you obviously don’t have any clue about them.
P.s. Many other MMOs copied WoW and look how succesful they were
P.p.s. Popularity =/= Quality. Justin Bieber has more fans than Rush, but whose music is better?
You know for all the people who just flamed me for saying WoW is bad? Look at our player base, and look at their player base. And they actually PAY to play.
Our PvP base is getting smaller by the day, and the developers are not responding fast enough, and think players are going to stay in this game.
Sadly this game is on the cusp of being dead and to the point of no return.
*Again, like I said before, you all like to point your noses in the air and say “go back to WoW, I play GW2.” If you you are proud of being part of a dead community, more power to you brah.
You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody plays it, it is useless. This is what this game is becoming. It is just a shame that I have invested so much time :\
No I didn’t flame you, but nice cop-out. If a game is doing badly ( and to claim that you have to prove it, frees/paids are booming in EU ) then you analyze why is that and how to solve the problem, you don’t assume that we lack idiotic elements such as gear-grinds. GW2 PvP has its issues but you obviously don’t have any clue about them.
P.s. Many other MMOs copied WoW and look how succesful they were
P.p.s. Popularity =/= Quality. Justin Bieber has more fans than Rush, but whose music is better?
do justin bieber and rush both compete for the same fanbase and are listed in the same genre? Fail analogy is fail. WoW and GW2 are both in the same mmorpg genre. GW2 sold 2+ mil copies and has the worst/smallest pvp population of any mmo ive played since wow. Heck, Rift has faster queue times for the 50-59 bracket.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
gear gaps were a complaint for bad players. Every season gave you plenty of time to max out your gear and then have time to climb the ladder even with limited play time. The only people who complained were the 1500 players who even if you gave them max gear at the start of the season, would remain 1500 players. Good players even made videos of playing in blues and still dominating teams in the 2k ranges who had full gear.
Assuming equal skills, good player vs good player ends with “he had more resilience, thus he won”. That being said, if gear doesn’t really matter, as your post suggests, then why even introduce it? After all, matches are won by skill cough cough and there’s rank for bragging rights. Is it to accomodate for your Increasing Numbers Disorder?
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
gear gaps were a complaint for bad players. Every season gave you plenty of time to max out your gear and then have time to climb the ladder even with limited play time. The only people who complained were the 1500 players who even if you gave them max gear at the start of the season, would remain 1500 players. Good players even made videos of playing in blues and still dominating teams in the 2k ranges who had full gear.
Assuming equal skills, good player vs good player ends with “he had more resilience, thus he won”. That being said, if gear doesn’t really matter, as your post suggests, then why even introduce it? After all, matches are won by skill cough cough and there’s rank for bragging rights. Is it to accomodate for your Increasing Numbers Disorder?
because it’s an mmorpg and people who play mmorpgs enjoy progression. Why do you think GW2 spvp has little to no cross-over from PvE players and daily complaints about lack of progression in spvp and WvW?
If everyone progresses, there really is no progress. All good players will have maxed gear, middle tier players will have non-noticeable differences and bad players won’t have any. This, my dear, isn’t progression, altough your IND may tell you otherwise.
And for the analogy, inappropiate as it may be my point still stands, if something is more popular it doen’t necessarily mean it’s better. WoW may still have the bigger paying playerbase, but nowadays it’s mediocre in many aspects. Call of Duty is arguably the most popular FPS game but it saddens me to think that it’s the highest quality we currently have in the genre.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
If everyone progresses, there really is no progress. Thus the IND was born.
people enjoy progression, whether everyone does or not. Top players all had the same gear in WoW so it came down to skill and comp just like in GW2. LIke I said, the only people who complained about gear gaps in pvp were bad players who had delusional thoughts and thought if only i had max gear id be a gladiator.
All good players will have maxed gear, middle tier players will have non-noticeable differences and bad players won’t have any.
everyone got gear in wow, it just took bad players longer but they still had a sense of progression and achieved some form of points to purchase new gear. You can knock on it all you want, but there is a reason GW2 has a tiny little niche pvp community and no cross-over from PvE and ANet searching for ways to reward people other than a horrible rank grind and cosmetic gear that gets uglier as you rank up.
Same goes for WvW, people are complaining about lack of progression and Anet is trying to figure out a way to give people something. This is not a FPS and does not have an FPS player base no matter how hard Anet trys to make it one.
and lol at “IND” welcome to mmorpgs, enjoy your stay. (why do you think ascended gear was added?)
(edited by Sprawl.3891)
If everyone progresses, there really is no progress. Thus the IND was born.
people enjoy progression, whether everyone does or not.
People enjoy fake progression that doesn’t mean anything, so obviously every game should have ever-increasing numbers because that totally increases the enjoyment and quality of the game, it’s not a cheap trick to keep you playing a sub fee IND is a bad beast, I know, but you’ll eventually get rid of it. Either that, or I’ll simply stop playing MMORPGs since it looks like the average player is brainwashed.
GW1 did fine with NO progression at all ( by your definition ) for 7 years and is still running. So yeah. I’m out of here.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
If everyone progresses, there really is no progress. Thus the IND was born.
people enjoy progression, whether everyone does or not.
People enjoy fake progression that doesn’t mean anything, so obviously every game should have ever-increasing numbers because that totally increases the enjoyment and quality of the game, it’s not a cheap trick to keep you playing a sub fee
IND is a bad beast, I know, but you’ll eventually get rid of it.
GW1 did fine with NO progression at all ( by your definition ) for 7 years and is still running. So yeah. I’m out of here.
GW1 was not marketed as a traditional mmo. GW2 pvp is failing and lack of meaningful progression is one of the reasons.
Lack of a Power progression is not the reason GW2 is failing at all.
Lack of features is the reason.
- scrap tournaments
- implement a Solo/Duo que and Team que options with their own separate respective ladders with visible matchmaking and ladders
- Update the UI to be able to party or solo que into either mode from anywhere within the game
-scrap hot-join and the paid scene. Implement unranked/ranked versions of the solo/team que
-add some more game modes even if they are only unranked and conquest stays the ranked gamemode (2v2, 3v3 TDM, CTF like the snowball mayhem etc)
-find something that isn’t economy breaking to make money from glory or a token of some description that you only get from winning matches in either solo or team que. Ranked gives more tokens of course.
- in general, just make the game a bit more about competition and fun. It just isn’t sustainable in its current form. More players leave then come in.
- Dueling system, whatever it may be.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
gear gaps were a complaint for bad players. Every season gave you plenty of time to max out your gear and then have time to climb the ladder even with limited play time. The only people who complained were the 1500 players who even if you gave them max gear at the start of the season, would remain 1500 players. Good players even made videos of playing in blues and still dominating teams in the 2k ranges who had full gear.
Then why have it in the first place and let skill be the determining factor? Wow’s decision to have pvp gear not easily accessible, and thus needed to be grinded out monotonously was due to the precarious stat and time to attain balance that it had to share with the rapidly creeping power ceiling of the PvE endgame. Both of the modes had to proceed lockstep with each other in terms of stats, otherwise players could gain advantages from dipping into the other side. The meditating factor, known as the pvp resilience stat, could only do some much to stem the systemic stat creep problems that disrupt the tenuous balance between PvE and PvP. This can be seen quite clearly through the rise of the subtlety rogue in cataclysm, who the help of a buff and constantly rising stats, went from a control bot with paltry damage to a well-rounded powerhouse.
So simply put WoW’s balancing is and always be a freaking disaster and will for any game that wants to have some coherency between its PvP and PvE modes while feeding players ballooning stat gears in the hope their sub numbers won’t crash. 3v3 WoW arena was the only remotely balanced arena mode and even that was dominated by predictable comps and specs for each class.
I also don’t think arena is a good match for this type of PvP. It might be short term fun, but it would be an unbalanced mess that would drag down the whole in order to make it a serviceable competitive format. Without healers and low ttk means matches the majority of the time would boil down to simply comp and AOE wars that wouldn’t be fun at any serious level. GW2 could expand into new modes, but I’d like that they’d stick with objective based formats like CtF.
There is one reason for gear treadmills—it makes choosing stats easier for new players. One of the tough things about GW2 is that as soon as you start, you have 70 trait points and a ton of stats to choose from.
Personally, I find it great that you immediately get all of that, but it can be a detriment. Hopefully that can be remedied with smoother learning curves and better matchmaking.
WoW PvP is currently dozens of times more active than gw2 pvp is. I would say that Anet could learn a thing or two.
WoW PvP is currently dozens of times more active than gw2 pvp is. I would say that Anet could learn a thing or two.
Give them 8 years.
ranked comp 2v2, 3v3, 5v5
This was the best part of WoW pvp in my opinion. The theorycrafting on classes etc, constantly changing meta and groups. It kept things fun.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
There is never enough people on to even get into a paid with PUGS as well…
I think you need to rejuvenate your player base before focusing on what you are trying to do in this game. Your main PVP in this game is like honor grinding in WoW…which was fun once in a while, but extremely repetitive.
Stop making us grind for nothing, give us incentives. PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
Many firms copy what other successful firms have already done, and profit from it. I don’t think ANYONE will argue the success of WoW’s ranked group pvp system, it was probably the best part of their PVP. It also spawned a huge e-sport league as well.
You have a great game, but you are really about to lose me. I have never seen such a slow response.
I am a consultant for one of the best firms in the world focused in restructuring, and this game needs to be tweaked or it will simply die like many of the other firms who are too thick headed to believe their “baby” is bleeding money, or simply loosing their client base.
Nobody buys games anymore to just PVE, especially not online games.
*The WoW pvp system is as good as something can be at the moment. It always humors me when people on this forum whine about wanting “perfection.” Do you know how many really large companies are absolutely kitten when it comes to their operations and business models?
It shows your age when you ask for things that simply are not possible. I see a game that is so balanced and well built, that it is actually boring.
PvP should act like an economy, when larger firms try to take over in a FOTM or OP builds, a competitor will arise. I was a gladiator back when the title meant something. (pre s3 when it got inflated and just pointless).
Many of you complain about OP builds or RNG, but you need to understand, that is what keeps things random and fun. There are many times I faced matchups where RNG would not work in their favor, and it would work for my favor in a comp that was never “supposed” to win. Most people don’t realize that good players will still beat “unbeatable or cookie cutter” comps 99% of the time.
Please take some advice from a popular game, implement it here, and take what is already almost too balanced and give it a little flavor, and a burst of life into the e-sport world. If it does not happen soon, your game will simply be another “could have been.”
Just going to poke a giant hole in your argument here. GW1 PvP was a million times better and more skillful than WoW and GW2 so how about we become more like that instead.
WoW PvP is currently dozens of times more active than gw2 pvp is. I would say that Anet could learn a thing or two.
Give them 8 years.
doesnt work that way, was WoW arena not out while GW2 was in development? yet they took nothing from it and now are rushing around to try to save what little pvp population they have left.
like i said i get faster queues in Rift in the 50-54 level bracket lol, so sad.
I just hit rank 27 last night, and I was like…wtf am I doing? There are no rewards besides what ANET deems is cooler looking armor.
PvP for better gear, with a ranked system so my gear is not putting me at an advantage versus newer players…whoa wasn’t that simple?
I urge you to reread what you just posted, if you don’t notice a glaring issue with it just ask I’ll point it out.
P.s. Huge WoW E-sports League? I can’t say that with a straight face. Imbalance makes for great E-sport? You must be trolling me…No one should have a gear advantage. That was what kept games like wow from ever becoming an esport. Why should a skilled player lose to a less skilled player because the less skilled player has more time to grind for the better gear? Skill is skill and that is what it should take to win. Anet just needs to build upon what they already have. Fix the bugs and make a few balance changes. Add some more game modes, ladders, etc. They have a great foundation for esports, but they lack core pvp elements that have already been discussed numerous times on these threads.
gear gaps were a complaint for bad players. Every season gave you plenty of time to max out your gear and then have time to climb the ladder even with limited play time. The only people who complained were the 1500 players who even if you gave them max gear at the start of the season, would remain 1500 players. Good players even made videos of playing in blues and still dominating teams in the 2k ranges who had full gear.
Then why have it in the first place and let skill be the determining factor? Wow’s decision to have pvp gear not easily accessible, and thus needed to be grinded out monotonously was due to the precarious stat and time to attain balance that it had to share with the rapidly creeping power ceiling of the PvE endgame. Both of the modes had to proceed lockstep with each other in terms of stats, otherwise players could gain advantages from dipping into the other side. The meditating factor, known as the pvp resilience stat, could only do some much to stem the systemic stat creep problems that disrupt the tenuous balance between PvE and PvP. This can be seen quite clearly through the rise of the subtlety rogue in cataclysm, who the help of a buff and constantly rising stats, went from a control bot with paltry damage to a well-rounded powerhouse.
So simply put WoW’s balancing is and always be a freaking disaster and will for any game that wants to have some coherency between its PvP and PvE modes while feeding players ballooning stat gears in the hope their sub numbers won’t crash. 3v3 WoW arena was the only remotely balanced arena mode and even that was dominated by predictable comps and specs for each class.
I also don’t think arena is a good match for this type of PvP. It might be short term fun, but it would be an unbalanced mess that would drag down the whole in order to make it a serviceable competitive format. Without healers and low ttk means matches the majority of the time would boil down to simply comp and AOE wars that wouldn’t be fun at any serious level. GW2 could expand into new modes, but I’d like that they’d stick with objective based formats like CtF.
gw2 is also full of predictable comps and specs for each class, what’s your point? the only teams running different comps are the elite teams who have no competition and could beat the teams they are playing naked and with 5 banner warriors, so them running odd comps doesnt really mean much.
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