You can't spectate a room if it's full...

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

I think its on purpose. Follows the company policy to not release info on anything because they fear we will be upset if the feature doesnt hit live either fast enough or ever at all. (Like city activities which were announced prerelease and never shipped)

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh


Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

so basically if someone hosts a tournament with all of the top teams, they can only invite 10 people to watch and everyone else has to find a stream… lol, yea that will really build the community.

Yup, and while some shoutcasts are fine Id much rather have control of my own camera and look at what I find important, not someone else.

that is the whole point of observer mode, to be able to have your own control, view peoples stats/specs, etc. With the way it is setup, unless you are friends with the top teams, you will be relegated to watching a shoutcast/stream and hope you don’t miss whatever time they have to actually inspect the players. All we got was basically a shoutcast mode. Oh you play a thief and want to watch the thief? sorry streamer is focusing on the mesmer and ele.

Yup, I agree. The individual implementation of spectator mode is great. How they set up who can view as a spectator for a given arena is absolutely terrible. A complete step backwards from their working implementation of this feature in GW1 which is now what, 7 years old?

Guild Wars 2 is a completely different game. You cannot take Gw1 features and just drop them in a brand new engine. Gw1 was a simpler game, which made observer mode less complicated than how it would work in Gw2. For example, Gw1 did not use Havok. Of course we would all love observer mode, but this is certainly a step forward, which is better than nothing at all. The current spectator feature is still something we would implement anyways for added support of a neutral team. Plus it allows us to start iterating on shoutcasting UI.

yep i wouldnt expect less from devs that say “l2p” or “if u want gvg go back to gw1” i think a “better than nothing” philosophy suit u just rigth.
Its funny that after well 8 months of release and several months in beta you just now figure out how to change tooltips.

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


Who will be here when all is done and said? The PvPers… so you should probably start catering to them… as in implementing features that existed in GW1 years ago.

I don’t necessarily think that is true at all. I think right now more people are still PvEing than PvPing 8 months after release. Also PvE is still more popular in GW1.

Instead, they should strike a balance between the two, not cater to one or the other

Obviously, look at the mess that PvP is. You think people Will go to conventions, swarm by the thousands, to watch someone do a dungeon run? Me neither.
PvP tends to outlast PvE… that’s the general idea.

Even at the height of gw1 popularity, PvE was what kept the game running. After prophecies they became shifting focus to PvE.

who cares? sc2 and lol run entirely off of pvp and they do just fine

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

They got lots of plans man. 8 month long plan to release 10 person obs mode and password protected hotjoin. What more do you want?

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

I hope you realize that he can’t answer this question if he wants to keep his job.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

I hope you realize that he can’t answer this question if he wants to keep his job.

Didn’t know you signed his paychecks…

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

I hope you realize that he can’t answer this question if he wants to keep his job.

Didn’t know you signed his paychecks…

I don’t have to – it’s like a standard clause in most any employment contract.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Invizible.2960


I don’t think he can/will give a definite answer. Based on his reply it seems they’re not sure how they could do it and don’t want to tell us that they will definitely add the feature. Imagine the uproar if he told us that they were working on it and didn’t deliver.

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Give the guy a break. We see that each spvp server has a player limit. To increase the limit so more people could watch would be doubling their required resources for example. This is ridiculous for real time spectating to be available initially.

Plus GW1 observer mode was a recording. It was not real time like this spectator is currently. People never gonna be happy bro.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Aelelan.1639


I can’t say that it’s that big of a deal. As it is a majority of esport viewers do so through streams rather than direct in-game spectating. Any match worth watching likely would be one you would be better off watching with a shoutcaster to begin with.

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


I can’t say that it’s that big of a deal. As it is a majority of esport viewers do so through streams rather than direct in-game spectating. Any match worth watching likely would be one you would be better off watching with a shoutcaster to begin with.

I don’t want to log out, search a channel and watch the match with narrating, and I can’t even decide what to watch.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Who will be here when all is done and said? The PvPers… so you should probably start catering to them… as in implementing features that existed in GW1 years ago.

I don’t necessarily think that is true at all. I think right now more people are still PvEing than PvPing 8 months after release. Also PvE is still more popular in GW1.

Instead, they should strike a balance between the two, not cater to one or the other

Obviously, look at the mess that PvP is. You think people Will go to conventions, swarm by the thousands, to watch someone do a dungeon run? Me neither.
PvP tends to outlast PvE… that’s the general idea.

Even at the height of gw1 popularity, PvE was what kept the game running. After prophecies they became shifting focus to PvE.

who cares? sc2 and lol run entirely off of pvp and they do just fine

I was talking about guild wars 1, I dont care about sc2. Just to add, SC2 is not even comparable. The only other MMORPG that gw2 can be compared to is gw1, in, since.
guild wars 2 has more going for it, which means it requires more resources than sc2. Obviously not sufficient reason for its current state, but it is what it is.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


I can’t say that it’s that big of a deal. As it is a majority of esport viewers do so through streams rather than direct in-game spectating. Any match worth watching likely would be one you would be better off watching with a shoutcaster to begin with.

If its not a big deal why do most other games pushing esports have that functionality…

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

I hope you realize that he can’t answer this question if he wants to keep his job.

Didn’t know you signed his paychecks…

I don’t have to – it’s like a standard clause in most any employment contract.

No it’s not…

You can't spectate a room if it's full...

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


… which is better than nothing at all…

Ahh the new found mantra of A-net. If you continue down this path, all of these little choices of “better than nothing” will lead inevitably to people taking the choice of nothing and moving on.

Like I said, we needed this technology anyways. It’s great that it can fill some of the roles of observer mode before we actually have observer mode

So is this then confirmation that a full observer mode with a higher limit of concurrent viewers is actively being designed/developed/tested?

It must be a disconnect in communication. I assumed, his original comment meant that there were technical limitations preventing observer mode. Now it sounds like it is something they are working on…Clarification please.

There are definitely technical limitations we have not solved.

I understand that, my question is still there though – is the plan TO solve them and release a full observer mode?

I hope you realize that he can’t answer this question if he wants to keep his job.

Didn’t know you signed his paychecks…

I don’t have to – it’s like a standard clause in most any employment contract.

No it’s not…

Let the man think he knows software contracts. Granted, we know its company policy not to tell us features ahead of time but there have been cases when information was given before hand…

For example they told us arenas were coming in November. Just no firm time table.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)