PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Hi everyone, with the world championship a few weeks behind us and the announcement for next year’s ESL events surely coming pretty soon, I thought it would be a great time to find out the moments in pro league/world championship that really stood out to people and made them enjoy watching the events. Personally, I find it extremely hard to choose only a few, because the has just been so many hype matches and awesome plays. But I took a while to think about all that has happened this year and have decided that the following are my own favourite moments:
NUMBER 1: vM vs. Astral season 1 finals, game 2.
Without a doubt, that game on temple in the season one finals was the most exciting gw2 esports game I have ever seen. I am sure that when the score was like 400-220 or whatever it was to astral, not a single person would have thought vermillion had any chance, myself included. However, what followed that was one of the most amazing comebacks I have ever seen, seriously the feeling I got when the camera switched from a fight on the temple node to alkore channelling tranquility was amazing and the commentating made it even better.
NUMBER 2: Rank 55 vs. Astral, season 2 finals, game 1.
This was another amazing moment and awesome comeback. Astral started the game by taking kill after kill on rank 55 and built up over 150 point lead. I really did think that Astral had improved so much and rank 55 just couldn’t even compete with them any more at that point but they managed to come back from what looked like certain defeat and made some pretty amazing plays including one awesome res from zan to rescue a losing fight not long before they went for Lord. When they did go for the Lord, I thought it was game over, but astral did an amazing job to get back and revive their Lord and even though it did go down eventually, it added to what was an extremely exciting game, I seriously had no idea who would win until the Lord was stomped.
NUMBER 3: PZ vs. Astral, season 2 week 7, game 3,
This was both a close, great to watch match and a major turning point in the competitive scene. I never thought I would see astral lose to another NA team again, but PZ did a fantastic job to beat them on temple to make it 1-1 and put in another incredible performance to take the series against them (it turned out second seed would have been better in the finals but that was irrelevant at that point). All the way through the match there was never a big point gap between the teams and PZ did a fantastic job to hold on to their lead and secure and amazing win that made the NA scene a lot more interesting, at least for me.
I would love to choose more but that would just turn this into an unbelievably long post. I can’t wait to hear what you all enjoyed and also for the announcement of next year’s pro events.
the intro from jeff from never lucky
The Mesmer portal play where a downed Ele went mist form and took the portal for an amazing lord rush play.
bring back 2015
You should include links for people to watch these things that you’re talking about.
To have esport moments first we’d have to become an esport. Please don’t tell me you’re delusonal enough to think this game is esport.
To have esport moments first we’d have to become an esport. Please don’t tell me you’re delusonal enough to think this game is esport.
No were not there yet if you compare us to the likes of League and others but with some community support and less hate we could be.
To have esport moments first we’d have to become an esport. Please don’t tell me you’re delusonal enough to think this game is esport.
No were not there yet if you compare us to the likes of League and others but with some community support and less hate we could be.
Community support is not the problem, Anet is and we can’t change nor undo their stupidity. We are lightyears behind any esport title and the gap just keeps increasing.
Maybe if you actually learned how to play the game instead of crying about how everything is overpowered, you might actually realize that there is a lot more depth to the game than you’re even cognizant of.
Such depth.
Also, not sure I would assign you as an advocate for skill considering your latest world championship performance.
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that top 6 in the world with a last minute roster wasn’t good enough for you. I forget, where were you? On your couch munching on Doritos?
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that top 6 in the world with a last minute roster wasn’t good enough for you. I forget, where were you? On your couch munching on Doritos?
The ego one develops when climbing to the top of a very small mountain is quite fascinating.
Regardless, I don’t think you can defend the claim that gw2 pvp had lost much of its depth.
When that guy used his power creep to defeat the passive’s,so skillful he didn’t even have to look in his target’s direction due to the skillful auto channel abilities. and that cleave!
Seriously noone cares about esports because the greenhorn balance team removed 90% of player interaction.
Though it’s good it’s keeping 10-20 people interested in pvp, that’s like 80% of the playerbase…
It’s sad to see people hating on esports and the players that compete in it. If nobody cared then why does anet host world tournaments? It’s the same reason why they hosted trio speed run tournaments for pve players. Because both esports and speed run players have a big presence in the game so no amount of hating is gonna change that.
They host tournaments because A) it’s from the marketing budget and the marketing team can effectively dodge work for a year if they put it all into some tournament they don’t even have to organize and
to cover up how bad PvP really is in this game and all the pro players would leave instantly if they weren’t getting paid. The pvp devs want to keep their jobs so they have to make this mess look good.
A. Better the money go into hosting tournaments for pve and pvp players than seeing all the cringe worthy ads and trailers we were getting accustomed to and B. it’s not perfect but it’s not as bad as you claim. How do you know the pro players would leave instantly? You should ask them and report back to us. From what I seen pro players actually like this game and been on the record as such.
How do you know the pro players would leave instantly? You should ask them and report back to us. From what I seen pro players actually like this game and been on the record as such.
Oh yeah they love it so much that’s why nearly all of them stopped streaming and barely ever log in unless it has something to do with a paid tournament (like scrims).
I’d suggest adding the roster of the EU teams to your friendlist and tell me if they even come online.
And what are we even talking about? The roughly 10 teams that are still around? GW2’s PvP viewercount on average is around 0.1% of what actual esport games get, that should tell you something.
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that top 6 in the world with a last minute roster wasn’t good enough for you. I forget, where were you? On your couch munching on Doritos?
The ego one develops when climbing to the top of a very small mountain is quite fascinating.
Regardless, I don’t think you can defend the claim that gw2 pvp had lost much of its depth.
the ego of someone sitting on their couch eating dorritos mocking the person who climbed that small mountian. cuz eating dorritos on a couch is so kitten hard right?
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that top 6 in the world with a last minute roster wasn’t good enough for you. I forget, where were you? On your couch munching on Doritos?
The ego one develops when climbing to the top of a very small mountain is quite fascinating.
Regardless, I don’t think you can defend the claim that gw2 pvp had lost much of its depth.
the ego of someone sitting on their couch eating dorritos mocking the person who climbed that small mountian. cuz eating dorritos on a couch is so kitten hard right?
Why such hate for Doritos? But seriously, I’m sorry for hurting your precious feelings. Now can we get back to talking about something that actually matters like how pvp has largely devolved in this game?
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that top 6 in the world with a last minute roster wasn’t good enough for you. I forget, where were you? On your couch munching on Doritos?
The ego one develops when climbing to the top of a very small mountain is quite fascinating.
Regardless, I don’t think you can defend the claim that gw2 pvp had lost much of its depth.
the ego of someone sitting on their couch eating dorritos mocking the person who climbed that small mountian. cuz eating dorritos on a couch is so kitten hard right?
Why such hate for Doritos? But seriously, I’m sorry for hurting your precious feelings. Now can we get back to talking about something that actually matters like how pvp has largely devolved in this game?
or maybe you can stay on topic instead of trying to hijack a perfectly reasonable thread. GO MAKE YOUR OWN.
Maybe if you actually learned how to play the game instead of crying about how everything is overpowered, you might actually realize that there is a lot more depth to the game than you’re even cognizant of.
Such depth.
Also, not sure I would assign you as an advocate for skill considering your latest world championship performance.
I don’t understand why people think this video shows no skill gameplay. If pvp was just spamming skills, then this would NEVER happen. This shows that there is an optimal way to use skills in that situation and both revs, because they are the best 2 in the world in my opinion, both know exactly what to do. Would some random Rev in ranked do that? No, they would use their skills in a different, less effective way. That video shows the exact opposite of gameplay with no depth and I honestly do not understand why people do not seem to think that.
Also, this was supposed to be a positive thread about the moments in competitive events that people have enjoyed and looking forward to what may happen next season, so can I ask everyone to please stay on topic because it really is sad to see all this negativity in the thread I created.
Maybe if you actually learned how to play the game instead of crying about how everything is overpowered, you might actually realize that there is a lot more depth to the game than you’re even cognizant of.
Such depth.
Also, not sure I would assign you as an advocate for skill considering your latest world championship performance.
I don’t understand why people think this video shows no skill gameplay. If pvp was just spamming skills, then this would NEVER happen. This shows that there is an optimal way to use skills in that situation and both revs, because they are the best 2 in the world in my opinion, both know exactly what to do. Would some random Rev in ranked do that? No, they would use their skills in a different, less effective way. That video shows the exact opposite of gameplay with no depth and I honestly do not understand why people do not seem to think that.
Also, this was supposed to be a positive thread about the moments in competitive events that people have enjoyed and looking forward to what may happen next season, so can I ask everyone to please stay on topic because it really is sad to see all this negativity in the thread I created.
Apparently people are so kitten in NA. Offended by everything. That’s why gw2 pvp scene is a joke.
People don’t wanna use comms even if its built in
People don’t wanna team up
People think they are better than they are actually are.
Its the perfect recipe for disaster.
not sure whats more cringy, the cring_e-sports itself or the people who actively try to discuss it
I don’t know man. It’s pretty “cringy” that you wrote “cring_e-sports”.
are there any vods for these matches?
are there any vods for these matches?
Yes, every match from week 1 in season 1 is on both YouTube and twitch right now.
Favorite moment = when Tarcis taught Olrun how to play warrior in that utterly hilarious destruction of a 1v1
the intro from jeff from never lucky
When ANX beat ROX to go 3-1 last week. Ridiculous. I can’t believe Peanut threw so badly.
Oh… wait. GW2 has e-sports? Wait. How?
Favorite moment = when Tarcis taught Olrun how to play warrior in that utterly hilarious destruction of a 1v1
heres the video
are there any vods for these matches?
I could do a forum recap if you wish.
In bullet points:
-In an effort to clean up the forums, suffish posts a “happy go lucky” message.
-The thread dies a horrible death
-Attracted by the impending smell of dis pare, the forum trolls breath new life into a dead thread
-Olrun breaks out his Esl thief dodge skills
-The greatest moment was uncovered: People fleeing from a fight to grind some loot from the AI lord.
-The second greatest moment was uncovered: people spamming the same skills.
-Salt was flung
-Olrun proclaims himself the master of Na being ranked 6th overall,
-Oxford dictionary to rewrite the defination of “winning” 6th out of 10 will now be known as “skillful”
-In an effort to reclaim the thread, Suffish pulls of a stunning backcap and pleads for positive vibes, not realizing this thread is positive, positively hilarious.
Hm think that about catches you up.
are there any vods for these matches?
I could do a forum recap if you wish.
In bullet points:-In an effort to clean up the forums, suffish posts a “happy go lucky” message.
-The thread dies a horrible death
-Attracted by the impending smell of dis pare, the forum trolls breath new life into a dead thread
-Olrun breaks out his Esl thief dodge skills
-The greatest moment was uncovered: People fleeing from a fight to grind some loot from the AI lord.
-The second greatest moment was uncovered: people spamming the same skills.
-Salt was flung
-Olrun proclaims himself the master of Na being ranked 6th overall,
-Oxford dictionary to rewrite the defination of “winning” 6th out of 10 will now be known as “skillful”
-In an effort to reclaim the thread, Suffish pulls of a stunning backcap and pleads for positive vibes, not realizing this thread is positive, positively hilarious.Hm think that about catches you up.
A perfect summary of gw2 esports.
Agree with Darknicrofia:
My favorite moment: When Tarcis 1v2ed Olrun and Jeff from Never Lucky and yet still not get qualify. This 1v2 is the most clear moment for viewers to see the outplays and how can mechanic skill make huge difference between players.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMtMMuVOn5A
And how mechanical skill means absolute jack in the current iteration of the game in most cases.
But it’s been that way since like… forever in sPvP.
Why isn’t this emailed to everyone in game about this poll. Like it is in WvW. Not everyone comes to threads, and twitter, fb, or reddit.
It’s how I voted for most my WvW was thanks to that letter in-game mail about it.
I say sort of shady and makes votes and thoughts short sided.
That one’s going to haunt me for a while, isn’kitten Regardless, the reason why we won that match was because Ipno carried, and a couple other reasons. Ipno completely donged Ementon, and Ez Pz’s rotations were certainly lacking, resulting in Zorh taking a Druid v Warrior match up multiple times because spawns weren’t correctly accounted for. Using that play to say the game is skill-less is misleading at best, since it ignores all the plays my teammates made that match.
I actually like most tight matches, it is realy nice to look at and I always cheer on the team with unique compositions. So that time when Orange Logo didn’t even play with comms against was it 55? Don’t remember, but they used like DH when it was on the bottom of all classes I remember.
Best way to keep this topic healthy is to ignore the trolls and the haters. A good topic OP.
I actually like most tight matches, it is realy nice to look at and I always cheer on the team with unique compositions. So that time when Orange Logo didn’t even play with comms against was it 55? Don’t remember, but they used like DH when it was on the bottom of all classes I remember.
Best way to keep this topic healthy is to ignore the trolls and the haters. A good topic OP.
It was against more guns and car crashed when they played without comm (they played twice that week). And yeah close matches I always enjoy, especially when there is a comeback, but only when my favourite team wins (for example I could never give DNL vs. R55 game 4 at worlds as a good moment because I am still annoyed about the result of that game, lol) however they are always exciting to watch live, regardless of result.
As for unique comps, I do agree with you. One moment I can think of is when GnR rank 2 wars and a thief against rank 55 back in season 1 when those 2 classes were total trash. I am unsure about if that was a joke comp or not, but I doubt it was considering they changed for game 2. They lost 500-0 but whatever, that doesn’t matter. I also did like how NL ran staff thief in worlds qualifiers and managed to beat PZ with it. Interesting compositions are always good to see, even better when they manage to do well.
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