battle of khylo: how to win?
Most important of all: destroy their treb. Then as soon as they pick up the repair kit go kill their runner or destroy their treb as soon as they repair it.
it takes a while for the treb to turn so note to where the treb is pointed and go cap a point on the oppossite side if at all possible.
When approaching the treb do it from their close-point. The treb is almost never pointed in that direction.
When you know the treb is up and the enemy is going for the clock tower stand on the sides behind the window as to not get hit by the treb.
These are all hints when you cannot destroy the treb.
What I ussualy do on my engi and ele is use the treb till I get attacked, then go to a point that is contested or where my friends need help. Beat which ever guy is there cap point then repair treb at lightning speed only to abandon it again when its under attack.
What you want to do is have one person dedicated to, at the start of the match, running to their treb and whacking it dead. It should be someone who can take a few hits, because there will probably be someone on the treb, but they want to concentrate on demolishing it and then running away. While this is going on, your treb will probably be attacked and destroyed, but it’s okay. You don’t need the treb to win.
Like Rezz said, if they pick up their repair kit (you will get a message on screen and audio when they do) then go and kill their runner. The repair kit will be the repair kit spawn on the opposite side of mid from your treb. See this image as a reference. Keep that in mind when you see they picked up their kit, as you can anticipate where the runner will be coming from.
I’ve always found Kyhlo to be easier than Foefire, since protecting the Lord is just an annoying mechanic that makes it tough to say whether you should send one person over or four. Plus Home is the same distance from the enemy that it is from you.
Having a good bunker guard with knockbacks that knows how to dodge a treb can really help on the midpoint.
Because of the way the mid point is designed, knockbacks are extremely effective for decapping or just taking an enemy out of the fight for a bit since you can knock them out of line-of-sight.
Also, while taking out the enemy treb is important, learning how to multi-task dodging a treb attack while fighting is very important. Generally, when you’re on clocktower, you can count to about 4 after hearing the announcement of incoming treb and dodge, but ideally, you will want to look up with your camera to make sure.
Oh, also, mesmers with blink or thieves with short bow are good candidates to jumping on your trep since they can port to the treb almost instantly instead of running around the base. If they port, then tap the treb attack skill as soon as they get to the treb, they can get the roof knocked off the clocktower within a few seconds of the game start so that they can start landing trebs on mid as soon as the enemies reach that point.
(edited by Dahkeus.8243)
also note that the treb has a huge hit box so aoe skills like meteor shower will be extremely effective, also using charge skills directly in to it can deal massive damage,
a necro with flesh golem for example can take off a massive amount of its health.
since it cannot be crit and takes less than normal damage you shouldn’t even think about sending a bunker or condi spec to deal with it, they’ll be there several minutes.
Well, you have to hold your points, while trying to cap theirs. Every two seconds, you gain a point for each point you hold. If you kill an enemy player, your team gets five points. First team to 500 points wins.
i usually hang out in the middle. from balcony one has a complete view of the map. if far is unattended – i go decap. i close needs help – i go close. if middle is getting crowded – go on our treb. if nothing to do – i go for enemy treb.
Send your best 1v1 player to mid and if they hop on treb have him skip mid and go to treb. Kill the player not the treb the first time. If they get back on treb kill the player again but kill the treb down to like 1 HP. If they get on it again just 1 shot it from below. Basically if they wanna treb, make them waste their time and farm them.
Don’t get on your treb at the start. Save it for when it is needed. Then when someone dies in a team fight they can respawn and hop on treb because whatever team fight they were in probably needs the help (since someone died already in it).
Lastly, have a thief/ele/or mesmer at midpoint DPS’ing down on teh point, kiting from the edge of the clocktower. This person can see the entire map and be the “scout” for your team, telling your team where the enemy is and where they are headed, so you can out-rotate their team.
also note that the treb has a huge hit box so aoe skills like meteor shower will be extremely effective, also using charge skills directly in to it can deal massive damage,
a necro with flesh golem for example can take off a massive amount of its health.since it cannot be crit and takes less than normal damage you shouldn’t even think about sending a bunker or condi spec to deal with it, they’ll be there several minutes.
A bunker is very slow to kill a treb, but they can still be relatively reliable to take down the treb in a pinch since they can just tank the player damage while whittling down the treb.
However, the best thing to do if you ever have a bunker attack your treb is to just ditch it and help your team. Trying to kill the bunker will be a waste of time, but leaving the bunker to plink away at a treb while you help win team fights transfers the waste of time to them. =P
Don’t repair the treb unless (1) you have two points and (2) you have a man advantage <one of them just died>
So many times a winning game was turned to a losing game because some idiot decided to repair the treb when we needed him fighting.
You have to destroy the enemy treb. It deals too much damage and CC to let the other team free fire with it.
Here’s our strategy:
- 1 close:
- 3 mid:
- 1 enemy treb (then mid)
If close gets attacked, 1-2 go there, 2 stay mid.
Just play two points and keep the treb out.
If you (and your team members) are skilled enough you always win.
Don’t repair the treb unless (1) you have two points and (2) you have a man advantage <one of them just died>
So many times a winning game was turned to a losing game because some idiot decided to repair the treb when we needed him fighting.
methinks you should also probably repair the treb if you are respawning in a situation where you are losing and desperate and hopefully winning a team fight or 2 with it’s support will turn things around.
aye, thanks everyone for the tips! much appreciated!
yesterday, we finally managed to win on this map though, but i think it was against a pug team. maybe we beat them via better communication & rotation?
off topic, in a forest animal map, we ran into a group of players displaying various champion titles. we got obliterated. scores were 500 – 100+
halfway through the match, we gave up and just wanna play team death match, we stuck together and wanna put them down, we managed to down one but their scores hit 500, and then their thief shadow refuge !!! > . <
they had 2 thieves 2 necro and i can’t remember the 5th.
all 5 of them had incredible dps, we just melted away when we encountered them.
keep your dodges for trebshots and play with your camera angled in a way you can see the shots coming. there is nothing more demotivating for a person handling the treb than seeing several “dodge” indicators on mid.
(edited by zaced.7948)