classes not considered in matchmaking...
So are you saying it’s Anets fault that you and 3 others are stupid enough to play DH in this meta?
So are you saying it’s Anets fault that you and 3 others are stupid enough to play DH in this meta?
Great, great submissive behaviour, mate. Anet makes some classes too weak and you are just like… “Oh well, it’s not their fault. Let’s just all only play 3 classes, that will be fun”
PvP in a nutshell.
I don’t know why anyone would say DH is too weak. I find them very challenging. And in a team against 3 DHs, I would have a very challenging match that could go either way.
@electra that depends on what tier of pvp league you currently are…from what I’ve seen the higher you get the less effective they become. @OP what tier are you currently on? Ifyou are still low it really isn’t surprising because they are the easiest to play.