dishonor comeback

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Today a old guild mate came back after a long break and we went into the pvp just 1 hour ago. 3 pvp ranked games and i kid you not this is what happened.

1st game- Starts 4 vs 5 and we didnt even see our 5th player. We said bad luck it happens

2nd game- theres a necro there and bam when the match starts he doesnt move and is kicked since he did nothing. The first 5 min of the match its 4 vs 5 and he comes back and we lose 470-500. A bit frustrating since we should of won this match but my guild mate didnt get his thief winner for the day since we got another bad egg.

3rd game- We start off 5 vs 5 and its great, get home and have a long mid fight for the 3rd spot. We eventually lose this spot but me and another player go for far once we lost 2 other players at mid. We now have far and home. The warrior who first died runs back to mid where all 5 are at. He begins to type mid mid mid over and over when we have 2 cap points and he runs into a 1 vs 5 and one other player follows him leaving a mesmer to hold home vs 2 once they get smashed at mid. That warrior decides to leave the game. He left the match 4 vs 5 5 min into the game.

Seriously anet this is probably the biggest problem in the game for pvp. There is no punishment for peoples poor attitudes when it comes to playing the matches and literally just showing up to play. We played over 1 hour worth of matches and me and my guild mate easily felt like we were 2 of the better half of the players in the matches but we couldnt get 1 win or 1 fair 5 vs 5 match.

Let me add my guild mate took a 30 min break since he didnt want to go into a match with shaky internet. He was having lag and waited for it to pass and logged back in. Its a disservice to players like him who do everything the right way and to get kicked in the butt like that.

Bring back to dishoner, 1 week bans on players from ranked/unranked

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


This is only going to get more common as the summer holidays start and all the kids are playing ragequitting left, right and center.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Damian.6978


Eh, it happens. Ragequitters really quit eventually. You win some and you lose some. Just use that round to practice against super unfair odds, maybe you’ll learn something, maybe you’ll get steamrolled. I do agree there should be /some/ retribution for ALT+F4’ing, but it’s not critical.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I will repeat, GW1 did pretty well in this case, because:
→ After won match, you could stay with your team for next match (less ‘randoms’).
→ You could forfeit, so bad setup or horrible matchup? No problem, just surrender and start next match.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: yomel.9605


yeah please make something… i had like 10 4vs5 today, make something like 1h ban of pvp, would help a lot. Gw1 was so better at dishonor

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Eh, it happens. Ragequitters really quit eventually. You win some and you lose some. Just use that round to practice against super unfair odds, maybe you’ll learn something, maybe you’ll get steamrolled. I do agree there should be /some/ retribution for ALT+F4’ing, but it’s not critical.

see i disagree, i have around 5k matches played so ive been here alot. There reason why this hurt so bad is because myself and my guild mate dont want to cheat other players so doesnt matter what you think of our game play/ rotation/build/ etc we give it our all every match. We also dont play the ranked/unranked games if our internet isnt working correctly.

So for us 2 to play over 1 hour worth of matches of it being 4 vs 5 is completely insane to me. People are talking bug issues which i dont really agree with too much. This is a legit problem. People going into a match not giving any effort and quitting.

When i solo play its not a big deal, this was me and 1 other person and it happened 3 straight matches and all he was trying to do was get 1 win and its just as spotty trying to get it in the gauntlet now known as hot join.

There needs to be serious punishment for players who repeatedly in a 1-2 day span dc/quit/afk a match. It ruins the entire experience. Were literally in hotm waiting 4-7 min for a match. We get a match and its 4 vs 5, we play our best trying to win and came close once but now its been 1 hour plus and were sitting at our computers thinking what else can we do?

This is a bigger problem then any bug(peoples problems with condition stacking) in pvp imo.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


We need dishonor for many other things.

For example, there’s griefers in PvP hotjoin that work together to troll players. They do things like when a side is about to win, they stop fighting in one side and let the other win.
Or are taking turns letting each other win in an standard arena that is not a custom arena, and whenever anyone enters, they claim to be ‘dueling’ and demand anyone else to leave, and whoever tries to play the intended way in the map gets harassed by them, until they force them to leave, and just go back telling each other win in turns.

No exceptions!

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Jaysin X.6740

Jaysin X.6740

See spvp is a team game and why should the team suffer just because someone can’t get over themselves put on their big boy pants and just finish the kitten game. Obviously if they are that upset then a timeout is in order.

Bring back dishonor.

(edited by Jaysin X.6740)

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Nagato no Kami.4980

Nagato no Kami.4980

While I agree in theory, there’s a certain amount of sense in just not playing when your team is just, well, hopeless. It’s pretty frustrating to see your teammates constantly fighting off point, mindlessly streaming to mid (and into the waiting zerg) while you don’t have your home point or more than one of them staying to cap an uncontested side point. If the team is absolutely doomed, then, really, what’s the point? So I can march out there and get melted for an additional five minutes? If I’m to “give it my all” and play to the end, then isn’t it only fair for me to expect the other people I play with to have spent the time to learn to play with basic competency?

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


While I agree in theory, there’s a certain amount of sense in just not playing when your team is just, well, hopeless. It’s pretty frustrating to see your teammates constantly fighting off point, mindlessly streaming to mid (and into the waiting zerg) while you don’t have your home point or more than one of them staying to cap an uncontested side point. If the team is absolutely doomed, then, really, what’s the point? So I can march out there and get melted for an additional five minutes? If I’m to “give it my all” and play to the end, then isn’t it only fair for me to expect the other people I play with to have spent the time to learn to play with basic competency?

thats good for your theory but i gave the circumstances. Im using a staff ele with over 2k wins and have entered pvp tourneys with guild mates and won matches in 5 vs 5 situations vs other teams with team speak. The guild mate i was with is one of those people. We couldnt get one fair match and its also not your place to say whether or not if someone fighting off point is doing nothing.

The rangers and thieves in our guild play full burst and there jobs is to range zerg fights and to catch people running from one point to another. There job is to literally fight off the point.

Your forgetting the importance of roles on a team. No matter the case your circumstance doesnt apply here since we arent players walking in without a idea and were not new to pvp. Not to mention we almost won 1 of the matches that were 4 vs 5. Too may times there are people screaming mid when they are focusing mid and the team is losing zerg fights. If you cant win the 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 fights you have to spread it out forcing a change in dynamic. Dont give me the why should i try excuse in this situation.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Yeah pretty much every single match of mine has been a 4v5 with me on the 4 side today. One was me on the 5 side but it’s like they run in, gets killed and then quit. Most of them have been thieves.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Nagato no Kami.4980

Nagato no Kami.4980

While I agree in theory, there’s a certain amount of sense in just not playing when your team is just, well, hopeless. It’s pretty frustrating to see your teammates constantly fighting off point, mindlessly streaming to mid (and into the waiting zerg) while you don’t have your home point or more than one of them staying to cap an uncontested side point. If the team is absolutely doomed, then, really, what’s the point? So I can march out there and get melted for an additional five minutes? If I’m to “give it my all” and play to the end, then isn’t it only fair for me to expect the other people I play with to have spent the time to learn to play with basic competency?

thats good for your theory but i gave the circumstances. Im using a staff ele with over 2k wins and have entered pvp tourneys with guild mates and won matches in 5 vs 5 situations vs other teams with team speak. The guild mate i was with is one of those people. We couldnt get one fair match and its also not your place to say whether or not if someone fighting off point is doing nothing.

The rangers and thieves in our guild play full burst and there jobs is to range zerg fights and to catch people running from one point to another. There job is to literally fight off the point.

Your forgetting the importance of roles on a team. No matter the case your circumstance doesnt apply here since we arent players walking in without a idea and were not new to pvp. Not to mention we almost won 1 of the matches that were 4 vs 5. Too may times there are people screaming mid when they are focusing mid and the team is losing zerg fights. If you cant win the 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 fights you have to spread it out forcing a change in dynamic. Dont give me the why should i try excuse in this situation.

I’m not talking about your particular situation. I don’t know how you play and unless I’m on a team with you, I don’t really care, either. I’m simply talking about the idea that quitting mid-game isn’t the worst thing in the world given certain circumstances such as extraordinarily poor team play. If it doesn’t apply to you then don’t sweat it. These are just examples of types of bad play. You weren’t specifically named in any of them. No one’s accusing you of anything, man. No need to freak out.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Mordalus.8146


I’m a rage quitter. But I don’t quit if we’re outmatched in terms of skill. I quit when I see rampant kittenery in solo queue ranked which is completely out of my control. It’s frustrating when it happens, and when I bring it up, I get “kitten you noob.” So rather than beat my head against this sort of thing, I afk and pull up some Daily Show on my Ipad. Here is what I see time and time again:

-Late starts; people stand around at spawn and join the fight late resulting in a 50+ point lead before they deign to get off the crapper and join the fight
-kitten capping; two or more people capping an uncontested point. I saw my entire team capping home the other day, IN RANKED! Four people capping home uncontested while the other two points went to the other team without a fight while I get roflstomped solo
-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers
-Inability to rotate
-Not stomping downed players
-Not rezzing downed teammates
-Not standing in circles to contest a point
-Running into a 5 man zerg over and over again instead of rotating away
-Road fighting when caps are needed
-Support toons bunking home instead of mid because mid is too hard to bunk
-People testing new builds
-Not focus firing and/or ignoring a called glassy target
-Focusing the wrong target
-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

I could go on. You figure that you should know your kitten a small bit before queuing ranked. I don’t claim to know everything and I’m far from “pro.” But I am also far from the worst and many times very good to excellent. Most people just play completely kittened in ranked. I’ve been in so many matches where we completely stomped the other team from a dps perspective, but we still lost do to some of the above stupidity. I’ve seen it so often that I need Jon Stewart to soothe away my nerd rage while I afk from the “kitten you noob” nonsense.

(edited by Mordalus.8146)

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers

-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

These two really kitten me off but seeing the first over and over again one day made me want to start rage quitting.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Mordalus.8146


-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers

-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

These two really kitten me off but seeing the first over and over again one day made me want to start rage quitting.

I hear you man. When I get a team that plays mostly smart, I’m there to the end and it reinvigorates me and reminds me why I love GW2 pvp. And then I get a handful of just bad players. And not necessary bad in terms of skill; but bad in terms of inability to be a team players and to play smart.

There should be some way to keep people out of ranked until they’ve achieved some kind of minimum ability with their profession and with their knowledge of how to play the maps.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers

-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

These two really kitten me off but seeing the first over and over again one day made me want to start rage quitting.

I hear you man. When I get a team that plays mostly smart, I’m there to the end and it reinvigorates me and reminds me why I love GW2 pvp. And then I get a handful of just bad players. And not necessary bad in terms of skill; but bad in terms of inability to be a team players and to play smart.

There should be some way to keep people out of ranked until they’ve achieved some kind of minimum ability with their profession and with their knowledge of how to play the maps.

And after they get facerolled at mid someone always has the audacity to say “Why didn’t someone get home?” Why the kitten didn’t you get home?

Generally by the point they start killing our lord and the rest of the morons aren’t even defending I will /sit and watch them kill the lord. I will even tell them in chat I am just watching them kill the lord.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


I’m a rage quitter. But I don’t quit if we’re outmatched in terms of skill. I quit when I see rampant kittenery in solo queue ranked which is completely out of my control. It’s frustrating when it happens, and when I bring it up, I get “kitten you noob.” So rather than beat my head against this sort of thing, I afk and pull up some Daily Show on my Ipad. Here is what I see time and time again:

-Late starts; people stand around at spawn and join the fight late resulting in a 50+ point lead before they deign to get off the crapper and join the fight
-kitten capping; two or more people capping an uncontested point. I saw my entire team capping home the other day, IN RANKED! Four people capping home uncontested while the other two points went to the other team without a fight while I get roflstomped solo
-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers
-Inability to rotate
-Not stomping downed players
-Not rezzing downed teammates
-Not standing in circles to contest a point
-Running into a 5 man zerg over and over again instead of rotating away
-Road fighting when caps are needed
-Support toons bunking home instead of mid because mid is too hard to bunk
-People testing new builds
-Not focus firing and/or ignoring a called glassy target
-Focusing the wrong target
-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

I could go on. You figure that you should know your kitten a small bit before queuing ranked. I don’t claim to know everything and I’m far from “pro.” But I am also far from the worst and many times very good to excellent. Most people just play completely kittened in ranked. I’ve been in so many matches where we completely stomped the other team from a dps perspective, but we still lost do to some of the above stupidity. I’ve seen it so often that I need Jon Stewart to soothe away my nerd rage while I afk from the “kitten you noob” nonsense.

This is such a noob post… the problem is that 95% of people don’t understand the matchmaking behind the scene… you ragequit/afk your MMR becomes really low and when it is really low… you get to play with really low MMRs… basically… with noobs…
You might want to read these:

There is a very interesting section that explains that when you keep playing at 4vs5 your MMR goes up. So stop ragequit and start playing even with noobs and you will see you will start to play with better players, and you wont feel like ragequitting anymore.

Personally I do get sometimes bad players but no way near enough to get to a state of mind where I want to ragequit…

Dishonor sounds good though because when you play 4v5 75% of a game a few times in a row it gets pretty frustrating.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I’m a rage quitter. But I don’t quit if we’re outmatched in terms of skill. I quit when I see rampant kittenery in solo queue ranked which is completely out of my control. It’s frustrating when it happens, and when I bring it up, I get “kitten you noob.” So rather than beat my head against this sort of thing, I afk and pull up some Daily Show on my Ipad. Here is what I see time and time again:

-Late starts; people stand around at spawn and join the fight late resulting in a 50+ point lead before they deign to get off the crapper and join the fight
-kitten capping; two or more people capping an uncontested point. I saw my entire team capping home the other day, IN RANKED! Four people capping home uncontested while the other two points went to the other team without a fight while I get roflstomped solo
-Noone capping home; I see this frequently in Foefire where you need one capper and one to check for crossers
-Inability to rotate
-Not stomping downed players
-Not rezzing downed teammates
-Not standing in circles to contest a point
-Running into a 5 man zerg over and over again instead of rotating away
-Road fighting when caps are needed
-Support toons bunking home instead of mid because mid is too hard to bunk
-People testing new builds
-Not focus firing and/or ignoring a called glassy target
-Focusing the wrong target
-Allowing rangers to rapid fire from range uncontested

I could go on. You figure that you should know your kitten a small bit before queuing ranked. I don’t claim to know everything and I’m far from “pro.” But I am also far from the worst and many times very good to excellent. Most people just play completely kittened in ranked. I’ve been in so many matches where we completely stomped the other team from a dps perspective, but we still lost do to some of the above stupidity. I’ve seen it so often that I need Jon Stewart to soothe away my nerd rage while I afk from the “kitten you noob” nonsense.

you call people noobs and bad at the game but you ragequit. you literally stop playing at all. you are no help to your team. you cap nothing, stomp nothing, interrupt nothing. nobody could play worse than you because you aren’t even playing you’re watching the Daily Show,

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Scambug.3502


Well there are 2 types of AFKers:
The first type which OP describes consists of people who either AFK from the start of the match and start playing half way through or simply don’t show up at all.
These players are very detrimental to the overall player experience and need to be punished somehow. But to be fair I hardly ever see any of these, maybe you were just very unlucky OP. Then again I play on EU servers so maybe that has something to do with it.
The second type of AFKer consists of people who give up when they concider the match is lost. Of course some players’ threshold is way too low, as in giving up after the very first team fight, but generally these players have way less negative impact on player experience than type 1 because let’s be honest, in a PUG vs PUG match with no voice com, if you’re down 200 points after 4 minutes and loosing every fight, there’s absolutely no way you’re going to win the match.
I’m a type 2 AFKer and I don’t think it would be fair for me to be punished the same as a type 1 simply for triggering an AFK counter.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Dishonor should definitely come back. There should also be some rank requisite for certain gamemode. A lv1 pvp rank who barely even knows how to walk SHOULD NOT ever get into ranked games. It’s just frustrating for other pvp veterans to see. And it’s worse when they get PTSD from getting their kitten kicked so hard they left midfight.

There is “practice” mode for that.

I don’t mind losing the game if the team fights the hardest. I don’t mind one bit. But when I see the one ranger hitting 111111111111111111111111111 at point blank on LB, I really really really wanna bite a kitten’s head off.

Dishonor should maybe blocks the player out of pvp for 30 mins or something. Like, if you leave the team. You get penalized. If you want to stop playing. Good, we block you off 30 mins because you WANTED to stop playing. If you are dc’d then take 30 mins to make sure your internet is working properly.

Dishonor needs to come back.

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


The reward system should be changed so that the quitters have some reason to keep trying. Start giving rewards at 50 points and keep increasing them till 500 with 450 earning you nearly the same as a win.

With the matchmaker designed to keep us roughly at 50% win/loss ratio, the better you play the more rewards you get. Losers who quit will get smaller rewards and loose interest…

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

dishonor comeback

in PvP

Posted by: Twonineone.3490


You can join the conversation here if you guys have ideas to better our experience in PvP.

It’s a bit long post, but try to keep it alive so we can collect all the opinions there