mesmer clones are OP

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


mesmer’s clones.
no one knows which one is real. and the mesmer runs away perfectly.
if you played spvp until 15 rank, you know what i mean.
everyone in my tourney party said it is too hard to kill mesmers.
it should be revealed after 5 seconds or be blinked every 5 second or become different color and back to normal every 5 second.
and many clones are too annoying. it is impossible to kill mesmer.
i can’t even attack mesmer if he keeps spawning clones!!!!

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


Bring less single target into your tourny group- gs warriors/mark necro/flame engi/and mirror Mesmer are all minion counters

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

Bring less single target into your tourny group- gs warriors/mark necro/flame engi/and mirror Mesmer are all minion counters

+1. mesmers are definitely annoying to kill, but a simple aoe will do enough damage to the clones that you (should) realize its a clone.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


Bring less single target into your tourny group- gs warriors/mark necro/flame engi/and mirror Mesmer are all minion counters

+1. mesmers are definitely annoying to kill, but a simple aoe will do enough damage to the clones that you (should) realize its a clone.

do you think you can get mass AOE tourney group everydays whenever you login gw2? are you serious? and a simple aoe doesn’t kill all of them. and skills have recharge. if mesmer keeps spawning clones, i can’t use AOE skill again for a while. clone is just crazy OP.
oh yes you realize it is clone but it looks exactly same like real one. you have no time to check all the clones in fighting. everyone is crazy strong in tournament than random server. even they have real strategies. you dont have even time to think.

and if mesmer uses Moa morph, it means you die.

(edited by forice.3165)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I thikn Xloz doesn’t know that regardless of destroying clones or not, you should get ready to receive a kitten load of conditions on you in the blink of an eye on top of shatter burst

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I do very little sPvP so I don’t know how much you have to do to get to rank 15 but I imaging it’s a fare share. So for the life of me I can’t figure out how you have PvP’d that much and still don’t know how to tell the Mesmer apart from the clones.

I do all my PvP in WvW where I sometimes face Multiple Mesmers and have no problem spotting the real Mesmer in the group.

Maybe it’s because I play one so I understand the mechanics. But as soon as they use anyone of their tricks I know exactly where to look them and have them targeted again and call target from my group mates. Try playing one for a little bit to get used to the mechanics maybe?

If you a part of a tourney party you should be used to learning how to spot the other classes mechanic and knowing how to counter them. It’s the same as learning to counter someones burst moves.

Sanctum of Rall

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Roll a Mesmer and throw a member party. It’ll look crowded but in reality it’s just you two guys mucking it up.

Aoe damage is really the best counter ATM, if the Mesmer is half decent they are very hard to detect. I agree they are annoying though. Is it OP? Meh, I don’t know, I personally think its “cheap” much like stealth skills, but not sure that’s the same as OP.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


clones dont hold off hand weapons

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


clones dont hold off hand weapons

Lol, yeah good luck with that observation.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

Bring less single target into your tourny group- gs warriors/mark necro/flame engi/and mirror Mesmer are all minion counters

+1. mesmers are definitely annoying to kill, but a simple aoe will do enough damage to the clones that you (should) realize its a clone.

do you think you can get mass AOE tourney group everydays whenever you login gw2? are you serious? and a simple aoe doesn’t kill all of them. and skills have recharge. if mesmer keeps spawning clones, i can’t use AOE skill again for a while. clone is just crazy OP.
oh yes you realize it is clone but it looks exactly same like real one. you have no time to check all the clones in fighting. everyone is crazy strong in tournament than random server. even they have real strategies. you dont have even time to think.

and if mesmer uses Moa morph, it means you die.

i didn’t know “simple AoE” translated into “mass AoE tourney group”. if you don’t have any professions in your group that have a simple AoE, your group won’t go very far in tournaments. a simple auto attack will do enough damage for you to realize the clones are clones (1 auto attack seems to take their health down to 50%)

also, try using CTRL + LClick to target the real mesmer when the fight initially starts.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


clones dont hold off hand weapons

Lol, yeah good luck with that observation.

thank you. you saved my life. but what if the mesmer doesn’t use off hand? every mesmer things will look same? oh.. wait.. i see all the mesmer clones are using greatsword!!! it is a nightmare!!!!!

(edited by forice.3165)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


I do very little sPvP so I don’t know how much you have to do to get to rank 15 but I imaging it’s a fare share. So for the life of me I can’t figure out how you have PvP’d that much and still don’t know how to tell the Mesmer apart from the clones.

I do all my PvP in WvW where I sometimes face Multiple Mesmers and have no problem spotting the real Mesmer in the group.

Maybe it’s because I play one so I understand the mechanics. But as soon as they use anyone of their tricks I know exactly where to look them and have them targeted again and call target from my group mates. Try playing one for a little bit to get used to the mechanics maybe?

If you a part of a tourney party you should be used to learning how to spot the other classes mechanic and knowing how to counter them. It’s the same as learning to counter someones burst moves.

hey. everyone in my group was pretty strong and experienced and high rank. but still they complain about mesmer. they talk like mesmer is nightmare.
i think you never seen that they use stealth or they teleport back or they don’t move (or they keep running away and coming back)? i see many mesmers that dont move with many clones. they know how to use clones perfectly. it is overpowered skill in spvp. you can’t know which one is real. i played necromancer for almost 2 weeks without sleep. everyone complains about mesmer clones. they are too annoying. and when you fight against two mesmer, you can’t really know which one is real because they spawn many illusions and use stealth and teleport back and attack at once. you can see phantasms. but clones look same like real one. if real pro gamer uses this, you can’t even imagine how unfair things will happen.

it is not a trick because it looks exactly same like real one. you learn nothing from it because it is not a trick. they don’t use only clones. they move and run and use stealth or blink.

also i think blink is OP. you can run away perfectly. it is not a trick. it is overpowered skill. mesmer has many teleport skills. and you can spawn a clone and teleport to back. and he uses stealth or something. even if you know which one is real, you must fight against many illusions. it is not simple and easy like your opinion. it is impossible to know which one is real in fighting. he uses blink or stealth or something. and suddenly, i lose the real target(if you do ctrl+click on target, you can see the red thing. i mean the red thing is just gone.).

i think i found the reason why mesmer clones are OP.
red thing(ctrl+click) is gone when mesmer uses some skills or run away. and he comes back. i dont know which one is real.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Really not the best place for this as it should be in the Mesmer subforum but the best way to figure out what is the real one…a good mesmer wont’ stay still for long. Not to mention if they are a sword/pistol build they will be getting in your face (best bet that is the real one) if they are a staff they will be sitting far in the back casting, possibly strafing. Greatsword build, its the one that threw the mirror blade.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


Really not the best place for this as it should be in the Mesmer subforum but the best way to figure out what is the real one…a good mesmer wont’ stay still for long. Not to mention if they are a sword/pistol build they will be getting in your face (best bet that is the real one) if they are a staff they will be sitting far in the back casting, possibly strafing. Greatsword build, its the one that threw the mirror blade.

clones use same weapon as the real mesmer’s weapon. if he uses greatsword, every clones use greatsword. and this is the right forum. i am talking about spvp balance.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


I do very little sPvP so I don’t know how much you have to do to get to rank 15 but I imaging it’s a fare share. So for the life of me I can’t figure out how you have PvP’d that much and still don’t know how to tell the Mesmer apart from the clones.

I do all my PvP in WvW where I sometimes face Multiple Mesmers and have no problem spotting the real Mesmer in the group.

Maybe it’s because I play one so I understand the mechanics. But as soon as they use anyone of their tricks I know exactly where to look them and have them targeted again and call target from my group mates. Try playing one for a little bit to get used to the mechanics maybe?

If you a part of a tourney party you should be used to learning how to spot the other classes mechanic and knowing how to counter them. It’s the same as learning to counter someones burst moves.

hey. everyone in my group was pretty strong and experienced and high rank. but still they complain about mesmer. they talk like mesmer is nightmare.
i think you never seen that they use stealth or they teleport back or they don’t move (or they keep running away and coming back)? i see many mesmers that dont move with many clones. they know how to use clones perfectly. it is overpowered skill in spvp. you can’t know which one is real. i played necromancer for almost 2 weeks without sleep. everyone complains about mesmer clones. they are too annoying. and when you fight against two mesmer, you can’t really know which one is real because they spawn many illusions and use stealth and teleport back and attack at once. you can see phantasms. but clones look same like real one. if real pro gamer uses this, you can’t even imagine how unfair things will happen.

it is not a trick because it looks exactly same like real one. you learn nothing from it because it is not a trick. they don’t use only clones. they move and run and use stealth or blink.

also i think blink is OP. you can run away perfectly. it is not a trick. it is overpowered skill. mesmer has many teleport skills. and you can spawn a clone and teleport to back. and he uses stealth or something. even if you know which one is real, you must fight against many illusions. it is not simple and easy like your opinion. it is impossible to know which one is real in fighting. he uses blink or stealth or something. and suddenly, i lose the real target(if you do ctrl+click on target, you can see the red thing. i mean the red thing is just gone.).

i think i found the reason why mesmer clones are OP.
red thing(ctrl+click) is gone when mesmer uses some skills or run away. and he comes back. i dont know which one is real.

I hope I’m not coming off as rude, but calling a class OP because you can’t kill them easily is not only an ignorant stance to take, its also childish. Each class has their own streangths and weaknesses. You need to learn to play to their weaknesses. There is a reason that you can change your utility skills out of combat. Learn to adapt to your opponents as they are doing to you. Builds are guidlines in this game…you need to be able to think on the fly. From many peoples posts about the OP of certain classes, they are coming to this game with the mindset of games like WoW, Rift, or SWtor. Sorry but that isnt’ how this game works. If you are unable to adapt and think on the fly, then this game is def not for you. This is a skill based game where quick thinking and fast reaction time is a must have in all aspects of the game. You can be up against the same class with same gear and same skills but if that player is more skilled with their class and understands how they work they will destroy you. Same goes for any other class. Play to their weaknesses. There is no “I Win” button in this game. It’s whether or not you have the willingness to think outside the box.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Really not the best place for this as it should be in the Mesmer subforum but the best way to figure out what is the real one…a good mesmer wont’ stay still for long. Not to mention if they are a sword/pistol build they will be getting in your face (best bet that is the real one) if they are a staff they will be sitting far in the back casting, possibly strafing. Greatsword build, its the one that threw the mirror blade.

clones use same weapon as the real mesmer’s weapon. if he uses greatsword, every clones use greatsword. and this is the right forum. i am talking about spvp balance.

No, mesmer questions belong in the mesmer forum. sPVP questions are for the sPVP. You have a complain about the mesmer, why I said prob not the correct forum. And yes they all have the same weapon if using the GS, but any good mesmer won’t stay still for long…they will break LOS to confuse you, they will be usign the terrain to their advantage (as every class SHOULD be doing). They will go for the high ground so you have to come to them all while they are whittling down your health. Out smart them. Make them come to you or wait till they let down their guard. This is not your classic PVP. Learn to play to their weaknesses. Mesmers have plenty. They are deadly 1v1 but 1v2 and they are dead most of the time depending on the class they face.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


@zach you offered no help on the issue

You missed my point in the first post. Look for the one moving in the opposite direct of their clones…and learn how each weapon set affects their clones. Know thy enemy comes to mind in helping defeat your opponent.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended. This is basically the same thing as crying about how often/long a thief can go invisible. Just learn to counter it man, one of the best things you can do is play the class and you will see.

But I won’t just bash this thread, I will give some insight as well. To me, it’s all about movement. 8 or 9 times out of 10 the Mesmer will be moving or attacking in a way that gives him right up. You will also need to take notice of mainly the boons, but the conditions as well (hp also). Either they are attacking or they are running. I don’t think many Mesmers play the hide and seek game where they don’t attack or just stand there. By mainly they will always be moving or attacking in such a fashion a clone would not. I believe clones use only the 1 skill the Mesmer has when summoned as well as no offhand. Believe it or not if you have trained yourself to actively look for the clues (or just know what to look for) then it’s really not that hard.

Please in the future try to refrain from assuming something’s overpowered just because you don’t understand it. There are better things you can complain about the mesmer for. I mean the warlock can do upwards of 8-9k+ in a single attack depending on targets conditions, and here you are complaining about the feather wielding clones. Though I am a firm believer that all the classes are for the most part balanced and some skills just need to be toned down. But it’s a mechanic of the class that won’t change, and it apparently was implemented quite well. I mean its annoying to me how much a thief can go invisible, but that’s a dynamic of the class they were built to be likes that. You just have to find out how to deal with it or not at all.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Also from reading many of these “Clones OP” threads, they scream “I want an easy way to kill the mesmer” button. Sorry but like all’re gonna have to work for that kill.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


there are so many guides how to realize which mesmer is real, please, watch one and stop complaining

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


@zach you offered no help on the issue

You missed my point in the first post. Look for the one moving in the opposite direct of their clones…and learn how each weapon set affects their clones. Know thy enemy comes to mind in helping defeat your opponent.

No I saw you posted the text before and deleted that comment. My bad man.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I do very little sPvP so I don’t know how much you have to do to get to rank 15 but I imaging it’s a fare share. So for the life of me I can’t figure out how you have PvP’d that much and still don’t know how to tell the Mesmer apart from the clones.

I do all my PvP in WvW where I sometimes face Multiple Mesmers and have no problem spotting the real Mesmer in the group.

Maybe it’s because I play one so I understand the mechanics. But as soon as they use anyone of their tricks I know exactly where to look them and have them targeted again and call target from my group mates. Try playing one for a little bit to get used to the mechanics maybe?

If you a part of a tourney party you should be used to learning how to spot the other classes mechanic and knowing how to counter them. It’s the same as learning to counter someones burst moves.

hey. everyone in my group was pretty strong and experienced and high rank. but still they complain about mesmer. they talk like mesmer is nightmare.
i think you never seen that they use stealth or they teleport back or they don’t move (or they keep running away and coming back)? i see many mesmers that dont move with many clones. they know how to use clones perfectly. it is overpowered skill in spvp. you can’t know which one is real. i played necromancer for almost 2 weeks without sleep. everyone complains about mesmer clones. they are too annoying. and when you fight against two mesmer, you can’t really know which one is real because they spawn many illusions and use stealth and teleport back and attack at once. you can see phantasms. but clones look same like real one. if real pro gamer uses this, you can’t even imagine how unfair things will happen.

it is not a trick because it looks exactly same like real one. you learn nothing from it because it is not a trick. they don’t use only clones. they move and run and use stealth or blink.

also i think blink is OP. you can run away perfectly. it is not a trick. it is overpowered skill. mesmer has many teleport skills. and you can spawn a clone and teleport to back. and he uses stealth or something. even if you know which one is real, you must fight against many illusions. it is not simple and easy like your opinion. it is impossible to know which one is real in fighting. he uses blink or stealth or something. and suddenly, i lose the real target(if you do ctrl+click on target, you can see the red thing. i mean the red thing is just gone.).

i think i found the reason why mesmer clones are OP.
red thing(ctrl+click) is gone when mesmer uses some skills or run away. and he comes back. i dont know which one is real.

Well then to be quiet honest. Not to sound rude but this is a L2P issue. If your entire group is having this problem then take the time to learn how to tell the real mesmer rather then sitting in your TS and whining about how they are OP.

As I said. I have 0 problem telling which is the real Mesmer when facing another Mesmer. Some are better then others at diversion but once you learn the mechanics of the different abilities you know where they are going to end up. Clones do little dmg and die in 1 shot to almost anything, it’s the Phantasms that do dmg and they are easy to spot. You mention Blink, blink doesn’t even leave a clone behind so if you have any awareness at all it’s easy to tell where they blinked to.

You honestly think I have never faced a Mesmer that has used Decoy or blink? What do you think is more likely, that I have never faced a Mesmer that has any clue how to use even the most basic of skills like decoy or that you have failed to take the time to learn your ooponet and instead came here to whine about it?

Sanctum of Rall

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


Dunno…when I switch from my necro and play around with my mesmer alt is like driving with training wheels, especially when you play an illusion build.

Killing the clones? Good idea! Just pray that he hasn’t specced that you get a sh* load of conditions when you kill them.

Also, the clones are not easy to kill if you do not play a hard hitting dps class. The clones even survive a full channel of a life transfer from a death shroud while their phantasm rip you a new one. The berserker hits for 2-3k…while an elite flesh golem does around 700-800.

Even if you are on the mesmer…heck, just use decoy, staff 2 or just moa your way to victory.

The insane survivability combined with the too high damage for that kind of survivability is just mind-numbening . This plus the insane burst of some classes simply kills the fun in pvp – at least for me.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended.

Right…let me guess,your main is a Mesmer?

You know the damage report in the end?I just got Illusionary Unload 16k damage,everything else load less.Explain that to me please,i suffer from serious L2P issues.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


so many people just replied wrong infomations. i can’t quote all of them but i will try..
did you read my post? please read them and back again. i never meant “please make a button to kill mesmer easily”. i am talking about overpowered skills. i saw many people who complained that mesmer is too annoying. it means mesmer has some OP skills. it is not my opinion. it is the most people’s opinions. i didn’t see many threads about mesmer clone skills. so i decided to post this thread.

the problem is you can’t see which one is real. and even if you target the mesmer(ctrl+click) and you see red thing on his head for a while. it will disappear suddenly. there is no way you can see real one if the red thing on his head is gone. and mesmer uses stealth or blink, it is more harder to see real one. it is impossible to see real one in fighting.

and i said they are all high rank. and they are not stupid like you. they have all jobs and good lives. and they played gw2 for many days. but still they say it is too hard to kill mesmer and mesmer is too annoying. and whenever they fight mesmer, they start complaining about mesmer. and i said why mesmer is OP. because the red thing on his head is gone suddenly when he uses some skill.

and if someone in your team targets other enemy. and if other enemy gets the red thing on his head, it is impossible to know which mesmer is real.
and if mesmer uses greatsword, the clone uses greatsword. i saw that mesmer spawns many clones and he doesn’t move on purpose. and people couldn’t be able to attack real one for a while. you must kill 3 clones in fighting. there were many enemies. do you really think you have enough time to kill those 3 clones or know real mesmer in fighting? i think you never played tournament or you always met weak team in tournament. but most people in tournament are way too stronger than random server.

only noobs or rude people say L2P. strong people know they are strong. they never say L2P. and spamming overpowered skills like thief and mesmer is not Learn to Play.

learn to say truth.
i am talking about real situation that i have experienced in tournament for weeks. if you call me rude or something here, you are very stupid person.

(edited by forice.3165)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


Also from reading many of these “Clones OP” threads, they scream “I want an easy way to kill the mesmer” button. Sorry but like all’re gonna have to work for that kill.

not all class. everyone says mesmer is OP. and i found reason why mesmer is OP. i think you dont even play gw2. “sorry but like all classes” this sentence makes a lot of sense. imao. i think you didnt play gw2. you bought gw2 to troll in forum. isnt it?

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: ZNICK.8537


I don’t think mesmer is OP. YES, they’re tough, but there’s several ways to beat them.

1- When there’s a handful of clones, RUN away 20 steps. The clones won’t follow you. The mesmer will. Kill the mesmer.

2- When you first see a mesmer in the game, you and the rest of your team MARK’s the mesmer before he spawns anything else. Problem solved… the clones do NOT copy the mark. Kill the mesmer.

3- The mesmer is the guy moving around compared to standing in one place. Kill the mesmer.

Now those spirit rangers always get me! I never know if I should attack the character or those spirits.


mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended.

Right…let me guess,your main is a Mesmer?

You know the damage report in the end?I just got Illusionary Unload 16k damage,everything else load less.Explain that to me please,i suffer from serious L2P issues.

I was gonna Take the bait……nahh. You sir seem very confused. I now basically feel any rebuttals on my end are not needed. This response is almost as bad as the OPs.

Man I even brought my umbrella back to this thread and still up to my knees from all these tears.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended.

Right…let me guess,your main is a Mesmer?

You know the damage report in the end?I just got Illusionary Unload 16k damage,everything else load less.Explain that to me please,i suffer from serious L2P issues.

I was gonna Take the bait……nahh. You sir seem very confused. I now basically feel any rebuttals on my end are not needed. This response is almost as bad as the OPs.

Man I even brought my umbrella back to this thread and still up to my knees from all these tears.

Trust me,you might be way more confused than me on this,check your combat log more often.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


so many people just replied wrong infomations. i can’t quote all of them but i will try..
did you read my post? please read them and back again. i never meant “please make a button to kill mesmer easily”. i am talking about overpowered skills. i saw many people who complained that mesmer is too annoying. it means mesmer has some OP skills. it is not my opinion. it is the most people’s opinions. i didn’t see many threads about mesmer clone skills. so i decided to post this thread.

the problem is you can’t see which one is real. and even if you target the mesmer(ctrl+click) and you see red thing on his head for a while. it will disappear suddenly. there is no way you can see real one if the red thing on his head is gone. and mesmer uses stealth or blink, it is more harder to see real one. it is impossible to see real one in fighting.

and i said they are all high rank. and they are not stupid like you. they have all jobs and good lives. and they played gw2 for many days. but still they say it is too hard to kill mesmer and mesmer is too annoying. and whenever they fight mesmer, they start complaining about mesmer. and i said why mesmer is OP. because the red thing on his head is gone suddenly when he uses some skill.

and if someone in your team targets other enemy. and if other enemy gets the red thing on his head, it is impossible to know which mesmer is real.
and if mesmer uses greatsword, the clone uses greatsword. i saw that mesmer spawns many clones and he doesn’t move on purpose. and people couldn’t be able to attack real one for a while. you must kill 3 clones in fighting. there were many enemies. do you really think you have enough time to kill those 3 clones or know real mesmer in fighting? i think you never played tournament or you always met weak team in tournament. but most people in tournament are way too stronger than random server.

only noobs or rude people say L2P. strong people know they are strong. they never say L2P. and spamming overpowered skills like thief and mesmer is not Learn to Play.

learn to say truth.
i am talking about real situation that i have experienced in tournament for weeks. if you call me rude or something here, you are very stupid person.

basically all I take from your post: "I read the forums and play the game, and other people just like me cry nonstop that they are overpowered. I couldn’t figure out why they are OP, so I don’t know what I want to complain about. Since I definitely want to cry but don’t know why, and haven’t seen posts about the clones……BINGO. Since no one has made posts about the clones yet I will cry all night about the clones and let it ruin my experience instead of becoming stronger.

Hurts to see the mentality of gamers sometimes not eve worth reading

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


I thikn Xloz doesn’t know that regardless of destroying clones or not, you should get ready to receive a kitten load of conditions on you in the blink of an eye on top of shatter burst

I don’t have a problem with mesmers, and gs/shatter is burst just like any other burst-
Also You can destroy during animation and U put his shatter on cd

Also go play a Mesmer/ why do you think most utility classes (necro/ranger/engi) with kittenloads of control don’t complain as much about mesmers? People don’t realize that even though the appear fast the mesmer is pretty slow compaired to other professions.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: pinkbunnies.4620


poblem with clones?

I will help you… Clones always have one weapon. If the real mesmer is sword/pistol the clone will only be holding sword and will not be holding a pistol. Clones do not mimic off hand weapons. only time you might have a problem is gs/staff but then remimber clones die stupid fast so you have to be dumb to not notice your on the wrong target. O and clones do no damage so… also clones have really bad ai… clones run to you stand there and do basic attack and that is it. If youre to dumb to not see the difference then you deserve to eat the loss.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended.

Right…let me guess,your main is a Mesmer?

You know the damage report in the end?I just got Illusionary Unload 16k damage,everything else load less.Explain that to me please,i suffer from serious L2P issues.

I was gonna Take the bait……nahh. You sir seem very confused. I now basically feel any rebuttals on my end are not needed. This response is almost as bad as the OPs.

Man I even brought my umbrella back to this thread and still up to my knees from all these tears.

Trust me,you might be way more confused than me on this,check your combat log more often.

Maybe if you actually… know……killed it? instead of letting it unload on you.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Effusion.4831


Honestly sounds like a QQ thread to me. Can’t beat it so its OP? Clones don’t even really do any damage, your just complaining because you can’t tell who’s who. Well that’s not OP that’s just a little thing called working as intended.

Right…let me guess,your main is a Mesmer?

You know the damage report in the end?I just got Illusionary Unload 16k damage,everything else load less.Explain that to me please,i suffer from serious L2P issues.

Phantasms are not clones.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


2- When you first see a mesmer in the game, you and the rest of your team MARK’s the mesmer before he spawns anything else. Problem solved… the clones do NOT copy the mark. Kill the mesmer.

Except,it doesn’t work with decent Mesmers.Teleporting removes the mark.Clearly,you just read this somewhere,didn’t you.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: ZNICK.8537


2- When you first see a mesmer in the game, you and the rest of your team MARK’s the mesmer before he spawns anything else. Problem solved… the clones do NOT copy the mark. Kill the mesmer.

Except,it doesn’t work with decent Mesmers. Teleporting removes the mark.Clearly,you just read this somewhere,didn’t you.

Then you REPLACE the mark. It’s one button. I don’t need the mark, I just can tell who the mesmer is and attack him.

I was trying to help the OP, Clearly you’re in as tough a spot as he is, lol.


mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


I don’t think mesmer is OP. YES, they’re tough, but there’s several ways to beat them.

1- When there’s a handful of clones, RUN away 20 steps. The clones won’t follow you. The mesmer will. Kill the mesmer.

2- When you first see a mesmer in the game, you and the rest of your team MARK’s the mesmer before he spawns anything else. Problem solved… the clones do NOT copy the mark. Kill the mesmer.

3- The mesmer is the guy moving around compared to standing in one place. Kill the mesmer.

Now those spirit rangers always get me! I never know if I should attack the character or those spirits.


1 and 2. how do you run away 20 steps in fighting? do you want to lose point or do you think everyone in your team will run away 20 steps because of clones? and did you even read what i said? must i say it 3 times? the red mark will be gone if mesmer uses some skills or blink or other people in my team target other enemy etc. the problem is you can’t target several enemies and the red mark will disappear suddenly if mesmer runs away or uses some skill like stealth or blink. i think those people who say clones are not op are just trolls. they dont even read my post.
3. mesmer clones also move and he follows and attacks enemies unless real one uses dodge or some skills, you can’t know which one is real. and people know it. they act like clones wisely. i think you never played tourney in your life. it is too hard to know which one is real. even he uses stealth or blink. isn’t it impossible?

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


so many people just replied wrong infomations. i can’t quote all of them but i will try..
did you read my post? please read them and back again..

basically all I take from your post: "I read the forums and play the game, and other people just like me cry nonstop that they are overpowered. I couldn’t figure out why they are OP, so I don’t know what I want to complain about. Since I definitely want to cry but don’t know why, and haven’t seen posts about the clones……BINGO. Since no one has made posts about the clones yet I will cry all night about the clones and let it ruin my experience instead of becoming stronger.

Hurts to see the mentality of gamers sometimes not eve worth reading

also i think you never played tourney you troll. you couldn’t but most people could do it.

(edited by forice.3165)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


poblem with clones?

I will help you… Clones always have one weapon. If the real mesmer is sword/pistol the clone will only be holding sword and will not be holding a pistol. Clones do not mimic off hand weapons. only time you might have a problem is gs/staff but then remimber clones die stupid fast so you have to be dumb to not notice your on the wrong target. O and clones do no damage so… also clones have really bad ai… clones run to you stand there and do basic attack and that is it. If youre to dumb to not see the difference then you deserve to eat the loss.

what if he uses staff or greatsword? and you can’t see which one is not holding off hand weapon in fighting because he uses various weapons and skills in fighting. it can be great sword or staff. and even if i know it, he uses stealth or blink. and make more illusions again. it is too overpowered in general. he can make too many illusions.
if most people could know which one is real like your saying, no one says mesmer is too annoying. and you are calling the most people who say mesmer is too annoying idiots. but i really don’t think most people are stupid than you. since most people said mesmer is too annoying, your opinion is trolling. you deserve to eat ****. most people are right. you are wrong. do you really think most people are too stupid to see the difference? but there is no much differences. and clones Ai is fine. he attacks and chases enemy. and he doesn’t die by just one normal single hit. he has no 1 health. he has more than 1,000 health. yes. clones do no damage. what if the mesmer or clone is not attacking you? you dont know which one is real because you can’t see damage of other people. i know you didnt even play tournament and you always play with weak group or random server group. i know you can do anything better than me.

(edited by forice.3165)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


We don’t care if you think we played tourneys or not. All I know is your coming to us drowning us with these tears, your arguments are not even holding up. You can say “and you know it” as many times as you want, but the fact ins we don’t know it. Your saying its impossible to tell the difference between clones and the real Mesmer. But yet some of us still here telling you this ins not the case, some of us men don’t wear panties, and we don’t have problems with clones. I’m not trying to sound better then you I’m saying I know the difference and there is a way. You clearly don’t have that skill set, which is okay because some of us have to work harder at things in life you, you know?

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Maybe you are a younger player, but you must realize that people of all ages play this game. Some People WILL NOT have the same problems as you, and perform on a higher tier. I could see a younger player having a harder time with more things for sure, I understand

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Forice..people have been giving you advice on how to actually play against a mesmer and you refuse to see it and have been aggressive and abusive to people actually trying to help you against a class they most likely play. Your inability to take that advice is on you and from what you have posted, you give the impression of someone that wants an easy win. Berating other players for offering you advice isn’t appropriate and doesn’t give people a good impression of you. Many posters have posted good strategies to the problems you have posed yet all you do is say things that come across as you saying “Its too hard”. If you want and I win button, please do us all a favor and uninstall and play wow or something similar. The clones is the mechanic of this class and I can guarantee they will not change that as then it wouldn’t be a mesmer. Either roll one and learn to play as one so you can learn to counter them, take our advice and learn to counter them, or uninstall and stop being rude to people that are genuinely trying to help you.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

AoE is very effective against Mesmers! You lack experience if you can’t tell the difference between clones and the real Mesmer. Once you have enough experience you can tell the difference.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: ZNICK.8537


We’ve given him at least 5 solutions to make it “easier” to fight mesmers. For every bit of help we give him, he gives back some excuse about how we’re wrong.

I play a ranger. By using the suggestions I wrote above, I can beat mesmers 1 on 1 more times than not. (I’d say 70% of the time I win) However, he lets all the help pass right through his head without listening.

This guy has it stuck in his head that they can’t be beat and are OP… so he will NEVER beat them. No matter how much help we give him he’ll continue to believe they’re OP in his mind, so it’ll never change. It’s all in his head at this point, and nothing anyone says will change his mind.

It’s sad that so many people have tried to help…


mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


poblem with clones?

I will help you… Clones always have one weapon. If the real mesmer is sword/pistol the clone will only be holding sword and will not be holding a pistol. Clones do not mimic off hand weapons. only time you might have a problem is gs/staff but then remimber clones die stupid fast so you have to be dumb to not notice your on the wrong target. O and clones do no damage so… also clones have really bad ai… clones run to you stand there and do basic attack and that is it. If youre to dumb to not see the difference then you deserve to eat the loss.

Sure, sure…now try ro find the real one in a group fight where hell is breaking loose or when you see tiny asura mesmers mixed up with an asure thief etc. Yup, sure. Take your time and look around to find the one without an offhand. Too bad that the guy just ran behind an obstacle or just uses staff 2 or decoy.

That’s the problem actually. The insane survivability thanks to clones and vanishes while at the same time packs quite good dps (just compare a berserker’s damage and a flesh golem – which is an elite skill and suddenly you will see what’s wrong).

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sleaze.3748


Is this seriously a thread? OP needs to L2P cause there are too many ways to tell which are clones and which are real…

besides clones do absolutely no damage…

oh and btw this class was created based on tricking players into not knowing which is which and they didnt even get it 100% right…. seriously L2P

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


in a massive team fight where is lots of clones, why dont you just focus someone else then a mesmer? he doesnt do so much dmg, phantasms do (the pinky ones) or why your teammate didnt “CTRL+T” someone before the massive team fight began? this complain is just way too stupid, sry but it really is…

same with guy who complain about having 16k dmg from Phantasmal Duelist in death table… wtf??? my PD does around 1700 dmg + around 450 bleed dmg, do you see how much dmg you could evade if you killed that stupid illusion with just 2 attacks?! ofc it is learn to play problem…

as i see, it is way far too easy to complain about other classes… i agree that mesmer have some over the top abilities/traits, but he is definitely not OP overall…

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Good thing the mesmer is easy to spot.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


@MaXi: "n a massive team fight where is lots of clones, why dont you just focus someone else then a mesmer? he doesnt do so much dmg, phantasms do (the pinky ones) or why your teammate didnt “CTRL+T” someone before the massive team fight began? this complain is just way too stupid, sry but it really is…

same with guy who complain about having 16k dmg from Phantasmal Duelist in death table… wtf??? my PD does around 1700 dmg + around 450 bleed dmg, do you see how much dmg you could evade if you killed that stupid illusion with just 2 attacks?! ofc it is learn to play problem…

as i see, it is way far too easy to complain about other classes… i agree that mesmer have some over the top abilities/traits, but he is definitely not OP overall…"

1. Alt+T…seriously what idiots do you play against that this works against them. Staff 2 and decoy conveniently remove it

2. Every class needs 2 hits to kill a berserker, duelist or whatever? Really? Thanks for proving that you haven’t played some classes. Also, let’s say you need 2-3 sec to kill said duelist. Then he can cast a new one in 12 sec or simply switch weapons and get a berserker. All while the other stuff whittles you down. Rinse repeat. According to your logic a thief should eat a mesmer all the time…and mostly they lose badly.

Summa summarum:
A decent /golfclap for your lame arguments and last but not least have fun playing your mesmer and enjoy driving with training wheels with one of the most foolproof classes I have ever seen in an mmo.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Ynna.8769


Am I the only one who rread: “I can’t see the difference between a real Mesmer and his/her clones,” as: “Clone AI passes the Turing Test?”
It’s not that hard to see, really and people already pointed out several ways.

Edit: I know there’s a typo in the post (two "r"’s), but it got censored otherwise.

“Come on, hit me!”

(edited by Ynna.8769)