people are leaving courtyard on purpose
Oh pls I’m sure it isn’t that bad.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
9 out of 20 matches
1 or 2 ppl leave
its just fish in barrel pvp
I’m going to admit to afking courtyard :/..
I’d just rather play something fun.
Take it out of ranked que, problem solved.
Oh pls I’m sure it isn’t that bad.
Why play when you get spawncamped and anyone without warbanner will probably not even get the 500 rank points for losing?
Especially when it’s picked from 50%+ odds indicating you’re facing premade farm team
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Oh pls I’m sure it isn’t that bad.
Its worse. 10x times.
While i dont, i know some poeple like the zergball game. But its cz its new it will wear off like skyham “skilled new playstyle” did.
Its actually unbalanced cz it only swings 500-0.
I feel that it’s bad manners to afk and refuse to do it.
Courtyard is making me reconsider though.
That is definitely not something I want to participate in and I’m bummed when I get railroaded into a “game” in Courtyard.
I love everything about the PvP update with this patch…except for courtyard.
It’s a nice map for friends to mess around in, but it just doesn’t work for real queued games.
If ANet really wants to make deathmatch a decent, playable PvP game, then they have to change the game to be more like Arenas in WoW where the game ends when your party wipes instead of the 500 point system where you’ve pretty much lost after the first wipe, but still have to sit through a lopsided game until your team gets heavily farmed enough to fully lose.
Not every game is like this, of course, but it’s waaay too common.
You say people are leaving Courtyard on purpose!?!
Guys, have NO FEAR. Dishonor is not on!!
Forgive me, Justin, but I’m a little confused. The patch notes are written in a way that implies Dishonor did get implemented, but your response in this thread indicates that it did not, and it does not seem to be in game.
What is currently going on with the Dishonor system?
The patch notes indicate the change to dishonor, not the current configuration state of dishonor.
Do we know an approximate time for when it will be implemented?
No, I don’t believe we have anything currently planned. We’ll probably want to regroup and evaluate the current state of the servers before we decide.
Don’t worry guys, PvP will remain populated due to dishonor turned OFF, they cant afford to start forcing people to not play due to bad behavior, not with current population and until the marketing team steps it up and gets people to play #esports #GW2tPvP
Time to start getting those focus groups, IDI’s, surveys, etc. Figure out WHY people don’t tPvP. Why population is low. WHY twitch cannot exceed 3k on the main twitch channel GW2 uses… May have to start thinking about hiring marketing college students who are HUNGRY to make a name for themselves and to show off there dean’s list skills to get GW2 tPvP #esports material. GW2 #esports #1!
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
I love everything about the PvP update with this patch…except for courtyard.
It’s a nice map for friends to mess around in, but it just doesn’t work for real queued games.
If ANet really wants to make deathmatch a decent, playable PvP game, then they have to change the game to be more like Arenas in WoW where the game ends when your party wipes instead of the 500 point system where you’ve pretty much lost after the first wipe, but still have to sit through a lopsided game until your team gets heavily farmed enough to fully lose.
Not every game is like this, of course, but it’s waaay too common.
I don’t know why, but I absolutely ASSUMED that’s how it would’ve been implemented. Why the kitten would you have to force people into spawning back to a zerg? It’s pretty clear that after the first wipe your team has lost.
This should be a BO-3 in my opinion. Whichever team wins 2 rounds wins the map, with a full reset after all 5 players are dead. Like in a REAL TDM…
Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker
Agreed, if your team can handle the simple aspect of sticking together, targeting and bursting then you will win the initial team fight at start and then proceed to camp their spawn afterwards. Only coordinated teams could make a comeback by actually regrouping and leaving the spawn at once (trying to get a PuG to do this is impossible. Trust.)
If they really want to keep this map during off season etc they need to reconfigure it so there can be some counterplay even in uncoordinated teams.
I love everything about the PvP update with this patch…except for courtyard.
It’s a nice map for friends to mess around in, but it just doesn’t work for real queued games.
If ANet really wants to make deathmatch a decent, playable PvP game, then they have to change the game to be more like Arenas in WoW where the game ends when your party wipes instead of the 500 point system where you’ve pretty much lost after the first wipe, but still have to sit through a lopsided game until your team gets heavily farmed enough to fully lose.
Not every game is like this, of course, but it’s waaay too common.
I don’t know why, but I absolutely ASSUMED that’s how it would’ve been implemented. Why the kitten would you have to force people into spawning back to a zerg? It’s pretty clear that after the first wipe your team has lost.
This should be a BO-3 in my opinion. Whichever team wins 2 rounds wins the map, with a full reset after all 5 players are dead. Like in a REAL TDM…
Keep getting owned?
Game really making it known your a baddie?
Game really making it known your team consists of baddies?
At least they don’t have a /hump. For HUMILATION
Cant imagine a game that forces me to get spanked and than keep getting spanked until the other team is satisfied/wins.
“lemme kill ya a few more times and than the game will count me as winning and you can go on your way” “just come to get spanked to death and come back and spanked to death again and come back and don’t resist. It will end fast for you baddie!”
I will be playing GW2 tomorrow and I cannot wait to deliver the pain to people. Hopefully nothing gets changed by then. I’m in a ‘make people RAAAAAGEQUIT type mood’. Hopefully game doesn’t pit me with good players too, I want to be apart of this.
… this game…. please add our old Team q mmr… im tired of playing with and vs bad players… im honestly just gonna have to super pug ever game?? i dont mind steamrolling everyone// but i would prefer if i could just solo q
I want nothing but games where I own baddies, and I’ll vote Courtyard. I enjoy owning baddies.
First Courtyard pvp today. 500:0. Such fun! I couldn’t even get the leave instance to work. Will have to leave game instead. Maybe if enough people boycott courtyard they will take it out of the lineup.
First Courtyard pvp today. 500:0. Such fun! I couldn’t even get the leave instance to work. Will have to leave game instead. Maybe if enough people boycott courtyard they will take it out of the lineup.
You guys couldn’t rally together and focus fire on 1 guy to get the 5 points?
Reading that kinda makes me think of wrestling.
Some dude gives you the big boot, knocks you out.
Wake up, cant go anywhere except to fight the guy who knocked you out. Keep fighting a guy who knocks you out in 1 hit for 100 rounds (+5 * 100, 500)
Cant leave, its a STEEL CAGE match!!!
First to 100 KO’s win!!!
I play GW2 tomorrow, don’t change, I want to have some fun.
Also, developers. People wanted Deathmatch style game, let it go for a couple weeks, gather some good research about it. People wanted it, give it some time to melo out and see what the reactions are. People are just not used to Steel cage matches, have to give them some time to adjust to the new game mode that everyone was whining about ‘not enough game modes, no new game modes, etc’.
People get something they asked for (we want deathmatch!) and what? Whine, wasn’t good enough, whine, whine, its not perfect, whine, deathmatch isn’t that fun afterall, whine, I don’t like feeling like a baddie, just let me die 3 times and than they win, I don’t want to get KO’ed 100 times, whine.
Baddies run into Good players… The good players makes baddies bleed out….. Urrrrrraaaaah. Jade Quarry General ‘laughs’
99 more times before I’m threw with you, this is going to be fun for me.
Smashes baddies. Beats chest like King Kong, ROARRRRR. Baddies spawn, slam baddies all around. Beats chest, ROARRRRR. Baddies hide in their base. King Kong climbs up smashes baddies around, CHOKESLAM, throws baddies around like a rag doll, ROARRRRRR!!!!
Funny thing is, sometimes your on the same team with the guy who humiliates you the next game.
Cant wait for this fun.
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
So you actually enjoy winning 500:0? I’m not saying I don’t suck, but I win close to 50% of my matches in every other format. Forcing you to be killed over and over for 0 points, or giving you a time lockout if you refuse to endure the punishment, is just horribly NOT FUN. Listen up Anet, if you force people to play a game that is painful to play then guess what happens?
I was negative to it, but last night I actually enjoyed it: we won 500:475! It was close the whole way. The closest matches I had by far were last night in general, though (well, maybe excepting that one match I lost only by 8 points…).
If you are getting steamrolled, then only because the match making is out of chart, not game mode
it would be like 500-200 max possible or 500-100, if it was on conquest.
@uberkingshlong I seriously believe there is something wrong with your mental state.