placate the deckbuilders?

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


A robust battle pets mini game.

Look an awful lot of people bought this game for the fresh start on Guild Warian PvP, and were all pretty much out 60 bucks now because thats… not even something anet tried to deliver on. What we got has… more in common with tf2 i guess?

One consistently missed element is the deck building.

Now i still hope to see anet deliver on a robust esport status pvp experience at least loosely inspired by gw1, but in that interum… i could play some pokemon. Theres no monthly fee… why not? Its obvious the pvp team has many months to go before theyve fixed the current pvp system that none of us prophecies fans are even all that interested in— who knows how long after that until they start on their esport game mode.

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I just realized my tf2 comparison was unfair. Tf2 still had healers and the holy trinity.

I think gw2 might be in a genre of gameplay all its own.

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


I’ve read your post like 10 times and I still don’t get it.

Your point is…?

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I have read your post twice and still have no idea why is this topic here…

First of all even if tf2 has a heavy, who lets say healed to full maximum of 450 hp can be one shotted, so not really same as gw2 guardian.

Secondly “i could play some pokemon.” What? I may be mixing this up, but isn’t it some japanese children’s cartoon with robot-animals fighting? What does that have in common with gw2?

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


To complain mostly.

I also throw in the suggestion to add mini pet battles. Partially because it would be cool and partially because a different team would handle it.

Most of this game is actually pretty awesome imo, i just sound angry because i bought the game for pvp. I didnt want an mmo, i wanted a tactical esport. I trust the makers of gw2, especially their art department… but the pvp team failed imo. Bad.

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Secondly “i could play some pokemon.” What? I may be mixing this up, but isn’t it some japanese children’s cartoon with robot-animals fighting? What does that have in common with gw2?

God, you missed a huge part of your youth XD

also @OP, give it some time. lets see what the next patch does, let people settle in a bit, cause GW2 really does have the requirements to become quite a tactical team pvp game. Atm its not what we want yet and maybe i will be wrong and it will never become one, but i have a feeling they are still changing to much to say alot.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


So to explain: pokemon was a fictional setting expressed through several entertainment mediums, one of which was a portable videogame.

In this portable video game one builds a team of 6 pokemon with different attributes and 4 different abilities. They have a turn based battle, typically 1v1 at a time (1 player fielding 1 pokemon at 1 time vs another)

Thanks to a diverse set of attack and resistance/vulnerability types this game was able to develop some decently interesting tactical options.

The game was, however, primarily a single player role playing experience, with pvp being an important and well featured end game.

By adding a fundamentally similar system you can add a sort of ‘deck building’ flavored fun that a lot of us gw1 fans are extremely dissapointed gw2 lacks.

It was already mentioned as one possible mini game, and i understand mop has included it.

Finally, by making these battle monsters difficult to attain or tied to acheivements, anet can create a sort of item progression which some players find extremely addicting

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: ens.9854


Is this a post asking to add tetra master? ’cause I loved that game

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: Brinson.7289


LoL Ryston, I agree with you.
Pokemon takes waaay more strat and is more fun than the current guild wars PvP.

How can a company balance 250+ pokemon but anet can’t balance 8 classes?
Even the legendary rare as heck pokemon can be beat by an ordinary everyday pokemon you caught in the wild if they have the right element\race.

\-\ Poquito (Engineer) /-/ Tarnished Coast
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]

placate the deckbuilders?

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

OP just mad he out of $60…sort of like me. I’m not mad. I had so much fun in GW1 I will just consider my purchase of GW2 as a donation. But I won’t be buying any expansions of this game or any gem cards and I won’t be playing it very much either.